

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld The chaffle looks good. Although I think I'll stick with my sandwich thins. Unless they start selling them already premade. thanks for sharing your meals.

    @trishastime I may be using muscles but I don't think I'm really strengthening my bones which is the most important reason I want to add the weights. Plus shape up that area in the tricep region. My skin has really thinned this past year and it shows. That's great you showed a loss on the scale. Now just repeat.

    I stayed OP today. Did two separate walks. One for 37 min and one for 15 min. Onto tomorrow.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, Yes!! I know all about the wonders of chaffles. I bought the mini Dash waffle maker a few weeks ago and have made chaffles a couple of times. They are so good and there are so many variations that can be done to them. I added chopped jalapenos to the ones I made the other day and then had a hot ham and cheese sandwich. <3 There are entire FB groups and Pinterest boards dedicated to the chaffle. :D I'm glad, you found them! I take magnesium at night too because it’s supposed to help with sleep and Keto eaters need to supplement since we don’t get enough through our diet.

    @TrishasTime, good job on getting in those steps and having a good loss on the scale! :)

    @theslightedgeforever, the one thing I’m liking best with the Beachbody videos is the use of weights. It really is so important that we incorporate weights into our workouts. I kept saying it forever and now I’m doing it. Of course, now my entire body hurts all the time! :#

    Happy Monday!! I had a good weekend and my eating was back on plan. My weight is still up for the week and I’m pretty sure that it’s because of all the working out I’ve been doing. It’s frustrating because I want the number to go down…NOT up. Also there are no eating out events coming up this week, soooo maybe I can see a loss.

    Hi to everyone! Have a good day! <3

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    Good morning, gals! Meal prep got done this week yay! It worked out to do some of it on Saturday. I even had time to relax this weekend and do some reading and listening to an audiobook. On another note, I am switching my "official" weigh-in day to Fridays, as it's not a good idea to have Mondays as my weigh-in day because I don't drink enough water over the weekend so the weigh-in isn't completely accurate, I don't think. I will weigh-in today though. Food is good, carbs are a little high but nothing crazy and nothing unhealthy. I rode the stationary bike yesterday for 20 minutes (I broke it up into two 10 minute periods).

    @TrishasTime Thanks, we try to do different meals every week or at least some different meals. I'm glad my sleep is better, too. My acupuncturist also wanted me to stop wearing my FitBit at night, as the wrist has an important acupunture point as well as because I think knowing the sleep numbers from my FitBit was making me anxious. Congrats on the steps and the loss, WTG!

    @theslightedgeforever The chaffle is good for what it is: a substitute for bread. If I could have sandwich thins, I probably would. They aren't bad, but they are work to make lol. But it's nice to be able to have a bun for things now. Way to work those walks!!!

    @TeresaW1020 Oh good, I'm glad you are a chaffle lover! lol I didn't realize they were so popular, I knew they blew up, but wow! I hope the magnesium helps with my sleep. Even though the melatonin is helping, I am still waking up just less. Do you measure your body? Maybe concentrate on your measurements instead of the scale for now until the scale shows a loss? Look at all of your NSVs.

    October goals: track 3 days a week, drink 50 oz of liquids a day, ride the stationary bike 3 times a week, lose 1 lb
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well let’s try this again. Had a good portion typed out on phone and app suddenly closed. Since I have done the new iOS update phone is a bit glitchy.
    Back from spending a couple of days with family. Had a good time. Plan for today is to do nothing but relax and get in a walk. Seems to be a not bad day out side today. Forcasting 6c and no wind. Have a crazy busy week this week with lots of running around like usual.
    Noticed I was having trouble staying within my calories without using my Fitbit adjustment. Did some looking and my activity level got changed to none so cals were in the 1200s. Changed it to slightly active and now at 1430. Which is way way better.

    @theslightedgeforever that’s an amazing loss wait to go.

    @TrishasTime I can chew but somewhat have to stretch my jaw out before eating. It’s very stiff. But is way better after first treatment. Going back on Wednesday for another treatment.

    @TeresaW1020 first treatment of acupuncture definitely helped. Have another one booked for Wednesday and we’ll as tmj massage on Thursday. My plan is for maintenance to do 1 month acupuncture next month massage. Hopefully I can keep it away that way.

    Hope everyone is doing well and had a great Thanksgiving.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Afternoon all, I didn't get on here in the morning like I normally try to do. My DH is back home, so my week should get back to normal.. (whatever that is) LOL . I have been doing more reading this week, than moving.

    @theslightedgeforever I should be getting back to normal. What kind of smart scale did he get?

    @TrishasTime You always make me smile!! I am sure this "new version" is just the beginning of good things.

    @trooworld That sandwich looks good. But since I am not doing Keto, it would just mean more calories..LOL . I am so excited for you!!! It seems alot of us (me still working on) are finding what is working for us.

    @TeresaW1020 I need to do weights for bones...however, walking on the treadmill is good for bones too. I just can't do weights until my wrist heals completely. I would have to have one side bigger/toner than the other. Although, my broken wrist/arm area is still smaller than the other one now. Hopefully in time that will change. I have my right knee area still smaller than the left. Lost the muscle tone in that and can't quite seem to get it back to match. LOL

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Good morning everyone

    So Chaffles??? Never heard of them and had to ask Dr Google (Cheese and waffles) I am liking the sound of that. I have a waffle maker - may need investigate when we come back after a few days away.

    @thelsightedgeforever - Yes bone-building - I should be doing that as well - since I am osteopenia. I am just trying to get one habit it at a time. I found if I try to introduce too many new habits at once they all go out the window. Good work on the walking

    @cbabie - I am glad you had some down time. Everyone needs that. How is GGD going?

    @trooworld - Yah on meal prep :) Good idea about changing WI days if it suits you better. I used to look at the sleep patterns and now I don't anymore as I found if I did not know about the wakeful times then I felt better

    @renaegry - I am glad you had some relaxing family time and that your jaw is giving you less pain. How long before your trip away?

    Take care
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @teresaw1020 Good for you for continuing with your beachbody workouts. Plus your eating is back on plan.

    @trooworld Way to o for getting on the bike. You sound like you had a nice relaxing weekend.

    @renaegry That's good you noticed your fitbit calories were wonky.

    @cbabie He got a Eufy Smart Scale. It's about $29-$30 right now on Amazon.

    @trishastime I hear you on the habits, which is why I still haven't done anything major with the water. Still trying to get myself to burn 250 calories most days of the week.

    Stayed OP today. It was a red day so I was careful. Red day again tomorrow. So no exercise. As I look at myself in the mirror after showers I kept thinking my waist is getting smaller I think. Today I finally decided to measure it and I've lost 1.5 inches there since I started in Aug. Slow moving but headed in the right direction. I guess slow moving is good in a way because I'm forming habits for the rest of my life.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    Good morning gals! Well, I didn't sleep well at all last night. I don't know why, I was tossing and turning and getting up all night long. :( I need to step up my water intake, I'm not doing so good with that. I may be getting 50 oz of liquids a day, but that's not good enough to lose weight. I'm getting a headshot taken at work today so I have to put on makeup and make sure my hair looks nice and have on a nice outfit. No reason for the headshot, the photographer just had extra openings so asked if I wanted a headshot.

    @renaegry I'm glad your jaw is a bit better.

    @cbabie Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it unless you are doing keto lol. That's true: we are working in our groove right now! How's your wrist feeling?

    @TrishasTime lol...yes, I posted a pic earlier. They make good buns for burgers just sayin. ;) I didn't sleep well last night, don't know why.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! Yes, I did. It was really nice. YOU LOST 1.5 INCHES??? How exciting! Congrats! They always say small changes/slow changes are are proving that to be true.

    October goals: track 3 days a week, drink 50 oz of liquids a day, ride the stationary bike 3 times a week, lose 1 lb
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all. I had our cooler set to a higher temperature, as I usually run on the cold side while all here are on the hot side. Even my GGD, she is a sweat head. Her bed usually has a spot where she has sweat only on her head all night. Her little arms are cool to the touch. LOL . Well since DH got back, he turned the temperature down on the cooler and guess what, my hand and wrist are killing me..I guess I will wait for winter to get here.. Hopefully we have one.

    @trooworld I have a headshot from my old job. I still sort of look like it, so I use it when I need a picture of me for something..LOL . I am sorry you didn't sleep well, I too don't drink enough.

    @theslightedgeforever congratulations on the loss. inches is really what matters not the scale. I will look that scale up, thank you.

    @TrishasTime GGD is still in her fun stage, other than she was up all night last night..sleeping now. She is still trying to get in a molar. UGH.. I watched her play like no one else was watching last night..she had her sippy cup "pouring" water into a another container and "drinking"out of it. I laughed so hard. I love their imaginations . I am pretty sure my sister has one of those imaginations.LOL

    Okay, gonna get this day started...Hope you all have a great DAY

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @cbabie - So what I am reading, your wrist is better when it is cold? if that is the case, perhaps a colling wrist band from amazon will help - that way DH can keep his temp but you can keep your wrist cool

    @theslightedgeforever - WOOHOO - well done 1.5 inches that is huge!! Slow is good - skin is more likely to settle shrink back in place

    @trooworld - How did the headshot go - I am not one for photos - I only had 6 taken at my wedding. I am okay - if you get me unaware - but if I have to pose - it is just horrible

    Packing up today - to head off in the caravan for a few days attending another country show @theslightedgeforever - yes I have planned my meals LOL

    Take care
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld Are you drinking anything with caffeine later in the day? As I age, I've noticed I have a harder time depending on what I drink. Baby steps are the way to go

    @cbabie I have a great imagination. Remember mom always said I lived in La-la land. It's a fun place. So anymore walking outside to the park?

    @trishastime Have another fun time in your caravan. I've figured out why your scale might be heavier than you would like. You're carrying me around in your head. ;) I have my own meals to plan for next week. That's the #1 secret that has kept me losing each week. I stumbled upon an article about foods that reduce blood pressure. So I made a list of those and will start incorporating them into my meals in the future.

    Another good day for food. An exercise rest day. Tomorrow is a green day. This week had an extra one. But now I've turned towards the back half of my cycle and there's 4 red days next week waiting on me. I'm viewing them as an extra opportunity to lose more weight. It's all in the way we think about things. I've joined a walking club for Wednesdays and Sundays. 30-45 min. So we'll see how that goes.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    Good morning gals! Ugh, even though the photographer was very good, I did not like my headshot because you can see how much weight I've gained. :( I'm almost losing my jawline and that's not good! Well, the important thing is that I am doing something about it now. That photo should be motivation for me to keep going, right???

    @cbabie That stinks that everyone else is hot and you are cold! :( Do you have a little heater you run when you are awake? I slept better last night, thanks.

    @TrishasTime Oh it went baaaad. It wasn't the photographer's fault, she was good: it's just my face looks so fat now. I'm so disappointed. I thought I looked different? I guess the truth really does hurt lol. Enjoy the show, great job planning your meals!

    @theslightedgeforever I don't drink anything after about 8:30 a.m. with caffeine. The problem is two things: anxiety and menopause. For instance, last night the problem was I started having anxiety about work...ruminating about things that happened. I told myself stop it and started counting down from 500 backward. That helped. I did sleep better last night, I only remember waking up like 2-3 times instead of hte usual 5-6. That's great that you joined a walking club, WTG!

    October goals: track 3 days a week, drink 50 oz of liquids a day, ride the stationary bike 3 times a week, lose 1 lb
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, Yes use that photo to motivate you and not to discourage you! You have a good plan in place now and you just need to stick with it. Me too, girl! 😉

    @theslightedgeforever, that is great that you joined a walking club! Is it outside walking? How many people do you walk with? :)

    @TrishasTime, have fun at the country show! Stay on plan and get those steps in. 😉

    @cbabie, my hubby and I never see eye to eye on what the temperature should be, and winter is the worst. I’m already dreading the fact that he will freeze me. You might have to be insistent since you are the one with the pain. :/

    Good morning! :) Well, I lost 0.6 lbs. this week but I’m still up for the month. I talked to my Beachbody coach on the phone yesterday and she says that I’m eating wayyyy to much cheese and processed food and need to clean up my diet. I’m thinking she could be right because I have read that dairy can stall weight loss. So, this week I plan to cut way back or try to totally eliminate it most days. I want results!!
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    Sorry I've been a bit AWOL recently. Just been mega busy with more open nights & work (boss off so myself & the other second) covering, pleased she's slightly senior to me & taking the lead (younger & aspirations to be a head of dept whereas I'm aspiring to retire- been there done that I'm happy to use experience to help not be the boss again)😂

    Sorry not replying to everything- Chaffles sound interesting. You've all got be intreged with that one. I thought it sounded like Harry Potter (Quaffles in Quiditch)!
    Re-beach body plan coach & other comments on food types- I was wondering about not enough carbs but just looked at analysis with my PT & problem appears to be slightly to many carbs, not enough fat & protein- could be veggie diet needs tweeking or just change my choices for staples.
    I'm also with a few of you who mentioned hydration. I shockingly got through Monday to realise I'd only had a few fl oz from my water bottle. Even on a bad day I aim to drain it! (Obviously good days fill it 2 or 3 times). I agree weekends can be challenging.
    Also a gain but I know that's after I've lost as trousers not so tight.
    I'm so tired my targets for this week:
    More sleep
    Track every morsel
    Look at older recipe & diet/fitness books to re-motivate & make some little changes to reduce carbs & up protein.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Afternoon all, It's been a day already. I didn't go to my Bible study, because I never did the work, so I have been doing the papers all day. I had PT yesterday and something interesting I found out. I was telling her how my broken wrist was still so stiff and showed her my normal wrist. Her statement was wow you have a lot of flex..she said my good wrist bends really far and that most likely my body overall is flexible. I laughed.

    @joannadavison I don't know that I have ever "figured" out what my carb/protein/fat intake should be. Didn't really know how to do so.

    @TeresaW1020 your mindset is in a good place. I am back here Cheering you on!!

    @theslightedgeforever No not waking at the parks too much this week. LOL I saw you post about walking clubs....and I envisioned metal walkers all over the place...remember Dad's little walker on wheels...LOL

    @TrishasTime I laughed when you commented for theslightedge...I thought yea she hears that same nagging voice I have in my head. I don't think it's the cold that really makes it worse it's the moisture from the evap cooler, the lower the temp, the more water in the air.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Goodmorning everyone

    Just flying through - we are leaving in 20 m in for a 4 hour trip, so I will get as much movement as I can in when I get there. Feeling pressured at the moment as we were not supposed to leave for an hour and I need my coffee and chat first

    Take care everyone - not sure what the internet will be like - and I will be using my iphone
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    Morning gals! Still going strong with keto, no sugar or junk food since September 30! :) I'm feeling really good and sleeping better (not thanks to keto---thanks to the melatonin and the "Calm" magnesium supplement).

    @TeresaW1020 Indeed! We can do it! :D Congrats on the loss, keep widdling it down. Oh bummer about the cheese! :( It's good you got that feedback though.

    @joannadavison LOL to chaffles and Harry Potter! :) I can see why you would be thinking about that. Good luck with your targets this week.

    @cbabie You have a yoga body, do you??? :)

    @TrishasTime Thanks for stopping by. Have fun!

    October goals: track 3 days a week, drink 50 oz of liquids a day, ride the stationary bike 3 times a week, lose 1 lb
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    At gym for flying visit- enjoying an iced soya latte before madness starts again (busy morning at work stayed extra hour to mark then once I pick girls up at school it's rushing around with them & my coysin for food & another open night)- enjoyed pyshing myself to complete 3 reps of 3 HIIT routines- I feel energised now I've stopped!!
    You can check your carbs etc on the app. If you've put data in correctly at start it gives the % for macro & micro nutrients. My carbs always over & protein too low. That's also how I confirmed I needed iron- I felt it but it was way down.

    @cbabie I can relate with bible study, I've had something on every Monday when my house group meets- I can't even remember which book we're doing! The teens District youth group is at our church on Saturday & I'm the responsibile adult so I am really looking forward to it- the older ones have some great messages. Maybe your bad wrist seems worse because you are so flexible?????

    Safe travels @Trishastime

    @trooworld I'm going to have to look at more keto style recipes to up protein & drop carbs. I need to get into place where I'm not craving sugar. Well done on the track record. I wish we could get melatonin over the counter here. My eldest is lacking in the hormone. We thought it was overbusy mind but it's been linked with autism & she was recently diagnosed (high function but still has issues)z whe she was little we found her with scissors, glue on the floor at 3am "scrapbooking"!!!

    I better go home & get ready for mayhem round 2!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all! I did walk the park yesterday. Baby was up and down all night..can't wait until that molar comes in..LOL . So not much sleep and my wrist is telling me so.

    @TrishasTime have a great time and we know you will be back on here when you can.

    @joannadavison You got me to thinking, I have a GD when she was little I would always wake up to find her in my room doing something. She not a "kid" anymore, but It makes me wonder. Do you have the paid version of MFP?

    @trooworld LOL I can't do yoga, I really don't like it. I am so glad you are back on your roll!! great job.

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Quick check in. Been crazy busy. By the end of the day tomorrow I will have driven 1200 km between Tuesday and Friday. Haven’t done much on the exercise front. Eating been so so. Weight basically stayed the same this week which considering thanksgiving and TOM started yesterday I am happy with that. Had another round of accupuncture yesterday and had TMJ massage today so my face is quite sore. Last morning for football practice tomorrow for this week. Few more weeks then football should be done. Can’t wait to sleep in on Saturday. Lol

    @TrishasTime We fly out to Vegas the morning of November 21and come back the evening of the 26.