October 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @7lenny7 Thank you for that, makes sense. And I have started speed work/intervals so hopefully that will help, and some tempo runs but still need to find that pace.
    I tend to agree with the muscle fatigue as to why my pace slows down near the end, because otherwise endurance wise I feel fine and could go longer I imagine..my legs though don’t want to lol.

    @PastorVincent goal is to be able to finish well time wise (for me) and mostly to finish strong, meaning not be so tired the last 2-3 miles

    Agreed good discussion here. Thank you guys!

    What distance race are we talking about? Sorry, it is hard for me to keep up sometimes :)

    Half Marathon.
    Not quite ready to or even know if I want to do anything longer than that. 😊
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @7lenny7 Thank you for that, makes sense. And I have started speed work/intervals so hopefully that will help, and some tempo runs but still need to find that pace.
    I tend to agree with the muscle fatigue as to why my pace slows down near the end, because otherwise endurance wise I feel fine and could go longer I imagine..my legs though don’t want to lol.

    @PastorVincent goal is to be able to finish well time wise (for me) and mostly to finish strong, meaning not be so tired the last 2-3 miles

    Agreed good discussion here. Thank you guys!

    This is just my opinion. No facts will be harmed in the reading or making of it. ;)

    The generic template I use for creating running plans, for any distance, is :
    Run 1 long run at conversational pace per week. This will help you build distance.
    Run 1 SPECIFIC run each week such as: tempo, hill repeats, fartlek, intervals, and etc.
    Take 1-2 rest days per week
    Do conversational runs a middle distance for the rest of the days.
    Every third or fourth week is a cut back week.

    NOTE: Pay attention to your body, and if that is too much then move the speed to every other week instead, or reduce long run distance, or some combination thereof.

    Now, crossing training is a great thing to add in, but that plan is the foundation to work form. This is a general template that has to be tweaked to each person, distance, and schedule.

    Some people like supersets, to do supersets you focus one 4 week period on distance gains, the next on speed, and then repeat. Or do the first half of the plan as speed and then do distance up to the event. I do not know if that really helps or not. I almost never focus on speed personally.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @shanaber great news!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @hamsterwheel6 - were you looking for a training plan? I thought you had one you were using for the HM you just did? There are lots of plans available on line. I happen to like the Hal Higdon plans that I take and modify somewhat for my schedule and goals. They all generally follow what @PastorVincent laid out with a long run, middle distance runs, etc.. Some have more speed or hill work others are more focused on building up endurance with just a bit of speed work thrown in.
    @Scott6255 - so cool to get to run with your brother! Have fun in the Peachtree City and at the race!

    In other news I got the pathology reports back on my running buddy. All is well - the 2 larger tumors were lipomas (fatty tumors) and the small one was a benign growth but the vet said it was good we got it off now. The best news is NO MCT!! Yay!
    Now to just try to keep him calm and quiet for the next week until the stitches come out... pretty much impossible!

    Great news on Hobbes! Yay!
    I’ve done a half, and did us Hal Higdon. My trouble is anything past 10 miles or so is usually tough. I think I need to pay attention to the hill and speed work
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    5 miles in Peachtree City this afternoon with my brother. Felt harder than I thought it would be. Probably all the hills I never seem to remember here. But great to run next to my bro!


    Very cool to,run with your brother
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @7lenny7 Thank you for that, makes sense. And I have started speed work/intervals so hopefully that will help, and some tempo runs but still need to find that pace.
    I tend to agree with the muscle fatigue as to why my pace slows down near the end, because otherwise endurance wise I feel fine and could go longer I imagine..my legs though don’t want to lol.

    @PastorVincent goal is to be able to finish well time wise (for me) and mostly to finish strong, meaning not be so tired the last 2-3 miles

    Agreed good discussion here. Thank you guys!

    What distance race are we talking about? Sorry, it is hard for me to keep up sometimes :)

    Half Marathon.
    Not quite ready to or even know if I want to do anything longer than that. 😊

    Assuming you have a half or 2 under your belt already (I THINK you said you did) then I would suggest you make your long runs top out at like 15 or 16 miles. If you want to target a half, that is as much as you need right now. Beyond that, the law of diminishing returns makes it ineffective to keep pushing. It is a fuzzy number, so go with what works for you and your schedule. Even 16 is probably a bit much, but I tend to push distance. :)

    For leg strength, add hill repeats.

    For speed work, you can add 5k and 10k races where you go all out instead of something more rigorous like intervals and etc. Some people use shorter races instead of speed work on a regular basis. The year I beat my marathon PR by around 1/2 hour, that is what I did. In training, I just ran longer and longer and then had a 5k or 10k race at least monthly(often more than once a month). Worked for me at least :)

    Slowing towards the end of a race could be many things, including sleep, lack of recovery time, too much taper, poor fueling, and dehydration. Make sure you track your water, sugar, and salt intake against your performance if you really want to know what is up. Cross-reference it with the weather too.

    Thanks for the tips. Yes I’ve done 1! 😆
    So yeah hill work. Need more of that. Have started adding the speed stuff from the HH plan.
    I’ll work at it and keep track 👍
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    All this talk of half marathons and training plans...I have a HM in late January and have decided to make it a key race for me. Not quite an "A" race, but one I'll train specifically for. I have a 50K four weeks after the HM so I'll have to overlap training plans. This will means my weeknight runs will include the speed work geared towards a HM but my weekend long runs will alternate between long trail runs and long runs with HM race pace finishes.

    I want to incorporate more speed work for developing better running economy and fast twitch muscle strength anyway, so this will help ensure that I follow through.

    Love it when a plan comes together 👍
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    In other news I got the pathology reports back on my running buddy. All is well - the 2 larger tumors were lipomas (fatty tumors) and the small one was a benign growth but the vet said it was good we got it off now. The best news is NO MCT!! Yay!
    Now to just try to keep him calm and quiet for the next week until the stitches come out... pretty much impossible!


  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    @shanaber Hooray for Hobbes!!!!!
  • zeesparrow
    zeesparrow Posts: 348 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    In other news I got the pathology reports back on my running buddy. All is well - the 2 larger tumors were lipomas (fatty tumors) and the small one was a benign growth but the vet said it was good we got it off now. The best news is NO MCT!! Yay!
    Now to just try to keep him calm and quiet for the next week until the stitches come out... pretty much impossible!


  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,526 Member
    @shanaber Great news for Hobbes!!!!!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    @shanaber Hooray! I'm so glad you got good news on Hobbes!