October 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @Elise4270 congrats on getting in the program! Very cool!!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    A little blog on race ettiquette in regards to handicapped athletes. I think it hits a lot of what we were talking about as general. https://fitlegally.com/why-your-race-etiquette-may-be-ruining-the-race-for-handicapped-athletes/
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,065 Member
    @Scott6255 , Glad you are feeling better. My HR always jumps up to what seems to be too fast, but I recover quickly, so I don't ever worry about it.

    @shanaber Hope you are feeling better. Love the picture of the Osprey.

    @7lenny7 Good luck with your 50K Saturday. I'll be pulling for that PR.

    I am so helplessly behind on the thread this month, I don't think I'll be able to catch up. I'll try to scan over most of the posts when I have time - which won't be before Sat, I know. It's been crazy. I did go to Bridge Day this past Saturday. Had a great time watching people do something I would never do - BASE jump off of the bridge. I'll try to post some pictures later. Good luck to everyone who have races this weekend - in case I don't get back on here before then.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @Elise4270 congrats on getting in the program! Very cool!!

    Missed replying to this! Well done @Elise4270 !!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    A little blog on race ettiquette in regards to handicapped athletes. I think it hits a lot of what we were talking about as general. https://fitlegally.com/why-your-race-etiquette-may-be-ruining-the-race-for-handicapped-athletes/

    Thanks for posting! At most of the races I attend the wheelchair athletes get a head start and are faster than most runners, so we rarely see them, but we recently ran most of the FedEx House 5k next to a wheelchair. It was a little alarming to get used to because the chair is pretty big and as mentioned in the article, has a lot of momentum. Kind of like running next to a bicycle. My husband and I knew this particular racer from a previous race where we helped him get back to his car since he was exhausted after navigating a bunch of switchbacks which made the course very tiring for him. It’s interesting to read about some of the specific concerns chair users face in races. He pushes himself, but we also have a friend - the son of a close friend of my mom’s who has cerebral palsy - who runs with a pusher. And he has been to Boston more than once. So it’s by no means overstating things when the article points out that some of the chair racers are seeking qualifying times and really don’t want to have to struggle around other racers who don’t respect their space! Thanks for the opportunity to look at things from someone else’s perspective.

    To a lesser degree, everything said about momentum and chairs applies to runners as well. Runners may be more nimble and not as heavy, but some of us are not that nimble and still pretty heavy. When I’m trying to stretch my stride out, relax, and keep a regular cadence at race pace, it’s hard to avoid someone who rapidly changes direction and speed in front of me.
  • zeesparrow
    zeesparrow Posts: 348 Member
    @shanaber Kira is about 3.5 years old. We've had her since July 2017. She was found pregnant, don't know her exact age. She was kept in a foster home to have the puppies and once they were old enough, she was spayed and put into the shelter. We met her the day after her surgery, took her home a few days later.

    Great picture of the osprey!

    Unplanned rest day today. I went out with coworkers last night and my boss told me I could take today off. So I got up at 4am, fed the dogs, poured myself a cup of coffee and decided to go back to bed! Up a few hours later, drinking the coffee now and considering logging in to get some work done anyway.