
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    last morning with a lap full of pups..working 7:45-1 and then have to get this place in shape and start taking stuff home..
    having tea and have load of laundry in the wash
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,827 Member
    Good morning all. The clocks go back tonight here, so I have been trying to adapt my sleep routine over the last few days in anticipation. The sun is out, but there is a bite in the air, so will be dressing accordingly. DH went out at 6.30am, for a day with his 2 birdwatching pals, so I will be going with the flow. I see some walking, and a little retail therapy in my immediate future.

    Breakfast is calling, so will be back later.

    Miele Failte to our new ladies. This is a great place for support/advice.
    💕💖💕 (((Hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 to those in extremis


    ☘️ Terri
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    It’s been since page 56 since I have sat down and really commented. Please excuse the long and sometimes delayed responses.

    Machka – Wow, you are certainly busy with the cycle club. Seems like quite an event filled with tons of planning and execution. How many people assist with the event? Seems strange that you are studying for your exams yet done with the coursework. In the US when we are done, we are done. Final exams take place on the last day of class regardless of the venue (live or online).

    Heather – Love your exercise room. One day my guest room will be fitted with an exercise area. Love the pics of the grands. Glad to hear DH’s DD survived the latest round of cuts. Hope she realizes it’s time to start downsizing her lifestyle and put away for that rainy day (something I am still learning – it seems to be an ongoing saga with me).

    Barbie – Thank you for the positive words. I have had to cut down on the baking and sitting hobbies. I am still finding I am sitting more than I should, but it’s all about the baby steps. Oh, no the water heater (twice)! Never a dull moment with home ownership!

    Lisa in AR – It’s difficult to choose between a dream and reality. It sounds like you found a place somewhere between the two options. I am happy you were able to do so. Expressing your story excites me because it reinforces the fact that I can find that happy medium too. Hope DS in Oregon did better than he expected on the midterms.

    Tracey – Love the nursing home stories. I can only hope I will remain positive when I am not a so young person. Wow, 101! Sounds like she’s a blessing to all who surround her.

    Rori – Glad to hear DB was able to turn around and find another job so quickly. Hope the foot and ankle are on the mend. Poor Mars – hope he is doing better too. Happy to hear DH's surgery went well. It must be confusing to him when out of the normal things are going on.

    Kate – Hope all has settled with your DD and grand. That’s scary!

    Amber – With your schedule and tasks I am surprised the weight just doesn’t fall off. It is wonderful DH is so supportive. I am with you. Small portions/tastes of everything I enjoy so I do not feel deprived.

    Katla – Hope you are back to feeling better. Children are definitely petri dishes! Oh, no pneumonia/flu meds!

    Yvonne – Hope the new gym worked out. Thank you for your kind words.

    Sue – Sorry about the roofing challenges. I live in a townhome complex and the association is finally looking at the roofs and decorative mansards. They have been fighting with the insurance company for hurricane damage (over 2 years ago). The project is estimated to cost $3m (yes, that’s millions) which will eventually be divided between all of the townhome owners (120 of us). TG we will be able to pay over a period of 5 years. I am not looking forward to it, but it must be done. Our places will have a much higher resale value and to tell you the truth our places look run down (mansards have only been maintained for the past 35 years). I am looking forward to the face lift. It will make coming home that much more enjoyable. But the cost……it’s a love/hate thing.

    NYKaren – Hope you’re enjoying the new treadmill.

    DrKatie – Laughing out loud about firing your housekeeper! I fired mine too and I have learned I have much better things to do than worry about a little piece of dust floating around. But, like all of us still try and keep up as best as I can. As long as I maintain as the days go along it really isn’t too bad. :smile:

    Flea – Your son is adorable and his room is fantastic. I am sure he is very happy with his privacy. Any updates with the interview?

    Lanette – Feel your pain with the ice cream. I had a craving yesterday and remembering your message while at the grocery store reminded me to pick up a single serve.

    Teri – I wish we could just stop messing with the clocks. It is strange that some do not and each country changes at different times. Here in the US the day is 11/03.

    Risha55, Jean, Susan, knitski2002, jrsepe12 – Welcome to this wonderful group. Hope you are all able to find inspiration and are able to stick with your goals.

    It’s raining today and I am extremely disappointed because it was to be my first outdoor yoga class. With the ground being so wet and thunderstorms on the horizon the class will be cancelled. I have been going over my October goals and need to re-engage with my exercise goals. No one can do this for us – we have to do it for ourselves. The weight is still coming off because I have stuck to a 1200 calorie/day diet regardless of how many calories burned during the day. Personal goal of getting rid of desk has not been met and I do not think it’s going to happen this month (oh, I continue to let this chore haunt me for some darn reason).

    Work has been crazy and I will have to put in some time over the weekend to get caught up. Like many if I do not use my vacation time I lose it. I have 2 days scheduled next week so I either have to buckle down or I will find I will have to work a little over my time off. With the up and coming promotion and the changes within the teams I am having to work twice as hard to complete knowledge transfer/training. I am OK with it all because it results in a better situation for me, but the hours and stress right now are a little overwhelming.

    SuziQ - SFL - Where the rain is needed, but not welcome today. :smile:
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Well, I am up and moving. Not sure what is up, but I really had to drag myself out of bed this morning. I do have my period. First time since early June (I am back to that "surprise-you-never-know-when-it-will-come" schedule with it). I think THAT combined with two weeks of having the furnace running (I haven't gotten the humidifier going yet) is what is doing it. We also had another windy night last night. We have a lot of stormy fall nights, so I hear them; but usually just think go back to sleep. Last night a particularly loud gust woke me up and I thought "Well, if a tornado takes my house, I hope it lands on someone who deserves it!" The odds would not be great of my house flying all of the way to D.C. (where many people would deserve a house landing on them), and none of my neighbors are on my shitlist, so...I guess everyone is safe. lol Anyway, I and my house are still intact. Shopping this morning. I made my yogurt on Thursday/Friday, again; so it is all jarred and in the fridge ready to eat.
    Suzi Q- I got a giggle when I imagined a bunch of muddy yogis! It would be like those Mud Races, Tough Mudder Yoga! I would need pictures for that! lol
    Lisa- There are many women in this group that I feel a kindred spirit! You are one of them! My husband thinks I am insane to tell people my age the way I do, "I will be 53 years old in November!" And I say it like I am excited! It does excite me. I lost my parents when I was young, and they were pretty young (58 and 63), so every year that I get older and am still kicking around is absolutely wonderful for me.
    Pip- Give Yogi a special hug from me! I love that big lunk!

    Well, I have to get busy and get my shopping done. ttfn xoxoxo LOVE YOU LADIES!!! KJ (Kelly)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning! DH is walking a bit, resting, walking a bit and resting. Later today we take off the bandage, he's horrible at that kind of thing, so that is on me today.

    KJ and Machka thanks for the links to monthly exercise challenges. I will join a November challenge, I think my personal goal is to hit 3 miles per day and the accountability of posting will be good for me, so maybe I'll see you ladies on that challenge thread ;)Beth

    With the novelty of the new machine, scheduling and following through of getting in steps should be easier, no need to drive somewhere after work. I was thinking of putting a jar out and every time I get on the treadmill a penny (or something) will go in the jar. That kind of thing works for me, silly but true.

    Katla sorry to hear about your dad's fall and injury, hope he heals quickly, it sounds painful ((<3))

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Machka - do you have to organize marshalls, medals, refreshments, signage and everything? :o

    Windy night. I didn't sleep too well. Brain active. I had a good book to read and a spare room, so I survived. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I plan and design my routes in Ride with GPS, and I do that months in advance. Then we drive or cycle the routes, or parts of the routes, a few times to check them, and once again close to the event date to make sure they are OK. We have to get the instructions (cue sheets) just right or the riders can get lost. I also monitor the roadworks and rail works information to find out if they're doing something to "my" roads or rail crossings. I've had them dig up portions of the road and close a road because of rail works which is very annoying and means a lot of rework.

    This set of events are 50 km, 160 km and 100 km. The others are longer. Fortunately, once I've set up the routes, we can often use them for many years with perhaps only small adjustments if they do things like dig up a road or something. For example, I know that "they" are doing a lot of work in two different places which will likely affect my 600 km event at Easter, so at some point before Easter, but not too far before, I'll have to check that route.

    I advertise my events and all the others. I'm the club's communication officer.

    When participants register for my events (online only), I create the brevet cards for them for each event ... they carry the cards and get them signed at specific controls along the way because they have to reach the controls within a certain time limit. I also communicate the with participants to let them know where the start is and what to bring ... although some of that is becoming more automated. But I print their information out so I can refer to it if necessary, and I print the cue sheets and maps.

    My husband helps organise the food and put together the lolly bags we give the participants at the beginning of the ride. But I will order supplies if we don't have them in stock.

    At the beginning of the ride, often at some unearthly hour of the morning, we meeting the riders at the start to give them the map, cue sheet, brevet cards, and lolly bags and to set them off. A little bit later, we drive out to the first control and set up with food, beverages, etc. to wait for the riders to come in. We feed and water them and send them off. On these three events, there's only one control for each ride. On the longer events there are more. At some point we return to the start to wait for the riders to come in and welcome them in, then take their cards.

    After the event, I'll submit the cards to our brevet secretary who will process them and organise for any medals. If I'm feeling particularly energetic or creative, I might write about it and post it on the club website.

    I want to start using signage, for some reason previous presidents (I'm the new president) haven't purchased any. Oh, as president, I also hold the supplies for the Tasmania chapter of the club. We were bequeathed with about half a dozen bins of stuff. One day I'll need to dig through them to find out what's actually there.

    So the busy-ness goes in waves. Right now, I'm in a very busy wave.

    We're putting on 3 events this weekend. Next weekend, I'm hoping we can participate in an event put on by someone else. The following weekend, I put on another event -- a flatter 200 km. Two weeks later, I put on another event -- a hilly 200 km. I inherited those two. Part of the joy of being president!

    Most of our events don't have very many people, but the hilly 200 km does tend to draw a crowd so I'm in the midst of trying to organise volunteers for that. And speaking of signage just now, it would be nice to have signage for that event. If that's going to happen, I'll have to start looking into it ASAP.

    Meanwhile, I'm also trying to study for a final exam on Tuesday!! :open_mouth: I don't usually have a final exam so close to these events, but that's how it goes sometimes.

    You've got quite a strong Audax organisation in the UK too ... http://www.aukweb.net/

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Machka – Wow, you are certainly busy with the cycle club. Seems like quite an event filled with tons of planning and execution. How many people assist with the event? Seems strange that you are studying for your exams yet done with the coursework. In the US when we are done, we are done. Final exams take place on the last day of class regardless of the venue (live or online).

    SuziQ - SFL - Where the rain is needed, but not welcome today. :smile:

    For these events, it's just my husband. He helps with the food and likes meeting and talking to the riders. On bigger events, there will be more.

    In both Canada and Australia, we finish our classes and then have something they are now calling SWOT-VAC (Study without teacher vacation??). I know it as Study Week ... a week between the end of classes and the beginning of the Exam Period during which time we are supposed to study our brains out.

    The Exam Period is about 3 weeks long and your exam can be scheduled on any day during those 3 weeks, at least 6 days a week, maybe 7, and at any time from 9 am to 9 pm. About a month before the Exam Period your exam schedule is released and you are told when you need to turn up. Mine is on a Tuesday morning this time which is the best time I've been assigned in a while. The last few have been 7-9 pm on a weekday ... since I take the bus, it's not easy to get home that late at night. Or 9 am on the weekend, before the buses start running. I had to take a taxi to one! So I was relieved about the date and time with this one.

    Our exams are held in a large room and there are usually 3 or 4 different exams being held at the same time. So one row might be Class A, the next row is Class B, the next row is Class C, and so on. It is very structured, with lots of rules, and very well patrolled with numerous examiners walking up and down the rows ensuring no one cheats. Students are only allowed to leave the room at certain times and only with an escort. So if you've got to use the toilet, you'll have an escort. If a person were to walk in with a mobile phone, that person would fail. Security is very tight.

    Then my next course starts on Nov 11!!

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    At the gym, put my regular monkey feet in the basket to wash, pulled these out of my back, thinking they were one pair. Not only are they different, I would have worn them anyway but they are for the same foot!!! AAHHH!! So gotta do something that I could wear my slippers in
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,827 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    edited October 2019
    Pip - LOL! Hugs!!

    I am considering wearing my furry slippers with my costume tonight since we have had a cold front come through and it isn't 90 degrees anymore.

  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    It’s pouring rain and supposed to rain all day. I hate gloomy!!

    My daughter is taking the ACT this morning. Poor thing was afraid we would oversleep, so she struggled with sleep all night. Fixed her a couple of eggs to avoid a carb crash. She is so stressed by the whole college pressure thing. I’m really trying to get her to take a gap year.

    Connie in KY
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! It's Saturday and not much planned for today. It has been interesting to read up on the posts. I've been saying I was going to write Banquet about their pot pies and never got around to it. Well last night just after midnight I sat down and wrote that letter and a letter to a credit union that I've been a member of for 42 yrs. to tell them goodbye. I've had good standing with them and in the last 2 months they've given me late fees on my credit card payment. I cut up the card and sent it to them.
    Today I am going with some friends to see/listen to a local group that plays all kinds of music. Never heard of them and neither has my friends. New experiences in new area.
    Have a safe weekend everyone!
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Connie ~ I think a gap year for your daughter would be great. In my family, 4 out of 5 went to college and none of us finished in the 4 yr after high school. A lot of growing up had to take place.

    Kay ~ Healing thoughts for your Dad. He has been through a lot with health problems.

    Carol in GA
  • ThinnerLiz
    ThinnerLiz Posts: 55 Member
    Oh....shoot. Goals for October (and November at this point) are to maintain my weight, keep doing what I'm doing, and not let the colder weather and holiday feasting derail my progress!
    I'm "fluidly" located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the US. (It's complicated) Mostly near Washington, DC.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Barbara What a soggy saga. Tumble is such a good doggie. So, so sorry you've had to endure this mess; it makes me anxious just to hear about it...ugh!!! (((Hugs)))

    Karen in Virginia