October 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 494 Member
    15 miles today. I wore my nox gear for the first time as I left pretty close to sunset by the time I returned it was too dark to see on the trails and I was thinking I was pretty stupid for leaving my lamp safely at home. :) But I did not die, so I guess it all worked out in the end :smiley:

    Not dying is my best accomplishment most days.

    Delaying death is like 90% of why I do this insane sport.

    Delaying/preventing dementia is my motivation... crossing my fingers that getting more fit will do something about it.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    5k is done. Race report is like this: The Botanical Gardens are on a hillside. Race is 3 loops down, around a pond and then straight back up. Most add 3-5 minutes to their typical 5k times. I tried to take it easy, but felt worse with every loop. I managed to not walk or barf, despite seriously considering both. A friend ran and won her age group, and her husband was at the finish taking pictures of us at every loop. I can only imagine how terrible I look in them, haha. I was 8th in AG, which was probably right in the middle of the results for this small race. Ate a big pastry afterwards and quickly felt better. Quad is not bothering me at all and I'm gonna rest up now for tomorrow's half marathon.

    Here's the bling.
    I did 4 races in the 2019 series.

    Cool bling! Congrats!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    durhammfp wrote: »
    15 miles today. I wore my nox gear for the first time as I left pretty close to sunset by the time I returned it was too dark to see on the trails and I was thinking I was pretty stupid for leaving my lamp safely at home. :) But I did not die, so I guess it all worked out in the end :smiley:

    Not dying is my best accomplishment most days.

    Delaying death is like 90% of why I do this insane sport.

    Delaying/preventing dementia is my motivation... crossing my fingers that getting more fit will do something about it.

    It should if modern health science is correct. They say that endurance sports sharpen your mind, and to some degree reverse aging of it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2019
    Hey. Y'all are a smart thoughtful bunch:

    With the exception of limiting carbs due to health reasons, diabetes; what's youre take on these athletes that are vegan or vegetarian?

    Who doesn't want to perform better (not running, only loafing currently)?

    Is it just the next fad diet?

    And Jurek? Hmm, seem like some proof in the pudding? Maybe I should look at his book(s).

    I'm 1.5 days in to cutting animal products and wondering, did I get suckered? Seems like evidence is there. But I'm skeptical that there's an agenda or it's bro-science.

    You are welcome to eat what you with no judgement from me (duh). I know, for some that is a touchy subject. I'm just trying to find healthy.

    Didn't @MNLittleFinn give up animal? He's a beast.

    Tldr is the science there?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2019
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    If they are getting proper nutrition, i don't think it really matters what you eat.
    I love animals. But i also love meat. Maybe meat with a side of meat.
    I also like eating vegan food.
    I'm not sure if the science is there or not.
    I totally didn't answer your question

    I'm looking for thoughts. DH has high cholesterol and he needs to change his diet. I thought, no way I'm giving up McDonald's 2-3 times a week or my grass fed fatty roast. But... IDK.

    Thanks for your thoughts.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Didn't @MNLittleFinn give up animal? He's a beast.

    Pretty sure he went Keto or Low Carb, just like @JessicaMcBride

  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,526 Member
    Congratulations your 5k @polskagirl01. Way to not puke! 😆 That alone deserves a medal. And those series medals are awesome!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2019
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    If they are getting proper nutrition, i don't think it really matters what you eat.
    I love animals. But i also love meat. Maybe meat with a side of meat.
    I also like eating vegan food.
    I'm not sure if the science is there or not.
    I totally didn't answer your question

    I'm looking for thoughts. DH has high cholesterol and he needs to change his diet. I thought, no way I'm giving up McDonald's 2-3 times a week or my grass fed fatty roast. But... IDK.

    Thanks for your thoughts.

    Breaking it down to keep it simple:

    Your body needs two things to operate correctly:

    Raw materials

    Carbs, protein, and fat all provide fuel.
    Vitamins, minerals, and such provide raw materials.

    So long as your diet has sufficient quantities of both it really does not matter where it comes from. Restricting any category of food, say meat, means you have to plan to cover the missing piece. In the case of meat that means you have to be deliberate in making sure you get a complete protein from someplace. (protein is raw material as well as fuel).

    So can you be a strong healthy vegetarian athlete? Sure. Is there a real advantage to it? I doubt it unless you have some medical condition making you have to avoid meat. I knew a girl decades ago that was allergic to red meat for example. If she was an athelete she would perform better on veggie diet. The same would be true for diary if you were lactose intolerant.

    Now, you can argue moral reasons or religious reasons for one diet over another, but that is a separate topic for a different forum. :)

    In short, there are some medical reasons (IBS, Celiac, etc) for avoiding a category of food. If you have one of those you will no doubt perform better on the restricted diet, else a balanced diet is what the body needs.

    I'm vegetarian, more because I was born vegetarian than out of choice but I have never felt a need or desire to change it. I do eat dairy products though. I have to pay attention to my nutrition and sometimes struggle to meet my protein targets, and as a female with certain female issues I have found that I need to take a multi-vitamin with a lot of iron in to avoid anaemia, but I don't think I suffer at all in terms of athletics. I mean, I'm currently running 22-23 miles per week, swimming for over an hour a week and fitting in at least 2 strength training workouts on top of working part-time and running the house and family, and I feel great and think I'm performing well. Ok, I'm not going to be setting any WRs for speed, but that's not my goal anyway.
    However, I have met vegetarians with high cholesterol levels, and diabetic vegetarians, and obese vegetarians... it's more about watching your nutrition IMO

    Totally agree. What's your protein goal? If ya don't mind. There's some thought that we truly don't need as much as we are told (by the meat producers), but there's also research saying older Americans don't get enough protein... Even though the US eats 3x the animals as the rest of the world. No idea who funded it. Do cows get enough protein? They don't eat meat and are bigger than I. So... There's a disconnect. Google says steer cows gaing 2 pounds a day eat 1.6 lbs of protein a day (OSU). WTH? Surely i can get enough from plants, they do.

    You know there is also research showing a link to high animal protein and cancer and diabetes? Is it sound? IDK.

    Amino acids are found in all plants, the building blocks of protein. I'm not concerned with a protein goal.

    I understand people are sick no matter their diet, you'll find all types of variation within vegetarian or caveman. I am try to be reasonable in my expectations, no I'm not going to be as trim as Jurek just because I pass on the butter. Mmm. Butter. Good Irish butter... Yum!

    I'm only on day 2. I have horrible night pain and have been giving in to sleeping with a narcotic or Valium 2-3 nights a week. Last night I anticipated more horrible pain, but found it was not so. I actually have less pain today than what I have been. So, ist It diet just as stated in some circles? Or coincidence?

    I'm not twisting arms to see my way. Just looking for real folks with real information.

    These are just the thoughts I wrestle with... I might watch too much Netflix, or our diet is killing us. Or meh... It may not matter at all.

    Eta. Anyone else think too much?
    And I think I have DH talked in to trying a krav maga class when I'm cleared for it. Woot woot!!!

    And did you know that Arnold Schwarzenegger is vegetarian or vegan? Who the hell is smart enough to wade through all this BS and find truth? Where's the truth? Get it..."where's the beef?" Ok... I'm going...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,351 Member
    edited October 2019
    My leg is better but still hurting today, and my knee decided to start griping in solidarity, so it’s a DNS for tomorrow’s 10k. Good luck to everyone who’s racing this weekend and hopefully I’ll be back on the road in a couple of days.
    Sorry to hear this. Hope you get back to normal soon!

    @polskagirl01 Sounds like a tough race. Hills are the worst! Congratulations on your placement and not barfing. Love the bling. Good luck tomorrow!