November 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    I made a group thingy on Strava for the weekend miles for @MobyCarp (I think). Sent invites to those I'm hooked up with on there but here's the link (I think) for anyone who didn't get an invite and wants in to click!

    Just joined the club but I have a question. Can everyone in the club now see all of my activities? My recent half marathon and "Botaniczna Piątka" are set to public, but is anything else (or maybe everything else) showing up there, too? What can y'all see? I have another account I can join with if needed, that I use for more "public" stuff.

    I'll add I didn't sign up for a slot but would like to run something in Kevin's memory at some point during the day :)

    Since your profile is private, none of your activities are shown. Just your statistics are viewable.
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member

    Well I really hope it's not a bug. I honestly don't have time for a bug. But I ALSO have ZERO energy. But that's not uncommon for a Friday afternoon or for a single mom of two the day after Halloween after a long drive, etc.

    I SHOULD run this evening because I will have time but I'm also telling myself all the good reasons I have not to. I COULD ALSO take the evening to rest or do strength training and do all the running tomorrow. I don't know. I feel like I barely made it through the day with no gut issues so I'd really like to just relax.

    But then here's this. I won't always feel motivated to run or work out but does that mean I shouldn't? Doesn't discipline have to override motivation sometimes?

    bleh. Maybe I'm too tired to even consider this right now

    Gut issues, if they are a bug usually pass in 48 hours. If they are bad food usually pass in 48 hours. If they are gluten-related may take 2 weeks.

    So I would say if you know for sure that it was NOT gluten (you said you are GF so I am assuming gluten is an issue for you) and its been 3 or 4 days... see a doctor.

    Well I really hope it's not a bug. I honestly don't have time for a bug. But I ALSO have ZERO energy. But that's not uncommon for a Friday afternoon or for a single mom of two the day after Halloween after a long drive, etc.

    I SHOULD run this evening because I will have time but I'm also telling myself all the good reasons I have not to. I COULD ALSO take the evening to rest or do strength training and do all the running tomorrow. I don't know. I feel like I barely made it through the day with no gut issues so I'd really like to just relax.

    But then here's this. I won't always feel motivated to run or work out but does that mean I shouldn't? Doesn't discipline have to override motivation sometimes?

    bleh. Maybe I'm too tired to even consider this right now

    Gut issues, if they are a bug usually pass in 48 hours. If they are bad food usually pass in 48 hours. If they are gluten-related may take 2 weeks.

    So I would say if you know for sure that it was NOT gluten (you said you are GF so I am assuming gluten is an issue for you) and its been 3 or 4 days... see a doctor.

    Well I really hope it's not a bug. I honestly don't have time for a bug. But I ALSO have ZERO energy. But that's not uncommon for a Friday afternoon or for a single mom of two the day after Halloween after a long drive, etc.

    I SHOULD run this evening because I will have time but I'm also telling myself all the good reasons I have not to. I COULD ALSO take the evening to rest or do strength training and do all the running tomorrow. I don't know. I feel like I barely made it through the day with no gut issues so I'd really like to just relax.

    But then here's this. I won't always feel motivated to run or work out but does that mean I shouldn't? Doesn't discipline have to override motivation sometimes?

    bleh. Maybe I'm too tired to even consider this right now

    Gut issues, if they are a bug usually pass in 48 hours. If they are bad food usually pass in 48 hours. If they are gluten-related may take 2 weeks.

    So I would say if you know for sure that it was NOT gluten (you said you are GF so I am assuming gluten is an issue for you) and its been 3 or 4 days... see a doctor.

    Well I really hope it's not a bug. I honestly don't have time for a bug. But I ALSO have ZERO energy. But that's not uncommon for a Friday afternoon or for a single mom of two the day after Halloween after a long drive, etc.

    I SHOULD run this evening because I will have time but I'm also telling myself all the good reasons I have not to. I COULD ALSO take the evening to rest or do strength training and do all the running tomorrow. I don't know. I feel like I barely made it through the day with no gut issues so I'd really like to just relax.

    But then here's this. I won't always feel motivated to run or work out but does that mean I shouldn't? Doesn't discipline have to override motivation sometimes?

    bleh. Maybe I'm too tired to even consider this right now

    Gut issues, if they are a bug usually pass in 48 hours. If they are bad food usually pass in 48 hours. If they are gluten-related may take 2 weeks.

    So I would say if you know for sure that it was NOT gluten (you said you are GF so I am assuming gluten is an issue for you) and its been 3 or 4 days... see a doctor.

    Well I really hope it's not a bug. I honestly don't have time for a bug. But I ALSO have ZERO energy. But that's not uncommon for a Friday afternoon or for a single mom of two the day after Halloween after a long drive, etc.

    I SHOULD run this evening because I will have time but I'm also telling myself all the good reasons I have not to. I COULD ALSO take the evening to rest or do strength training and do all the running tomorrow. I don't know. I feel like I barely made it through the day with no gut issues so I'd really like to just relax.

    But then here's this. I won't always feel motivated to run or work out but does that mean I shouldn't? Doesn't discipline have to override motivation sometimes?

    bleh. Maybe I'm too tired to even consider this right now

    Gut issues, if they are a bug usually pass in 48 hours. If they are bad food usually pass in 48 hours. If they are gluten-related may take 2 weeks.

    So I would say if you know for sure that it was NOT gluten (you said you are GF so I am assuming gluten is an issue for you) and its been 3 or 4 days... see a doctor.

    I haven’t had bread in months except the two times I ordered pizza. I am starving all the time so I added some GF bread to my diet just to feel more full.

    I had bone broth last night because I didn’t want everything to flare up again. Saturdays are always a big running / gym day for me and I don’t want anything to mess it up. I am feeling much better this morning!
    Today is your race! Can’t wait to read your race report!
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 584 Member
    1102-8.2k total 8.2k goal-100k

    A progression into a tempo run this morning. It was 10 degrees and drizzling when I went out, more like 14 by the time I made it back. A guy passing me on his bicycle was nice enough to holler "It's raining!" as he wizzed past - yeah thanks dude!

    I know that I have terribly inefficienty running form. Back in 2015/2016 which was my fastest season, I could only speed up to a point before I felt like I'd hit some kind of threshold where I just could not run any faster, although my HR and breathing felt fine. Ever since I started taking steps to fix my form last summer, that threshold has disappeared and the limiting factor has become my cardio ability. I know I'm not nearly there yet - if there really is a "there" - but it truly does make a difference. Speedwise I'm slowly inching back to where I was that year, and if all goes well, maybe go beyond that? Hmmm.

    @eleanorhawkins Strava stubbornly will not sync to my Garmin account. Do you know whether it will work if I upload my gpx file or something?

    @Orphia Didn't know there were parkruns in Japan! I'll have to check that out next time I'm there.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited November 2019
    @noblsheep Uploading gpx files usually works fine for me on Strava for challenges, etc. It should also work for the group.

    I'm curious - what have you done to fix your form? I've recently made the jump and decided to switch to minimalist running shoes to see if that will help with the recurring problems with my left knee that bug me on and off since years now (despite all kinds of cross-training and conservative increase of distance and changing shoes and all the other common prevention advice...). That magically stops me from heel-striking (although I'm not really convinced that is causing the knee problems, but it's worth a try) But I probably should also work on running form independent of that - it's just so hard to break a lifelong habit of how I'm moving my legs and feet...
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,010 Member
    @emmamcgarity Wonderful race report and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Great PR!!!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @emmamcgarity well done!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    @emmamcgarity Great job with a fantastic PR.