November 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 494 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    durhammfp wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    ... This was a test to see if I might be able to run my race without them but proved to me that my feet weren't ready for that change yet....

    Speaking of ospreys - the resident trail osprey was back out in the dead tree with a crow that was reading him the riot act. The osprey was just looking at him like, dude, leave me alone! Right after I took the picture the crow gave up and flew away....

    Is there a reason *not* to wear orthotics? I love the observation about the osprey. Moments like that are why I love running outdoors. Around here, though, you're more likely to encounter aggressive owls that go after runners, lol.

    @durhammfp - actually a couple of reasons. 1) I would like my feet and ankles and the rest of legs/body to be strong enough to support my running naturally. I think I would have less injuries/problems if all were aligned and my form correct without the orthotics. 2) I have lots of problems finding running shoes that fit well with the orthotics and they are much more comfortable without them. 3) the orthotics now cause my forefoot to fall asleep and then it starts to hurt.

    Wow. That's a lot of reasons not to wear orthotics. I'm sorry about the forefoot falling asleep. :(
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    amazing. i can't even imagine the level of fitness needed to do that
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,351 Member
    @rheddmobile Hope you can figure out what is going on with your leg. Sounds really annoying. Also hope it doesn't get any worse. I'm with you on the race. I'd throw on an extra layer and run. Sad for the organizers that no more than that showed up, I'm sure. Or, maybe they didn't care since they got their money anyway. :wink:

    If it was me and my race, I would be sad no one showed up. I mean if I just wanted money, I could stand out front of a store with a can. To go through all the work of a race, and then have no one show? That I think would be very discouraging.

    But that is just me maybe.

    I agree @ PastorVincent. I'd be upset if noone showed up too.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Everyone has been doing so well and making so much progress. I love reading all of your reports, stories, struggles, solutions, experiencing. This has been such a great source of community for me because, as you all probably already can relate to, most of the people I see every day and work with don't give two craps about running.

    I noticed yesterday during my really easy run that I wasn't really pushing myself. I never felt like I was trying very hard. That was the point - I wanted to feel what a "recovery" run feels like, because I didn't really know what that meant.

    This week in my C25K, I am slated to run 20 minutes straight. I know I just did two eight minute segments a couple days ago, but running for 20 minutes without stopping really actually feels like something I probably won't be able to do.

    Anyone else hit this wall before they even start?

    Failure is ALWAYS an option, but all it means is you back up a few steps, and start again. Go for it. You might be surprised at what you can do.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    JMNagain wrote: »
    @katharmonic nice race report!
    @T1DCarnivoreRunner back-to-back marathons?! Impressive!
    @rheddmobile that sounds painful. Could it be a shoe problem if it goes away once you stop?

    Runs this week:
    11/11: 4.65km
    Runs last week: 27.14km
    Runs 1st week of November: 11.26km
    Runs so far: 43.05km
    Target: 100km

    I thought of that, but I have brand new shoes (less than a month), and back when it was bothering me it also did it wearing my other shoes with a different drop.

    As was true the last time this happened, my leg today has no pain, tightness, or soreness anywhere, if I had no memory I wouldn’t think anything had ever been wrong. It’s just peculiar. I’m hoping it just stops, like it did last time.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    adampeart wrote: »
    Was out running my 10k at the weekend and witnessed 3 dogs attacking 3 horses, the rider got thrown from the horse but was ok and these dogs were chasing the horse for a good 5 mins. It just reminded me how jumpy horses are as an ex rider. I walked when I got near the horses as they were so jumpy already but how does everyone else deal with running near horses?

    It depends on the horse. If these are trained and used to sharing trails with runners they should be fine. Horses are well justified in being afraid of attacking dogs, I have known horses have to be put down due to dog attacks. I hope something suitable was done to the owner of the dogs?

    Horses are prey animals with a flight response unlike most of our domestic pets such as cats and dogs, which are predators and have reactions more like human ones. They are also large, heavy, and have hard feet - old newspapers are full of children being killed by runaway buggies and such. But they very much dislike stepping on people and will avoid it when possible.

    If a horse is untrained and/or faced with a novel situation (which might be as minor as someone wearing an odd hat or scarf) hijinks are likely to ensue. Plus they have their own peculiarities. My mom’s horse is firmly petrified of cows. We sent her to a trainer who has the oldest, smallest, sweetest little bull, and he worked with her for a month, and she’s still unwilling to pass near a cow.
  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 494 Member
    edited November 2019
    Everyone has been doing so well and making so much progress. I love reading all of your reports, stories, struggles, solutions, experiencing. This has been such a great source of community for me because, as you all probably already can relate to, most of the people I see every day and work with don't give two craps about running.

    I noticed yesterday during my really easy run that I wasn't really pushing myself. I never felt like I was trying very hard. That was the point - I wanted to feel what a "recovery" run feels like, because I didn't really know what that meant.

    This week in my C25K, I am slated to run 20 minutes straight. I know I just did two eight minute segments a couple days ago, but running for 20 minutes without stopping really actually feels like something I probably won't be able to do.

    Anyone else hit this wall before they even start?
    ...The nifty thing about fighting brain squirrels is that squirrels are not all that smart. Lace up your shoes and start running and the squirrels won’t know how long you plan to run. Then all you have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other.

    ^^^ Exactly. The first 6 weeks of C25K I did not pay much attention to what was coming next in the plan. I just decided I would do what the app told me to do, when it told me to do it, and not worry with a preview of everything. Not knowing how long the next run was going to be gave me less to worry about.