November 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Cricketmad88
    Cricketmad88 Posts: 415 Member
    adampeart wrote: »
    Was out running my 10k at the weekend and witnessed 3 dogs attacking 3 horses, the rider got thrown from the horse but was ok and these dogs were chasing the horse for a good 5 mins. It just reminded me how jumpy horses are as an ex rider. I walked when I got near the horses as they were so jumpy already but how does everyone else deal with running near horses?

    It depends on the horse. If these are trained and used to sharing trails with runners they should be fine. Horses are well justified in being afraid of attacking dogs, I have known horses have to be put down due to dog attacks. I hope something suitable was done to the owner of the dogs?

    Horses are prey animals with a flight response unlike most of our domestic pets such as cats and dogs, which are predators and have reactions more like human ones. They are also large, heavy, and have hard feet - old newspapers are full of children being killed by runaway buggies and such. But they very much dislike stepping on people and will avoid it when possible.

    If a horse is untrained and/or faced with a novel situation (which might be as minor as someone wearing an odd hat or scarf) hijinks are likely to ensue. Plus they have their own peculiarities. My mom’s horse is firmly petrified of cows. We sent her to a trainer who has the oldest, smallest, sweetest little bull, and he worked with her for a month, and she’s still unwilling to pass near a cow.

    I wish something was done they just walked off after I thought I should have taken a pic etc but in the heat of the moment I was more worried about the rider. Yep I’ve seen my share of odd horses but most are ok I think I will still walk passed horses just to not have a chance of scaring them. Can’t really ask them questions 😂
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,026 Member
    edited November 2019
    @Camaramandy648 It really is just a mental block. Take the 20 min run easy. If you find you can't do it, that's okay. Go back and repeat the previous weeks schedule and then try again. No harm. No foul.
    garygse wrote: »
    I've always said that the body has an amazing ability to do incredible things, and the mind has an amazing ability to convince us otherwise.
    I love this!
    garygse wrote: »
    durhammfp wrote: »
    To put this in context, tonight was the second run of week nine for my C25K plan. I was beginning to feel just a tiny bit winded near the end of the run (but not uncomfortable) so I slowed down. After it was all over I looked at my log and realized I had run 2.98 miles. ARGHHHHHHH. I feel great and I think I could have gotten a full 5K in that 30 minutes but I just let up at the last second. My limit tonight was *all* mental. I'm pretty disappointed in myself.

    Oh well. Live and learn.
    I wouldn't be disappointed; you listened to your body and did what you thought was best. A wise move if you ask me. You'll get to your goal soon just didn't happen today, that's all.

    What he said!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    durhammfp wrote: »
    I think this is where (in the C25K plan) I first realized running can be just as much a mental exercise as it is a physical exercise.
    This. I've always said that the body has an amazing ability to do incredible things, and the mind has an amazing ability to convince us otherwise.

    TOO TRUE! :smiley:
  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 493 Member
    THEN I am like a mile, maybe 1.5 miles from the end and some strange looking guy rides up from the other direction on a bicycle asking if he can trade me some beads for my Nox Gear lights.

    I actually did LOL at this. Thanks for sharing!

  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,537 Member
    THEN I am like a mile, maybe 1.5 miles from the end and some strange looking guy rides up from the other direction on a bicycle asking if he can trade me some beads for my Nox Gear lights.

    Are you sure he didn't say 'beans' - you could have had a giant beanstalk by now!

    I'm going against the trend @durhammfp and say I agree with you being disappointed. Everyone is absolutely right when they say listen to your body though I know when you are so close to a goal but don't know it and just miss out it is SO annoying. It was before you joined the C25K group though one of my posting was that I just didn't feel I had anything left to give so stopped. I was 30 seconds short of 20 minutes which mean for 30 seconds I had to do the whole 30 minutes again.

    I need to speak to my daughter about doing this marathon in April. My fear is that she won't train and I will end up walking lots of it or she will train and I won't keep up. Everything so far has been at my body's pace and I didn't have to worry about anyone else. When you run with others can you change pace easily?