What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,737 Member
    edited November 2019
    3 x 10' rowing machine, first before breakfast, other 2 shortly after. 2' CD both time, 2' break (with row in/out) between last 2 pieces. Before breakfast, 2:27.4 @ 22spm, AHR 134, MHR 148, so mostly Z3, some Z4. After breakfast, 2:27.6 and 2:23.6 both @ 23spm, AHR 142, MHR 159, so mostly Z4.

    Working on various technical things (hips behind body seems to be giving me the best payoff right now, plus the fast-hands-away trick ;) ). Don't know how anyone else is looking at erging, but I'm caring right now less about pace per se, more about how to get relatively faster split at any given spm (i.e., applied power) while working at a slow enough spm to have plenty of think time for technique reasons . . . and hoping for the HR to magically gradually be lower at given sustained pace/spm pair, without explicitly training that in any structured way. :lol: A li'l ol' lady can dream, right?
    aokoye wrote: »
    8.6k in a single at a sculling clinic that one of my sculling coaches gave at the boat club he stores his single at. The water was glassy and it was the most confident I've ever been in a single (I was in a club single using my coach's oars...with handles that are too big for me, but such is life). If that was the water I got to row on on a regular basis, I would try to row in a single every day.

    The clinic was more like an unstructured semi-private lesson, but I was totally fine with it becuase my main priority is getting time in a single and gaining confidence.

    That sounds wonderful: I'm glad you had a good single outing. For me, multi-person > single > erg, anytime. ;) I think it can be good, sometimes, to work with sub-ideal oars or rigging (if it's not super-pathologically bad!), and figure out how to adjust. It does make it hard when you're trying to focus on drills or technique in a clinic setting, however. Must admit, I may be less empathetic in this particular case on account of having giant ape-hands, so haven't really had much experience with too-big handles, something that does affect some of my regular rower-buddies. ;)

    @MikePfirrman, hope you feel better soon!
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member

    30min session with trainer, trx with some advanced versions of exercises creeping in.

    Shoulders/arms my usual strength routine with an extra rep per set. Plus pull up work.

    Mini tri - row 1km/cycle 7km/run 2km

    Extra mile - fast as *kitten*, trying to deal with some pretty *kitten* news.

    45min circuits class - lots of shoulder work
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited November 2019
    Well, did what was supposed to be a Steady State workout today for around 50 minutes. HR way too high to be Steady State, but that's pretty common when you're not feeling 100%. Did 10 minutes on the rower @ 2:17 pace/20 SPM, then 20 on the AirDyne (@ 190 Watts), then 5 on the rower @ 2:13, then finished on the bike for 15 more @ a much slower pace (140 Watts or so). HR average around 146 for the workout but during the second row as high as 170 -- way too high for a SS workout.

    Feeling OK now, just too hard of a struggle at that level of performance.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,737 Member
    The usual Tuesday spin class + low weight highish rep quasi-strength stuff.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,007 Member
    edited November 2019
    tue 11/12: 40 min spin bike (pushups later, MAYBE if my shoulder cooperates)
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member

    30min session with trainer, fun little circuit that included clean and press, sit ups, press ups, shuttles and a total of 900 punches.

    Bench - lighter weights, slow, paused reps. And then taking the weight up. Got backup to 5@45kg so getting there.

    45min zumba class

    Bench accessories (incline and decline dumbbell)

    45min insanity class
    45min boxercise class
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    edited November 2019
    Day 0012:


    02:25 - 0.25 Miles - Just to get the HR up

    Perfect Squat
    03 x 15 - 02(45) + 02(10) + 02(05)

    Leg Press
    02 x 15 Reps - 04(45) + 04(10)
    01 x 15 Reps - 06(45)
    08(45) will be my Year End goal.
    This is one exercise where I feel I've been way under what I can do just out of beginner's precaution. Given a couple of months, I think I can hit 360-450lbs with some regularity.

    Glute Press
    Left Side - 03 x 15 Reps - 130lbs
    Right Side - 03 x 15 Reps - 130lbs
    Pretty sure I can kick this up another 80lbs with ease. Again, being cautious. 2,000+ miles on the bike has this muscle set pretty well formed already. As such, I still won't add more than 10-20lbs a week or whatever feels comfortable and repeatable. Not trying to do Max Weight workouts yet.

    Leg Curl
    02 x 15 Reps - 120lbs
    *cramp risk feeling*
    01 x 15 Reps - 110lbs
    Notes: 120lbs felt fine for the first 15 reps. Second set felt like my hamstring (I assume) was feeling off. Took a few minutes, dropped weight, listened to my body and finished 15 without any issue.

    05:00 or so to loosen up muscles even more

    Hanging Leg Raise
    03 x 15 Reps - Bodyweight
    Dead tired at this point. Bit of a twinge in left shoulder. Stretched a bit afterwards. Felt fine. Arm day was pretty intensive.

    Leg Extensions
    01 x 20 Reps - 130lbs
    02 x 15 Reps - 130lbs
    Accidentally did a 20 set.. Leg extensions I can handle pretty easily. Will raise weight again next week. This again uses already quite developed quads among other muscles. Felt I could handle a lot more weight and more rep sets. Will adjust up 10-20lbs on Friday.

    Adbominal Machine
    02 x 15 Reps - 60lbs
    *Below Pectoral/Upper Left Ab cramp twinge.*
    01 x 15 Reps - 60lbs
    As I wrote, had a cramp start. Worked it out, hydrated more with ketorade, did some twists and more upper body stretches. Felt fine after. Decided to skip my ending workout Crunches though. I had done ab work on arms day as well.

    Standing Calf Lift
    03 x 15 Reps - 02(45)
    Could probably double the weight and handle this. Trying to keep my added weight gains more consistant. Will do 2(45) + 2(25) on Friday most likely.

    03 x 15 Reps - 02(45) + 02(10) + 02(05)
    Felt really good. Doing a fully manual deadlift set felt a ton better than on the Smith Machine. Will be doing these free again. Weight felt good. I know it worked me well. Will likely increase to 02(45) + 02(35) on Friday and maybe 04(45) on next Tuesday. Year end goal will be 06(45) + 02(35) for 01 x 15.

    Notes: Removed due to cramp risk.

    Vertical Leg Raise:
    Notes: Removed due to cramp risk.

    Notes Overall:
    I'll be finding my weight/power One Rep Max targets and try and attempt them around 25 or 28 December. This next month is gonna be muscle memory, muscle gains, and general wellness focus. Ripping muscle, building muscle, keeping the habit.

    Good luck to everyone else on their goals! Probably going to follow the plan's Wednesday rest, or go do some core/cardio work tomorrow.

    *edit* accidentally used OO instead of 00.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    tue 11/12: 40 min spin bike (pushups later, MAYBE if my shoulder cooperates)

    Look up Scapula Pushups (sometimes called Scapular Pushups). When I've had shoulder instability issues and rotator cuff issues, these have helped me tremendously. Best thing for shoulder pain.

  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,007 Member
    tue 11/12: 40 min spin bike (pushups later, MAYBE if my shoulder cooperates)

    Look up Scapula Pushups (sometimes called Scapular Pushups). When I've had shoulder instability issues and rotator cuff issues, these have helped me tremendously. Best thing for shoulder pain.

    thanks! never heard of these.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    tue 11/12: 40 min spin bike (pushups later, MAYBE if my shoulder cooperates)

    Look up Scapula Pushups (sometimes called Scapular Pushups). When I've had shoulder instability issues and rotator cuff issues, these have helped me tremendously. Best thing for shoulder pain.

    thanks! never heard of these.

    LOL, neither had I. But trust me, I tried everything. These things, for whatever reason, really work. That and gentle hanging therapy (just hang from a pullup bar).
  • peachvine29
    peachvine29 Posts: 400 Member
    Today my PT assigned me 45 mins cardio. So I did:
    - 20 mins stair master
    - 15 mins elliptical
    - 10 mins bike
  • Viking_Dad
    Viking_Dad Posts: 185 Member
    Totally dogged it today. No regrets.
  • surfbug808
    surfbug808 Posts: 251 Member
    20 min warm-up including stretching, rowing machine
    60 min session with trainer... lats, abs, chest, obliques... right now I can't even remember what else off hand... tired...
    60 min phyiso... legs

    I went to go surf but definitely got tired quickly! But, 30 min in the ocean still felt great!
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    That sounds wonderful: I'm glad you had a good single outing. For me, multi-person > single > erg, anytime. ;) I think it can be good, sometimes, to work with sub-ideal oars or rigging (if it's not super-pathologically bad!), and figure out how to adjust. It does make it hard when you're trying to focus on drills or technique in a clinic setting, however. Must admit, I may be less empathetic in this particular case on account of having giant ape-hands, so haven't really had much experience with too-big handles, something that does affect some of my regular rower-buddies. ;)

    Thanks Ann! I'm so glad it went well and my performance and lack of fear definitely exceeded my expectations. While we essentially did loops as to make sure that we easily be kept track of, I was totally able to keep up with everyone else (including my favorite 73 year old who has been rowing for presumably longer than I've been alive). It also made for great practice doing river turns ;) The oar thing could have been worse. The inboard length was fine thankfully, that said I typically prefer the small grips when I'm rowing with croakers (the pink grips ones) and these were the large ones. I have long arms but fairly small hands. Mind you the person whose oars I was using is 6' 4" and I'm 5' 8".

    That said, I agree that when push comes to shove it may have been a good thing given that it didn't encumber me too much. I'd say half of what I was working on wasn't really affected by it and the one drill that he had me and two other people do was the one where you start at the finish/release with the blades squared and buried, move up to the catch, and then take a stroke (I actually love that drill - at last when I'm in a 1x or when we're doing it by pairs in an 8).
  • Lolinloggen
    Lolinloggen Posts: 466 Member
    Morning weights workout - a short but needed walk this morning and a 5 k run
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    30 minutes horseriding (after a nearly thirty year hiatus! By the end I was cantering around the arena, not on the lunge; all credit to a very obliging horse)
    45 minutes BodyBalance class
    50 minute BodyPump class
    1 hour tapdancing class
    ...and over three miles of general walking.

    Today I'm a bit stiff and achey. Probably the riding. Fortunately, it's a rest day :)
  • jhanleybrown
    jhanleybrown Posts: 240 Member
    60 min spin peleton endurance ride.

    Little bit of a diet break on Monday (and one day break from no alcohol) as I had tix to Seahawks/9ers. Very fun since I wore green and blue.

    Re establishing my goal to get 3.2 or higher power to weight ratio on the bike by spring. That either means I have to increase weight loss goal by about 5 lbs or keep weight loss goal but increase output by about 20 watts.

    Back to it!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    6-7 pm:
    Pull-up - E2MOM (18m)
    5 rep every 1m10s (75)
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Strength training class. Squats, OHP, and power cleans. Feeling rather discouraged about OHP but such is life. The instructor videoed me doing squats and oh the amount of overcompensation I'm doing with my left leg.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member

    30min early morning sprints with trainer and her resistance band

    Pull up work. Managed some with the band today.

    45 min cardio blast - started with 10 rounds of 250m ski erg, 75kg sled push. Then did 10min rower and 10min elliptical

    No evening classes so went to gym
    45 min trx workout
    20min rower technique drills
    30min piyo workout