JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 961 Member
    @awhit4842, are you doing time restricted eating? If so, do you find it helpful?

    I've just started reading a book about Circadian Rhythms. I would like to improve my sleep, but I see a lot of it is about losing weight by restricting eating time. I thought I already did this with my meals, but I hadn't thought that even a cup of tea later in the evening would count. I have a lot to learn!
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 961 Member
    JFT Wednesday 13th Nov

    Back exercises no, no time in the morning, too sore and tired in the evening.
    Drink enough not nearly enough
    Gratitude in buckets today :)
    Walk an hour on the beach :)

    I had a really lovely day yesterday, and batteries are recharged :) One small problem to solve at work, and was done by lunchtime. Then walked with a friend on the beach, it was really cold but bright and sunny. I wish my back could manage longer walks but still enjoyed the hour. Lunch out, small portion. Didn't overeat as didn't have time. A long drive home in the dark (roll on next summer when it's light!) but we had a lovely time.

    JFT Thursday 14th Nov

    Back exercises
    Drink enough, lots today
    Eat under maintenance, meals only, no junk food snacks
    Garden? It's very cold out!


    NAME Ellie
    SW 180
    GW 175
    CW 14/11 179 -1lb (prob still dehydrated)

    @Bex953172 , I see we've both started at the same weight of 180 this time :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,080 Member
    JFT Wednesday 13th Nov

    Back exercises no, no time in the morning, too sore and tired in the evening.
    Drink enough not nearly enough
    Gratitude in buckets today :)
    Walk an hour on the beach :)

    I had a really lovely day yesterday, and batteries are recharged :) One small problem to solve at work, and was done by lunchtime. Then walked with a friend on the beach, it was really cold but bright and sunny. I wish my back could manage longer walks but still enjoyed the hour. Lunch out, small portion. Didn't overeat as didn't have time. A long drive home in the dark (roll on next summer when it's light!) but we had a lovely time.

    JFT Thursday 14th Nov

    Back exercises
    Drink enough, lots today
    Eat under maintenance, meals only, no junk food snacks
    Garden? It's very cold out!


    NAME Ellie
    SW 180
    GW 175
    CW 14/11 179 -1lb (prob still dehydrated)

    @Bex953172 , I see we've both started at the same weight of 180 this time :)

    Haha oh yeah! Hha were truly going head to head haha!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,080 Member
    JFT Thursday

    - 6 waters
    - Log everything (aim for the green)
    - clean out rabbit, brush him and clip nails
    - no dog walk or exercise today

    I ve managed to hurt the bottom of my foot, well more like the heel at the bottom and the heel on the inside of my foot. I domt know how or whats caused it but it really hurts! So just the school walks today although i would rather drive tbh!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,769 Member
    JFT - Thursday Nov 16
    2L of water
    Log all food
    Exercise 15 minutes
    Gratitude Journal

    I haven’t had time the last two mornings to post, I’ll try to get on tonight to find my starting weight for the 5lb challenge. Today I weighed 189.2. The cheeseburger and fries yesterday did not help me.

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT Thursday
    1. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Balance work. Feed cats. Meds. Tea! Review plans.
    2. Before school: Check class websites. Update first directions.
    3. Class 1: Grammar test; input all grades & print reports. Proofread essays.
    4. Class 2-3: Grammar test; finish typing analysis. Print reports.
    5. Planning: Another meeting. Check plans and adjust; input all grades. Run progress reports
    6. Short run. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
    7. Run. Get the tag for the car.
    8. Read 20 pages of Choice Theory. Update Goodreads. Prep celery. Pack lunch. Set up JFT for Thursday
    9. Gratitude journal. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. Alarm set for 5:50.
    10. Ask about how to support new AP. Practice hair braiding with D. Check on appts for drs. Remind D to ask his dad about the table. Check with D about ceiling. START BLOGGING AGAIN. 3 posts/week? Create test for MLA format. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Remember that M does not like surprises! Check dates of classes and update semester plan. Request parent meeting with KC and BW. Revise Laws essay and read to group. Group checks for clear main idea, what else? Thursday cart grammar test.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    January 2019: 186.0
    February 2019: 187.0
    Today: 194.2

    Ongoing plans/ideas behind the cut
    1. Purchases: Look for an "ugly Christmas sweater" and a long-haired doll at thrift stores. Practice French braiding. Go to used bookstore and look for On Writing (Stephen King), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman), The Prince (tr. Tim Parks, Russell Price, or Robert Adams), The Secret Adversary (Christie).
    2. E2: What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used: Animal Farm, Julius Caesar, Wes Moore, I Am Malala. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion. Need practice with the difference between transitions and overlapping (at end of paragraph - "another issue is Y" vs "there are other issues besides X"). Quit using "in conclusion" and "I believe" and other writing-about-my-writing phrases. Confusion between direct/indirect objects and prepositional phrases. Use the UDHR and the Declaration of Independence to study paraphrasing; use that to front-load Machiavelli and how to deal with challenging texts. Confusion between everyday / every day and similar constructions.
    3. E1: Need practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles). Difficulty using possessive nouns in their own writing. Honors: practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me). Poetry: Revise "Songs are Poetry" handouts.
    4. Curriculum Development: Writing mini-unit. Review scholarly research on 5PE. (I think I can have this as an intro to the research unit so that they also get exposure to how quotes are integrated and cited.) Parallel structure; use of emotional language, specific detail. Use "Write About a Pebble" lesson from Atwell. How long should each unit take? Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Include grammarly check on essays! Review assessments. What is the purpose for each unit? What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Schedule assessments for Fall 2019; plan out return times. Write 1 reflection weekly; type one in Classroom by Weds. Copy-paste to PB for comments due Friday. PB usernames 6 digits, no 19 or 20s, no birthdates. Homework: Online journal Mon due Tue; Reflection Tue due Wed; C&P journal in class Wed; Comments Thu due Fri. Bonus if you are the first response; further bonus if you respond to comments on your post. Grammar practice Mon & Wed; quiz Fri.
    5. Professional Development: Write blog post weekly. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun? Check with PSC. Talk with Z about articles and/or conference proposals. NOTE: ATTENDED PRE FLEX DAY.
    6. Medical: Dentist Apr 30 8 AM but check on meetings and RS. Onco Apr ???. PCP Schedule for July. ObG schedule for October. PCP - allergy shots?
    7. Theater: What's next?
    8. House: Mineral oil on tile spots. Check with D about ceiling.
    9. Fun: Open beading on Thursdays. Coloring at library on Tuesday. Put jewelry away. Edney Hack Nights alt Weds. ASL? Spanish/Portuguese practice? Practice piano. ROL Secret Adversary. Buy new bikes and bike rack for car.
    10. Volunteering ideas: Theater. Library. Animal shelter.

    WFTY: Climbing. There is so much that I want to do and it conflicts with what I feel like I *should* do a lot of the time.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,490 Member

    @littleblackskirt Hugs to you, dear friend! Caring for elderly parents is hard work. Before we were married, hubby cared for his dad who'd had a stroke. After he passed, hubby (youngest of six kids, 5 living) cared for his aging mother. When hubby and I married in 2004, we bought a big house so she could live with us, and his sisters could stay occasionally. His mom Esta was 88 years old then. She and I were never close, but we got along. Hubby stayed at home full time because she otherwise would need to live in assisted living or a nursing home. I worked my corporate job then, long hours & sometimes weekends, but I managed food & meals, mostly. Esta had advancing dementia, and at times living with her was very difficult, but I would never ask hubby to move her out. We could never leave her on her own in the last years, some family member (she would balk at anyone else) had to be in our house if hubby and I went out together. Esta lived to be 99 years 10 months, and passed away in her room at our home in 2016. Hubby cared for her 24/7 with bi-weekly 24 hour stays from his youngest sister and frequent visits from his other sister (2 brothers & their wives visited infrequently and never helped out with care). I know how tough that was on hubby. But we are both so happy he was able to care for her in our home. You will not regret taking care of your parents.

    @cschmitz110515 , thank you so much for sharing your story. It's obvious you and your hubby are very kind people. I do wonder how my finances will cope, I've already had to stop a small sideline which used to make me a little bit of money. It's hard when I'm on my own, but I'm not going to worry about it, it will work out I'm sure.

    I'm not sure what financial assistance might be available to your parents or you where you live. Because my MIL had no financial resources whatsoever, she qualified for a state program that paid someone to be her in-home caregiver. That was hubby. The money wasn't great, he was paid (originally) for 48 hours per week, even though with her chronic conditions, managing her meds and her dementia, his was a 24/7 job. With no days off and no paid benefits. Then state gov't. cut the program and he was paid only for 40 hours per week. Short-sighted, in my opinion, because without this program, we might've put her in a nursing home at the state's expense.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    1. Log all food ✔
    2. Eat packed lunch ✔
    3. Cook dinner at home ✔
    4. Do Atleast 2 daily essentials, inversion, cat cow, and bonus if time ✔
    5. Run dishwasher, wash Dutch oven ✔
    6. Empty fridge of leftovers ✔
    7. Make 2 days of lunches ✔
    8. Snuffle box for dog ✔
    9. Daily reminders to carry until completed; pay tolls bill, pay cable, hospital tour on Friday, thanksgiving farm order, pick paint colors, order bear rug, order diaper cake centerpieces, quote mushroom cupcakes, pay oil budget bill, ordat cord wood (DH), replace kitchen light bulbs (DH)
    10. Go to mountain to buy season pass for DH. MUST DO TODAY IS DEADLINE!!! ✔
    11. Bed by 830, lights out by 930. ✔

    Wow! Got it all done, I surprised myself! DH is overworked, tired, and stressed applying for another opportunity. Another practice in not letting his mood become mine. I am happy to have a little alone time tomorrow to decompress myself...i want to do some hospital tours tomorrow, but i also dont want to try to squeeze too much into the day and focus on some restorative rest. Ive gotten into a nice routine where i dont feel like i have to squeeze a weeks worth of chores into my one or two days off. Obviously that also ebbs and flows like healthy eating but I'm able to rely more on habits for chores when my motovation wanes! I went out of my way to bring DH some stuff he forgot this morning, passed by my favorite coffee shop so I did indulge my craving for sandwich and iced coffee! Getting a wood delivery tomorrow so I'm sure I'll be burning some calories!

    1. Log all food
    2. Eat packed lunch
    3. Cook dinner at home
    4. Waters!!!
    5. Empty dishwasher
    6. Do no harm, but take no sh!!t
    7. Find pallets at work, room in car?
    8. Daily reminders to carry until completed; pay tolls bill, pay cable, hospital tour on Friday, thanksgiving farm order, pick paint colors, order bear rug, order diaper cake centerpieces, quote mushroom cupcakes, pay oil budget bill, replace kitchen light bulbs (DH)
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    MancLass wrote: »
    Do you live in the uk? In Manchester? Just read your username x

    Hi Bex - yes I do, do you?

    Not quite! Used to live in Bramhall near Stockport but now live in Cheshire near Macclesfield:)

    I'm on the outskirts of Manchester, so we're both in the North West - lucky us!!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,490 Member
    Recap W 11/13
    1) Walked treadmill before work 2.6 mi 44:30 + cool down + stretched = happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks while at work / 5 somethings = Fitbit 15,135 steps, 250+ 12/14 (TSO concert) & 36 floors :smiley:
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / net calories zero / 12c water = Changed up supper plans once I got home but stayed w/in goal. Net cals green :smiley: sodium -979 :s sugar green :smiley: fiber low :( protein good & 13c water
    4) Evening: boil eggs :) / make winter fruit salad for office food day R :) / other? :) shoveled patio (still lightly snowing so left for hubby like he said to), caught up w/ Jeopardy Tournament of Champions on DVD
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & tv off 10:20 (x-train before work R) oops >:)

    JFT R 11/14 ~ Rest day & food day in dept.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings
    2) Difficult to prelog when I don't know what food will be / be picky & take small portions / log best guesses after / net calories < 200 red / 14c water
    3) Evening: choir 6:30 / chores of some kind
    4) UNPLUG 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / BED & TV OFF 10:00 (x-train before work F)

    TSO concert was terrific as usual. Walked out of venue after & first heard, then saw co-worker, so got to meet his wife as we walked towards our cars. Out of thousands of people and seated in different sections, we just happened to walk out together. What are the odds?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Ash let me use the car to grab sask from school thank god, the only reason he doesn't at times it's because it's literally a 5-10 min walk and is a waste of petrol to drive 2 mins. But with my foot be sore he's said to drive.
    Which I'm also glad for because it's freeeeeZing today. It's only 4C• (I know the US gets much lower temps lol!) but it's windy too so it cuts right through you lol!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,213 Member
    edited November 2019
    Year 2017 Jan 1: 217
    Year 2018 January 1: 195.5
    Year 2019 January : 206
    Feb 1, 2019: 201.6
    March 4: 205
    April 1: 196.8
    May 5: 195
    June: : 191.2
    July: 192.4
    August: 189.4
    September: 184.6

    NAME: Joan


    SW :187.6 (starting weight for the 5 pound challenge - round 1)
    GW for this challenge: 182.6
    CW: 188.6 = didn't do so great with this challenge.

    DISCARD 5 LBS CHALLENGE 2 -- Starting Date Thursday, Aug 29
    NAME: Joan
    SW :188.6 (starting weight for the 5 pound challenge - round 2)
    GW for this challenge: 183.6
    CW: 184.6 (current weight today)

    DISCARD 5 LBS CHALLENGE 3 -- Starting Date Tuesday, September 24
    NAME: Joan
    SW :184.6 (starting weight for the 5 pound challenge - round 3)
    GW for this challenge: 180 (my goal is to get to 178... and be out of the overweight on the charts! Those last few pounds are so hard to get off it seems!
    CW: 182.6 (current weight today)

    DISCARD 5 LBS CHALLENGE 4 -- Starting Date Tuesday, October 8
    NAME: Joan
    SW :182.6 (starting weight for the 5 pound challenge - round 4)
    GW for this challenge: 177.6 --- This would put me in the "normal" weight range... something I have been trying to do for the past 2 years, but just could never get there!!
    CW: 181.6 (current weight today) -1 -- I am UP this morning, and I know its because of too much orange juice, and just not caring what I eat ... trying to get over this awful cold.

    DISCARD 5 LBS CHALLENGE 5 -- Starting Date Monday, November 11
    NAME: Joan
    SW :183.6 (starting weight for the 5 pound challenge - round 4) -- weight is up from last challenge because of being sick, too much OJ, and sons wedding recept.
    GW for this challenge: 178.6
    CW: 180.6 (current weight today) -- Happy to see my weight go back down, after a week of being sick, and then traveling.

    My goal are basically the same. I am going to do this until these become habits.. then I will change them. Trying to keep it simple

    Goals for today
    1. mindful eating
    2. drink 4 glasses of water before I drink a diet pepsi
    3. 8+ water
    4. drink water in the evening ... no snacking, or just ONE planned snack

    1. work on chemo hats
    2. clean house
    3. pack up canna bulbs for winter storage
    4. help hubby with shipping today
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,340 Member
    edited November 2019
    Discard 5 lb Challenge
    Name: Nikki
    SW: 152.0
    GW: 147.0
    11/12: 151.8 -0.2
    11/13: 151.8
    11/14: 151.6 - 0.4

    I managed my 3 day training plan with evening social outings well. No weight gain. I did however feel overly restricted. Not a good thing long term, but okay for a few days. And I passed the course, wahoo!

    I met with the new doc about my meds and treatment course today. She wasn't thrilled that I took myself off of some meds and reduced others without medical supervision, but she understood. It's been about 2 weeks since I've started decreasing my meds, and I feel so much better. She was able to explain what most likely flat-lined my emotions and it was one of the meds I quit taking so we are going to keep that one out. She does want me to add one back, change the timing of another and get rid of another. She said the 30+ pounds I put on are likely due to my lithium levels and that we will likely decrease, but that it may be difficult to manage my weight with it. I think if we take away the life numbing medication, and I can start living my life again I can expend energy on my weight. She has a different approach to treatment and though I was disappointed with the diagnosis portion (nobody wants confirmation that they are cra cra), I found the appointment it very promising appointment.

    JFT Thursday
    - Work by 8:00 :smiley:
    - Appt at 10:20, go early for paper work :smiley:
    - Log everything
    - One evening treat
    - Stay in the green
    - No alcohol
    - Read in Deuteronomy
    - Bed by 11:00
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Wednesday 13 November

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green >:)
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Water :)
    Fitbit exercise goals :)
    Attend to Happy scale trend - eat below maintenance >:) .

    Very late reporting back on yesterday and I did not post goals today. They were the same and I met them all so a huge improvement. There have been too many excuses recently .........

  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Also late posting goals but I’m doing well this week! Despite the fact that I’ve had parents’ evening at work the last two days. Nothing quite like ending a full day of teaching with three hours’ non stop talking to parents about their little ones to tire you out! Over now so I can hopefully wind down a bit. Tomorrow is a charity day at school and they have asked me to lead a whole school (400+ kids and staff) workout session in the playground. Nervous!!

    Wednesday goals recap:
    morning workout ✅
    Weigh in ✅
    Pack snacks and schoolbags ✅
    Early to work for staff choir ✅
    Parents eve prep ✅
    Leave by 7 ✅
    Pack gym gear ❎
    Bed by 10 ✅

    Thursday goals:
    warrior class 6:30am ✅
    Pack snacks and schoolbags ✅
    Handover with cover teacher ✅
    Prep replacement science lesson ✅
    Prep for parents evening ✅
    Leave by 7 ✅
    Bed by 9:30 ✅
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,375 Member
    JFT Mindful eating & logging
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,225 Member
    edited November 2019
    My flower arrangement from today
    The only failure is giving up!
    #1: - 5; #2: - 5.2; #3: -1.4; #4: -4.8
    NAME: Terri
    SW: 150.8 (11/11)
    GW: 145.8
    14/11: CW: 150.6: - 0.2 [color] Normal daily fluctuations

    Daily Goals
    • Food: log All food and drink; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately; NLNS!!!
    • Exercise: Knee Physio; 7,500+ Steps daily; 30 + minutes intentional exercise
    • Other: Daily Mindfulness Practice/Meditation; Practice Self-care; Positively reframe thoughts; Learn something new; 15 mins Daily Declutter session
    JFT: Thu 14 Nov
    Goals: ✅ Decluttered glassware
    • Am: Prep flowers ✅
    • 2pm: Flower Arranging ✅
    • 6.30: DYD coming for dinner✅

    JFT: Fri 15 Nov
    • Post weekly weight
    • 10am: Latin Study
    • 2pm: PhotoPlus (camera group

    Calorie Goal Challenge ~|~ Start Date: 4 Nov
    Stay under goal until Thanksgiving
    Days Under: 11/11
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member

    @littleblackskirt Hugs to you, dear friend! Caring for elderly parents is hard work. Before we were married, hubby cared for his dad who'd had a stroke. After he passed, hubby (youngest of six kids, 5 living) cared for his aging mother. When hubby and I married in 2004, we bought a big house so she could live with us, and his sisters could stay occasionally. His mom Esta was 88 years old then. She and I were never close, but we got along. Hubby stayed at home full time because she otherwise would need to live in assisted living or a nursing home. I worked my corporate job then, long hours & sometimes weekends, but I managed food & meals, mostly. Esta had advancing dementia, and at times living with her was very difficult, but I would never ask hubby to move her out. We could never leave her on her own in the last years, some family member (she would balk at anyone else) had to be in our house if hubby and I went out together. Esta lived to be 99 years 10 months, and passed away in her room at our home in 2016. Hubby cared for her 24/7 with bi-weekly 24 hour stays from his youngest sister and frequent visits from his other sister (2 brothers & their wives visited infrequently and never helped out with care). I know how tough that was on hubby. But we are both so happy he was able to care for her in our home. You will not regret taking care of your parents.

    @cschmitz110515 , thank you so much for sharing your story. It's obvious you and your hubby are very kind people. I do wonder how my finances will cope, I've already had to stop a small sideline which used to make me a little bit of money. It's hard when I'm on my own, but I'm not going to worry about it, it will work out I'm sure.

    I'm not sure what financial assistance might be available to your parents or you where you live. Because my MIL had no financial resources whatsoever, she qualified for a state program that paid someone to be her in-home caregiver. That was hubby. The money wasn't great, he was paid (originally) for 48 hours per week, even though with her chronic conditions, managing her meds and her dementia, his was a 24/7 job. With no days off and no paid benefits. Then state gov't. cut the program and he was paid only for 40 hours per week. Short-sighted, in my opinion, because without this program, we might've put her in a nursing home at the state's expense.

    @littleblackskirt Do I remembered you saying you were in the UK ? If so, there are lots of organisations that support carers, including financially. This is the big one: https://www.carersuk.org/ but there are lots of local ones too that come up on Google. I think there are also benefits available to support carers. Not sure what they are or how much caring you have to do to qualify, but either way it's probably worth checking out Turn 2 Us which has a calculator for benefits. I keep hearing that a huge proportion of the UK aren't claiming all the benefits they could have - maybe you're one of them!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Friday 15 November

    Log accurately
    Stay in the green
    5 fruit and veg
    Fitbit exercise goals
    Attend to Happy scale trend - eat below maintenance
  • awhit4842
    awhit4842 Posts: 236 Member
    JFT Friday
    Daughter was super sick yesterday so I stayed home and actually did fairly well on not going crazy eating everything in the house. Luckily, daddy is on sick kid duty today so I can go in to work.

    1. Log all food
    2. Drink 150oz water
    3. Gym
    4. Healthy dinner