

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,380 Member
    edited November 2019
    Janetr - So sorry to hear about your nieces. :'( It wasn't long ago when I thought most of my friends had escaped big health problems, but time catches up with us.
    Ouff! Family! :# You are doing the right thing by staying out of it. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Good afternoon everyone:
    Hope all is well. Thought I slept in today and realized it was only 7 a.m.(usually up by 6) Took a walk9longer than usual) as it was nice and quiet. Only saw 1 car the entire hour I was gone. Made it back to Church and now want to do some baking. Can't find the motivation.
    Have a great night.
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    JanetR ~ So sorry for the worries you are going through with your family. Prayers and good wishes for better news.

    Debbie ~ What a pretty sky!

    Carol in GA
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 964 Member
    edited November 2019
    Okie- I like the beer there and wanted to drink. Just didn't want to overdo it. I drank water in between each beer and it was fine.

    Michele- I squeeze/drain off excess water from the spaghetti squash and then warm it up in a skillet with olive oil and it's been fine.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member
    stat for the day

    outdoor walking w/yogi- 1hr, 42min, 55sec- 113mhr, 5.40mi= 309c
    Apple Watch- 505c
  • changeisnoww
    changeisnoww Posts: 15 Member
    I seem to be having focusing on my food intake and have only lost 2 lbs in 2 week ... I feel regularly uncomfortably full every time I eat. Should I stop when I am satisfied? Shouldn't I know how to read my body by 50?
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Just wanted to share some beauty with y’all.The color of the evening sky and the first snow.Prayers,hugs,love❤️,and much gratitude for y’all and the beauty found in a world that can be not so pretty at times.
    Debby in chilly Va
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    janetokc. Keeping you in my thoughts. Strength and peace to you and your family ((( <3 )))
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 964 Member
    edited November 2019
    Changeisnoww-When I stopped consuming wheat products and limited grains in general, I stopped feeling full/bloated after meals. Give it a try and see what happens. I think our bodies (and our foods) are continually changing, so what didn't bother us before may bother us later. I tend to be a bit lactose intolerant now, but never had issues before. We are always learning.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,247 Member
    I seem to be having focusing on my food intake and have only lost 2 lbs in 2 week ... I feel regularly uncomfortably full every time I eat. Should I stop when I am satisfied? Shouldn't I know how to read my body by 50?

    2 lbs in 2 weeks is right on track.

    But yes ... stop just before you get full.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,247 Member
    Regarding passwords, they say now that the longer the better, but definitely more than 8 characters. In one of my recent courses we've learned that:

    $P4lm&7r33 may be less secure than a passphrase like favouritebluewaterinbermuda (*Note: neither of those are my passwords!*)

    Stay Smart Online is an Australian government site with good tips

    It can also be worth checking a site like the one below to see if your password is on the top 10,000 most common passwords. If it is, it can be easily hacked:


    Regarding ads for things you've searched for ... you can reduce that happening by going into your Google Account, clicking on Data & Personalisation on the left sidebar, scrolling down a tad to Ad Personalisation and turning that off.

    While you're there, you can have a look at other security settings.

    For example, because I have turned my location history off, when I click on Timeline it tells me that I'm likely somewhere in the vicinity of Australia but that is as close as it can get ... which suits me just fine. :)

    Then go into Facebook and Settings, and from the left sidebar choose Ads. Click Your Interests.

    There's a lot here. There are headings across the top: Travel, Places and Events, Business and Industry, etc. You'll have to look under each one.

    Under each one will be a set of things Facebook (and Google, I think) think you're interested in. They'll show you a dozen, but underneath is a little "See More" link. Keep clicking that and you'll get more and more and more ...

    Delete the ones you don't want to see ads about by clicking the X in the top right corner of each one.

    Then go to the next category and do the same. And the next and the next ... and when you get to More, click it and go to all those categories too.

    It's a bit time consuming but I do this every few months or when the ads that appear start getting a bit "odd".

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,247 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Terri – the reason I asked if there was a way to find out if someone dropped in on this forum is because there have been times when I’ve gotten friend requests and it certainly looks like they could be on this forum. If I’m not sure, I have asked “where do we know each other from”. If it’s from a male, I automatically delete it.

    Michele in NC

    When I get friend requests from random people, the first thing I do is to search for their activity on MFP's message board (these forums).

    Click Search.


    When the Search page comes up, click the down arrow in the search box.


    Under author, copy and paste or type the name of the person. And search! Scroll down to see results.


    That way I can see their activity and see if I want to accept them or not. :)

    If you want to narrow the search, you can use the other fields available there.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,247 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    I'm here but gave up on trying to skim to catch up. Much stress going on in my world and for the first time in my life I'm not stress eating but have actually lost several pounds in recent weeks. I mentioned previously my oldest niece (63) has a large renal cell carcinoma on her right kidney. She will have surgery to remove the mass and kidney the day before Thanksgiving. On Friday her sister (60) received a diagnosis of uterine cancer, they will do a complete hysterectomy and check surrounding nodes and muscle tissue.

    On the Smith side, Jack's ex has started and is perpetuating a Smith family feud. Yelling matches between siblings and even their own married children, etc. We tell them we love them all and refuse to be thrown in the mix. Our oldest grandson on that side is getting married in December and has "uninvited" his grandmother and aunt and uncle from attending the wedding. It truly hurts my heart. I do not understand family treating each other like this. I am in turmoil. Not sleeping well and still reeling from the loss of my sister.

    Prayers and good thoughts appreciated.

    Love you my friends
    Janetr OKC
