
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Maritill wrote: »
    Just made my diary public. Thanks for your help.

    Just looking at what you ate on Tuesday ...

    Generic - Marzetti Sweet Vidalia Onion Dressing, 3 tbsp 195 calories ... can you skip this, reduce this, or substitute it with something else? Personally, I'd drop it all together.

    Then I'd add protein to your lunch like a small tin of tuna or chicken flakes. Those come in at less than 100 calories.

    Happy Apples - Apple Cider, 8 oz. 140 calories ... is this a drink? Personally, I don't drink my calories. I'd substitute this with a small bowl of steamed veggies which might be about 100 calories.

    On the day before, I'd drop this: Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise - Mayo, 1.5 tbsp(s) 135 calories ... and substitute with a few slices of tomato or lettuce leaves.

    And this ... Mcdonald's - Coke-large, 30 oz. 290 calories would be diet coke for me.

    You might also try substituting the cookies and the candy for fruit or low cal desserts.

    Have a browse around your grocery stores and markets one day and look for low cal food. There is quite a bit out there and it isn't always marked "low cal" ... you've got to look at the labels.

    Plus exercise helps a lot! Go for a brisk 30 minute walk and you've got an extra 100 calories to work with. Feel great + able to eat a little bit more!! :):)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    The bread we made yesterday turned out really well! Most years it doesn't rise well due to the kids kneading/manhandling of the dough. lolz0q5gct9a8ix.jpg
    Each child was able to take home their own mini loaf that they made, and we will have a slice of the larger loaf today, with our stone soup!

    Kids arriving! Must fly! ttfn xoxox KJ (Kelly)


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    megblair1 wrote: »
    Hello my old friends. I have surfaced again. My oldest friend died at the end of September and I have been a mess ever since. I've also been helping the family with everything, she didn't have a will, she was a hoarder and an alcoholic and it has been a mess. Today was the first day I felt half way normal. I got up early to write, I got a bunch of stuff done at work, and I exercised. So I'm on a one-day roll! Glad to be back. Hope you all have been well. Take care, Meg from Omaha

    Sorry to hear that! But glad to hear that things are coming around.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Challenges ... if challenges appeal to you, don't forget about MFP's Challenges subforum:


    Pretty much the same as last month ... aside from exercise, this month will include ...

    -- work ... I've got several projects I should try to finish or get on top of by the end of the month.

    -- university ... I start my next course on Nov 11. It's a spring/summer course and entirely online so I'm curious how it will go. Later in November, I need to enroll in my course Semester 1 courses.

    -- cycling club ... I have a lot of work to do in this area!!

    -- website ... lots of work to do and start attending Wordpress meetings again.

    -- husband ... becoming more involved with our local brain injury association.

    -- medical ... attending a whole pile of different physio appointments and other medical appointments. There is not a single week without a medical appointment of some sort.

    -- and continuing to organise things at home. I've been working on this for a while now, but especially since I wrote my exam on Tuesday!!

    Machka in Oz

    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- exercise every day or just about. Eating ... could be better. Sleeping ... not bad now that I've got my cocoon of silence. :)

    Work -- working on instructions these days, but I see emails starting to come in about other projects. They'll be for next week, I think.

    Uni -- I've downloaded the initial information for my new course. Will need to acquire a textbook. And I've enrolled in the remaining courses for my Master's degree.

    Cycling Club -- I'm focusing on this right now. Several things to do!!

    Website -- must look at it one evening this week. I've got a Wordpress meeting on Saturday.

    Husband -- we're going to a Brain Injury forum next Monday. Plus his BPPV flared up again this week, so we've had that treated. If you are having trouble with dizziness and balance, this is a great site with lots of information: https://vestibular.org/

    Medical/Health -- I have a complete physical booked for next Friday, but had to go into a Dr early because of the spider bite. It is starting to fade a little, I think, but the medication makes me a bit nauseated. I have several other things I need to book - probably next most important is dental for my broken tooth.

    Organisation -- first the cycling club stuff ... then I'll have to wade into more organisation stuff.

    Recreation -- exercise, entertainment (symphony, plays), and photography are usually my recreation, but I'm starting to think ahead to time off over Christmas and travel.

    Now it's lunch and I have a number of errands to run. :)

    Machka in Oz

    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- Need to start exercising more now that I'm almost recovered from spider bite and medication.

    Work -- still working on instructions these days, but I see emails starting to come in about other projects. They'll be for next week, I think.

    Uni -- Will be doing a lot of reading this weekend.

    Cycling Club -- I'm focusing on this right now. Several things to do!! I made some good progress on the website last night which I was really pleased about! :) But most urgently: We've got another cycling event on the weekend which we're hosting ... tomorrow! I went shopping at lunch for it.

    Website -- must look at it one evening this week. I've got a Wordpress meeting next Saturday (1 week).

    Husband -- went to a Brain Injury forum last Monday which was quite interesting ... projects coming soon.

    Medical/Health -- Complete physical today.
    BP is a bit high. Will be tracking it over next couple weeks. Had ECG - good. Will have heart ultrasound soon.
    Got measles vax. I am in the age group that only had 1 vax but 2 are needed. I may have had measles in 2016, but just in case I didn't, I want the vax!!
    Booked appt for shingles vax.
    Dentist next week.

    Organisation -- first the cycling club stuff ... then I'll have to wade into more organisation stuff.

    Recreation -- exercise, entertainment (symphony, plays), and photography are usually my recreation, but I'm starting to think ahead to time off over Christmas and travel.

    Machka in Oz

    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- Walking more + lifting some weights. It's sleeveless season shortly and I'd like my arms to have some muscle tone.

    Work -- Finishing up instructions, starting to get into projects. I've got 4 projects before the end of December

    Uni -- Much reading + need to start first assignment.

    Cycling Club -- I'm focusing on this right now. Several things to do!! Website + prep for December 1 event.

    My Personal Website -- must look at it one evening this week. I've got a Wordpress meeting next Saturday.

    Husband -- always a never-ending stream of medical appointments + some projects with 2 or 3 different organisations.

    Medical/Health -- Tracking BP. At home, it's OK. Heart ultrasound on Monday.
    Booked appt for shingles vax, second measles vax, and mole biopsy.
    Dentist on Friday.

    Organisation -- first the cycling club stuff ... then I'll have to wade into more organisation stuff, but kind of picking away at it.

    Recreation -- exercise, entertainment (symphony, plays), and photography are usually my recreation, but I'm starting to think ahead to time off over Christmas and travel. I'm off for 16 days and we'll go away for a few of them. I've booked peace and quiet!! I hope! :) Hopefully there will be some beach time too, both at home (we live close to a beach) and away ... and cycling time!! It would be fabulous to be able to cycle and/or run/walk every day during those 16 days!!!

    I'm also looking around for Christmas dinner options. A couple years ago we did a Christmas buffet for Christmas dinner and I loved it! That's the kind of thing I want again. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    I don't prelog my food as every day can be different and I'm on the go a lot of time. I have started weighing my food in the last month with a scale. Thgvg is Thanksgiving abbreviation. Salads were iceberg, carrots, cucumbers, sometimes onions,celery & cherry tomatoes when I grew them-sweet vidalia onion dressing by the TBSP. Yes. I go for a walk every day I can as I have hip & back pain. Am I doing it right? I've been with MFP for 6 yrs, ?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    edited November 2019
    Maritill wrote: »
    I don't prelog my food as every day can be different and I'm on the go a lot of time. I have started weighing my food in the last month with a scale. Thgvg is Thanksgiving abbreviation. Salads were iceberg, carrots, cucumbers, sometimes onions,celery & cherry tomatoes when I grew them-sweet vidalia onion dressing by the TBSP. Yes. I go for a walk every day I can as I have hip & back pain. Am I doing it right? I've been with MFP for 6 yrs, ?

    If it were me, I would get rid of the dressings and beverages with calories. Find some low cal substitutes for those. :)

    I find that food fills me up better than sugar in beverages and high cal sauces.

    Have you been getting help (physio, etc.) for the hip and back pain? From experience, pilates, done under the watchful eye of a physiotherapist, can be beneficial. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    I missed a day and I'm finding it hard to catch up.

    Skimmed a few pages, hugs to those who have lost friends/relatives and to those who are generally having a hard time at the moment.

    Taking our dog to the vet's this afternoon for blood tests, poor little girl is so itchy, she had made hereself sore. She is on a grain free diet, and we thought it was under control, but it has flared up recently and we can't think why. It's going to cost a fortune but fingers crossed it will be worth it.

    The kitchen is still not finished, waiting for the electrician to connect everything, at least we have a working sink and hot water! I am a bit worried that he is not getting in touch, the joiner has messaged him as well. I'll give him until tomorrow, then I'll try ringing him. I don't want to get another electrician in to finish off the work, but I will if I have to!

    Happy Anniversary Heather

    Love to all <3
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    Too blustery for burning today so plan B: prep for firehall meeting, reschedule Joe's appointment, re-up for BB&B and follow up with the electrician... all before even one sip of wine! Done but let myself spend way too much time on firehall stuff to the detriment of relationships and healthy habits. Overindulged in wine and cookies, passed on opportunity to walk with Joe and the pooches, worst calorie overage in recent memory. Feel like crap.

    Wednesday will go to BB&B and therapeutic massage, puppy sit while Joe goes to eye Dr., then dash to fire dept board meeting, abstain from alcohol AND cookies.

    Lisa this grant researching/learning curve is making me happy. It's something I can get lost in doing (witness Sunday morning), so hope I can get good at it. Might provide some purpose I've been missing since retirement. Now to develop some balance... ;)
    Heather Happy Anniversary!
    Attagal suchaprettyface70.
    KJ love the stone soup and bread lesson. Those are some lucky kids!
    Julie a burn barrel is an empyy, 50 gallon steel barrel like those used for oil, but with holes drilled in the sides for ventilation. Use for burning yard waste, trash etc. We don't burn trash as that produces noxious chemicals, but we do burn brush and branches, necessary to reduce the fuel load in this wildfire-prone country. So glad you found that nearby park for refreshing walk breaks.
    Pip love the pic, is that Kirby's sister?
    Yvonne indoor plumbing frequently tops my gratitude list. Congrats on jeans falling down :)
    Vickie is your niece in a safe place now?
    Katla funny (not haha) how our perspective can change, so we're hoping your DGS has the flu... :} Keep us posted about the mole?
    Allie extra hours make nice paychecks, but please remember to take good care of yourself and sleep.
    Margaret no chronic illness here, but imho the medical mindset has not yet incorporated mental illness into its chronic illness system. Shameful after all these years.
    Rori thanks for sharing about the social worker consultation and surfer's ear. Hearing loss can be such a contributing factor to dementia. :`( Is the VA facility near you? (((hugs)))
    Annie in DE congrats on the PT and planks!
    Sue in WA “...without an advocate...” Thunk.
    Michele “got it (your quarter round) done” Hooray! After 6 years waiting. Hip Hip Hooray!
    Machka “heart ultrasound” ?

    Gratitudes Day
    # 6 nature: the forest's scent and the ocean's clamour
    # 5 sound: Joe snoring
    # 4 food: Fage Greek Yoghurt
    # 3 color: blue skies after a gray rainy foggy couple of days.
    # 2 tech: my Win 7 laptop. Dread migrating to something newer/supported.
    # 1 smell: clean, bleached whites while transferring from washer to dryer.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for November: get up and do it EVERY day!
    Steps=1387 :P vits=16.5 log=19 CI<CO=16, CI<250<CO=7 Tumble=12 mfp=18 AF=13
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka “heart ultrasound” ?


    I've been asking for one for a while and finally!! My last one was probably 2005-6 or so.

    I had Rheumatic Fever when I was 4 years old which caused a bit of valve damage = heart murmur. I have fairly regular ECGs and other tests. In about 2002-3 or so, the cardiologist noticed "something" in an exercise ECG and sent me for an Echo which confirmed the valve damage.

    I went for another round of tests in about 2005-6 which indicated two damaged valves instead of just one, a recommendation to keep having regular tests, and the suggestion that at some point in the future I may need a valve replacement.

    Since coming to Australia, I haven't had many tests. I'm trying to catch up on things like that now. Get on top of things.

    Machka in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Day #6 - November 20
    I am grateful to nature for providing a sunrise in the morning. It signals to me that I have been granted another day filled with possibilities.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Trying to keep up with you all busy time of year as we go away over Christmas and New Year. Presents done and wrapped still got to do cards and post them. Sorted travel insurance car having its MOT at the moment need this in UK need to pay road tax before we go away

    Hugs for everyone having problems with illness and deaths it's coming up to the anniversary of my friends death last year. She died after Christmas while we were still away

    Not doing well with my eating need to get back on the wagon going to do some exercise now

    Kate UK <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,066 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Too blustery for burning today so plan B: prep for firehall meeting, reschedule Joe's appointment, re-up for BB&B and follow up with the electrician... all before even one sip of wine! Done but let myself spend way too much time on firehall stuff to the detriment of relationships and healthy habits. Overindulged in wine and cookies, passed on opportunity to walk with Joe and the pooches, worst calorie overage in recent memory. Feel like crap.

    Wednesday will go to BB&B and therapeutic massage, puppy sit while Joe goes to eye Dr., then dash to fire dept board meeting, abstain from alcohol AND cookies.

    Lisa this grant researching/learning curve is making me happy. It's something I can get lost in doing (witness Sunday morning), so hope I can get good at it. Might provide some purpose I've been missing since retirement. Now to develop some balance... ;)
    Heather Happy Anniversary!
    Attagal suchaprettyface70.
    KJ love the stone soup and bread lesson. Those are some lucky kids!
    Julie a burn barrel is an empyy, 50 gallon steel barrel like those used for oil, but with holes drilled in the sides for ventilation. Use for burning yard waste, trash etc. We don't burn trash as that produces noxious chemicals, but we do burn brush and branches, necessary to reduce the fuel load in this wildfire-prone country. So glad you found that nearby park for refreshing walk breaks.
    Pip love the pic, is that Kirby's sister?
    Yvonne indoor plumbing frequently tops my gratitude list. Congrats on jeans falling down :)
    Vickie is your niece in a safe place now?
    Katla funny (not haha) how our perspective can change, so we're hoping your DGS has the flu... :} Keep us posted about the mole?
    Allie extra hours make nice paychecks, but please remember to take good care of yourself and sleep.
    Margaret no chronic illness here, but imho the medical mindset has not yet incorporated mental illness into its chronic illness system. Shameful after all these years.
    Rori thanks for sharing about the social worker consultation and surfer's ear. Hearing loss can be such a contributing factor to dementia. :`( Is the VA facility near you? (((hugs)))
    Annie in DE congrats on the PT and planks!
    Sue in WA “...without an advocate...” Thunk.
    Michele “got it (your quarter round) done” Hooray! After 6 years waiting. Hip Hip Hooray!
    Machka “heart ultrasound” ?

    Gratitudes Day
    # 6 nature: the forest's scent and the ocean's clamour
    # 5 sound: Joe snoring
    # 4 food: Fage Greek Yoghurt
    # 3 color: blue skies after a gray rainy foggy couple of days.
    # 2 tech: my Win 7 laptop. Dread migrating to something newer/supported.
    # 1 smell: clean, bleached whites while transferring from washer to dryer.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for November: get up and do it EVERY day!
    Steps=1387 :P vits=16.5 log=19 CI<CO=16, CI<250<CO=7 Tumble=12 mfp=18 AF=13

    nah, that was a former coworker
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,997 Member
    Rori~ so glad you got DH to intake.. and yes I have read many things that say loss of hearing is one of the first signs with dementia.. and I give you kudos for getting this taken care of.. it is very valuable that you take care of yourself too..
    today grey and dreary, but have the day off. so will run a few errands..do laundry and such
    my girlfriend Trudy flyins alot for work, so she asked me if I can go to Montgomery Alabama with her in January.. at a swank hotel ,and flight all free to me.. if Tom and Elena can watch Alfie then I am going to go
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    wizzywig wrote: »
    I missed a day and I'm finding it hard to catch up.

    Skimmed a few pages, hugs to those who have lost friends/relatives and to those who are generally having a hard time at the moment.

    Taking our dog to the vet's this afternoon for blood tests, poor little girl is so itchy, she had made hereself sore. She is on a grain free diet, and we thought it was under control, but it has flared up recently and we can't think why. It's going to cost a fortune but fingers crossed it will be worth it.

    The kitchen is still not finished, waiting for the electrician to connect everything, at least we have a working sink and hot water! I am a bit worried that he is not getting in touch, the joiner has messaged him as well. I'll give him until tomorrow, then I'll try ringing him. I don't want to get another electrician in to finish off the work, but I will if I have to!

    Happy Anniversary Heather

    Love to all <3

    Viv - can you buy Benadryl cheaply? Our little dog had a flea treatment and anti-itch baths, but still scratches all the time - vet said possibly dry air with woodstove and/or furnace, or other allergens including flea allergy of course. He suggested Benadryl (diphenhrdramine).

    At any rate, our 13 lb dog gets half a 25 mg benadryl three times a day, I hide it in her little treat and she gulps it down. We sure can tell the difference. Costs pennies a day. Rule of thumb is 1 mg per lb of dog's weight.

    Glad you at least have a working sink and hot water, what frustration though with the electrician not showing up. :(

    SW WA State
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    Maritill wrote: »
    Just made my diary public. Thanks for your help.

    :) Two suggestions:
    Don't drink your calories (have water instead of beverages with calories)
    Look at the items with high sugar content and substitute something with protein and minimal or no sugar
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,066 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    wizzywig wrote: »
    I missed a day and I'm finding it hard to catch up.

    Skimmed a few pages, hugs to those who have lost friends/relatives and to those who are generally having a hard time at the moment.

    Taking our dog to the vet's this afternoon for blood tests, poor little girl is so itchy, she had made hereself sore. She is on a grain free diet, and we thought it was under control, but it has flared up recently and we can't think why. It's going to cost a fortune but fingers crossed it will be worth it.

    The kitchen is still not finished, waiting for the electrician to connect everything, at least we have a working sink and hot water! I am a bit worried that he is not getting in touch, the joiner has messaged him as well. I'll give him until tomorrow, then I'll try ringing him. I don't want to get another electrician in to finish off the work, but I will if I have to!

    Happy Anniversary Heather

    Love to all <3

    Viv - can you buy Benadryl cheaply? Our little dog had a flea treatment and anti-itch baths, but still scratches all the time - vet said possibly dry air with woodstove and/or furnace, or other allergens including flea allergy of course. He suggested Benadryl (diphenhrdramine).

    At any rate, our 13 lb dog gets half a 25 mg benadryl three times a day, I hide it in her little treat and she gulps it down. We sure can tell the difference. Costs pennies a day. Rule of thumb is 1 mg per lb of dog's weight.

    Glad you at least have a working sink and hot water, what frustration though with the electrician not showing up. :(

    SW WA State

    if you bathe your pooch. oatmeal shampoo... the less salt in the ingredients of the sampoo, the better. to put on the skin, aloe vera is good too, fish oil pill in food is good