December 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    edited December 2019
    Thanks @shanaber, @emmamcgarity, @kgirlhart, @hamsterwheel6 , @TheMrWobbly , @Teresa502 and anyone else I missed. I am a little sore today, so I know that I put it all out there yesterday.

    @Tramboman I hope you are feeling better today.

    @T1DCarnivoreRunner Hope you get your electrolyte issue taken care of. I can't imagine cramps that bad!

    @samthepanda Oh no! Glad you weren't seriously hurt.

    @shanaber That is a very inspiring article.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    @emmamcgarity Sorry that you over did it a little. Hopefully you can get back to running soon.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    So yesterday when I was driving to stay with my dad, I started to feel very poorly. Severe heartburn, sweating, and nausea. Stopped to get some Pepto but just felt horrible. Thought I might be having a heart attack as I looked up the symptoms for women. So I called myself an ambulance. Spent the rest of the day in the er.

    Turns out I have gall stones and (yes there's an and) an ovarian cyst! Yay! Luckily neither one needed emergency surgery. Got a referral to a surgeon and told to see my OBGYN.

    So on top of my father on his deathbed, I will probably have to have surgery! Great way to finish the year!

    I can say I am feeling better today just have almost no appetite. Taking it easy.

    Oh no! I have to say I'm proud of you. So many women ignore those symptoms, or worse drive themselves to the ER.

    And im so glad it's gall stones and a cyst! Not your heart!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited December 2019
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    @Avidkeo As a medical professional in NZ hope your not called in to work due to the Eruption at Whakaari.
    I know you moved recently but couldn't remember if you are close to it.
    It's far enough off shore to not be a direct threat but stay safe and protect the family.
    Hope it's not a pre-cursor that cranks up Tongariro and the Rotorua thermal/volcanic activity.

    I'm lucky enough that I'm 6hrs away, in New Plymouth. Sadly it sounds like a few people have been severely burned. My heart goes out to them.

    And yes will be keeping a close eye on Ruapehu! That's the one to worry about.

    Thanks for thinking of me! I'm a little surprised the news made it outside NZ, white island is pretty much always rumbling, though its rare for people to get hurt, because they are usually so careful watching activity.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    So yesterday when I was driving to stay with my dad, I started to feel very poorly. Severe heartburn, sweating, and nausea. Stopped to get some Pepto but just felt horrible. Thought I might be having a heart attack as I looked up the symptoms for women. So I called myself an ambulance. Spent the rest of the day in the er.

    Turns out I have gall stones and (yes there's an and) an ovarian cyst! Yay! Luckily neither one needed emergency surgery. Got a referral to a surgeon and told to see my OBGYN.

    So on top of my father on his deathbed, I will probably have to have surgery! Great way to finish the year!

    I can say I am feeling better today just have almost no appetite. Taking it easy.

    Oh no! I have to say I'm proud of you. So many women ignore those symptoms, or worse drive themselves to the ER.

    And im so glad it's gall stones and a cyst! Not your heart!
    I agree with @Avidkeo . I'm sure that was scary. I'm glad it wasn't your heart. I would have been one of those women who ignored the symptoms, most likely. I know because a few years back I was driving home from work and had the worst pain that started in my chest area, radiated into my RIGHT arm and neck area. I was to the point of tears. I just pulled off the road and waited for the symptoms to pass. I did see the doctor later and had my heart checked out and all was good. I have had these same symptoms since and have figured out it is severe heartburn. Oddly enough, if I drink water when it starts, I'm fine. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

    @kgirlhart Glad you had a good, cool run.

    @Avidkeo Hope you get the hamstring under control before it gets too bad.

    5 miles at Shelby Farms. We stayed out slightly too late and got stuck in the Christmas lights traffic! Also while we were running my husband stepped in a camel poo, you can’t make this stuff up. He said, “Why do I smell camel?” And I said, “Well, we just jumped over some camel poo,” and he said, “Uh... you mean you just jumped over it...”
    HAHAHA That's a good one.

  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 493 Member

    Also, a lady from the church made home made/hand decorated ginger bread house cookies for everyone. They were delicious.

    Garmin gave me two PR's for the race - Fastest 5K at 34:42 (Garmin had me going just a little bit further than a 5K) and fastest mile at 10:40. I'm pleased with the results.

    Congrats on the win, and even better, the PRs! I love that cookie. TBH, I would run 3 miles just for the cookie, it is that much of a trigger food for me. :-)