

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    Good morning everyone! Happy New Year! Well, a new year brings new hope for changes and the first things I am changing is my word for the year. I have decided my word for the year for 2020 will be COMMITTED. I am COMMITTED to this journey, I am COMMITTED to all of you, I am COMMITTED to myself. It seems appropriate. As for my January goals, I am going to K.I.S.S.: I COMMIT to tracking one meal a day and going for one walk a week. Here's to a great 2020!

    @TeresaW1020 I hope you kicked your hubby's butt! lol I love your word for 2020. It's powerful and has movement. I love it!

    @joannadavison I'm sorry you've been having a tough time. This time of year is rough. I've been a bit off the rails myself. Happy New Year!

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, see above. I'm ready. I took a nap between 9:30-11 and then was up from 11-2:30. I found it hard to get back to sleep after that. One thing you need to know about going to Times Square for the ball drop: my sister-in-law used to live in NYC and she said that if you go to Times Square, you have to go there like super early and you are there for hours with no bathroom. ;) Just food for thought. Not to burst your bubble lol.

    @its_cleo Happy New Year! I love Snoopy.

    January goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, love the word of the year! Committed is a great word and it is totally what is required if we are going to have any hope in reaching our goals. I believe that this is going to be an awesome year for us all!! :)

    Happy New Year!! I actually managed to stay up until midnight last night and drank almost a whole bottle of champagne by myself. B) My last two days of working out with my new BOD program has my poor arms so incredibly sore I can barely move them! Today was a rest day and I have taken full advantage of it. I go back to work tomorrow so vacation is almost over and my to-do list is growing once again. :)
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I have my plan, day one done- protein smashed target but my fat too high- had salmon & eggs- obviously not great together in same day. Carbs way down- pleased. Just another 365 to go!

    @its_cleo love the gif

    @trooworld I never really stuck to a word of the year- some of my craft friends are great at doing it but I was thinking of the word COMMIT this year- so I love your choice. I' m thinking COMMIT to tracking, to sticking to dietary goals, to improve my fitness & my health.

    I usually find January hard because it's anniversaries of my maternal grandparents & my dad & the dark days coupled with weather here doesn't help. Last term (Sept-Dec) was just so stressy generally at work (although I coped mentally with that), but all that remodeling & FiL was ill then better repeatedly from Easter plus DH had back injury which eventually got effective treatment after 4 months (various things tried before more drastic- which worked) so it was all pretty horrible & when work stopped so did my strength & willpower. Today I've bought a nice but cheap & in sale pair of trousers & a nice but cheap new top- both a size bigger- for work. Once I've list about 7lb I'll seriously think about taking trousers in a size as they are a really good find. I just did something nice for me. Partly feels like defeat but took attitude- I want to feel comfortable not fat next week.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Evening guys....I am so glad for 2020. My word for this year is Jubilee. I have a sense of expectation. I am expecting the things we as a family have been going though since at least 2013 ( actually 2010) to be over and life to begin again. I have set a list of books I want to read this year. Picked up my cross stitch again, still have to decide if I am going back to school. I have until March to make that decision. I am going to work on me and my health. I don't sleep enough we know, but one thing at a time. As long as I know I need to make the change there I will be working on it. (help when baby gets this last canine in..)LOL

    @joannadavison I am so sorry for your loss and all that you have been through this year. It seems most people don't look back at 2019 with love...LOL . I love that you bought clothes to be comfortable. Our clothes do effect our mental way of thinking. I pray that this year brings JOY into your world.

    @TeresaW1020 I LOVE puzzles..we used to glue them on poster board and make pictures out of them. My DH doesn't work them, but me and my youngest daughter used to work them. My oldest would "hammer" it in. I know you are going to find the routine that works for you!!! Its good that you listen to your body.

    @trooworld awe...I think my sister would differ with you about my gentle sweet soul..LOL . I love your word and yes you always CAN DO IT.. My oldest grandson used to say that all the time when he was can do it...I miss that little boy. He's 25 now..LOL

    @its_cleo I loved the cartoon of the TV..I did stay up this year as I wanted to throw 2019 out the door and WELCOME 2020. I just know this will be the year. I get random request and I try to see if I can figure out why they friended me...sometimes I accept and sometimes I don't.

    Okay I have to go, but wanted to check in. We got this gals..

    @theslightedgeforever Did you ever get ahold of Trishstime? I am concerned about her..

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @its_cleo Loved the cartoon. That's me every year. I watch the ball drop then Auld Lang Syne starts playing then I cry and then I sing NY, NY with jazz hands and then wonderful world and now the new year can begin...........

    @trooworld Love your new goals that you have COMMITTED to. bathrooms Thanks for the tip cbabie does have a gentle sweet soul. She took care of me when I was a baby.

    @teresaw1020 I feel like saying Start your engines........with 2020. I have my tracker all set up. Ouch on the arms but think of all the sleeveless tops/dresses you'll be able to wear come spring/summer.

    @joannadavison Hooray for smashing day 1 target. Now aim for there again. Just imagine how great you'll feel when you get to take those trousers in. All your hard work will pay off soon. I hope you have a better January than in years past.

    @cbabie When I read your word for the year it reminded me of a song as a child we used to sing either in church or campmeeting. JUBILEE, jubilee, JUBILEE, jubilee. You've never slept enough. lol OK, for some reason I'm in a singing mood. when you wrote JOY, I sang joy to the world. LOVE became love will keep us together. Got to CAN DO IT and I've got nothing. lol Puzzles: I think alot of our puzzles as a child had to do with lighthouses and boats. Because I really love those. My oldest son sent me a pic today of a lighthouse looking thing on Lake Michigan and said this reminded me of you, Mom. Plus I laugh at how people approach putting together puzzles. I think it's a metaphor for life or working on goals, etc. My strategy which was either taught by you or mom is first you have to lay out all the pieces and search for the corners and flat edges. Corners go in one pile and then flat in another. You have to put those together first and make the border. Then you can work on the middle. I have seen many people just start putting pieces together trying to match them. I'm like you can't do that. There's no order. lol But eventually, they get the puzzle finished. I guess like our goals. We all can get there eventually. It's just the methods are somewhat different. No on Trishastime. I sent her a message but no response yet.

    So I started my new 100 day book called Mini Habits. His first goal was 1 push up a day. Make it so small that you will be successful. Well, the day went by and I wasn't successful on my first day. So we'll try again and maybe I need to lower my goal. lol

    But on a better note, Red Day- Stayed OP 97/100 carbs Exercise-37 min walking. So glad I get a green day tomorrow.

    January Week 1 goal: 3 glasses of water daily.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    Good morning everyone! It was nice having the day off yesterday. I caught up on some sleep from the night before and made tonight's dinner as well as last night's dinner. Now, just have to survive the next two days lol.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! I do hope so. I hope you are rested up by now from your BOD program and ready to go back to work. I'm not ready to go back to work, but here I am going lol.

    @joannadavison I think that is excellent! COMMIT is a very strong word. I'm sorry that this time of year brings pain to you. I hope that this year is different.

    @cbabie Wonderful word of the year! I have big hopes for the year for us all, you included. Thank you for your support!

    @theslightedgeforever cbabie would have to be sweet to take care of you as a baby ;) Keep trying for those pushups, you'll get them. They are harder than people think.

    January goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    @cbabie thank you. It's only looking back on the year that I realise how tough it actually was. Despite not coping with my eating & fitness one huge plus was my mental health didn't plummet, dipped yes but not rock bottom. I also didn't give up on the health.
    What are you thinking of studying? Sounds exciting.
    Sleep also problem for me. I went to bed early and slept in. I was planning on gym but I decided just to have restful day.

    @theslightedgeforever sorry day 1 didn't go to plan. I've set some pretty major goals this year but I've purposely not written a timescale. Broken down into little chunks & will start with small things & ace them - make them routine & then move on. I totally agree all about the little goals. For me- track, water intake, sleep & adjusted macros slightly (doint this bit by bit)

    I really need to do my school planning. I also treated myself to 3 diet & fitness magazines yesterday.

    Hi to everyone- how is your new year?
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Happy New Years all. Today is the day I start to get back on track. Will be starting slow. Took a huge fall on the ice yesterday and my body is pretty sore and I have a nice bruise on left hip. Plan is over this next week a couple days of brisk walking in treadmill ( using my new air pods while watching Netflix) a few days of weight workout and eating within macros. And drink my water. I have been aweful with that.

    I am disappointed that I let myself get back to 160 from 143. I know I will easily drop 5 pounds in a week. But can’t believe I let myself go.

    @joannadavison Hi back at you. Which magazines did you buy.

  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi ladies! Sorry I've been MIA. Travelling between 3 states for the holidays was completely exhausting and overwhelming and I had nothing left in my tank to give. I'm sure I gained back a fair amount, but I tried to stick to my healthy habits as much as possible so hopefully I didn't gain back all of it.

    2019 was about surviving...2020 is going to be thriving. I don't have any major changes coming up, I'm in the slog so to speak with both work and grad school, but I am going to thrive at both and bring the best self I can be to the table. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bummed I don't have a big change or a big resolution this year, but I'm going to take what I have and show up to be the best person I can every day.

    @renaegry I'm so sorry to hear about your fall and I'm glad to hear you didn't break anything!

    @joannadavison Great idea treating yourself to magazines, what a fun reward idea!

    @trooworld I love your word of committed! YES!!!

    @theslightedgeforever push ups are so hard! Keep me posted on how the habits are going!

    @cbabie Love your word of jubilee! If you did go back to school what are you going for?

    @TeresaW1020 I also downed quite a bit of champagne (holy hangover batman!) I hope your New Years started on a better foot than mine!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    My new year’s eve was nice. I overdid it slightly but trying to recover now. This week I’m over calories a lot so I’m trying to rein it in. Yesterday I did ok. I was at the mall and wanted some poutine at the fast food court or some ice cream and I managed to skip both. I just kept focusing on a goal weight in my mind and repeating it like a mantra.
    2020 is not off to the best start for me. One of my credit cards was compromised somehow- I noticed a charge yesterday for $100 I didn’t make, so I had to call the bank. They are investigating, so maybe they’ll reverse the charge. I hope so. In the meantime they’re sending me a new card.

    Also on Monday night I’m having my cat Griffen euthanized. I’m struggling with it, I really want sometime to tell me it was the right decision, but I know the conflict is inside me. He is 13 and a half. His quality of life is still ok- he gets sick but only off on and on- there is something wrong, we think it’s kidneys but not sure. So when gets sick he has a lot of accidents. This has been going on for a year but it is getting worse. Like he has had accidents- pooping in his own bed twice, and then on Boxing Day on my sofa.

    The vet says we could do more blood tests to figure out what is wrong, or an xray. But taking him to the vet is a nightmare, it truly is an ordeal because he gets soo upset and freaked out. Even with a sedative he loses his mind. So I can’t really take him back and forth for a bunch of tests.
    Anyway. It is a decision that has been a long time coming, and I don’t want to lose him but I also want it over with if that makes sense.

    @joannadavison that really makes a big difference, the mental health aspect. I feel like that is so important to be able to manage everything else. I hope the new year is a better one for you.

    @trooworld good luck at work! I have to go back on Monday. I’m anxious about it, though there’s no reason to be… about Times Square. Yep you have to think about things like the logistics of bathrooms! I would never survive. Love your word for the year……I did get a vertical mouse but it’s too soon to see if it will help my wrist. I can get an ergonomic assessment at work but I’ve always avoided it because it’s a hassle to get them to do it. But maybe I will and then if they give me tips I can use it for home too. I have another appointment with the RMT for acupuncture next week. If that doesn’t work and the mouse doesn’t work I might see a physiotherapist. I hate to because I have to pay for it, but maybe just to get a second opinion.

    @theslightedgeforever I do my puzzles like you. Yes there has to be order! I like order in everything. Once we did a personality thing at work and my result was- you’re the kind of person that likes to spend Friday nights with a good spreadsheet lol. It is true. I’m always designing spreadsheets and lists and things.

    @cbabie happy new year! Whatever happens this year, I hope you can just stay steady and be kind to yourself and your loved ones. At the end of the day those are the things we can control.

    @TeresaW1020 Happy new year! Sounds like you had a fun evening! I hope your arms recover……lol at the friend requests. I always say if there is someone self-absorbed, the type that talks for hours about themselves, they will always find me. I think because I tend to be a good listener.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    edited January 2020
    Still in OK. Babysitting with gkids this week. Not making best choices. Planning to do better when I am home & in my routine.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld LOL on my sweet sister. It wasn't me who was working on the pushups but the author of the 100 day book I'm reading. I did hit my goal of water though today. How did your tracking go?

    @joannadavison I love diet and fitness magazines. Which ones are you reading? I subscribe to SHAPE. I might make magazines a reward item this year.

    @renaegry Ouch on the ice. Our group seems to fall alot this past 6 months. So what's your plan for next time that you don't let yourself go. I gained almost 10 lbs back when I went on vacation this year and I'm not doing that again this summer. It creeps up on you slowly. Like a frog in water as you turn up the heat to boil. For now, if that scale says 3 lb over my lowest weight then I'm going into emergency action to get it back to my lowest weight, then continue on with my plan as written.

    @mswatson0777 Showing up is the most important thing. How about your word is PRESENT. It has a double meaning. A gift to yourself to become the best you and you are ready and accounted for. I'm not doing pushups, that was the author of the book I'm reading. I'm doing water. You think that would be easier than staying OP but for me it's not. So working on that with a sprinkle of decluttering thrown in for good measure in 2020.

    @its_cleo Yaaaay for skipping the poutine. What's that? It sounds dirty. ;) Mantras work. When I'm in that situation, I sing Dionne Warwick's "Walk on By" Sorry about the credit card. That happened to me once. I'm so sorry about your cat. I had a similar choice once. We had our cat 15 years and we think she suffered a stroke. My son was crying on the phone begging me not to do it. We had the choice of a CT scan to see if it really was a stroke but the vet told me it really wouldn't make a difference in her health but at least I would know. But it was also extremely expensive. Then I felt guilty thinking about money at a time like that. She was scheduled for a Friday but she died Thursday evening. It was very hard to lose her but now she sits in a pretty kitty urn on my fireplace mantle. I found it on Amazon. I draped her collar/tags over it and it has a place for her picture. Ha on the spreadsheets. Color coded ones are the best. Imagine if there weren't people like us in the world. Chaos all over but fun for a while. On the other hand, we need those people in the world. We balance them out. :)

    @retiredandlovingit How's the weather in OK? So how about making just ONE good choice for the day. Instead of waiting til you get back or making ALL good choices while you are there, just pick one choice. Say no to something or say yes to exercise or a healthy food.

    Green Day- Stayed OP 218/238 carbs Exercise-Rest Day

    I put myself in a carb coma this morning. Probably too much at one time after having 4 days of red. I was so ready for green. But I balanced it out with a salad for dinner.

    I lost another 0.6 lbs since my last check in. Good news is that I didn't gain weight this December. I lost 1.8 lbs Woohoo Last December I gained 6.7 lbs. I said I'm not doing that again. So now to work on summer vacation. I can do this.

    January Week 1 goal: 3 glasses of water daily. Met goal 1/2 days

  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    @trooworld sorry I missed your post when I replied. Thank you. I am trying to look forward to the longer daylight hours now.

    @renaergy you're not the only one! I haven't been this size for 13 years!!! I bought WW, Slimming World & Healthy Food. I really like the last one- only 3rd time I've bought it- it's health rather than diet specific. Although I did cook a lovely pud from the WW one last night.

    @mswatson0777 thriving appears to be your word/resolution. Travelling always difficult for healthy choices- off routine etc. Sounds like a crazy but enjoyable time. What are you studying?

    @its_cleo my eldest loves poutine - came back from a Canada exchange with Sea Cadets & that's all she went on about. Both now eat cheesy chips & gravy here- not the same but nearest we can get. That's awful about your credit card. Thankfully not happened to us for long time but had this twice- someone emptied my account & maxed out my overdraft just after we bought our 1st house & a hotel receptionist copied my details as part of a chain- again maxed out overdraft right before Christmas- our police were great but the London ones (where the goods were being delivered) couldn't care less. It's such a shock to see the account down.
    Re: Griffin such a hard decision but if the poor cat is struggling & can't be treated it's the thing to do. Cats are such clean animals & must be suffering if can't control those habits. Ours get upset if they cough up furball in wrong place.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt totally agree it's hard when you're off routine.

    @theslightedgeforever magazine binge WW, Slimming World and Healthy Food. "Walk on by" - love it!!!!! I need to remember that one.
    I had a lot of carbs yesterday too but I needed it no energy.

    I need to motivate now. Skipped gym Tues & Thurs this week so I'm going now. Youngest with me as going to hairdresser which is connected to the same business. The gym not that posh but there are 4 businesses run out of same building.
    Baking for church coffee morning when we get back.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    @renaegry Ouch! That is one thing I do not miss about living in a cold-weather state. I hope you feel better soon!

    @mswatson0777 Wow, that's a lot of traveling! I'd be exhausted, too. Thanks re: my word...I feel like I've always struggled with commitment so it's time I focus on it!

    @its_cleo I'm so sorry about Griffen. I know it is a hard decision and I wish you the best with it.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Hello!

    @theslightedgeforever Oh lol, I thought good on you for doing pushups! ;) My tracking has went well this week. I've tracked more than one meal a day, actually tracked 3 meals a day since Jan 1st. That's great that you hit your water goal. Congrats on losing in December that is amazing!!!!

    @joannadavison I think it helps when you can see daylight.

    January goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @its_cleo I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of Griffen. Losing a family member is so hard, and my heart reaches out to you in this time of grief.

    @trooworld I love the idea of focusing on commitment. You already do so well at checking in, and your goals are very S.M.A.R.T so I bet you're going to rock out 2020!

    @joannadavison I'm studying higher education administration since my goal is to advance my career into a director position. I hope you had an excellent workout. It helps to have someone to carpool with since it's harder to skip it!

    @theslightedgeforever Sometimes it can be the littlest things that are the hardest. I find I drink more water if I make a big pitcher with add-ins (mint, cucumber, strawberries, watermelon, etc.). I always find it's way more fun to drink it and then I feel like I'm at a spa! Maybe it could help you on your goal as well?

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I hope you have a wonderful time with the grand kids and make the best choices you can in the meantime

    Definitely still feeling that post-holiday bloat. I went to jiu jitsu last night and got a 30 minute workout video in this morning so I'm getting back on track, but it's slow going. But, I also have my work holiday party today and my partner's next week (seriously, who schedules this crap in January, I'm burned out on holiday crap!) so I've still got some minefields to navigate.

    I'm definitely struggling with a post-holiday malaise. I feel like I was there for everyone but myself and now I need to work at building myself back up. Thank goodness it's TGIF and I made no plans tonight so I can just go home and read my book in peace.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @joannadavison, commit is a great word to have for this year! You did have an awful lot of stuff over the last few months and I know you are bummed about the weight gain. I’m really bummed about mine too. But there is nothing to gain in beating ourselves up so I say good for you for buying clothes that will make you feel comfortable! Now, let’s make this our year to achieve what we deserve. :)

    @cbabie, Jubilee is an awesome word and I am believing with you that good things are coming this year for you and your family! <3 I used to cross-stitch too. It was my passion before I found the Internet. :D I’m thinking of gluing one of my puzzles and putting it in my workout room. I’ll have to post a pic once I put it together.

    @theslightedgeforever, Yes…I started my engine and it’s sputtering to start but I’m getting there! ;) I always open a new puzzle and sort it for all the corners and straight edges first. Then I sort for particular colors and move on from there. I want to buy one of those puzzle mats so I can wrap mine up if I need to use my dining table.

    @renaegry, happy new year! So sorry that you got hurt on the ice. Yes, I also need to start drinking more water. It’s hard when it’s cold. What are your favorite Netflix shows? I need something new to watch with hubby. :)

    @mswatson0777, Thriving is a good word for 2020! Yeah, I had a bit of a hangover too. But champagne is my favorite and I will drink it on New Year’s Eve and take the consequences. And yeah, who does parties in January? :o Enjoy your peaceful evening.

    @trooworld, how’s it going being back at work? Did you get all your Christmas decorations taken down? My house looks naked without all the sparkle. :D

    @its_cleo, I am so sorry about Griffen! <3 I know what an awful decision it is to make but it is up to you to do what is best for Griffen and if his quality of life is suffering that much then the kindest thing you can do is to let him go. My sister just had to put down her cat that she had for 14 years. It was very hard but she said that she just knew it was time. What a bummer about your credit card! I hope the bank can figure it out and reverse the charges.

    Hi everyone! I went back to work yesterday, and the last two days have been crazy with having to create a January newsletter, update the website, make and print a bulletin that is glitching up on me, and prep my Sunday school lesson. I did all the work today because yesterday we sat in staff meeting so long, that we made Pastor take us to lunch. :D I’m working on my goals for the New Year and have started tracking my habits in the hopes that I can get rid of the bad ones and by consistently doing good ones. My Fat 2 Fit group also started a habit tracker for the teams after I suggested it and I think its really going to be beneficial for us all. I am so mad at myself for gaining almost 8 lbs. these last two months. But I’m forgiving myself and moving forward. Pastor wrote a letter for the newsletter that I thought was so timely for where I am at right now that I wanted to share a portion of it with you all.

    Another year in the rear-view mirror, another chance for a fresh start and a chance to be and do everything you hoped you would last year! Seems like that’s putting a lot of pressure on 2020 right out of the gate, right? Let’s try starting by just leaving 2019 where it is, in our past and not dragging the things that hinder us into our new year. Cut ties with the sin and the shame of it in your past and lean into 2020 with a fresh resolve to not keep it as a “fall back” plan. In other words, “burn the ships!”
    When there is nowhere to run back to, you have to make going forward work. I believe 3 things happen when there is no plan B. First, something happens to your capacity to commit when there is no plan B
    Second, something happens to your strength and resolve for the vision when there is no plan B. You’re all in for the vision and the plan because your only other option is….. well, there is no other option.
    The same applies to your life… You’re all in for the plan and the vision God has for your life when you burn the ships and don’t look back!!!! The third thing is that something happens to your creative problem-solving abilities when you realize there is no plan B. You must move forward so you must work out the way to move forward!
    If the ships are burned you can’t blame it on the ship! Your past won’t define who you will be! After all….YOU’RE A NEW CREATION!!

    I’m burning the ships and there will be no plan B. B)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @joannadavison I'm going to have to look up this poutine. Maybe I would like it. Oh I think we've had this discussion before. Just looked it up. Did you make it to the gym? Tell yourself NO CHOICE.

    @trooworld Doing cartwheels here on your tracking. That's great that you are doing more than your goal. Eventually it really does become a habit.

    @mswatson0777 I bought a nice water infusion bottle in June to help me drink more water and no. Didn't work. It is pretty with lemons and cucumbers in it. lol But I keep trying. Just like my tracking, I will make it a habit. Part of the problem is even in the summer I'm not really thirsty. I don't drink juices. I have 2 diet cokes a week always with a meal. Even then I may not finish the can. I usually drink half. But baby steps I will get there.

    @teresaw1020 Puzzle mat. Genius idea. Now you can see how long it's been since I worked a puzzle.

    High Yellow Day- stayed OP 151/164 Exercise 15 min strength training

    My sister in law will be with me for the next 12 days so I'm going to be following my maintenance plan. Which is 4 green, 2 yellow, 1 red. Better than throwing caution to the wind because she loves her junkfood and sweets. So this will be a lesson in control.

    January Week 1 goal: 3 glasses of water daily. Met goal 2/3 days

  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    I’m heading to my parents today. We’re having pizza, wine and other great things. I’ve tried to prepare by eating less during the week and this morning, but it’s going to be rough today. My mom sends us home with too much good food.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good morning all. Last few days have been good. Got on the treadmill yesterday for a brisk 45 min walk. Then sat at the table working on books all day. Did get in my 10k steps thou. Today’s plan is a 30 min Fitbod workout then books then son has a hockey game. Prob won’t hit the steps but will try to keep my food in check.

    Treated myself to Apple air pods so loving the treadmill and working out now with them.

    @TeresaW1020 my favourite Netflix shows are You, wentworth, what if, riverdale. Have started heartland a few episodes. Want to watch Friday night lights. Have many shows on my watchlist to get to.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday!

    @mswatson0777 Thank you so much, I do hope so! Congratulations on getting back on track, WTG! A holiday party in January? That's bananas! Good luck and do your best! I hope you got some "me" time last night.

    @TeresaW1020 Oh man, it's been rough being back at work lol. This week was the longest short week ever! :( And no decorations have been taken down (yet) but I hope to get them taken down this weekend lol. It's driving me crazy!!! Naked house lol. Try not to beat yourself up about those 8 lbs, a lot of people gain weight around this time and what's done is done. Now it's time to get it off! Thanks for sharing the letter, although it's a little scary not having a plan B, I'm in!

    @theslightedgeforever Thank you! Best of luck with eating while your sister-in-law is there. I know you can do it!

    @nighthazel01 Good luck, nighthazel. It sounds like you have prepared the best you can. It was a good idea to eat light earlier in the week/day. Can you take the food home and then give it away or toss it?

    @renaegry WTG!

    January goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week