

  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all--
    @joannadavison I was on MFP for a long time before dh decided he wanted to try it. So I set him up & put a lot of foods in My foods for him. He "puts his food in" himself now & if its something new, I put it in mine & transfer to his. He lost about 40# doing it, but has put back on at least half of that. Keeps saying he needs to take it back off, but not sure he is really ready to buckle down again. He doesn't like the treadmill, so until it warms back up so we can walk out side, it probably won't be done. Hope your DH will try it.

    @theslightedgeforever That was Sanford & Son, wasn't it? I think tea is as good as water, so you are doing good. I picked up some Diet Peach tea that I had at my brother's, so am going to substitute it for fizzy water at supper. I understand about the decluttering--I have said that's my job for winter, but it still needs to be done & like you said, its almost Feb. We are thinking of trying to go to Arizona for a week to visit dh's cousin who snowbirds there, and that will use up more of my decluttering time, lol.

    @mswatson0777 Laughing with friends is perfect!

    Walked on treadmill again this morning. Then went grocery shopping & will be leaving soon to pick up gs from school for an appt.
  • 1Whitewolf12
    1Whitewolf12 Posts: 6 Member
    Was on WW for years but they keep changing the plan and I floundered. Need help in changing over to myfp. Any help in this new life is welcomed
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    @trooworld I just got a new Fire Table from Amazon and it will read me my kindle books. But I can't listen because I don't follow. My mind just wanders and I have no idea what the sentence was just about. Funny how I can do this with podcasts though. I wonder what the difference is? I might suggest that book for next year's book club choice. My choice this year at the end of February is The Gown. I hope it turns out to be a good one. I have willpower on some things. I can seem to say no to certain things but can't get myself to say yes to others. Water-Decluttering. So I need to think about the opposite of those two things. I'm saying no to a dehyrated body. I'm saying no to a more relaxing environment. Naaah, those two things don't motivate me. lol So this needs more thought.

    @mswatson0777 Life was so much simpler when they didn't add in the additives, chemicals, etc and we ate more whole foods. With this lifestyle there are more allergies because our bodies aren't built this way. Who profits? Big pharma and the medical staff. They are getting rich keeping us sick. Ok, I'll step down now. I'm so glad you decided to go out and enjoy a laugh with your friend. Laughter is the best medicine.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    edited January 2020
    @retiredandlovingit What about walking in the mall for you and dh. That's what I'm doing right now. Sometimes I feel like driving the 20 min over to walk for 36 min and then 20 min back is pointless as I'm driving longer but it has help me be consistent. I'm the only one that shows up for my "walking club" now. But I still go and act like it's still a club. I do it just two times a week. Cause I know if I said I'll just do my treadmill or a tape I won't do it.. I was shocked I get a better workout in the mall than I do on the treadmill according to my fitbit. Plus I'm piggybacking grocery shopping after one of those walks. An object in motion tends to stay in motion. Yaaay for you for doing the treadmill. Arizona will be nice this time of year. Better than July and August.

    @1Whitewolf12 In my mind it's still counting. Before I was counting orange slices but now I'm counting apple slices and I only get so many apple slices a day. So I'm learning to preplan my meal in the tracker and stick with that unless my husband suddenly comes and says let's go out.....which means I have to do some quick thinking but I'm learning which restaurants I want to go to and what they have on the menu. How many carbs it has. I'm doing a carb cycling program (medium-high carbs). Since that's already in my tracker, I can see which place/item is best for me and I don't go over. Most important thing is daily tracking I think. Then finding out how many calories/carbs or whatever you are doing works for your body. I don't think lower is better. I'm trying to lose weight by eating as much as I can and moving as little and still lose weight. lol It's a work in process but it's working. It has kept me consistent 6 months now. I'm losing weight. My glucose numbers are down. I'm fitting into smaller sizes. :does a victory dance:

    Green Day Stayed OP 221/238 Exercise Rest Day.

    I'm sick with the flu. Hoping this goes away soon.

    Oh, lost 0.9 lbs this week

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,928 Member
    Hi everyone! Got some stress going on in my member back in the hospital plus the windows still not fixed plus my student loan accidentally took out two payments which put my checking account negative. :/ Ugh how much can one person take???

    @mswatson0777 It was very, very good. I also just devoured in two days one of those beach reads type of thrillers, easy to read, fast-paced but the writing isn't the best? The story was pretty good though, I recommend it despite only giving it 3/5 stars: "Lock Every Door" by Riley Sager. I hate when I think it's Friday/a day that it isn't! That's the worst!!! I'm glad you got some laugh-time in, we do all need it! :)

    @1Whitewolf12 Hi and Welcome!!! Yes, that is the thing about WW, they change it every year. :/ I am struggling myself, but my suggestion is pre-track your meals here in MFP that way you only have to tweak things every day if you change your mind. It makes it easier. I pre-track my meals either the night before or in the morning.

    @theslightedgeforever lol...that happens to me sometimes, my hands need something to do, so I clean or I cook. Or I listen to audiobooks while I'm at work doing routine tasks. I do highly recommend "The Round House", it was excellent. I've never heard of "The Gown". I'll have to look it up. Water seems to be a stumbling block for you. What about a reward? I'm sorry to hear you have the flu, take care of yourself!!! Make that husband baby you. :)

    January goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, ohhh my goodness! I am so sorry to hear about all you have going on. <3 I hope your family member will be well soon. I have Audible on Prime and need to spend more time looking at the books that I can get. I could listen while playing with my jigsaw puzzles.

    @mswatson0777, glad you had a good time with your friend! Laughter is often exactly what we need to get us through the stress of our lives. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, I would also not get much done if I got all wrapped up in a book. I usually carry around my phone with Hulu playing in the background while I’m at work or doing housework. I can listen or not, but with a book, I would also lose focus if I wasn’t concentrating. Good job on learning such an important skill and saying, not yet but later. That is truly a key to your success! :)

    Good morning! Well, yesterday we had quite a scare when I got a call that my pastor/boss had a mini-stroke and was in the hospital. The doctors are hopeful that no permanent damage has been done and he has an MRI this morning and we are praying he will go home today. The man works wayyyy to hard and needs to slow down. Maybe this is God’s slap upside his head to get his attention. :/ On a happier note, I lost a little bit of weight this week. B)

  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @RetiredAndLovingIt Great treadmill workout!

    @TeresaW1020 So sorry to hear about your pastor, I hope he has a quick recovery. And congrats on the loss!

    @trooworld I'm so sorry to hear about your family member, and about the student loan payment error. I'd call their customer service and/or report them. That stinks to have to pay an overdraft fee when it's not your fault!

    @theslightedgeforever So far their haven't been enough studies on additives for scientific consensus on that topic, but I wouldn't doubt if there are adverse health outcomes. Part of the increase is that we're better at detecting and treating them, whereas before there would just be no explanation for why you felt like crap all the time.

    Welcome @1Whitewolf12

    Friday is finally here! I have been in a funk for what feels like weeks now. Part of it is the courses I'm taking this term. Neither of them are at all useful to my dissertation so it just feels like unnecessary busy work. The other part of it is that work has been both stressful and dull at the same time. I just need a major attitude adjustment and frankly more fun in my day-to-day life. I've packed this weekend with a lot of social things which should hopefully help too. On the bright side I've been sticking with healthy eating and I feel lighter. Now I just have to stay on my game this weekend before weigh ins next week to make sure it's true!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @mswatson0777 glad you enjoyed your class. You are so right it’s when we don’t feel like that it helps the most. I hope you enjoy your trip.

    @trooworld I’m going to check out an audiobook as I still can’t find a podcast I like. I’m really fussy I guess.

    @theslightedgeforever do you count your 24oz of tea in your water allotment? It should count….I’m not sure I could drink a bunch of water on top of that.

    @joannadavison I tried to be vegetarian a few years ago but I just couldn’t do it. It wasn’t will power- I just felt like I was starving all the time, and it didn’t matter how much cheese, beans, or tofu I ate. Plus I did get tired of just eating the same stuff all the time. So I gave it up, also as I said it was making me anemic. But that’s great it has been working for you for so long.

    @RetiredandLovingIt glad when you can pop in. It takes time. I can only do it a couple times a week myself. More on the weekends.

    @TeresaW1020 glad you found coffee you like. I don’t mind black coffee but I do like cream. No sugar for me.
    I’m in a very foul mood. I just feel like the New Year is just continuing to be crappy, things going wrong. I will spare you the details. I’ve done a lot of working out this week, and have been on calories so my weight was down a couple pounds today.

    This week is the end of my 3 month goal cycle, so I will post later my accomplishments and set some new goals for the next 3 months.

    Hope everyone is having a nice day.
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    It rained here most of the day. I still walked during my lunch, just needed my handy umbrella, I was a little soaked when I got back to the office, but, I need that walk everyday. I've been working long hours, sitting behind a desk staring at spreadsheets or sitting in meetings, I come home everyday, eat dinner and go to bed.

    @TeresaW1020 quesadillas sound so good right now

    @theslightedgeforever That's a smart idea with the containers. It's hard to eat popcorn in moderation, it kinda just ends up in my mouth in giant handfuls.

    joannadavison I live in South East Michigan. This year the snow has come later compared to some years, no telling what we'll get during the rest of the season. I love Tiramisu, but I enjoy coffee period. I just googled Pinch of Nom, and yum. It's now saved to my favorites.
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    edited January 2020
    @theslightedgeforever "No. Not yet. I'll have some later, thank you.' Love it!

    @mswatson0777 to be fair it was my only gym session this week as had bloods appt on Thurs. Next week same but dentist!
    Re:the funk. I blame the time of year. We set new goals etc with such enthusiasm at start of January. It's then a long month, often Christmas bills, short daylight (certainly here), and a long time 'til our next break- work & things in general feel a slog. So yes- do some nice stuff for you. For me it was my scrapbooking day & booking a holiday I thought would never happen. Those parts of your course will soon pass. Is there a better bit you can focus on?

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I just need DH to actually do it & monitor what he's eating. Like me, he comes from family who easily pile weight on. He was seriously fit & at times ripped when we were younger but kids, less time for his sports, knee replacement but halt to that. Lost loads on WW with me a few years ago & potentially saved his life when he had heart 'episode' (thought heart attack but on investigation results suggested not , angiogram revealed birth anatomical defect). Now, like me, it's creeping up & I blame not eating properly due to odd shift pattern or Male menopause in sympathy with me?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    @1Whitewolf12 Hi & welcome. I lost between my babies & after with WW. Been a bit on & off but then joined seriously 10 years ago to shed for surgery required once diagnosed 4 years after 2nd child. Worked. Never actually got to goal as had other incidents where lost plot & gained but only in recent years have I seriously gained & that's due to hormone changes & therefore different diet of macros required. The "free" food just doesn't work for me at all.
    Trainer at gym put me onto MFP & in the 1st instance suggested I just log everything. Initially looking over 1st month I was low enough of calories but needed to up protein. For my age GP said I need more protein than carbs & suggested % so I'm working on that & it's working. I would suggest monitoring for 2-4 weeks. Look at weight loss & the re-evaluate from there- more protein/less fat/less carbs/ less calories/more exercise & keep checking.

    @trooworld hope things get better for you. Big hugs xox. How quick do banks resolve issues like that? I would imagine loan company not too concerned- we've had to fight to get overpayments back but they'requick to sort when it's the other way.

    @TeresaW1020 hope your pastor is ok.

    @its_cleo becoming veggie does take a bit of adjustment. Our 1st summer was hot (for UK) so we ate loads of salads & felt ill. Turned out we were missing a lot of protein in root veg & pulses that we'd had in winter recipes. IKWYM about eating same stuff- I'm like that with quick to cook "diet" recipes on week nights. Made it one of my goals, this year, to build up huge bank of quick recipes so we're not getting sick of same things.

    @nighthazel01 lol re: Pinch of Nom! I've just been adding some of their new recipes to my planner!

    Friday was yuk at work- too many kids not behaving well on a Friday afternoon. But now weekend & I'm having lazy morning reading then now planning meals. Youngest at sleepover & eldest doing homework. DH working all weekend so it's up to me. Church Anniversary service tomorrow so hoping I can it fit in sleepover pick up.
    Dreading next week at work- moving into new- prefab lab as our split site/campus school goes single site. I have to pack up my stuff all again!!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    Well I just finished a 3 month chunk. I’m sort of setting goals for 3 month chunks. @theslightedgeforever that ends up being similar to your 100 day challenges.

    So some accomplishments-

    -for the last 3 months I kept my cals under 1900. This probably seems like a lot but believe me most of last year I was spiking at plus 2000 at times. So this reducing has been a slow but steady improvement.

    -my drinking goal of 4 x week- eh I fluctuated between 4 and 5. So I’m going to adjust the goal a bit to 4.5 lol to see if I can

    -exercise I didn’t really have a specific exercise goal but I started doing some mobility/soft tissue work which I think is good, and finally getting my wrist looked at is good.

    -weight- I stayed steady, no loss, probably bc the calories as noted above are high. But it’s ok bc I’m focusing on the calories at the moment. Weight will follow gradually hopefully.

    So for my next 3 month series as I call it, these are the goals:

    - Bring cals down under 1800
    - Follow my exercise schedule (6-9 x weekly)
    - Included in that is running 2x week
    - Continue my soft tissue/mobility work and spend some time trying to do some hip extension work (I have limited mobility in my hip and it’s hurting my back)
    - Drink- no more than 4.5 drinks a week
    - Meditate every day > I used to meditate every day then I stopped, and feel like it would be good for me now bc I seem stressed and impatient
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @joannadavison you’re right about how we start the new year with enthusiasm. I did and then yep it flagged about half way through. I’m trying to regroup and start fresh.

    Everyone earlier was talking about mottoes- I think mine for this year is Choose Health. So I’m hanging on to that. Instead of like last night I wanted to Choose Pizza 😊 But I didn’t.
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    @its_cleo I've just read your longer post & I think that's totally positive thing to do. Have bigger goals but little chunks on how to achieve them.
    I wanted to achieve 40% carbs & 30% protein. I have upped my protein to almost that & reduced fat some days too (not specifically a goal). My carbs are down to about 44-46%- so not achieved but I know I'm half way there & my weight is finally starting to shift properly. I'm still eating too much sugar but I know I'm working on better slow release carbs (low GI) & trying to be mindful of not sugar binging when I'm tired or low.
    I used to be an all or nothing person & that worked for me but wasn't very sustainable, especially as I've got older. Taking the "change habits" approach.

    Went to get weighed this morning & batteries in scales flat! Need that sorting as I'm curious.
    New work trousers falling down but daren't try the others on yet in case I'm disappointed! 🤣🤣 My work tops are still a bit tight so I know I've still got a way to go.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning gals: Wow I will never catch up on all the post. I am doing not so good on my weight. I feel "stuffed" all the time. I think my body just caught up to me eating PB and fruit bars and cereal for almost a year. So It's time to get back to work and my health. I went to the grocery store and bought different foods etc. LOL I watch what my DGGD likes and its peas, eats them one by one and nothing else, french fries, peaches, cheese of any kind, CARROTS...but then on the downside...DH has given her Hostess Apple/fruit pies, sweet tea, chips with cheese, bite of cake.. I am trying though. She is not a Big meat eater...but loves fruits and veggies and spoons of PB So you would think with me trying to make sure she eats right, I would be eating better. LOL
    I need to be more like my sister...

    @1Whitewolf12 Welcome!!

    I will try to get on here more so I can comment back to all of you. I did read all the post and you all are doing great things and encouraging each other.... <3 LOVE IT

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,928 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy Sunday. I am excited because I signed up for a digital library card with the county library here so now I have 3 libraries to get eAudiobooks from! I might even cancel my Audible account. Here's what I'm making for meal prep today:

    Instant Pot Mississippi Pot Roast + Roasted Potatoes
    Chicken Shawarma Bowl
    Baked Spaghetti Squash and Cheese + steamed broccoli
    Greek Lemon Chicken Soup
    Chicken Caesar Salad Wraps

    @TeresaW1020 I do, too. They are doing a little better so hopefully, they continue to get better. Listening to audiobooks while doing puzzles is an excellent idea! <3 I'm so sorry to hear about your pastor/boss! Yes, maybe he will slow down now. And congrats on the loss!

    @mswatson0777 Thank you on both accounts. Luckily, I had enough money in my savings to transfer over to cover the negative amount. It's going to take 40-50 DAYS for them to reverse the payment! :( Luckily, since I transferred the money right away, there was no overdraft fee. I told them about the mistake but they acted like it was no big deal. Grrrrr! That stinks that you are taking courses that make you feel like you are just spinning your wheels. I hope you can have some fun this weekend to relieve some of the stress!

    @its_cleo Maybe podcasts just aren't your thing? I hope you like audiobooks. I love them! :) I think you did well on your 3-month chunk and your goals look reasonable good luck! I would also like to start meditating again. I just need to find the time.

    @nighthazel01 That's great that you didn't let the rain stop you.

    @joannadavison Thanks, me too!!! Well, the student loan company said it will take the student loan company 40-50 days for them to refund the money. In the meantime, I have transferred money from my savings to cover the overage so I'm okay as long as I don't have an emergency and need that money. They were helpful about it but not in a rush. :(

    @cbabie Hello! That's good you are trying to get your DGGD to eat well.

    January goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    Hello everyone....I'm down but not out. I've completely lost my voice. Dh has been dancing in the streets...... I'm still able to use "hand signals" though. >:) I've also triggered my asthma so I'm dealing with that. Good news is that I'm drinking lots of water. Who knew it would take me being sick to hit my goal each day. Anyway wanted to check in. As I was scrolling down something caught my eye.

    I need to be more like my sister.........I should frame that one. lol
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @theslightedgeforever lol about hand signals. And you can text DH. Sorry you're not feeling well though, that really sucks.

    @trooworld that's great about the library card. You remind me of myself- I used to be a huge reader, just non-stop, then somehow over the last 10 years my interest really changed. But I did get an audio book, it's nonfiction about bad habits and how our brains work, so if that sparks my interest I will try some fiction. I'm sorry you're having trouble with your bank too. It really sucks. i feel like they have all the power.

    @cbabie yeah I think babies will eat healthy food, then learn bad food habits and tastes from us....good luck with it!

    @joannadavison I'm around that macro split, 30% protein, 30 or 40 carbs I think. Sometimes carbs goes up but I try to keep my protein and fats around 30% I think.

    I took a day off exercising today. I went out for brunch with my uncles and splurged and got waffles with bananas, pecans, caramel sauce, and whipped cream. It was super good but what an indulgence! It will take all week to work off lol.

    Y'all inspired me with all the talk about tzaziki so I bought some lamb and made wraps for lunch tomorrow.

    I've seen the chiro for my wrist twice now, not sure it will heal or not. Giving it twice more and then I don't know because I have to pay for it.

    Have a nice weekend everyone.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,928 Member
    Good morning everyone. I struggle every week to find something for breakfast that will be easy to prepare that I will actually eat. I don't like eggs, I don't like sweet stuff (mostly) and I don't like oatmeal. This week, I found a recipe for "Whole Grain Breakfast Cookies" I thought I'd give a try. Well, I made them and DH tried one and said, "You are eating cookies for breakfast!" lol and he's right: they do taste just like cookies. Back to the drawing board...

    @theslightedgeforever Oh you poor dear! I hope you feel better soon. Are you getting in some good reading at least?

    @its_cleo Thanks! Yes, I'm an avid reader. I've always been one...reading saved my life I like to say, that's why I became a librarian. It's difficult when things are out of your control (banks). But at least I had the money to cover the overage. It sounds like you had a nice time with your uncles...what a nice treat!

    January goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, cookies for breakfast sound yummy but probably not the best choice for starting your day. What about whole-grain or almond flour muffin that isn’t too sweet? That would be easy and portable. :)

    @its_cleo, I hope that the chiro can help your wrist improve without you having to end up paying. Yeah, those waffles sound super decadent! Sometimes we need to have a splurge and just know that we will have to work it off. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, yikes on not being able to talk! I once had laryngitis and remember how awful it was not being able to communicate. And maybe you do need to be more like your sister because I think she is awesome! ;)

    @cbabie, are you tracking your calories? Are your carbs the highest macro you are consuming? I know when it for me I feel terrible and my weight shows it. I’m not suggesting low carb but maybe up the protein more. And just like I said to your sister…. maybe you do need to be more like your sister because I think she is awesome! ;)

    Good morning! Well, pastor was at church yesterday and did the baby dedication for three of our new babies. His vision is still a problem, but the doctors are hopeful that he will continue to improve. Fortunately, he had already arranged a few weeks ago for another pastor to preach yesterday so he didn’t have to worry about that. Talk about good timing! ;) I’m starting another Beachbody workout program called 80 Day Obsession today. I did the first two weeks awhile back and really liked it. She uses exercise loop resistance bands and I hated how the rubber ones kept rolling up on my legs, so I ordered a set of fabric ones. They arrived yesterday and I think they are going to work great! My plan this week is to track my calories, fast 19 to 20 hours a day, drink all my water, workout, and lose weight this week!! B)
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @its_cleo I LOVE your SMART goals! I think you're doing a great job making incremental life changes and I love that you're setting yourself up for success with future maintenance.

    @TeresaW1020 Fabric resistance bands sound way less painful! Keep me posted on how they go!

    @trooworld I'm pretty lazy with breakfast so I do grab and go things. String cheese, hard boiled eggs, nuts, bananas, protein bars, etc. It might be helpful to think along those lines instead of adding the pressure of cooking.

    @theslightedgeforever Losing your voice is so frustrating! I hope you gain it back soon and take care of yourself.

    @cbabie Sorry to hear about your weight frustration. I think it's easier to try to help others eat healthy than to do it for yourself, because fighting against yourself is the hardest thing!

    @joannadavison Congrats on shrinking out of your work pants! Sounds like it might be time to give the next size a try since you don't want to lose your pants at school! lol

    @nighthazel01 I'm glad you're able to take some time for yourself to get a walk in, that work schedule sounds so stressful!

    So pretty sure I was the wicked witch this weekend, or the creature from the black lagoon. Either way it wasn't good.

    I ended up doing social things both Friday and Saturday, which means I didn't get any schoolwork in so I had 200 pages to read, a presentation to record, and an 8 page paper to complete on Sunday. My partner was trying to be so sweet and affectionate, doing the dishes, going to get breakfast, trying to find something for us to do together, but I just needed to be left the %$*& alone to get all this done so I totally snapped. Which made me feel like an awful person, cause he was being so sweet and trying to be helpful, and I became the dragon lady.

    I apologized and we ended up spending time together in the evening, but I still feel awful. I was even snapping at the dogs Sunday cause I felt so stressed and overwhelmed. And it's not like I wasn't working on homework throughout the week or that I was behind, this is just how heavy the workload is ALL THE TIME now. The first class ends in 5 more weeks so I'm looking forward to being able to take a breath then and just focus on one class.