
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Home again!

    After I submitted my assignment on Friday, I took about an hour to pack and we were on the road!!

    It was not a relaxing weekend ... I'm tired! But it was good to get away and good to run the cycling event. :)

    On the way home today we stopped and cycled 20 km. :)

    I'm unpacking and thinking about taking down my Christmas decorations.

    Machka in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Had a lovely walk with DH along the Hudson River, brisk weather and DH keeps a brisk pace! It also seemed to improve my winter blues just a bit. 3.5 miles!

    I have my lovely oatmeal prepared for breakfast and red lentil soup ready for a week of work food

    Neurologist appt tomorrow, hope to be on the path to heal my hand pain/finger numbness



    I missed that you were having hand pain. Do you think it's related to your profession? So sorry to hear this, and hope it heals very soon.

    Do you prepare steel cut oats or overnight oats? Curious about your oatmeal.

    Karen in Virginia
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    I hope all have a great Monday!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,583 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Good morning Ladies -

    Hubs and I have had a relaxing weekend. We met and old friend and his wife for dinner Saturday night. It was a fun night talking about old times and laughing. Last night our neighbor texted that he was cooking dinner so we went over there and had dinner with 2 other neighbor/friends. We all bring something to go with the main he cooks. Since it was a small group, we all fit around the table instead of being scattered around. We laughed our butts off, it was a good evening.

    Now I need to get my day started and figure out what the heck I'm packing and then make sure we can both fit everything into out carry-ons so we don't have to check a bag.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Karen in VA ~ Yes! Bailey was such a love! That's what makes me so sad about my Pom. During his last week, he had moments where he looked like his perky self and then he would get sick and just lay there. Just makes me want to cry all over again.

    The kittens are so cute! I know your DnL's family hates to part with their cuteness.

    Carol in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    edited January 2020
    Managed to fit in some bonus afternoon exercise, rowing and biking, while watching EASY WAYS TO FEEL WELL. :D Total for today is 982 burn. o:):D
    In the programme they were looking at increasing your gut microbiome by eating lots of veggies and improving stress by having a cold water shower or swim every morning. Both worked well.
    They also tackled the workplace snacking problem and the issue of bringing treats in. Sniffing peppermint oil helped and making the treats harder to access. They also asked clients nicely not to bring in sweet gifts. Good results.

    I did a good writing session this morning.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Amber: I hope JR feels better soon. :star:

    Karen and Kylia: It is difficult to imagine that a helicopter crash killed Kobe and Gianna Bryant. I wonder what happened with the helicopter. I imagine authorities will be trying to figure that out. If the engine stalled, a helicopter has no way to glide to the ground. It just falls out of the sky. Soo sad. :broken_heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    The latest news has been (and, who knows what is true) the conditions were horrible. There was terrible fog and 0 visibility. Even the police force grounded its helicopters. Apparently, they hit a mountain due to lack of visibility - TG, if this is true and no one knew what was happening and it was over in an instant.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    wizzywig wrote: »
    Margaret, thanks for suggesting the core exerice of pulling in your belly button towards your back. I definitely should work on my core, and this is an easy one to remember. Good idea about standing on one foot when waiting in a queue too, I'll practice both of these. :)

    Did the balance one while waiting at post offfice. For me it helps with the wait. Also with the pulling it the belly button to add to effectivenss is check your posture and blow out like you are blowing out of a straw. I learned this exercise from a nurse where the focus was posture. So this exercise can help with balance by building your core and also posture is when adding the of awarness your posture to it.
  • stltrimom1015
    stltrimom1015 Posts: 56 Member
    Happy Monday! Even with all the stress eating and challenges last week, I still managed to lose 1#. Not much, but it's a start :). I volunteered at a 5k/9k/9M race yesterday and even managed to get in 3 miles myself after my shift was over. It was a chilly but sunny morning. I'm actually surprised I made it to 3 miles. I haven't been able to get past 1-1/2 miles on the TM lately without my knee screaming at me. Yesterday, I felt a bit of a twinge towards the end but no real pain. My stride must be different when I'm on the TM.

    Trying a new recipe in the crock pot today - jambalaya, using chicken breast and chicken sausage. DH isn't big on chicken sausage but I'm hoping with the spices in this, he won't really notice the difference. We'll see how it goes.

    Have a lovely rest of your day!
    JanetO - eastern MO
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Good morning all.

    The past couple weeks have been hectic. My mil died, (she had been in hospice for the past 4 months), so my son and I flew out to be with my husband and his kids. Fortunately, my husband got to see her before she died. He arrived less than 24 hours before she passed.

    We had a nice time (is that possible? You know what I mean) with his kids and grandkids. The funeral was very nice. The church people were complimentary of my mil which spurred my husband to whisper to me, "I think they didn't really know her." She was not a nice person and was a horrible mother. Still, of course, my husband is having difficulty accepting that she is gone. Their relationship has been unhealthy since he was a child, but it was still a relationship that he doesn't have anymore. Near the end, when she could still manage it, she was calling him 10-12 times a day to complain about all kinds of things he couldn't fix. :confounded: Now we wait to see what happens with her house. There is currently no lien on it. Do any of you who may have gone through this before, know when the state will put a lien on someone's house for medical care? She has been telling us for years that the lien was already in place, but it definitely is not. Wouldn't you know it, two of my husband's son's moved into the house less than two weeks before she died. They are, understandably, very nervous. My husband does not need this stress.

    So sorry to hear about Kobe, his daughter, the pilot, and the other passengers.

    I don't know if anyone responded to you Machka about the "trial." Impeachment trial. It has been amazing! (I know; I'm weird. I have listened every opportunity -- have it on right now.)

    Many blessings to all of you.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon