

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    Good Tuesday!

    Bursitis anyone? Omg. I will bring up to doctor next week. Masseuse is pretty sure that is my issue with knees, shoulders, hips, and buttocks. REALLY! The only time I seem to have relief was on cortisone, but that leads to yeast. So frustrated! Anyone else? Tips? I can pin point exact spots. Thankful I can still do all I need to, but would love for the pain to go away. Am starting ice. Can't do ibuprofen or naproxen. Any ideas? Will keep you posted. I have so many questions for doctor. My old doctor thinks I may have rheumatoid arthritis, but didn't want diagnosis on record because of insurance. So many questions.....

    Amber- I found the same issue with plain yogurt. I did buy Chobani whole milk Greek plain yogurt. It isn't too sour. I am mixing it with half flavored Chobani. Still get benefits, and makes flavored stuff less sweet. I top it with granola for great snack. One of these days I will try to make it in IP.

    Machka-that is a painful spot for a bite! Ice may help too. Even some local honey put on it for its bacterial benefits.

    I am sure there was more.....made it to grocery last night. Packed breakfast and lunch. Dinner out with friends tonight. Eating oatmeal in morning. Since trying to be diligent on sugars eating it with cinnamon and butter. Going to add chopped apples today. I have fruits and veggies again in house.

    Need to get day going. Have a day of your best choices!

    Kylia in Ohio where they are calling for another grey day
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,668 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Went to the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Denise Austin Get Fit Fast DVD

    After exercise went to the Salvation Army. Decided to get some “pop” molds, you know, the ones I use to make the yogurt/oj concentrate pops. I figure I can leave these down at the condo.

    Then went to Habitat for Humanity. While we’re in FL I’m going to make a shrimp orzo salad for one of the pot lucks. I got a dish to put it in and a serving spoon. I figure I’ll just leave any leftovers there. If I lose the bowl and spoon what have I lost? $1.50? Big deal. At least I won’t have leftovers, and that’s worth $1.50

    I know this sounds really dumb, but yesterday we put away one of the rugs we use at Christmas time and my coughing went away. We did put it out around November and to me it seems that that’s when the coughing started. I know Vince says that my coughing started in the summer, but I don’t think so. Could I be allergic to the rug??? We put away some of the totes, but we put them away shortly after we put the trees up so it can’t be that.

    Viv UK – fingers, eyes, toes, legs and anything else that can be done are all crossed for your sister in law. What is a Blue Badge? Update: thanks Barbara

    Karen – Awww those kitties. I want to hug each and every one. I know that Vince (and probably me) would have a hard time giving them up, Vince probably wouldn’t.

    Barbara – I got my car with the backup camera thinking it would be a big help when we were down in FL and there was a lot of dew. But it really isn’t, you still need to have your windows cleaned so that you can see if someone is approaching. Anyway, the one and only time (so far) that I have found the backup camera to be a real big help is when I’m parallel parking. I know what you mean about traffic in the city. Yuk!

    Pip – oh, that would be wonderful if you could take a dog! You – not going to a gym – what’s this world coming to….lol

    Flea – I’m so sorry about you MIL. I remember you talking about her

    Tea – the only kind of tea that I can’t stand is black tea. It gives me an upset stomach. I’m not crazy about Early Grey, but I can swallow that. But black tea? No. And don’t give me coffee. I like the smell of coffee grounds or it brewing, but that’s as far as I go. It’s interesting that everywhere you go, they offer coffee. Many places don’t offer hot tea. So I just bring teabags with me.

    Rebecca – that is so good of you to donate like you do

    JR – to sweeten yogurt I usually add some honey and/or fruit. That’s one of the good things about making your own yogurt. I’ve never had it tangy and I prefer it that way.

    Now Vince is saying that he wants to be home from FL in time for the primaries. I’d like to stay longer. Tomorrow we’re going to see about getting an absentee ballot. Not sure how long it’ll take for them to send it to us. Hopefully, we’ll get it before we go to FL. Why did he wait so long to even mention this?

    Michele NC

    lolol I know right? I find myself not going to the gym on the weekends that Kirby is off since he's not a member anymore. I've been nursing this hip anyway. so we take yogi for a long walk somewhere. I figure I have to get used to the idea when I retire anyway....
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,832 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,668 Member
    Heather Do you put jam & Devonshire cream on your scones? :D
    I love tart yogurt too. I make it in my IP with half and half (half cream and half whole milk) to keep the probiotics alive. Smooth and tart. It's so thick I don't have to strain it unless I want a spreadable product for some reason. So yummy.

    Machka Ugh. Sorry about your hand. Ice & antihistamine. :s

    I hate awkward moments but I imagine you handled yourself with dignity and just went about your business with your riding date.
    Your latest post reminds me to ask if you (or anyone) think stevia is bitter to some people because it is usually mixed with erythritol. I am guessing Stevia Clear is not mixed with anything?
    My daughter-in-law named that black & white kitten with the white boots Princess Snuggles. She is the most affectionate kitten of the kittygirl bunch & went to a forever home with children who will carry her around. She will thrive. <3

    Rori Get well soon. (((Sending a virtual bowl of chicken soup & some tissues)))

    Pip The sidecar really was just meant to be cute & funny. You can find a trailer that's perfect for Yogi. <3

    Rebecca You are truly inspirational giving blood every 8 weeks. I am lax, and I shouldn't be, because I am O neg & they need my blood. I got tired of the nagging phone calls and rebelled by blocking the blood bank's number a few months ago. :# I do need to put on my big girl panties and go to donate soon. Thanks for the reminder.

    Lisa & Flea I love family funeral reunions. People often feel something other than sadness: relief, happiness, anger, regret, or self-pity. All normal. Death evokes complicated responses. Flea, I hope that lien doesn't materialize but all you can do is wait & see.

    Lisa Wellbutrin is a wonderful drug for many people. I'm glad it's helping you.

    Anniesquats Do you follow a formula for eating back calories? Sounds like you are eating back about 1 calorie per minute of exercise. Not very much…

    Mary & Heather As you may know, I am Learning Coach for my 13-year-old grandson who has autism. It has changed our relationship in many ways, mostly for the better. I would not have agreed to tutor a fully able grandchild, however, for the purpose of honing him/her academically, unless the grandchild clearly indicated without prompting that he/she would like to spend his/her time with me pursuing academics.

    JanetO How did the chicken sausage jambalaya turn out? Sounds yummy.

    Okie Sounds like your weekend with friends and your husband was wonderful. Have you ever noticed everybody always ends up in the kitchen?

    Barbara AHMOD Petunia is an adorable name for a cat.

    Carol Will you get a new dog now that your Pom is over the Rainbow Bridge? We decided after our girl Yorkies are gone, we will not get another dog. Many of the smaller breeds can live 15-20 years and we don't want to be tied down by another dog. Our Yorkies are under 10 years of age so we may have many more years with them. Maybe we'll have a cat when we are older; they are a little easier to leave for a day or two.


    Baby Lilliana is coming today. I told my partner that LillyBelle is looking more & more like a tiny Irish girl with alabaster skin, reddish auburn hair, and blue or grey-blue eyes. Not like her parents, although our daughter-in-law uses an auburn rinse on her hair, LOL!!!

    My partner told me one of her great-grandmothers was Mary O'Rourke... :)

    So there you have it.

    Karen in Virginia

    I was seriously thinking about it tho. we have a trailer that we used for rocky and it had a replaceable handle for pushing when rocky couldn't do long walks anymore. this one doesn't have a swivel stem on the bottom where the wheel is, hard to describe. we will have to get another one. this will also be good for hauling lots of food when we go shopping
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Morning, afternoon and evening all...

    First, I'm probably the classic definition of a "supertaster" so bitter and sometimes sour foods or drinks of any kind seriously make me gag. I love salt, and salt my food far past what my husband does, and he loves bitter foods. All vegetables taste like green, bitter dirt to me unless you throw so much cheese on them that they become completely unhealthy. All alcohol also tastes completely awful to me, and wines in particular, while some smell quite pleasant, often taste quite spoiled and horrible in my mouth.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Yes, most alcohol, especially beer and wine taste too bitter or sour to me. I'm also not fond of lemon drinks like Sprite, 7-up, Mountain Dew or lemonade ... except on odd occasions like when I've got a cold. Then I don't mind them, but as soon as my cold is over I go off them.

    I kind of suspect I'm a supertaster too ... but I have a limited sense of smell.

    In my case, I love fruit and veggies of all sorts EXCEPT capsicum and grapefruit.

    "However, research is unclear which of these foods supertasters really prefer. Some supertasters steer clear of sweet or fatty foods because these flavors may also be heightened as a result of their dense, extra-sensitive taste buds. That makes some foods unpalatable, even if they aren’t bitter"

    I have trouble eating fatty foods. Fatty meat is an absolute NO. I won't touch it. But even things like dips or sauces or dressings aren't my favourite. I can tolerate them in small quantities but that's it. In a year, we might buy a French Onion dip for crackers a couple times ... it's nice as an occasional treat, but I wouldn't want it more than that. I like Caesar salad, with Caesar dressing, about once a year. Otherwise, if I have salad, it doesn't have dressing on it. I dislike mayo ... it's sour and fatty! Blech. And I cannot do sour cream in a burrito or on a potato.

    "Salt does successfully mask bitter flavors, so supertasters may keep the shaker handy at mealtime."

    I even have a salt shaker in my drawer at work! :)

    "Even things that have a bittersweet balance to some people may be too strong for supertasters. Foods like grapefruit, beer, and hard liquor may be in the no-go territory for supertasters. The bitter flavors picked up by the tongue’s taste buds are far too overpowering to enjoy. Dry or oaked wines can be off limits, too."


    It was funny ... one of the first times I had wine, I was at my work Christmas dinner in my early 30s. I figured I'd give it a go. Someone at the table poured for the table then sat down, took a sip of the wine and made a comment that it was a really good wine.

    So I though, "Great!" Might as well venture into this wine thing with a really good wine. :) I took a little sip ..... and nearly spat it all over the table. It was awful! Horrible! :lol: So sour!!

    Maybe I should have salted it! :grin:

    I could manage rum and coke or a long island iced tea ... but I'm not fond of wine ... or champagne, I've tried that too. And I haven't touched a drop of alcohol in 2 years, nor have I wanted to. I'm quite happy without.

    Machka in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,082 Member
    edited January 2020
    Macha I might have missed the cause of your wrist swelling. Is that a bug bite? Are you putting anything on that to draw out the venom?

    Just read Kylia post and she reminded me I used local honey on my finger when I had a bad wound. I also used it when I got black toe from wearing the wrong shoes. I had no scar on my finger. The black toe is still growing out, but I did not lose the toenail. Both times the honey helped in the healing process. My dad used to put ichthammol on our wounds to draw out infection. It does contain mineral oil and petroleum. It is also a bit messy and definitely needs a bandaide if you use it.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    edited January 2020
    Macha I might have missed the cause of your wrist swelling. Is that a bug bite? Are you putting anything on that to draw out the venom?

    Just read Kylia post and she reminded me I used local honey on my finger when I had a bad wound. I also used it when I got black toe from wearing the wrong shoes. I had no scar on my finger. The black toe is still growing out, but I did not lose the toenail. Both times the honey helped in the healing process. My dad used to put ichthammol on our wounds to draw out infection. It does contain mineral oil and petroleum. It is also a bit messy and definitely needs a bandaide if you use it.

    I'm guessing ... spider or ant maybe. It appears that there are 3 bites ... 3 little holes, although 1 seems to be the main one. The immediate area around is all blistered now and the greater area is red and swollen.

    It burns and itches.

    I've put tea tree lotion on and some of the burning has subsided a bit.

    Machka in Oz
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,095 Member
    Hello Ladies.
    My mom used to tell me I was allergic to shag rugs. It's not the length of the pile, but the stuff caught in it: pet or mouse hair and dander, dust mites, insect remains, mildew.

    I just guessed at eating back 30 calories per gym session of about 30 mins. My workout is not very intense except for the five minutes of elliptical. It might not be enough as I become able to exercise harder. Maybe I would be less tempted by snacks if I ate more good calories. I'm not losing these days, but I tend to cheat a lot.

    Annie in Delaware
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    CW: 146
    Down 49lbs

    Went over calories 2days in a row but been active for 3days straight strands y fighting kid flu y allergies 😷. Was under think 2days before that. Eating pizza 🍕 1 slice for days but healthy stuff on the side. Made sure it was a meat pizza no extra cheese some veggies on them. Week or more of cleaning out everything rearranging the house to stay active get stuff ✅ done 1 by 1. Exercise band y house walking too.

    Amber Tx

    It is Greek Yogurt I bought . Thick exactly the consistency y taste of sour cream. Members Mark Sam’s Club

    Kobe crash victims revealed as
    1. Pilot 👨‍✈️
    2. Coach
    3. Assistant coach
    4. Kobe
    5. Coach wife
    6. 13 yr old Givanni
    7. 13 yr old Coach Daughter
    8. 13 yr old team mate Girl
    9. The team mates Parent

    So 3 children lost in the crash total / 6 Adults

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,930 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,668 Member
    finally got to running under a 10min mi again. 1/2 mi running to work in the rain, 9.26. we'll c if i feel any pain later because of it :0/
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    That's Pip, by the way. I just downloaded her photo and posted it.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Michele NC - Yes, it's possible you have allergies to the rug. It could be the dust that rugs and carpets collect, but it could be the material. I am allergic to wool of all types, so have to avoid rugs, sweaters, blankets, etc. Unfortunately, I'm highly allergic to dust too and I hate dusting, so I suffer often.

    Tina in CA
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    edited January 2020
    I really wish I could donate blood. They are so picky in CA that if you have visited Europe or anywhere there is a "farm" within 5 years, they won't take it. The mister is an O type and needs to give a pint as often as possible (he's borderline hemochromatosis), but they won't take his. They won't take his because they eliminate anyone who lived in Europe in the 80s.

    Tina in CA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    Making my salad for the week. A bag of sweet kale 🥬 y a bag of mixed lettuce. Half’s the calories of the sweet kale mix this way gives me a healthier sweet treat.

    170cal sweet kale bag serving with 15cal mixed bag lettuce serving. Eat 1-2servings so 95 cal per serving.

    Amber Tx

    Got my potatoes 🥔 in the air fryer top with tab margarine 🧈,pepper,that sour cream tasting Greek yogurt stuff.
    Tortilla chips in airfryer 14chips with 1/2 serving refried bean a sprinkle lightly with cheese 🧀

    So baked potatoe,salad,y nachos with crystal light tea.