

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,113 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    I know this sounds really dumb, but yesterday we put away one of the rugs we use at Christmas time and my coughing went away. We did put it out around November and to me it seems that that’s when the coughing started. I know Vince says that my coughing started in the summer, but I don’t think so. Could I be allergic to the rug??? We put away some of the totes, but we put them away shortly after we put the trees up so it can’t be that.

    Michele NC

    Go to an allergist and get checked for dust mites.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,113 Member
    Ginny y Michele- Will give that a try got bananas y apples still 🍎 lots of honey 🍯.

    Machka- reminds me of Tostito cheese dips .I’ve never tried cheese wiz. Dip sounds good idea too along with my potatoes. Read can go in potatoe or cheese y broccoli soups but not sure. This is new territory!

    Amber Tx

    Learned chocolate 🍫 does not help it. In case anyone wondering. Yuck 🤢 sour cream y chocolate taste.

    I think plain Greek yogurt is milder tasting than plain ordinary yogurt. So if you're determined to go the plain route, you might try a small container of the Greek.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,113 Member
    I love Australia.

    But one of my least favourite parts of Australia is the frequency with which I get bit by things. I seem to attract insects and arachnids.

    As my right hand swells up ...

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    edited January 2020
    I love yoghurt, the sourer the better. Love sour cream, creme fraiche, all of it. Can't stand anything with sugar, honey, sweetener in. Yuck! The whole point of yoghurt us that it is sour! :D Whole milk yoghurt is much better for you in that it resists stomach acid and the good bacteria actually get through to the gut. No other prebiotics do. Greek yoghurt etc is all processed nonsense. Eat the real thing.
    I make my own in the IP, and love it. You can use it as a raita with curry, as a dip or sauce mixed with tahini, pesto etc, as a marinade for tenderising meat, and on stewed fruit, or berries. I love it as a lassi whizzed up with water and salt, but that is an acquired taste.
    One thing I really can't stand, and there aren't many, is sugar added to savoury food. As in baked beans, commercial tomato sauce, salad dressings. My pet hatred is chutney when vinegar is mixed with sugar. I have hated it all my life. Ketchup is the same, bbq sauce, yuk! Sweet and sour at the Chinese. :s A lot of Thai food. :(
    I like my sugar really sweet as in fudge, toffee, caramel. Can't stand sweetened scones(biscuits in US).
    I like my savoury really savoury.
    I don't know any one in the UK who sweetens their tea or coffee. ;)

    Now to have my morning cuppa.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I have always been a coffee drinker from early childhood. Back then it was sweetend with sugar and canned milk. Now I sweeten it with stevia clear. I’ve added herbal tea, particularly peppermint tea, to my list of favorites. As a child I was served tea with cream and sugar at a fancy family event. My childhood self didn’t like the tea because it tasted funny to me.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,113 Member
    I love yoghurt, the sourer the better. Love sour cream, creme fraiche, all of it. Can't stand anything with sugar, honey, sweetener in. Yuck! The whole point of yoghurt us that it is sour! :D Whole milk yoghurt is much better for you in that it resists stomach acid and the good bacteria actually get through to the gut. No other prebiotics do. Greek yoghurt etc is all processed nonsense. Eat the real thing.
    I make my own in the IP, and love it. You can use it as a raita with curry, as a dip or sauce mixed with tahini, pesto etc, as a marinade for tenderising meat, and on stewed fruit, or berries. I love it as a lassi whizzed up with water and salt, but that is an acquired taste.
    One thing I really can't stand, and there aren't many, is sugar added to savoury food. As in baked beans, commercial tomato sauce, salad dressings. My pet hatred is chutney when vinegar is mixed with sugar. I have hated it all my life. Ketchup is the same, bbq sauce, yuk! Sweet and sour at the Chinese. :s A lot of Thai food. :(
    I like my sugar really sweet as in fudge, toffee, caramel. Can't stand sweetened scones(biscuits in US).
    I like my savoury really savoury.
    I don't know any one in the UK who sweetens their tea or coffee. ;)

    Now to have my morning cuppa.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Ranking the tastes by most favourite to least ...

    Savoury (although it tastes metallic to me)

    I don't like most sour tasting things, although lemon can be nice sometimes. Unfortunately for me, most dairy things have at least a little bit of sour taste. Milk, for example, ranges from slightly sour if it is fresh to really horribly sour the closer it gets to its due-by date. Even cheese is a bit sour, but fortunately it is offset by salt. I tend to avoid dairy products much of the time.

    I also don't like when sugar is added to salty or savoury food. Did you know that some breads in the US have sugar in them? It's like eating candy. It works if you put honey on it, but tastes a bit odd if you're making a meat and cheese sandwich. And adding sugar to something metallic like tomato (to make ketchup etc.) just makes it a sickly sweet metallic flavour. Yuck! I also don't like sweet and sour sauces.

    And if presented with the opportunity to eat something like salted nuts or a sweet lolly ... I'll usually go for the salted nuts. :)

    As for coffee and tea ... here in Australia, people seem to like milk (not cream or creamer) and sugar in their coffee and tea.

    I, on the other hand, drink everything free from such things. Coffee tastes so much better black. The teas I drink don't need milk or anything.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,113 Member
    edited January 2020
    exermom wrote: »
    Tea – the only kind of tea that I can’t stand is black tea. It gives me an upset stomach. I’m not crazy about Early Grey, but I can swallow that. But black tea? No. And don’t give me coffee. I like the smell of coffee grounds or it brewing, but that’s as far as I go. It’s interesting that everywhere you go, they offer coffee. Many places don’t offer hot tea. So I just bring teabags with me.

    Earl Grey is a black tea ... it just has oil of bergamot (a type of orange) added for a slightly different flavour. It's a blended black.




    Personally, I like most of the herbal teas but not hibiscus or 'sharp/sour' floral herbals and strangely enough adding licorice or licorice root to tea gives it just enough sweetness not to need sugar.

    This one is my most favourite tea ...



    Ingredients: Rooibos (39%), Cinnamon (13%), Sweet blackberry leaves, Orange peel (10%), Licorice root, Cardamom fruit (seeds & pod), Orange flavour, clove, Orange blossom (2%), Chinese star anise, Honey flavour

    Machka in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather Do you put jam & Devonshire cream on your scones? :D
    I love tart yogurt too. I make it in my IP with half and half (half cream and half whole milk) to keep the probiotics alive. Smooth and tart. It's so thick I don't have to strain it unless I want a spreadable product for some reason. So yummy.

    Machka Ugh. Sorry about your hand. Ice & antihistamine. :s

    I hate awkward moments but I imagine you handled yourself with dignity and just went about your business with your riding date.
    Your latest post reminds me to ask if you (or anyone) think stevia is bitter to some people because it is usually mixed with erythritol. I am guessing Stevia Clear is not mixed with anything?
    My daughter-in-law named that black & white kitten with the white boots Princess Snuggles. She is the most affectionate kitten of the kittygirl bunch & went to a forever home with children who will carry her around. She will thrive. <3

    Rori Get well soon. (((Sending a virtual bowl of chicken soup & some tissues)))

    Pip The sidecar really was just meant to be cute & funny. You can find a trailer that's perfect for Yogi. <3

    Rebecca You are truly inspirational giving blood every 8 weeks. I am lax, and I shouldn't be, because I am O neg & they need my blood. I got tired of the nagging phone calls and rebelled by blocking the blood bank's number a few months ago. :# I do need to put on my big girl panties and go to donate soon. Thanks for the reminder.

    Lisa & Flea I love family funeral reunions. People often feel something other than sadness: relief, happiness, anger, regret, or self-pity. All normal. Death evokes complicated responses. Flea, I hope that lien doesn't materialize but all you can do is wait & see.

    Lisa Wellbutrin is a wonderful drug for many people. I'm glad it's helping you.

    Anniesquats Do you follow a formula for eating back calories? Sounds like you are eating back about 1 calorie per minute of exercise. Not very much…

    Mary & Heather As you may know, I am Learning Coach for my 13-year-old grandson who has autism. It has changed our relationship in many ways, mostly for the better. I would not have agreed to tutor a fully able grandchild, however, for the purpose of honing him/her academically, unless the grandchild clearly indicated without prompting that he/she would like to spend his/her time with me pursuing academics.

    JanetO How did the chicken sausage jambalaya turn out? Sounds yummy.

    Okie Sounds like your weekend with friends and your husband was wonderful. Have you ever noticed everybody always ends up in the kitchen?

    Barbara AHMOD Petunia is an adorable name for a cat.

    Carol Will you get a new dog now that your Pom is over the Rainbow Bridge? We decided after our girl Yorkies are gone, we will not get another dog. Many of the smaller breeds can live 15-20 years and we don't want to be tied down by another dog. Our Yorkies are under 10 years of age so we may have many more years with them. Maybe we'll have a cat when we are older; they are a little easier to leave for a day or two.


    Baby Lilliana is coming today. I told my partner that LillyBelle is looking more & more like a tiny Irish girl with alabaster skin, reddish auburn hair, and blue or grey-blue eyes. Not like her parents, although our daughter-in-law uses an auburn rinse on her hair, LOL!!!

    My partner told me one of her great-grandmothers was Mary O'Rourke... :)

    So there you have it.

    Karen in Virginia
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    I had to look up "Rooibos": An evergreen South African shrub of the pea family
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,113 Member
    I had to look up "Rooibos": An evergreen South African shrub of the pea family

    It's delicious and naturally sweet, especially when combined with cinnamon, licorice root and orange. :) I came across it for the first time in 2013 ... it was available in a hotel room we stayed in, I tried it out of curiosity, and loved it. :heart:

    Machka in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    I wonder it this is similar to the Tetley Tea you like, Machka. I can't find it on U.S. Amazon, but this one looks like it might be similar:


    INGREDIENTS: Rooibos, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, caradamom, fennel, pink pepper, aniseeds, flavors
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,113 Member
    Machka Ugh. Sorry about your hand. Ice & antihistamine. :s

    Karen in Virginia

    I've been using anti-inflammatories too.


    M in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Machka Oh my gosh it looks so painful. Geez.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,113 Member
    I wonder it this is similar to the Tetley Tea you like, Machka. I can't find it on U.S. Amazon, but this one looks like it might be similar:


    INGREDIENTS: Rooibos, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, caradamom, fennel, pink pepper, aniseeds, flavors

    I'm not sure about the pink pepper, but yes, it does look quite similar. :)
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited January 2020
    "Todo"s and "done"
    Done: BB&B, bank, gas, invest 10 mins MasterBth, carry over 10 mins cleaning Office, board mtg minutes.
    Bonus: an hour filing, decluttering, making up a donation bag.
    ToDo: invest 10 mins cleaning LR, recycling, annual ask about tetanus, pneumonia and shingles vaccines, carry over 10 mins cleaning GuestBd, call John about grant check and Visa for ordering turnout drying racks, line dance, write thank you note to Carolyn L, bake bran muffins, call Carolyn D.

    Karen in VA :heart: Laughing through tears at Bailey lifting his leg despite his disc and heart issues, then looking so very proud of himself.
    Carol ((hugs))
    Pip too bad but you’re right about the sidecar. Look forward to pic of trailer.
    Heather cold shower to reduce stress??? :noway: I’d dread it so much it would boost mine :astonished:
    Lisa “blessed to be here, in this place, in this time, and with food, shelter, good jobs, and most important, healthy and alive to enjoy it all.” Amen, sister, amen. Joe said almost the same yesterday about standing out in the rain with the dogs, looking up through the trees and feeling so very very lucky. He’s come a long way in expressing gratitude. Hope it means he’s really happy here.
    NYKaren fingers, toes, eyes, legs, everything crossed for good news from the neurologist.
    Rori is there a Trader Joe’s near you? Their Lemon Ginger Echinacea juice blend served warm might give some relief. Yum.
    Amber you make me laugh. One of my faves back in the day was chocolate cake with sour cream frosting ;)
    Machka “as my hand swells up” oww. Sorry to hear it. I share your insect attractant pheromones, when I visit Kentucky every bug in the state shouts “She’s baaack! Party!!!”
    Rebecca and Karen in VA, Brava for donating your blood. I did it a few times back in the day, but stopped after twice being told my veins “rolled away”. Is that an instinctual reaction? Was so bruised after the first time, was I afraid and subconsciously hiding my veins the second time? Whatever, I gave it up.
    Karen we called her Petunia because the black and white markings made her face look like a flower. She was my forever cat, lived 17 years. I miss her, but she would not have done well with Princess Tumble and The Galumphing Shadow.

    Coffee and tea. Licorice in tea? Ugh! Not even star anise. Love the smell and taste of coffee, but for decades it didn’t agree with me. Now I can indulge in a cup once a week (almost a Lutheran requirement). Tea: Bigelow Lemon Lift is my daily cuppa. Alas, I like both sweet, 7 g organic sugar in the tea, Vanilla Caramel Coffeemate in the coffee. Have tried tried tried stevia and monkfruit, no go. Used to have honey in my tea but I get the same sweetness for far fewer calories with the real sugar. Having said that, I know that I should really try a sugar fast, for at least one day a week, but… I’d have to be more strongly motivated than I am. :p

    Sweet and salty, sweet and sour are favorite combinations, with sweet HOT and sour even better. ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    January: get up and go outside 10 mins EVERY day, even in the rain!
    daily: steps= 2997 vits 24 log=27 CI<CO=22 CI<250<CO=10 Tumble 5/10=12 mfp=27 outside=11
    wkly: BBBorTC x3=8, rx=3 dance=5.2 pack walk=2.5
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=
    Bonus AF=16 dog group email list= sew= play=
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    edited January 2020
    Karen - I really admire what you are doing with your grandson and I'm sure you are the very best person to help him. <3 What my DDIL wants is quite different. I'm sure it would be fun for Max and probably fun for DH too, but I prefer to keep our connection with the grandchildren both equal in attention and informal. Nor do I want to make a regular commitment that we would feel guilty about breaking. The idea is that he should be stretched in ways that he maybe isn't at school. Personally I think that is a mistake. Bright children need periods of relaxation, of idling. He already does piano, violin, computer coding, dancing as extra curricular activities. He is a voracious and sophisticated reader. He does a lot of computer work on his own. He is 8 years old.
    DH will continue to do fun sudoku and puzzles with him. They often write stories, or create board games together. They enjoy maths problems. But it's all just for fun.

    Katla - I remember trying and failing many times to give up sugar in tea. I finally succeeded in the final year of secondary school after retching for two weeks. My mother kept assuring me that I would get used to it, so I persisted. She also said that eventually sugar in tea would taste revolting. She was right. :D It was considered a rite of passage to adulthood. Very occasionally I will dip a sugar lump in espresso coffee and suck it, as they do in Italy, but only when I'm in a restaurant. I like my coffee very strong. I only have one a day, after my exercises. I have five, or six large mugs of black tea a day, with a tiny splash of semi skimmed milk. I don't like herbal or fruit infusions, though DH does have peppermint. If I had to have one I would choose rosehip, or hibiscus, which is sour. I would not call it tea. It is an infusion.

    I count myself very lucky that I have always preferred savoury to sweet. Even as a child. My kids are the same. Must be in the genes. I think Edie is the same. When DH has his afternoon bun or cake I have half an avocado and some cottage cheese. My temptation in life is cheese and hummus. I can't buy hummus unless I put it straight in the freezer.

    Karen - I would serve the scones for guests with jam and clotted cream. I rarely make them just for us. I absolutely hate it when people put sugar, or, even worse, sultanas, in the scone intended for jam and cream. Abomination! Sultana and raisin scones should only be eaten with butter. If I were to make scones just for DH and me, he would have jam on his and i would have butter and a thin slice of cheese. Yum! Not a slimming option. It would be very seldom.

    Singing this afternoon. :-)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    Lisa- I wish alcohol tasted horrible to me! :sad: What a blessing. I hope you add that to your gratitude list every day. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    edited January 2020
    Morning Ladies~ I stepped on the scale.. not good at all. have gained 13 lbs have been not following what i was doing so well with.. have to get back on track..im up having my tea and have to get things done around here
    not much going on .. still a bit down in the dumps...
    am going to see my DGD in a play tonight at school with my DD and son in law