WHY do people CHEAT?



  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I've been known to cheat at a spirited game of Scrabble.

    "Yes, I swear! 'Doequister' happens to be a real word." B)


    Can you use this in a sentence? 🤔

    Dang !!

    I just knew somebody would ask.... okay....

    The Jury is now in Doequister.


    I did 10 sets of pull-ups and I'm totally Doequistered !!

    (it's not working, is it?)

  • jtce02
    jtce02 Posts: 59 Member
    iMago wrote: »

  • solarex1
    solarex1 Posts: 408 Member
    I get tired of eating the same thing every day. This is about food right?
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I've been known to cheat at a spirited game of Scrabble.

    "Yes, I swear! 'Doequister' happens to be a real word." B)

    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I've been known to cheat at a spirited game of Scrabble.

    "Yes, I swear! 'Doequister' happens to be a real word." B)


    Can you use this in a sentence? 🤔

    I read this word and total first interpretation is
    'Doequister' meaning an "inquisitor of a doe"
    ...makes sense...someones gotta ask those questions, and those deer need to advocate for themselves!
  • Finishiitnow
    Finishiitnow Posts: 896 Member
    edited February 2020
    If you have lived this experience, have you ignored it, faced it or paid it back?
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Many reasons: lack of self-awareness, inability to communicate openly and perhaps - saddest of all - insecurity
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    People cheat because they can (some can't, due to lack of an available partner) and they have a desire which is unfulfilled in their current relationship.

    I think that men are more polygamous than women. You can see that when you look at gay male relationships, many have an open relationship, where you can bring home a new guy if you follow certain rules. We're talking 40% vs 4% for men vs women (after a cursory Google search). Certainly if I were gay (I'm a guy) I would not marry or shack up with someone unless it were open to some degree.

    This would imply that men like sexual variety. This is not surprising since some gay men have 500+ lifetime sexual partners.

    Heterosexual women aren't left behind however, DNA testing has shown that 5-10% of the poorest families the mother has been seeking attention elsewhere and ended up getting pregnant. I think that is a risky strategy in a world of 23andMe DNA testing websites. There's probably a lot more women who strayed and didn't get pregnant.
  • gmartinez4520
    gmartinez4520 Posts: 3 Member
    It sucks but we aren't made to be monogamous. Divorce and cheating rates prove that humans suck at monogamy.
  • SoUl_ReBeL2021
    SoUl_ReBeL2021 Posts: 120 Member
    I think it's because they are extremely lonely, the passion that once existed died out. Lack of communication and intimacy can really damage a relationship.
  • Lisex85
    Lisex85 Posts: 26 Member
    This thread is like the million dollar question? I’ve always thought because they (the cheaters) were unfulfilled in their relationships but I actually now look at that and regret thinking in that way as it takes away from the feelings and actions of the person they are cheating on, as it assumes that partner isn’t doing something right but I don’t think it’s fair to say that.
  • wwwtheselion11
    wwwtheselion11 Posts: 422 Member
    According to an article I just read...
    We cheat to feel alive and to expand our sense of self desire....your thoughts???!!

    Never cheated, only talked. Was in love with all my exes. Cheating/cheater, are bored with the relationship, an to scared to talk about . Im guessing.

  • stephmofo
    stephmofo Posts: 21 Member
    kam26001 wrote: »
    I thought this was gonna be about eating a whole pizza in bed on a frisky Sunday afternoon. :kissing_closed_eyes:

    Thats dirty! I thought everyone was going off topic and kept reading to find out why I am cheating my mfp diary out of knowing about girl scout cookies. This is obviously a slippery slope that I must stop, I’m so afraid to hurt my husband I must tell him right away!

  • mommabear4315
    mommabear4315 Posts: 3,424 Member
    Confused, lonely, desperate to feel excitement, wanting to feel wanted, etc. No one really knows. They’re all different reasons. The only one thing is we all have a choice. Do it or don’t do it. It’s your choice.
  • BigMike1279
    BigMike1279 Posts: 4 Member
    Because they are selfish and don't know what they have.