Coronavirus prep



  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited March 2020
    Decade Duchess- I’m also one of the vulnerable since childhood Doctors taught ne how to wear my winter mask 😷. I’m used to the stare’s poor Hubby isn’t lol 😂.
    I never catch stuff on purpose but it happens even with proper gear to using it. Luckily my bosses all got used to my winter masks. Good news is I didn’t need to buy any have a box before this hit.
    You can order online have it shipped to the house from eBay to Walmart to Costco to etc. places like Misfit Gardens ships veggie but it’s an assorted box so you’ll end up with radishes even .

    For my sons 3rd birthday 🎁 having my Dad only come over for a home movie on Netflix y some home cooking,takeout,or a corner in an empty restaurant at an odd hour haven’t decided (older still alive y licking but gots dementia lives with my 70+yr old Aunt y 80+yr old Uncle. This was done when I became pregnant 2yrs post menopause my cousins thought this way they can help me).

    My states past 22 people now so we’re still doing good as a state. Too bad there all where me y baby God mother (heart patient since birth) is lol.Told her it must be attracted to us only lol 😂. She said like a cat who knows you have a cat allergy meow 😻 lol 😆. Closest Coronovirus patient (either in hospital or home say ambulance with hazmat suits is less than 3minutes from my house) y Lackland Airforce Base 14 minutes they got a swinging door of patients flooding in y out. Luckily none have been military personnel. In California it’s all outside of Daughter Base so their not allowed to go to the stores off base even ...luckily she’s always been the kid at school who never caught anything at all if she did was when no one else had anything (She’s been sick for the first time ever twice on Base both times a cold).

    Told Hubby at least we only have 1 little one at home his brother has 3 in diapers with store shelves full one minute empty the next harder hunting for what’s needed.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I wrote the part about the government because they're trying to contain the northern outbreak by extending the quarantine. People found out about it late at night and those that live in the rest of Italy, especially college students, quickly packed up and flooded the train stations in the middle of the night and left Milan. They can be contagious and may spread the virus far and wide. Italians are used to doing what they want--the rules are for others, so now to see what happens.

    We have our first case in my town (St Louis) because of a study abroad student returning in a hurry from Italy. Apparently she flew through Chicago, took an Amtrak home, and upon return did go to a local hospital for testing and the family was advised to self quarantine, only they didn’t... younger siblings went to school Friday and father took one of the daughters to a dance at a swanky hotel Saturday night. While they were there they got the confirmed presumptive positive diagnosis for the sister and immediately left but people here are outraged that they didn’t heed the recommendation for social quarantine to begin with.

    One of our cases (we have 7 now) is the same reason -- Vanderbilt student returning home from a study abroad in Italy program. They apparently reached out to the people sitting around him in the plane for testing.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,874 Member
    I just got a work email asking employees to stop stealing the hand sanitizer gel that's left on top of filing cabinets.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Their testing on monkeys 🐒 🐵 here in Texas to find a cure.

    Glad it’s not bad in children that’s a blessing at least.

    School closures I don’t fully get. I’m vulnerable my mother had chemo back in the day until she died (she lived 30+ yrs with a cancer they gave her a year to live with ). I wore a mask to school for myself y later in the year on her chemo weeks. Later I homeschooled but more to be her caregiver.

    Sorry your coworkers are stealing the hand sanitizer lol 😂 sounds like you got a money saving dooms day prepper . Just bring a bar of soap in a ziplock bag in your pocket so you got something.

    At Louis my Aunt y Cousins live there. Sure you don’t have more cases my cousin emailed me this one a few hours ago when it first came out . Family breaks quarantine to attend Father Daughter dance now whole school is closed down. Their forcing him by law to stay home now or it’s a felony . Was a Ascension Catholic School
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    The news itself may not be inflammatory but the teasers I briefly saw this morning were. I think that may be causing some of the perception that it is not being properly handled.

    I see no point in dwelling on it or monitoring it that closely. I am taking reasonable precautions for my risk level and beyond that I am mostly ignoring it and continuing to live my life. I mentioned to someone that it was just a matter of time before it was reported in my state and they said it already had been reported so I am blissfully behind in my knowledge.

    It is irrational and irresponsible for me to behave as if I stand the chance of dying from this. If I do and I start hoarding or just failing to carry on doing what I do I make it harder for people who are actually at risk to take steps to protect themselves. Of course this is not the only infectious disease that is taking the lives of people in the higher risk categories so I would hope they normally take reasonable precautions.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    So rather than watch the news last night with all of the various scary stories etc., I chose to watch a NetFlix Documentary and geek out. it was called "Pandemic". I guess I can't look away from this stuff!

    But that being said, it was pretty good. Follows various front line warriors in the fight against pandemics around the world, from doctors' perspectives, to universal vaccine researchers to the "anti-vaxxer" perspective. I found it interesting. Not nearly as fun as "Outlander" though.

    Also found this to be interesting.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I wrote the part about the government because they're trying to contain the northern outbreak by extending the quarantine. People found out about it late at night and those that live in the rest of Italy, especially college students, quickly packed up and flooded the train stations in the middle of the night and left Milan. They can be contagious and may spread the virus far and wide. Italians are used to doing what they want--the rules are for others, so now to see what happens.

    We have our first case in my town (St Louis) because of a study abroad student returning in a hurry from Italy. Apparently she flew through Chicago, took an Amtrak home, and upon return did go to a local hospital for testing and the family was advised to self quarantine, only they didn’t... younger siblings went to school Friday and father took one of the daughters to a dance at a swanky hotel Saturday night. While they were there they got the confirmed presumptive positive diagnosis for the sister and immediately left but people here are outraged that they didn’t heed the recommendation for social quarantine to begin with.

    This is typical behavior which got us in big trouble and it's still going on. An expert said something so true today (regarding negative comments here on the health care system), he said that you can have the best healthcare system in the world, but there is a point where it will be overwelmed. He said that's why their doing their best to slow down the advance, to give the hospitals time to work.
  • SlayLikeAWarrior
    SlayLikeAWarrior Posts: 89 Member
    Here's a CDC report as of March 3. Lean in on the 4th paragraph for details.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    More on the St. Louis student (from the Chi Trib):

    "Health officials in Illinois and Missouri are trying to track down who came into close contact with a St. Louis woman who tested positive for the coronavirus after flying into O’Hare International Airport, staying with a friend here, then taking an Amtrak train to her home last week.

    The woman, in her 20s, flew into O’Hare on Monday and took an Amtrak train to St. Louis on Wednesday, according to Missouri and St. Louis County officials. Officials did not know where she stayed in the Chicago area, or how she got to Union Station to board the Amtrak 303 train....

    Meanwhile, Amtrak issued a statement saying the rail service is “working in close contact with public health and emergency management teams to have the best available information to be able to share with our customers and employees who might be affected.”

    Amtrak said it was notifying passengers and employees who may have been on the same train. “As a precaution, we have taken the train out of service for comprehensive cleaning and disinfection, and are also working to do a thorough disinfection of the Chicago and St. Louis stations,” the statement said."

    Given the number of people who were brought home from programs in Italy, it seems like it would make sense to test them immediately (but we seem to not have enough tests for that). Locally, I know Loyola U brought home students who were studying in Rome, and so did various other local schools and U of I. And as mentioned earlier, one of the known cases in Chicago is a student who was brought home from a Vanderbilt (in Nashville) study abroad program in Italy.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    It’s in Memphis now, they announced a case earlier today. They are treating the case at Baptist hospital. My concern is that I’ve had many relatives in and out of Baptist and been in myself so I know they are just downright slap-happy about contagion - my dad got MRSA there, my mom kept getting urinary tract infections while recovering from major surgery, I constantly had to ask people to put on gloves before handling various lines and usually got an eye-roll in response.

    I did witness a lady yesterday cough into her elbow, for the first time ever. Not that she had sense enough not to go out to eat even though she had a constant dry cough, but this is literally the first time I’ve ever seen a local person make a real effort to cover a cough. So... progress?

    Also, washing my hands in the restroom next to two other ladies and handwashing has become sincere instead of a performative act. Both ladies were cursing the sinks at Shelby Farms which are made so it’s almost impossible to wash your hands properly. You bonk the top of the faucet and it comes on for about five seconds in a tiny dribble, then automatically shuts off. Also the faucet is so short that you have to bend your wrists and try really hard not to touch the side of the sink while holding your hands under the water. And there are never paper towels in the ladies’. As someone who washes hands I have known this for a while but it was new to everyone else who was just doing the “token finger dip” previously.

    There’s a permanent professional sign next to the sinks bragging about how they are brand new and water efficient. “How are we supposed to get our hands clean if we keep having to touch this thing?” one lady complained. “If we’re supposed to wash for 20 seconds, why doesn’t the faucet stay on for that long?”

    It is a mystery, dear lady. Truly a mystery.

    I don't think it's an issue that's limited to that one hospital in Memphis. I heard on the news today that Italian hospitals have set up tents for triage outside of the hospitals to keep from infecting people who are in the hospitals for other health issues. What in the world?!? If you can't keep hospital staff from transmitting coronavirus from one patient to other, then you can't keep them from transmitting anything contagious (such as staph) from one patient to another. This is just insane. Public health officials are reminding ordinary people to wash their hands when they can't get doctors and nurses to do the same. (This is not a dig at Italian medical professionals. In decades of personal medical appointments and many times acting as the advocate for older relatives in hospitals in the U.S., I have hardly ever seen a doctor or nurse wash their hands or use the hand sanitizer that has in more recent years been installed in most hospital rooms. Dentists, yes. Physicians, no.)

    And I too have known relatives, friends, acquaintances who picked up infections in the hospital. This shouldn't be such a common thing if the staff were following best practices.

    Yes, last summer here in Massachusetts Mom's neighbor was in the hospital and his IV leaked, which did something to the tape, his nurse picked the tape off with her fingernails (no gloves), and he ended up with a nasty infection.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Our San Antonio Tx Mall lady incident since she was shopping 🛍 positive at a crowded mall there was no way to track anyone down really. The mall staff y hotel 🏨 she stayed in cleaned 🧹 without protective gear after. So who knows who y where .We have mass numbers of shoppers as far as Mexico 🇲🇽 to Houston who shop here - vacation every Saturday that’s not including people abroad. We’re a tourist city.

    The Nursing home in Washington State only looked at nurses who worked for the nursing home but refused testing to the private patients family hired private care nurses who sat with them.

    No ones adding positive cruise passengers to their states numbers which I heard one lady say Her State has zero still. Ummm 🤔 you got 3 positive cruise ship passengers from your state that are going to bases or home after it docks today. She was shocked 😳 why isn’t it recorded or in our news?
    Don’t know.

    I think it’s already in many communities without anyone knowing especially if they get the mild symptoms or can’t get tested .

    Hopefully will All look back laugh about all this someday like we have every other day Yesterdays news. Or it will be more treatable thought of as the common cold 🥶 as seriousness.

    I just want hubby to go grocery shopping not have to bring home tiny cans of high calorie corn cause it’s all that’s left on our shelves. That’s annoying so far. Or go to 2 stores or more to find a package of diapers (were still potty training).

    Today is sons 3rd Birthday 🎁 not celebrating until my Dad can come later this week will see if elderly Dad y relatives (live together) need anything that’s not on all the empty shelves In their tiny town .
  • lx1x
    lx1x Posts: 38,329 Member
    edited March 2020
    kimny72 wrote: »
    We have our first two cases in Virginia. One was a military officer who came back from overseas and was quarantined immediately. The other was an elderly gentleman who came back from a Nile cruise. Supposedly there were also a handful of Marylanders on the same cruise that tested positive and all were handled appropriately when they arrived back.

    I had dinner with my parents who are in their 70s over the weekend, and tried to feel out what their take on the situation was, and was pleasantly surprised to find they weren't panicked but also weren't buying in to the hoax thing. They are going to continue to babysit the grandkids regardless, so I just have to keep my fingers crossed those huggable little petri dishes don't give it to them.

    5 total in MD..

    Couple went to public events after they got back from the trip.. one in PA school and one in old folks home/retirement community function in same county. Md governor supposed to have another press briefing today. With the info of the recent two that tested positive