March 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    It was a sunny 59°F this afternoon. It's supposed to rain most of the week, so decided if I was going to do a long run outside, I needed to do it today. After feeling so bad yesterday, I wasn't sure how it would go. I decided I'd just take it easy, which I really haven't figured out how to do on outdoor runs, and see how it went. Well, I ran EIGHT miles today. That is my longest run EVER! My pace wasn't too shabby for me either - 11:45 minutes/mile. I got two PBs today - Longest run and Fastest 10K at 1:12:34. The one I ran in July was 1:18:33, so 6 minutes faster and I wasn't trying to be fast today. :smile: And, it was 4.5 minutes faster than the one I did 10 years ago!

    I may not have tried to push it too much, but I can already feel it in my legs, which I usually don't. I have a feeling I am going to be sore tomorrow which is going to make getting down in the floor to play with the 2 year olds and playing tennis difficult. It may be an interesting day. :wink:

    I walked a mile to warm up and another mile to cool down. Total distance traversed today was 10 miles!!


    Woooo hooo Well done!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I'm sorry, I'm terribly behind on posts but liked a lot of things. But a few things...
    Great race @durhammfp!
    Way to persevere @Camaramandy648. Those long, hard runs are such a mental challenge, and you did it.

    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    03/01/20 :::: 4.1 :::: 4.1
    03/02/20 :::: 3.9 :::: 8.0
    03/03/20 :::: 3.0 :::: 11.0
    03/04/20 :::: 3.3 :::: 14.3
    03/05/20 :::: 5.0 :::: 19.4
    03/06/20 :::: 3.2 :::: 22.5
    03/07/20 :::: 2.3 :::: 24.8
    03/08/20 :::: 1.3 :::: 26.1

    I think I last updated on Friday from Arizona. I finished out my trip with a shorter run on Saturday morning around Scottsdale, ending up in a coffee shop for a much-needed and delicious latte. My legs were pretty dead from the run and hike and walking to dinner the day before.

    I had an early flight this morning and it takes forever to get back cross-country (and with the time change, losing 3 hours of the day), so I was worried that this could be the end of my running streak. Fate intervened though and I encountered the Peloton kiosk at O'Hare airport in Chicago. I was dressed in leggings and my running shoes (because I couldn't fit them in my bag) so I stopped by and asked about the treadmill. Knowing full well of course that I would get a hard sell - but hey, you do what you have to! I tried it out for a few minutes and then asked if I could keep running for a total of 15 minutes to keep my running streak alive and he laughed and said sure. He gave me a bottle of water and a towel, plus a really nice body wipe after so I could clean up a bit. I mostly kept it easy, hoping I wouldn't get too sweaty, but I did crank it up a little bit to see how it was. It was very smooth. I'm sure I'll be dodging emails and phone calls from this guy for the rest of my life trying to pressure me into buying it for "just" $111/month (not sure how long, and you have to pay $39/month for the subscription service as well).

    Back to the real world for another hectic week. I'm glad I had a chance to escape to the desert for a few days and soak up some sun. The hike was the best part, but I really enjoyed going for a run every morning in those pleasant temps.

    Now this is inspiring! I would never have thought to do that, so I'm not only amazed but impressed! Love it!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @katharmonic Love it!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    It was a sunny 59°F this afternoon. It's supposed to rain most of the week, so decided if I was going to do a long run outside, I needed to do it today. After feeling so bad yesterday, I wasn't sure how it would go. I decided I'd just take it easy, which I really haven't figured out how to do on outdoor runs, and see how it went. Well, I ran EIGHT miles today. That is my longest run EVER! My pace wasn't too shabby for me either - 11:45 minutes/mile. I got two PBs today - Longest run and Fastest 10K at 1:12:34. The one I ran in July was 1:18:33, so 6 minutes faster and I wasn't trying to be fast today. :smile: And, it was 4.5 minutes faster than the one I did 10 years ago!

    I may not have tried to push it too much, but I can already feel it in my legs, which I usually don't. I have a feeling I am going to be sore tomorrow which is going to make getting down in the floor to play with the 2 year olds and playing tennis difficult. It may be an interesting day. :wink:

    I walked a mile to warm up and another mile to cool down. Total distance traversed today was 10 miles!!

    Well done! Very impressive!
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    3/2 – 6.56 miles
    3/3 – 3.10 miles
    3/4 - 5.01 miles
    3/5 – 3.25 miles
    3/6 – 5.07 miles
    3/7 – 14.07 miles
    3/9 – 5.11 miles
    42.18/100 miles

    Temperature was 32F this morning but it felt colder. Happy Monday!
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    @jele30 oh my goodness! A runner’s assessment that is more than just a shoe fitting?!?! That sounds amazing!

    And that will be my internet research for today 😂
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @katharmonic you are amazing. I would have been so stricken with anxiety over the selling tactics that I’d have run frantically in the other direction as opposed to getting as much as I can out of the situation!

    Yeah, I am with you on this one! I would have fled! :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    bearly63 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent are salty!

    Thanks, I think? :smiley:
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Woohoo long run day! I ran last week's route in reverse, trying to keep a relaxed pace. But since I woke up stressed and with tight shoulders & neck, for the first half of the run it was kind of like when you're trying to relax in the dentist's chair, and every time you forget about relaxing, you realize you tensed up again. At some point the relaxing won over and the rest of the run felt better :)

    March goal 100 miles (stretch goal 200 km)


    Upcoming races:
    Mar. 22 - "Green Shoelaces" HM (Puławy, Poland)

    As for what to do after a race, I agree with those that said it depends on the race, and listen to your body. For me, if the race is the equivalent of my current weekly speed or hill workout, I treat it like a hard workout and the next day is easy or a recovery day. If it's a longer race, especially if I'm really sore, I'll take more recovery day(s). Marathon though, is a completely different ballgame for me, and for that I follow Hal Higdon's post-marathon plan, which includes no running for about a week, followed by easy runs to build back up over several weeks.