Coronavirus prep



  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    More on the St. Louis student (from the Chi Trib):

    "Health officials in Illinois and Missouri are trying to track down who came into close contact with a St. Louis woman who tested positive for the coronavirus after flying into O’Hare International Airport, staying with a friend here, then taking an Amtrak train to her home last week.

    The woman, in her 20s, flew into O’Hare on Monday and took an Amtrak train to St. Louis on Wednesday, according to Missouri and St. Louis County officials. Officials did not know where she stayed in the Chicago area, or how she got to Union Station to board the Amtrak 303 train....

    Meanwhile, Amtrak issued a statement saying the rail service is “working in close contact with public health and emergency management teams to have the best available information to be able to share with our customers and employees who might be affected.”

    Amtrak said it was notifying passengers and employees who may have been on the same train. “As a precaution, we have taken the train out of service for comprehensive cleaning and disinfection, and are also working to do a thorough disinfection of the Chicago and St. Louis stations,” the statement said."

    Given the number of people who were brought home from programs in Italy, it seems like it would make sense to test them immediately (but we seem to not have enough tests for that). Locally, I know Loyola U brought home students who were studying in Rome, and so did various other local schools and U of I. And as mentioned earlier, one of the known cases in Chicago is a student who was brought home from a Vanderbilt (in Nashville) study abroad program in Italy.

    Considering how many here in SE Wisconsin commute via Amtrak and/or go through O'Hare I am guessing it is just a matter of time.

    Wen to the local Pig yesterday. Only empty shelves I saw were the hand sanitizer and my diet tonic water. Paper products and water were full. I suspect the tonic water has no relationship with the virus since it was only the diet that was empty (I drink a glass near bedtime to help with nocturnal cramps).

    I am very sensitive to smells so I only use sanitizer when soap and water are not available. I have a small one I keep in my backpack and another I keep in my glove box and refill them from a larger bottle. I still have most of the 8 oz I bought 2 years ago.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,486 Member
    edited March 2020
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I wrote the part about the government because they're trying to contain the northern outbreak by extending the quarantine. People found out about it late at night and those that live in the rest of Italy, especially college students, quickly packed up and flooded the train stations in the middle of the night and left Milan. They can be contagious and may spread the virus far and wide. Italians are used to doing what they want--the rules are for others, so now to see what happens.

    We have our first case in my town (St Louis) because of a study abroad student returning in a hurry from Italy. Apparently she flew through Chicago, took an Amtrak home, and upon return did go to a local hospital for testing and the family was advised to self quarantine, only they didn’t... younger siblings went to school Friday and father took one of the daughters to a dance at a swanky hotel Saturday night. While they were there they got the confirmed presumptive positive diagnosis for the sister and immediately left but people here are outraged that they didn’t heed the recommendation for social quarantine to begin with.

    The train stopped in our community between Chicago and St Louis so passengers getting off may have been exposed to her.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    :lol: Just to stay on-topic, Ivory Soap is a Proctor and Gambles product.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    Also, this is the third time I've come to MFP to log breakfast...
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    I can't attest to the accuracy of coronavirus statistics, but the use of the "ignore" button has improved the quality of my life by 35%. ;)

    Only 35%? I'd have figured at least 40 :tongue:
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    Evolution of microbes is not something we can not predict and prepare for very well.
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,989 Member
    I think it's interesting (and good, obviously) that there are not a lot of children getting sick.

    A doctor friend of mine told me she thinks this virus is similar to the "kid" cold viruses that go through schools all the time, so most children have some immunity to viruses in this category. They can definitely carry it, though, and pass it along to others.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Since the ones that are dying seem to have had preexisting health issues it seems while a good stock of toilet paper and canned tuna are nice that working to improve general health is the best goal 24/7/365. The first case in KY and TN have been announced. Locally it is expected to arrive mid April so at least we will have winter behind us.

    Maybe being old is a factor at our house but who does not have 24+ of toilet paper on hands at all times?

    I don't think whether it's winter or not's hitting in the southern hemisphere where it is currently summer.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    There are quite a few Social Distancing suggestions and actions right now in Seattle and the surrounding area. Older people are being told to stay home. All the senior centers are closed.

    Obviously the Big Money makers are taking the biggest action. Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing and (at least) the Northshore School District have taken measures to have their employees and students work from home. Schools, including the Universities are closed for the rest of the month. ComicCon is cancelled, and I'm sure other large gatherings. The professional sports teams haven't made any official decisions but some out-of-area school sports teams have chosen not to come to Seattle - and I can't blame them. I guess it's good that this is a very tech-y community in that a lot of the work can be done in isolation/at home.

    I'm torn, it's hard to stay distant. I'm hoping this containment action will help, but no way to know right now.