March 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Ooh, @avidkeo, which one?

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    enaliba wrote: »
    Unrelated, but where did the use of “*kitten*” originate? And does it stand in for all the good words?

    MyFitnessPal has a filter in these forums so that if you type profane words, they are replaced by *kitten*. So if I type *kitten*, it comes out as *kitten*

    Apparently it used to change every April fools to something unique, but they've kept it the same for the last few years.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @7lenny7 - so glad there was no bone break or tumor. Resting Kody will be tough on both of you I bet. He is going to want to go with you and I am sure will be most displeased with a DNS.

    Hobbes and I went out for a short run today after our longer than planned run yesterday. He was tired as were my legs but we got in just under 5. That is a guesstimate because my watch had issues about one mile out. I am not planning to run tomorrow as we have thunder storms predicted all day. If it isn't too bad I may sneak out for a few miles though.
    03/02.......4.85.........4.85 - + Agility Class
    03/05.......5.77.......15.53 - + Strength Training
    03/07.......1.04.......20.46 - Dog Beach run
    03/10.......0.00.......32.64 - + Strength Training


    2020 Run the Year Team - 2020 R.I.O.T. (Running Is Our Therapy) 372.91/1000 miles (running and walking)

    2020 Planned and Completed Races
    02/02/20 - Surf City Half Marathon
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @katharmonic Way to use all the resources at hand to keep your streak going. You probably will get all sorts of solicitations, but you can always just delete them. It sounds like the salesman was really nice. Hope you have a good week.

    @Pastor Vincent My face looked like your bag yesterday. LOL

    @jele30 Sorry about your grandma. The runners assessment sounds interesting.

    @Camaramandy648 Hope your son isn't sick and your knee and hip feel better. You asked about how I have the pace I do. I'm not sure I'm the one to ask as I still think I'm pretty slow. I'd love to get below 10 min miles over a long distance, but that may not be achievable. Anyway, I say that because there are others on here that can probably answer that question - how to get faster - much better than I. All I can tell you is that I am taking it slow and easy and not trying to push it too hard too fast. Most of my runs are at a fairly easy pace. I will try to run a faster pace once every one or two weeks. But even those I am not dead at the end. My outdoor runs are fairly hilly. I've heard that will help increase speed on a flatter course. I use the run walk method, which I have read helps prevent injuries in those of my age. It also seem to keep me from being totally wiped out at the end of a run. I change up the minutes I run/walk often. If I'm going easy on the treadmill, I will run/walk for 9/1 minute (usually at 5.0/3.8 mph pace). But, if I am outside or running at a faster pace, I'll cut the run time. It just depends on how I am feeling that day, really. I mostly run 3 times a week, or less. I do take at least one day as a total rest day during the week. Other than that, I have nothing. I am using a Jeff Galloway half marathon plan currently. I've repeated weeks since I don't have an HM scheduled until Sept. At this point in the plan, every other week is a "cut back" week. For instance, this weeks long run was 8 miles, next week's it's only 3 with what he calls a Magic Mile (I just run one of them faster), and the following week is 9.5 miles. The other two runs for the week are "run 30 - 45 minutes." It seems to work for me. Don't know if that helped any. It's just what I have been doing and slowly increasing over the last 1.5 year. I didn't try to run fast to begin with. I just ran more miles and the speed seems to come with it.

    @hmaddpear I hope you get to feeling better soon.

    @mbaker566 So sorry to hear about all of your bad news. Prayers for all affected. Do take care of yourself in whatever form that takes.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    So im looking at the plan and thinking I could actually do that... Eep...

    @7lenny7 said to find a 20-week plan, and I fully agree. I would say an experienced runner, say one that could pull 5 or 7 miles off without getting hurt, that was not injured probably could do it in 16 weeks, but I am not sure of your fitness level. More weeks is better. :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    In other news: do any of you have super super sensitive guts after a long run? Every time, after I eat, my guts are ANGRY. Eating smaller and slower helps but the only way I know to prevent this is to just not eat but of course, that’s ridiculous especially after a long run....

    GI Issues and long runs go hand in hand. It has to do with the body pulling resources from your digestive system to power your running system. It can take a little bit for balance to be restored after a run. I suspect if you give it a couple of hours after you run you would find you are completely fine. Just eat what you can tolerate and wait it out. Everyone's system is a bit different, so you just need to work out what timing and food works best for you and roll with it.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    fell off the running wagon hard.
    a friend stood in front of a train last week. another friend lost her niece to suicide. it really shook me up. tis the season apparently. a dancer i follow on instagram lost his brother too but they are saying how but guess is od or suicide.
    but after moping for the week and weekend, i have a renewed dedication to taking care of myself and running. so long run tonight. and then back on track with my training plan

    I'm so sorry.

    I'm off the wagon too and trying to hop back on. I can't shake my holiday depression.
    I'm sorry to hear this, too - both of you! And I know there are others here who are struggling.

    Rather than feel like you all have to jump back onto a moving wagon, we'll stop the wagon and give you a hand up. This is hard stuff you're dealing with.
    ^^^^ THIS!

    @Eleanorhawkins Not that you are counting or anything. :wink: I hope you stay well.

    @7lenny7 I'm glad Kody wasn't injured too badly, but those soft tissue injuries take so long to heal. I'm sure he'll be going stir crazy before his time is up. Good luck keeping him relatively still.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @Avidkeo oops hope that wasn't me! :-p Erm every novice plan I've seen was like 18 weeks, so if you're really thinking about that you should probably look like now! Hal Higdon's seem pretty sensible, and there's an app now that you can use to plot your plan with...
    Yeah we keep bringing him up, but the Hal Higdon plans really are good. The Novice 1 is great for a first marathon. You can start now :) and there's no need to commit yet if you want to start the plan and see how it goes when you start to increase mileage. Unless you see that the marathon you're looking at is going to sell out or have a huge price increase.

    Yep. Good old Hal Novice 1 is how I ran my first Marathon. The longest race I had before that was only 10 miles. My wife was the same, but she had a half marathon under her belt first.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    hmaddpear wrote: »
    01/03 5km
    03/03 5km
    07/03 5km

    Total 15km of 80km for March

    Unfortunately, this is me tapping out for March. The hip is definitely aggravated by the running and I need to get it sorted. The plan therefore is to not run at all for at least two weeks, faithfully do the stretches and strengthening exercises I've found on-line and reassess once the pain is gone. Once that happens, it's new shoes and start short runs again. In the meantime, walking and possibly some swimming to keep me from being completely sedentary and to aid with further weight loss. Boo.

    Goals for the year:
    1. Get back down to a decent running weight (currently set at 160lb)
    2. Run a sub-60 minute 10K
    3. Run at least 4 10K races

    Current races planned:
    14/06 Lincoln 10K
    17/10 Autumn Richmond Riverside Run (10K)

    Hugs to you! Good luck with the hip exercises. I’ve been doing Leslie Sansone walk aerobic videos to cross train and get lateral movement for my hips and hamstrings.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    fell off the running wagon hard.
    a friend stood in front of a train last week. another friend lost her niece to suicide. it really shook me up. tis the season apparently. a dancer i follow on instagram lost his brother too but they are saying how but guess is od or suicide.
    but after moping for the week and weekend, i have a renewed dedication to taking care of myself and running. so long run tonight. and then back on track with my training plan

    Oh my! Lots of hugs and prayers for you and yours.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Kody update for those interested.

    Recap: I took Kody on a 13 mile run Saturday on a dirt/gravel road. He came up limp in the final mile. I thought it was just a stone issue with his paw but he was limping quite a bit when we got home and soon I noticed some significant swelling behind his front leg, just above his paw.

    From the location I suspected it was a tendon injury...perhaps a partial tear. Though his limping had decreased, it's still there and I wanted him checked out. My son took him to the vet today and after X-rays it was determined that it was not a bone break, nor was it a tumor of any sort. The vet suspects a soft tissue injury, tested his blood for something, then gave us some anti-inflammatory pills.

    We are to limit his activity for 3 to 4 weeks, including making sure he's on a leash when we take him out so he can't run and keep him from going up or down stairs. After that I can slowly get him back into running.

    It's all as I suspected but it's good to get it confirmed and now know how to take care of him going forward.

    And with that, Kody has his first DNS as he won't be able to join me on my 8.5 mile trail race next weekend, which I specifically registered for because they allow dogs.
    Good to hear nothing serious is wrong. Sorry about the DNS. Will you run without him or will you take the DNS out of solidarity with Kody?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @Pastor Vincent My face looked like your bag yesterday. LOL

    Keep in mind that much salt got on the bag despite me wearing a shirt and a jacket. That salt must just be from my hair.

    The rest of me felt like I was covered in beach sand. Which is normal for me.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    Yep @PastorVincent That's how I usually feel too. But yesterday, despite it not being real warm, there were actually visible streaks of salt on my face. I wish I had taken a picture, but not sure it would have showed up.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Yep @PastorVincent That's how I usually feel too. But yesterday, despite it not being real warm, there were actually visible streaks of salt on my face. I wish I had taken a picture, but not sure it would have showed up.

    I take salt pills in the summer when running. I probably could save some money just scrapping it off my clothes!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Well I've had a half, but that was 18 months ago. I did run a happy 14k on Saturday, and run a minimum of 4k every day. I'm confident of my current fitness levels... But of course that can change any time

    Yeah, I think you can do it then, go for it! Listen to your body and be smart, but I suspect you will be fine. :)
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @7lenny7 Poor Kody! I hope he heals quickly!