Coronavirus prep



  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    edited March 2020
    I live in Central VA and I have noticed nothing out of stock where we live. Not yet anyway.
    They just announced that schools are closed tomorrow for kids. Apparently the teachers are supposed to clean their rooms and also prepare plans in case they shut down the schools in the coming weeks (which I'm positive they will do next week, especially since we didn't have a single snow day this year.)

    I honestly think it's a whole lot of panic over something small, but they are all afraid of liability. Personally, I refuse to submit to panic. I am not going to rush the store for supplies, I am not going to stop going to the gym and restaurants. I am happy to be the only one out when everyone else stays at home.
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    Financial losses must be huge. She was on the phone with OKC when we were told Gobert was confirmed and she cancelled right then.

    Between canceling South by Southwest ( a conference that brings in 500 mil for Austin, TX!), and the canceling of the NBA and NCAA spectators, and travel, etc....the financial losses are already staggering.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Worst case in my house: if I run out of soap I still have sodium hydroxide (for bar soap) and potassium hydroxide (for liquid soap) and plenty of oils to make more soap. I usually do cold process which has to cure for a few weeks but I have instructions for hot process which can be used right away.

    If the TP runs out, I have a whole bag of utility rags I can use.
  • YellowD0gs
    YellowD0gs Posts: 693 Member
    On-going college conference basketball tournaments are being cancelled, at least the big ones. Big East canceled an on-going game at half-time. Starting to wonder if the NCAAs will happen at all, no fans or not.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    YellowD0gs wrote: »
    On-going college conference basketball tournaments are being cancelled, at least the big ones. Big East canceled an on-going game at half-time. Starting to wonder if the NCAAs will happen at all, no fans or not.

    It seems to be a huge contradiction to me that they will cancel a game halfway through due to one confirmed positive test result when there must be dozens of positive cases in the crowd going undetected. Those are the ones doing the damage.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Where did you get those stats? I'm not saying you're wrong, just wondering.
    It generally takes about 5 days to show symptoms from the time of exposure but can be longer - most people will show symptoms in 14 days, thus that’s the standard length of quarantine, but a substantial minority take longer, thus the standard quarantine is almost certainly missing a few.

    80% of people have an infection which stays only in their nose and throat and have a mild case. If it enters the lungs, things turn bad, because the immune system doesn’t know how to deal with it. About 3.5% of people die. Those who die, do so an average of 18 days from the onset of symptoms. Some people do quite well for a week then take a turn for the worse; some people improve and look like they are recovering, then suddenly go into a crisis. The average time to get over having symptoms is 22 days. However, there’s evidence that people continue to shed the virus after recovering. There’s not currently agreement on how long recovered people remain contagious because the virus in their systems may be weakened, but some people seem to shed virus for another 20 days.
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I live in Central VA and I have noticed nothing out of stock where we live. Not yet anyway.
    They just announced that schools are closed tomorrow for kids. Apparently the teachers are supposed to clean their rooms and also prepare plans in case they shut down the schools in the coming weeks (which I'm positive they will do next week, especially since we didn't have a single snow day this year.)

    I honestly think it's a whole lot of panic over something small, but they are all afraid of liability. Personally, I refuse to submit to panic. I am not going to rush the store for supplies, I am not going to stop going to the gym and restaurants. I am happy to be the only one out when everyone else stays at home.

    Something small? 6% death rate in Italy, where they're running out of respirators for the sick? Why do you think things will be better in the U.S. when our pro-active response has been, of anything, worse than Italy's, and our president is still pretending it's not really here and we can prevent the spread by shutting down flights from Eyrope?
    The flu kills tens of thousands of people each year and no one bats an eye at it. I’m not going to panic over it and stop living life. Are we going to shut down events and travel every flu season from now on? Should we?
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I live in Central VA and I have noticed nothing out of stock where we live. Not yet anyway.
    They just announced that schools are closed tomorrow for kids. Apparently the teachers are supposed to clean their rooms and also prepare plans in case they shut down the schools in the coming weeks (which I'm positive they will do next week, especially since we didn't have a single snow day this year.)

    I honestly think it's a whole lot of panic over something small, but they are all afraid of liability. Personally, I refuse to submit to panic. I am not going to rush the store for supplies, I am not going to stop going to the gym and restaurants. I am happy to be the only one out when everyone else stays at home.

    Something small? 6% death rate in Italy, where they're running out of respirators for the sick? Why do you think things will be better in the U.S. when our pro-active response has been, of anything, worse than Italy's, and our president is still pretending it's not really here and we can prevent the spread by shutting down flights from Eyrope?
    The flu kills tens of thousands of people each year and no one bats an eye at it. I’m not going to panic over it and stop living life. Are we going to shut down events and travel every flu season from now on? Should we?

    This attitude irritates me to no end. The flu is endemic--it's spread far and wide, and hospitals are not generally overrun with patients. This coronavirus is a NEW virus, and humans have never experienced it before. It spreads relatively easily. We should learn from China and Italy how quickly hospitals can be overwhelmed with critical patients in need of life-saving support.

    In addition, the flu death rate is 0.1%, while the average death rate of COVID-19 is 3.5%, so that is a 35-fold difference in death rate. I will repeat that--it is 35 times more deadly. Even Fauci of the CDC said COVID-19 is 10-times worse than the flu. Just because the overall numbers of infected is still much lower than the flu, does not make it less sever than the flu. I'll even put it another way--the COVID-19 death rate is 1 in 33, while flu death rate is 1 in 1000.

    How is it that people are still calling this "like the flu"? Look it up yourself--there are plenty of articles explaining exactly why this is not true!!

    I’m not saying it’s like the flu but I don’t understand why people are stocking up on food and toilet paper when we experience thousands of flu deaths every year. I’m not worried about this one iota. People are acting like it’s The Stand or something.