

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Thankyou takes now lol

    Fav board games- monopoly,boggle
    Daughter fav is chess ♟ she was on the chess team lol 😂.She likes monopoly now that she knows my strategy. (Buy the lower priced properties cheaper can put hotels faster..grab randomly the ones that are higher priced so no one has a set - don’t need boardwalk or park place as a set cause the lowest ones get landed on the most! Especially after someone gets the go back to start go back to lower level avenue cards..also a few trains y electric or water is good)

    Cheat days for me Need to have moms recipe feel she agrees (all the ingredients were in one spot at the store y only tortilla chips left were 2 bags regular 100’s of the last ingredient lime tortilla chips. ) Comfort food in this virus ridden times is okay in moderation. It’s Not every day I get this.

    Amber Tx

    More exercising today y yesterday cleaned JRs toys 🧸.

    BABY y KIDS TOYS 🧸 during this pandemic:

    1.FOR STUFFED ANIMALS y DOLLS- If no batteries 🔋 or ruinable I’d washed parts time to toss teddy bears to stuffed rabbits into the washing machine with detergent y then the dryer. If not washable but no batteries 🔋 or plastic parts dryer after spraying with Lysol or spray bottle with similar cleaner .Dolls hand wash with woolite on face to restore y cleaners to disenfect don’t need to soak it unless it’s ridiculously dirty y has no batteries 🔋 (the kid who gets into dirt or paints lol) let air dry. Rest of them Lysol or spray bottle squirt let air dry.

    2. Plastic toys like blocks to wood ones like blocks or even action figures etc y bouncy balls ⚽️- fill tub with water y Lysol or bleach or similar cleaners if the items have no batteries or can fill with water get trapped y mold them toss in one by one .Can dry on the carpet after or a bunch of towels let air dry put a box fan on them or under a ceiling fan. If it has batteries y can get trapped water can get a bucket of cleaner y washcloth start wiping y even spray with Lysol let air dry.

    3. Toy Box- While empty wipe down with cleaner

    4. Paper items like a book- Spray with Lysol y wipe cover

    Try to do in 1 day so none are missed then hand a dry toy take the one from the kid the last one to be done. If need be can limit toys store away until after keep out safest ones you can clean. (Some feel better with wood toys instead of plastics right now)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Did 1 hr of yogalates for weight Loss DVD. Really, it went for another ½ hr but I had something I needed to do. The plan for tomorrow is to do Gilad’s Abs Beginner DVD

    Went to Aldi and while there met the gal whose house we have mahjongg at. She gave me two more of the bags that are a fine mesh and work great for when I need to drain the yogurt. For some reason, mine was unraveling

    Made banana chocolate chip muffins. They’re only 161 calories per muffin

    Since we moved out of NJ, haven’t had a good tomato. Jersey tomatoes are to die for, especially with mayo on a sandwich – another piece of heaven. Also in BLT’s

    At Aldi they’re asking everyone coming into the store to have a mask on. Some of the masks – totally open on the bottom. The biggest problem I find with the mask is that I really can’t hear a person talking, or at least I have a difficult time

    SuzyQ – Vince and I used to volunteer at the Humane Society. One lady there said to us “when I die, I want to come back as one of your cats”

    Cleaned out a lot of Bryan’s things. Fortunately, most of it goes into recycling. But there are a few things I do want to read. There is one in particular that made me start to cry so I just read a little of it.

    Found a REAL CUTE video Jess made when she was a child. She HAS to see it when she comes down. She just called to say that her job doesn’t start until June 1. Now will she come back for her finals like she said she was? Wouldn’t surprise me if she doesn’t

    I’m thinking that after I finish the c2c blanket, I’ll have some yarn left over. I might make some masks for the guy who has IPF. These masks, even tho crocheted, have a place where you can put a filter in

    Good news – the guy across the street who was in Afghanistan is coming home. When I came home from Aldi there was a sign in their front yard “welcome home”. I’m so happy for them. Haven’t been able to get in touch with the wife to find out when he’s coming home.

    You know, I was just thinking – I wonder if using a scarf like the ones you use in the winter would work for a mask. They are thick. Even tho they don’t (probably) cover your chin, they would cover your mouth and nose. What do you all think?

    Michele NC
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: Thursday: carry over cleaning 5 mins Master Bth. Friday invested 10 mins cleaning Master Bd, carry over 10 mins cleaning Living Rm,
    Bonus: Thursday: walk with Joe and the dogs around the Community College, 27 mins cleaning Master Bth, zoom chat with friend. Friday 27 mins grooming Tumble, 27 mins additional vacuuming, 11 mins additional dusting, stroll with Joe and the dogs, zoom line dancing.
    Get to do: BB&B, mtg minutes, invest 10 mins cleaning Office, carry over 10 mins cleaning Guest Bth, 5 mins Office – oops!, finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed, prep potato bed for snow peas, dig up snow pea bed for potatoes and greens, prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes, transplant herbs, call Lee, bake cookies for Joe, call Carolyn, finish cleaning and start de-rusting Aunt Elsie’s stove, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine.
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments.
    Coping Calendar Day 27: Thank 3 and tell them why
    One down two to go.

    Terri “… attacked by pirates…” OMG! Bravo for the alert passengers and their quick response. Thankful for the crew members with hoses and the armed Israeli security officers. Wow wow WOW! So grateful you escaped with only (minor I hope) injuries.
    Lanette oh those annoying hardwired chirping alarms. In our Nampa rental the dang things were installed on the vaulted ceiling, 11 ft high. Joe had to get on a ladder. Had we owned the place we’d have ripped them out of the ceiling and stamped them to pieces. :rage: Yes Lisa just like that! “Quarantine coffee” :lol:
    SuziQ “trade school” :laugh: Con VERY grats on the vacuum. Score!
    Amber congrats on being able to wear for the ring! BIG congrats for 75% of the way to your goal.
    Lisa no word for the parent whose child dies. Maybe because it’s too horrific to give a name?
    Barbie “please don’t walk me again” made me laugh but our dogs aren’t there yet.
    Tere in Rva :cry: were the losses COVID-19 related?
    Machka yes, keep safe. Thankful for how far you and your DH have come.

    Only thru pg 94 but the dogs and Joe are stirring, so if I want to be included in their walk I better get dressed!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    April: better than March.
    daily: steps=Thurs 3379, Fri 3863, vits=23.5 log=24 CI<CO=19 CI<250<CO=11 Tumble & Shadow 5=17 mfp=24 clean 10 mins=27 outside=18 up hill=23
    wkly: BB&B x3=0 rx=2 dance=4.75 
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=0 review 20for20=0
    bonus: AF=16 play=0 sew=0
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2020
    Rita: I love the birds. Are they egrets? :huh:

    Michele: If you have a sewing machine there is a good pattern for masks on the internet. :star:

    Barbie: We try to keep salt use to a moderate level. Because we wanted to reduce sodium we bought a product that does nice things for food flavor. The product is called TrueLime and we got it from amazon. We also got a container of TrueLemon. We seem to prefer the lime but they’re both sodium free. Labels say: Crystalized Lime (or lemon) Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Lime oil, lime juice (or lemon oil & juice) ascorbic acid & maltodextrin. I think it does nice things for flavor. I like them on poultry, fish & pork. Neither product will replace pizza or hotdogs. We loved Costco Dogs but haven’t been there to get one in ages and DH wouldn’t be able to have the treat if we did go there now. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,424 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Heather - so happy to hear you got your refund!!

    Meg - great to hear from you. Yes, will be interesting to see if you had the "glitter" - several in our area were also very ill, even hospitalized with pneumonia in early February. I know one of the fellows, late 70's, who always gets a flu shot. Would be interesting to know exactly what that was. If it wasn't the glitter, then that's also scary, isn't it? Glad your kickboxing is going well.

    Janetr - so glad you got your little vehicle back. I think it would be fun working/even volunteering at the Sheriff's office helping find stolen property on Craigslist. (Our Sheriff doesn't have any opportunities like that, but if they did, I'd sign up. B)

    Finally getting things checked off my "to do" list:

    Yesterday planted potatoes and onions & dug holes for tomatoes (they won't go in for a few weeks but right now our clay soil is soft, perfect for digging.)

    This morning - started some basil, kale, and colored yarrow. Again, old seeds but crossing fingers. And gave myself a haircut. So thankful for curly hair. B)

    SuziQ - I have new vacuum cleaner fever. Yesterday I dragged our old one out to do some quick cleanup around the woodstove and that thing is making wierd squeaks, hard to push/pull and was cranky, I'm surprised our cleaner hasn't complained. Time for a new one and DH can have the old one for his shop.

    Glitter (virus) stuff:
    Regarding masks- when I went in for my allergy shots on Tuesday, they gave me a surgical mask to wear. It is not reusable, but I sprayed it well with 70% alcohol when I got home and hung it to dry and it's like new. Learned early on that hitting it with a hot iron=melting, so no go on that. From what I've read, the cloth masks protect others from us. The N95 masks protect us from others (and others from us.) The surgical masks - maybe do both to some extent? I've been looking at what I consider authoritative sources to find out more and it seems none of them agree. :(Karen? Advice?

    Regarding disinfectant - so the media is whipped up about using disinfectants in humans. I bought some stock in a company this morning which is doing exactly that, using a type of UV light in conjunction with trials at Cedars Sinai as a means to disinfect within the lungs. The company is also involved in other more normal ventures involving the glitter. B) I have a very small investment account for fun. I'm a contrarian investor - if something is poo-pooed, that's the one I research and gamble on. ;) I've made more than I've lost through the years. Maybe just luck.

    Regarding UV light
    - I discovered the air cleaner I'm using in the bedroom to clean the air for my allergies also has a UV setting. Great to know if we ever have to use it in a "sick room". The high setting is quite powerful. Score!

    Last week's 7 am Sunday Walmart shopping was great so I'll head in early tomorrow. I have a bit of shopping to do that will involve more than a dash to the bread and vegetable aisles. Vacuum cleaners, here I come.

    Our cleaner is coming this Tuesday (unless she's ill or been around ill people. She's pretty much staying at home too with her husband.) Anyhow I'll head to town Tuesday and hit a few stores that don't open until 9 since she's here from 8 until 10. Going once a week suits me better.

    Have a wonderful weekend! <3

    SW WA State
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited April 2020
    Ooh today's meal is chicken fried rice and a side of stir fried bok choy, in my shiitake mushroom dressing with diced tomatoes and sweet onions. I will sprinkle walnuts over my dish just because.💖. I do have to wait until 5 pm though. I had some hearty grains bread toasted with butter and honey last night, so waiting all day won't be a chore. It will still be a 22/2 intermittent fasting window. Sunday will be a 12-2 pm because I want to fry some eggs, and nurse a pot of coffee!
    Enjoy your day ladies! Glad the video showed. I am going to start making an Athena area in my home!😁
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Terri in VA))): Thinking of you. <3<3<3

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    “Katla49 Member
    April 25, 2020 11:54AM edited 12:14PM
    Rita: I love the birds. Are they egrets? “

    Yes the are snowy egret youngsters. I wanted a closer pic but they took off. My phone doesn’t have a great zoom lens.

    I love taking nature pictures. My favorite thing in the world! Once we get our stimulus payment, I want a lens for my Cannon and will take more pics with that.

    RV Rita
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    stat for the day:

    Zwift bike trainer- 1hr, 10min, 40sec, 12.8amph, 159mhr, 15.03mi= 715c
    apple watch- 753c
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: Friday invested 10 mins cleaning Master Bd, carry over 10 mins cleaning Living Rm.
    Bonus: Friday 27 mins grooming Tumble, 27 mins additional vacuuming, 11 mins additional dusting, stroll with Joe and the dogs, zoom line dancing.
    Get to do: BB&B, mtg minutes, invest 10 mins cleaning Office, carry over 10 mins cleaning Guest Bth, 5 mins Office – oops!, finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed, prep potato bed for snow peas, dig up snow pea bed for potatoes and greens, prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes, transplant herbs, call Lee, bake cookies for Joe, call Carolyn, finish cleaning and start de-rusting Aunt Elsie’s stove, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine.
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments.
    Coping Calendar Day 27: Thank 3 and tell them why
    two and three done.
    Coping Calendar Day 28: Plan to meet up with others later in the year
    last night after zoom dancing we discussed returning to the Grange soon as the restriction on exercise classes is lifted. Will email childhood friend to reschedule our lunch meetup that should have happened Wednesday.

    Fooey! Put my hiking boots on for nothing. It’s misting a little (surprise!) so Joe doesn’t want to go anywhere.

    Allie sorry to hear of Trudy’s trouble. Is there a virtual narc-anon for addicts’ loved ones?
    Kate “walking to Gondor” now THAT I’d like to see!
    Meg, “My knees actually feel better” after kickboxing for an hour. Thank you for the reminder. Coach Ken says “Motion is lotion.” Really gotta get down on that mat.
    Amber “falafels with powdered sugar” ? Only felafel I’ve ever had was savory, yummy, delicious but wouldn’t go with powdered sugar?
    Karen in VA Mama used to make a grapefruit, red onion, avocado salad with Best Foods, not Catalina, and no spinach. Thanks for the yummy memory and new variation! Only have Vol 1 of The Joy of Cooking, which does not contain desserts/sweets. Would you please tell me about Fudge Cockaigne & Cream Caramels? That video of the Chinese drones-chilling!
    Machka “… can rest now. At last.” So poignant. Perhaps the world after COVID-19 will be as different as your and your DH’s lives after TBI.
    Heather looked up your hot weather in Hove. 54 degrees F? No wonder you were chilly sleeveless. For me it doesn’t get hot until the degrees F start with a 9. ;) I think your Johnny is a genius too. He and KJ almost make me wish I was a child again.
    KJ no wonder you’re exhausted. I’ve run into a few folk here who believe the whole COVID-19 thing is at best blown all out of proportion and at worst a conspiracy to eliminate our freedom of assembly and religion. Karen in VA’s chilling video of the Chinese mask-Nazi drones almost lends credence. BUT scientifically we know at how much risk your DH is. Would he listen to his doctor? Or some other respected male? Aaauugh!
    Janetr :love: the new profile pic! So glad the thieves were stupid, caught and your ATV farm truck returned to you.
    Margaret I’m using a mist of white wine vinegar and thyme essential oil to sanitize the kitchen.
    Rita that pic of the ?cranes? and the water made me go “aaah” Oops, now I see they were snowy egrets. Thank you for sharing your photographer’s gift!
    Barbie what a lot of technical blows for one day. Would you consider calling the cable company, sometimes they can remotely troubleshoot and perhaps they’d mail you a replacement?
    Welcome @laughingdakini1 There are quite a few vegetarians and even a few OMADs here. To send a friend request, click on someone’s screen name, then click it again in the box that opens, then click the “Add as friend” button. Please don’t be offended if the person doesn’t reply, several here restrict themselves to just this forum and don’t do the “friend” thing.
    Lanette “I think it would be fun working/even volunteering at the Sheriff's office helping find stolen property on Craigslist. (Our Sheriff doesn't have any opportunities like that, but if they did, I'd sign up” Why not suggest it as a volunteer opportunity? Sounds like a great idea to me!
    Heather “You seem to spend a lot of time cleaning” Had to pick myself up off from the floor from reading that. ROTFLMAO. Mama (scrubby Dutch) said I was a p!$$ poor housekeeper. She was right (natch) and I haven’t gotten any better with age. Lately I’ve been trying to make myself give 10 mins to a different room each day as a way of fooling myself into doing it. What is there to clean? Dust. Dog hair. Spruce needles. Food spills. Soap scum. Rust stains. Toothpaste splatter on mirrors. Cooking messes on stoves, walls and cabinet doors. Cob webs. The occasionally spot of mildew. Oh and the clutter I’m unable to force myself to purge. “Don’t be too clean.” Not a problem! Thank you for the belly laugh, I really needed it!

    Favorite foods
    Hot pepper cheese garlic bread back in the day. Can’t find the pasteurized processed cheese food any more, it’s all pepper jack, NOT the same.
    Baked potato with butter, sour cream and chives. Back when I was a veg, I’d mash it with the same hot pepper cheese and make a meal of it.
    Sauerbraten with buttered noodles.
    Chicken and dumplings the way Mama made ‘em (used a pressure cooker, I’ve never been able to get it right.)
    Pepperoni, salami, red onion, pepperoncini thin crust pizza.
    Devilled eggs
    German hot potato salad (haven’t made it in years, next time I buy bacon.)
    Malty, caramel-y ales (now AF) and round soft full bodied dark red wines. Mouth waters thinking about the bottle of Temperanillo I have stashed for a rainy day.
    Dark chocolate.

    Dangit, now I have the munchies.

    NOW will get up and walk the dogs down the drive to the lane so as not to waste the effort of putting on the hiking boots. ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    April: better than March.
    daily: steps=Fri 3863, vits=23.5 log=24 CI<CO=19 CI<250<CO=11 Tumble & Shadow 5=17 mfp=24 clean 10 mins=27 outside=18 up hill=23
    wkly: BB&B x3=0 rx=2 dance=4.75 
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=0 review 20for20=0
    bonus: AF=16 play=0 sew=0