What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • sn2ess
    sn2ess Posts: 13 Member
    Today’s workouts: 15 minute walk in the backyard then a 3 mile run...hoping to still walk a mile or two out back later...
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Yoga, breath work, dead hangs and handstand pushups...
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,542 Member
    edited May 2020
    Over lunch a 48 minute workout, consisting of 12 intervals of 4 minutes each, alternating exercises until time up, without breaks
    10x kettlebell clean and press alt with 40 step ups
    5x reverse pushup (under table) alt with 10 situps
    10x kettlebell chest press alt with 20x glute bridges
    10x pushup alt with supermans
    10x kettlebell bent over row alt with leg lift/one-legged romanian
    10x kettlebell overhead triceps extension alt with leg lifts
    repeat one more time

    And I just did a 40 minute stretching session. Hip flexors and glutes were rather tight today, but just ~10cm to front split. Not too bad considering I could not even touch the ground about 3 weeks ago.
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    Been spending the past few days a bit unmotivated with weights so lots of cardio. Yesterday I did not carb up enough for a great leg day today, but I also biked for a bit, which gives some resistance, right?!? Ironically, although not enough carbs, I’ve been having way too much fiber, and my tummy tells me so! I’m talking for the past 2 days 72+g. Not good. Back to white rice.
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Over lunch a 48 minute workout, consisting of 12 intervals of 4 minutes each, alternating exercises until time up, without breaks
    10x kettlebell clean and press alt with 40 step ups
    5x reverse pushup (under table) alt with 10 situps
    10x kettlebell chest press alt with 20x glute bridges
    10x pushup alt with supermans
    10x kettlebell bent over row alt with leg lift/one-legged romanian
    10x kettlebell overhead triceps extension alt with leg lifts
    repeat one more time

    And I just did a 40 minute stretching session. Hip flexors and glutes were rather tight today, but just ~10cm to front split. Not too bad considering I could not even touch the ground about 3 weeks ago.

    Nice! I’m about as flexible as a cutting board so jealous!! But I think I will be adding stretching into my nightly routine for legs and glutes.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,008 Member
    52 min brisk pace walk outside (average pace 4 mph)
    35 chin ups (first time doing 15 in a row)
    105 push ups (both chin ups and push ups are in sets to failure.)
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited May 2020
    My virtual indoor rowing club announced this week that we have to do a half marathon row this month, so I decided to switch around my days and start training for it now. I've made Sundays my AT (anaerobic threshold) day, instead of Fridays. I'll take it easy on Monday and Tuesday now and then go hard on Wed and Sundays (light days also on Thur and Friday).

    This was the hardest I've pushed an hour in a while. Actually didn't feel bad at all. Handle slipped out of my hands twice with all the sweat so I toweled off and just started back up. Might have done the half today but went out too fast and was doing it fasted. I'd have to eat a bit first before I attempt it. I might do 15K next Sunday then do it the following week (the full 21,097 meters).

    When I was getting ready to start, my dogs kept barking -- mule deer near the fence.


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,542 Member
    alexmose wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    Over lunch a 48 minute workout, consisting of 12 intervals of 4 minutes each, alternating exercises until time up, without breaks
    10x kettlebell clean and press alt with 40 step ups
    5x reverse pushup (under table) alt with 10 situps
    10x kettlebell chest press alt with 20x glute bridges
    10x pushup alt with supermans
    10x kettlebell bent over row alt with leg lift/one-legged romanian
    10x kettlebell overhead triceps extension alt with leg lifts
    repeat one more time

    And I just did a 40 minute stretching session. Hip flexors and glutes were rather tight today, but just ~10cm to front split. Not too bad considering I could not even touch the ground about 3 weeks ago.

    Nice! I’m about as flexible as a cutting board so jealous!! But I think I will be adding stretching into my nightly routine for legs and glutes.

    Thanks :) I've always been somewhat flexible, but always had very tight muscles due to being the kid who couldn't run with the other kids, and then just preferred to play/read/etc by myself. Stretching the hip flexors really is key I think, plus the hamstrings to get anywhere with regards to flexibility. Also read up on how to do exercises properly. Something like downward dog is brilliant if done properly: if you bend over forward do it from the hips and not the back, and try to point the tail bone upwards. Doesn't matter if you only manage a bit at first.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Confused this morning as a Dup Thread was started.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    60 minute walk
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,542 Member
    quiet day. short walk into town to buy preserving glasses (I want to make acar from leftover carrots, green beens and chillis). And nearly an hour of hip, hamstring, etc stretching just now.
  • klove808
    klove808 Posts: 346 Member
    20 stairs run/walk
    30 min adv yoga (working on balance, hand stands etc)
    40 min full body weight training (dumbbells)

    Today: walking stairs /hatha yoga -40 min ea
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    Upper body work. Walked 4 mi total so far. But it’s 74 degrees and I’m loving the sun! We have tons of rain in the future so I just want to enjoy more time outside!
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,008 Member
    MONDAY 5/4

    34 chin ups
    110 push ups (both chin ups and push ups are in sets to failure.)
    35 min spin bike

    50 min walk outside, brisk pace, average 4.1 MPH
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    I keep saying I'm going to lift more but last night was tough to do. We're not even talking major weights, very light. But with all the rowing volume, it's been tough.

    Last night I did 100 pushups, 50 KB swings (half with 30 lbs, the other half with the 25kg one -- 52 lbs), 50 weighted deep squats with around 35 lbs, 100 shoulder pressups (each side).

    Today was an hour easy row at 5AM. Never had an issue before with the handle slipping out of my hands but it did 3 times this morning. But in six years, I've never rowed outside this much. My hands get very sweaty and you're supposed to keep a very loose grip. Just frustrating a bit. I guess something I'll have to adjust to as the Tucson Summers heat up. Some of my workouts will end up into the high 80s, even at 5 AM. Maybe I'll break down and take it inside eventually. We'll see.

    Around 900 calories this AM in an hour -- kept the HR mostly in check at under 150. UT2/UT1 workout (easy to moderately easy is UT2, moderate is UT1).
  • lularoetaraallen
    lularoetaraallen Posts: 1 Member
    WOD- 4 rounds, 45 second rest between
    -15 Russian KB swings
    -20 split squats
    -30 double unders
    3 minutes alternating 15 tuck-ups, hallow hold
    2 miles at varied speeds on treadmill with incline.

    Great Day!!
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    An hour easy row today, again. Felt good. Handle only slipped out of my hands once with the sweat. When you do a moderately easy row like this, you look at consistency of form, data, consistent rate and try not to let the HR drift up too much. I did well on all these things today so it was a satisfying, yet painfully boring session.

    @big_fn_rob - please tell me those are steel toed shoes?? You're ridiculously strong.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Yoga, breath work, dead hangs, scapular pull-ups (still have golfer's elbow so pull-ups are painful) and handstand pushups...
  • treetpflyer
    treetpflyer Posts: 184 Member
    Warm up
    10 scap pu
    6 Hip Airplanes e/s
    10 OH squats
    10 Straight legged sit ups
    8 Bent over torso twists e/s
    10 Prone behind the neck pull downs

    Muscle Building

    Back Squats
    8 @ 190, 6 @ 205, 4 @ 220, 2 @ 235
    Each round:
    10 Chin Ups
    6 Box Jumps

    AMRAP 12 min.

    8 Jump Squats
    20 Ring Rows
    10 Toes to Bar

    2 Rounds: 1 min hold each movement

    Hollow Body
    Side Plank e/s


    50 Barbell Curls 45 lb. No Stop