May 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @janejellyroll that is too funny. We had something similar here, it was support to be 15K and they dropped it down to 10K once everyone got there because of the incoming weather. ha ha on the turkey

    @Tramboman we have a NB store by us too, I've never been in there. One of Skip's friends was a professional runner for NB and she turned her on to wearing them so we drive by the NB store to give her our business at Fleet Feet ha ha
  • robynmac5819
    robynmac5819 Posts: 161 Member
    Oh and my watch doesn’t have the calibrate feature at the end of my run. So I’m just recording my treadmill distance.
  • robynmac5819
    robynmac5819 Posts: 161 Member

    :-/ I think until I’m outdoors I get a better watch this is how it goes
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    @janejellyroll that is too funny. We had something similar here, it was support to be 15K and they dropped it down to 10K once everyone got there because of the incoming weather. ha ha on the turkey

    @Tramboman we have a NB store by us too, I've never been in there. One of Skip's friends was a professional runner for NB and she turned her on to wearing them so we drive by the NB store to give her our business at Fleet Feet ha ha

    Too funny.
    A lot of times when my wife and I go we take advantage of the "buy one get one free."
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @robynmac5819 great run today.
    @Tramboman I like BOGO
  • penko47
    penko47 Posts: 236 Member
    May 12th- 3.1 miles
    24.53/50.03 miles complete
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,150 Member
    01/05 1.54 miles
    05/05 2.35 miles
    06/05 2.51 miles
    07/05 1.52 miles
    13/05 2.51 miles


    Loss to hear a few have had family losses
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    @robynmac5819 great run today.
    @Tramboman I like BOGO

    If it weren't for BOGO, I'd probably have to run barefoot in the nude. Now THAT'S frightening!!!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,127 Member
    edited May 2020
    @kgirlhart That's a great "easy" pace! Glad you had a nice run.

    @robynmac5819 Sounds like you are doing great. My Garmin doesn't have the "save and calibrate" button either. I always go by the treadmill for distance, but use the Garmin for HR and calories burned.

    @katharmonic Wow! Just Wow! Just reading about your workout makes me hurt all over. :lol:

    Sooo. The plan to give my new shoes a week before deciding whether to keep them or not went the way of the wind today. I did another treadmill session...25 minutes easy. The shoes felt okay during the 5 minute warm-up walk, but the minute I started running, I started to feel it. My left knee was hurting, then my shins chimed in, and the calf where I tore the muscle a few years back started hurting. Three minutes in, I gave up and changed into my old shoes. I was able to finish the run with no pains. So, I have a feeling I really do have over pronation and need the support shoes. The change in midsole drop probably just added to the issues. So, bad news is that I am going to send my shoes back. :disappointed: Good news @Tramboman is that you will get more seductively posed shoe porn when my new shoes arrive. :wink: I am just going to go back to the Brooks Adrenaline, since I know they work for me. I do have to get the newer model though, as all of the old ones I can find are not in my size.

    Ran 2 miles, easy pace, and walked 1 mile.


    News on my cousin, if you are interested, in the spoiler below.
    After much finagling, the lawyer finally went over and got the power of attorney signed today. He had to watch my cousin sign through the glass door going to the outside, but it worked. Now, to get copies and that will be all set.

    He is doing a lot better. Now there may be a problem in getting him approved for long term residency. He is legally blind and can't hear well, but, since he is somewhat mobile, he doesn't automatically qualify. He tells me he doesn't feel it would be safe for him to go back to his apartment/live by himself anymore. The only other option I know of is Assisted Living, which would be perfect for him. However, he can't afford it with his income and I'm pretty sure medicaid will NOT help pay for that like it does for nursing home care. I'm still looking into that . The government website is unclear to me. The lady at the nursing home is still trying to get him approved, but she says it is a much longer process and they only approve like 1,000 a year in the entire state. I'm still hopeful he can stay there, but am trying to at least know what the other options are if he can't.

    Medicaid is also dragging their heels. We don't know if he is going to be approved for that either. You can only have like $2300 in the bank and less than $2000 in property to qualify. He was about $100 over on the money...that is until this month when he received his $1200 stimulus check. Now he's way over. So, who knows. If he isn't approved, he is going to be billed for almost $200 a day for every day he has been in the nursing home past the 20 days Medicare covers. That will quickly put him at zero money in the bank. Then I don't know if you have to start the process all over or what.

    I'm trying to not stress over any of this until necessary and trying to word it to him in such a way that he isn't stressed. And then, of course, there is replacing the things he lost. I have most of that done - TN ID, Medicare card, and ATM card. On to his cell phone tomorrow.

    I would appreciate any ideas on places he might be able to go where he has assistance with everyday care, if he isn't approved for the nursing home.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2020
    @quilteryoyo I know the stimulus money wasn't supposed to count against anyone on assistance. No idea why it'd count applying. Unfortunately (I think) Medicare does work where you have to expend all of your assets and resources before you qualify. So, yes I think you start over when he's exhausted his monies. Sounds like you have some questions to ask the powers that be. Maybe they can be helpful and forthcoming with info.

    I don't have any experience so I'm just trying to brainstorm. I don't know if assisted living has a sliding scale maybe? I'd maybe make calls to various places and see if they know a place that fits his needs. Is he a disabled vet by chance? Veterans home here is swanky. Low rent place/ roommate with home health/ meals on wheels? Poor guy.

    Eta here there is a day center for older folks. They come get them, feed them, do stuff or just watch TV and take them home.. although, it sounds like he's destined for a home, so maybe better now than later?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,127 Member
    Thanks @Elise4270 . When I get a chance, I am going to try to call some of the assisted living facilities in the area and see what they say. Before he went into the nursing home, he was living in low income housing. It's pretty much a dump. I doubt if he would want a roommate. He is a veteran, but his disability is not service related, so not sure he could live in a VA home. If he did, he'd have to move, because our closest VA only has a short term live in program for those with mental health issues. (We do have a great VA hospital - Mountain Home. It's the best!) Thanks for the ideas!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Thanks @Elise4270 . When I get a chance, I am going to try to call some of the assisted living facilities in the area and see what they say. Before he went into the nursing home, he was living in low income housing. It's pretty much a dump. I doubt if he would want a roommate. He is a veteran, but his disability is not service related, so not sure he could live in a VA home. If he did, he'd have to move, because our closest VA only has a short term live in program for those with mental health issues. (We do have a great VA hospital - Mountain Home. It's the best!) Thanks for the ideas!

    I took a quick look at the VA website; service connected disability does not appear to be a primary criteria.
    I would suggest checking out the VA possibility thoroughly.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2020
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Thanks @Elise4270 . When I get a chance, I am going to try to call some of the assisted living facilities in the area and see what they say. Before he went into the nursing home, he was living in low income housing. It's pretty much a dump. I doubt if he would want a roommate. He is a veteran, but his disability is not service related, so not sure he could live in a VA home. If he did, he'd have to move, because our closest VA only has a short term live in program for those with mental health issues. (We do have a great VA hospital - Mountain Home. It's the best!) Thanks for the ideas!

    I took a quick look at the VA website; service connected disability does not appear to be a primary criteria.
    I would suggest checking out the VA possibility thoroughly.

    I agree. We did clinical this last semester at one and it was not service related from one fella I spoke to. I do think that there maybe an expense/rent, if you will, if there is a partial disability. I was really impressed with the one here. And he’d be among other vets.

    Dumps are bad. I really hope he finds respectable care.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited May 2020
    Unexpected rest day today... I did all my usual race day routine, looked at the weather and it said 98% chance of thunderstorms. I will run in rain, but not lightning, so we decided to chill and run tomorrow. And then the thunderstorms never happened, but by then it was too late to go out unless we wanted to run in the dark! It was a beautiful day. I didn’t even know what to do with myself, I’m so used to having some sort of workout planned. I ended up sitting outside watching titmice, cardinals, and woodpeckers come and go at the bird feeder.

    My knee still isn’t perfect so maybe this is fate and the extra day will end up being a good thing.

    Also sighted - not a bird!
    This is the mother raccoon that is living in our storage shed. She came out, looked at me, and went on her way without a care. My feet are resting on the chair you can see in the picture so she’s a few feet away.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Lots of snowy cold -or$ warmer but lightning weather lately. Combined with work crazy, meant that there wasn’t much running lately. I did do well at still doing strength training and Romwod stuffs. But that meant I had more weights in a row than I have done in a while. So, the DOMS were real. Today, timing worked to avoid cold and lightning. But I think I was still feeling Sunday’s squats and other leg day antics... and then yesterday involved deadlifts. Thus, Romwod was not sufficient stretchy time.
    Today’s run hurt. Everything was tight. It was also very slow for how long the run intervals were. I was very slow, but given how tight and short my stride was, it was to be expected. And I did get a little run in, at least. But it went from slow and tight, to essentially being pretty gimpy in the end.

    1.8 today = 17.2 ish?/ 50
    Bit behind schedule due to weather, but hopefully I can catch it up.

    Along those lines.... I’m considering being fiscally irresponsible, but supporting operation anti fluffy.... those of you with dreadmills/satan’s sidewalks/ treadmills.... even if they are terrible objects to try to move.
    *or* those of you who know things about them... what do you have? What do you like? What would you recommend? Anything I should look for or pay attention to in my research? Or try to avoid?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    Along those lines.... I’m considering being fiscally irresponsible, but supporting operation anti fluffy.... those of you with dreadmills/satan’s sidewalks/ treadmills.... even if they are terrible objects to try to move.
    *or* those of you who know things about them... what do you have? What do you like? What would you recommend? Anything I should look for or pay attention to in my research? Or try to avoid?

    Thoughts in no order:

    Watch the used market. You can find dreadmills that have only been places for prior owners to hang clothes on for years for a great deal some times.

    Look for ones with the ability to change the incline. You want them to go to at least 10% even if you never plan to run that much.

    Look for ones that let you set a program to run like "run 2 miles @ speed/incline then speed up for 5 miles and slow back down for 2" or what ever

    Pay attention to max speed. You may never run 10mph, but you will want one that goes that high incase you do sprints or intervals on it

    Pay attention to max weight, the more it can take the better built it probably is

    Pay attention to the base warranty offering. It is an indication of how long they expect the unit to last. The longer the better.

    Pay attention to how big the thing is and how easily/well it folds up and consider your space when you put it in. Most dreadmills are very large and heavy. You will want to run in a room where you have good cross ventilation (or at least fans) and maybe a TV or other entertainment.

    Get one of those rubber mats they make for dreadmills to put under it to protect your floor

    That is my first set of thoughts...