May 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    A nice sunny run this morning. Fresh and not too warm. Felt like my breathing and stride was good and when I got home I was delighted to see it was much faster than I have been for a while. I was well under an 11 minute mile average and every km (don’t ask me why my watch gives me laps in kilometres when it is set to miles!) was under 7m, even the one going up a massive hill!

    Have a great day all. X

    May goal: 60 miles
    May total: 34 miles

    1/5: Strength training
    2/5: 4.2 miles
    3/5: Strength training
    4/5: 4 miles
    5/5: Strength training
    6/5: 5 miles
    7/5: Strength training
    8/5: 4.8 miles
    9/5: Strength training, zoom yoga class
    10/5: 6.23 miles
    11/5: Strength training
    12/5: 5.5 miles
    13/5: Strength training
    14/5: 4.3 miles

    April: 115 m
    March: 76.4 m
    February: 17.8 m
    January: 0
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    5-1 7k moderate
    5-2 7k easy
    5-3 11k easy
    5-4 rest
    5-5 7k moderate
    5-6 7k moderate
    5-7 7k moderate
    5-8 7k easy
    5-9 11k slow
    5-10 7k moderate
    5-11 rest
    5-12 7k moderate
    5-13 7k moderate
    5-14 7k thresholdy

    May Total: 92k
    May Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k
    April Total: 191k

    2020 Total through April: 700k

    Mostly cloudy and 50 degrees F, with a wind from the southwest. Ran with more effort today. I know I'm pushing it when I start to feel a little bit nauseous. Kind of like race pace without the adrenaline of a race to help.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020K in 2020

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders

    2020 races:

    6-20 Freedom Run 5k, Aurora, OH
    9-19 Race for the Parks 5k, Hudson, OH
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    5/1 – 3
    5/2 – 3
    5/3 – 3
    5/4 – 3
    5/5 – 0
    5/6 – 2
    5/7 – 4
    5/8 – 4
    5/9 – 3
    5/10 – 10K Mother’s Day virtual
    5/11 - 2
    5/12 – 3
    5/13 – 2
    5/14 – 5

    43 of 50 miles

    @Tramboman on those really hot days nude might not be too bad, if I ran nude people would social distance for sure.

    @quilteryoyo I’m sorry about the shoes  I went through with my grandmother what you are going through with your cousin, nothing worse than the government red tape, it must be especially hard now with so many not working. With my grandmother they just took the money she had for her nursing home care, maybe they will do that too. They took every penny she got from SS and other monies she was getting and that went to the nursing home. What I found out though was they had to keep that money in an account and they had to pay her debt with it, like funeral expenses after she passed. When she started to go downhill (per nursing home) I used to her money to prepay her funeral and she was buried with my grandfather so she already owned the plot. The funeral director who was a friend said find out how much money she has, she had like $6,000 there and he sent me a bill for $6200 after the funeral so I was able to get her money back into the family and I gave it to my aunt and uncles. Anyway sorry went off track there. How would he do with a nurse coming in a few days a week, or going to an adult day care type situation? I’m sorry you are going through this but thankful he has you to advocate for him. – started reading the other comments. Check with the VA anyway, my uncle was a Marine, okay he would kill me, he IS a Marine and at least in Florida they take really good care of him with medical issues.

    @rheddmobile – that’s a big one there, too cute. Sounds like a nice rest day, hope it helped the knee.

    @hanlonsk I don’t own one of those torture devices but someone on a running site I below asked for recommendations and someone who just brought one, who was anal at checking them out gave advice like about length of the deck, belts, incline/decline all types of good things. Let me see if I can find the post and copy the suggestions here. Crap I would have never thought about

    Mother’s Day Virtual 5K – done
    Retro Run Virtual 5K – done
    Rona on the Run - Virtual for St. Jude benefit - done
    Keep Moving Huntsville - at least one mile a day 1 - 31 May
    Pirate Challenge – 10 weeks mile challenge June - Sept
    Flora-Bama 600K - Virtual race from Huntsville AL to the Florida Alabama state line in Orange Beach
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @hanlonsk here's the post:

    I just went through this myself. I researched for about 6 months before finally purchasing one about 3 weeks ago. One of the most important things to keep in mind when buying a treadmill is the size of the run deck. If it's too narrow or too short, it will be difficult to run/walk on. The best range is from 20 inches wide to 60 inches long. Next most important is the motor size. For running, choose 3.0 CHP or higher. You can get away with a smaller motor for walking and casual jogging, but I personally wouldn't go any lower. Another important feature is the amount of weight the treadmill you are looking at can handle. Some cheaper options can only handle up to 180 pounds. If you are a serious runner, or will be using the mill several times a week, I would go with one that handles heavier runners to ensure the deck and motor last longer. Another important feature (to me) was the fact that some treadmills come with their own app that you have to pay for. Peloton and Nordictrack and two that require a membership and it's not cheap. If you want more workout options, then that is the way to go. If you don't care about having a million options, you can choose a treadmill that is bluetooth enabled and you can use your own app and even stream music etc. Personal note: I use Zwift for my bike trainer and with the blue tooth enabled treadmill I just bought, I can now use my Zwift app for my treadmill. Another feature that was important to me was having a data screen that was in a separate place from the spot that would hold my tablet/iphone. The treadmill I have now has the tablet holder on top of the data screen so I have to move my Kindle if I want to see how I'm doing. So, that may not matter to others, but it was important to me. Another thing that I found important was being able to fold up the treadmill when I'm done. Space saving is important b/c I have a very small home. Another thing I found important was automatic incline and decline (not having to do it manually). Lastly, I wanted one with a built in fan. This is the one I ended up buying if you are interested in seeing after I gave you my requirements. And, in case you're interested, I currently run on a Nordictrack. It's about 15 years old and the motor has started overheating when I get to mile 3 so that is why I had to get a new one. I would recommend a Nordictrack except for the fact of having to buy into the ifit app. I did not want to have to keep paying money into something I had already spent so much money on especially since I have the Zwift Run app already.

    Looks like she brought an expensive one (like $1500) but it gives you and idea of what she looked for

  • robynmac5819
    robynmac5819 Posts: 161 Member
    @hanlonsk Another good suggestion is pay attention to motor size. If you are going to be running on it frequently you want a motor with 2.5 to 3.0 CHP, also you need a bigger motor depending on weight as well.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Those of you who track your calories burned while doing things like weight training, how do you track those calories?
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    I got in an 8.3 mile run before work this morning. A friend met me at 6:00 am and did 5 of them with me before she had to head off to get ready for work. The temp was a nice 49F but humidity was 97% no wonder my hair was so sweaty!

    @hanlonsk - If you can actually try to run on the treadmill models that you are considering I would recommend that. My first TM lasted for years before it finally died, It was a ProForm brand. I wasn't going to replace it but a friend said that I could have hers so now I have a Nordictrack. It seems jerky when I run on it - not smooth at all.

    @quilteryoyo - wish I had some helpful advice I could send your way. I don't so I will send good luck thoughts instead!
  • robynmac5819
    robynmac5819 Posts: 161 Member
    @hanlonsk Another good suggestion is pay attention to motor size. If you are going to be running on it frequently you want a motor with 2.5 to 3.0 CHP, also you need a bigger motor depending on weight as well.

    Sorry ***at least 2.5-3.0 CHP
    I went with something with higher to be safe. Mine has somewhere around 3.75 or 3.85 but I don’t remember. It’s a commercial 1750 from 2018.

    I also agree that Nordic track ifit is a giant scam, it’s somewhere around 300$ a year or at least last time I looked at the email. I canceled it after the free year I received when I bought it. But I never use preprogrammed runs, I’ve always been a manual run person on whatever machine I run on. It would be nice if mine would recognize my watch though so I can keep track of heart rate on the machine instead of looking down at my watch. It’ll only recognize the heart rate strap that came with it. That honestly bothers me the most. I’ll probably not get a Nordic Track next time because of this.

  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,021 Member
    May Goal: 100 Miles

    5/3: 11.07 miles
    5/5: 6.25 miles
    5/6: 5.71 miles
    5/7: 5.16 miles
    5/10: 13.2 miles
    5/12: 5.35 miles
    5/13: 6.40 miles

    58.45/100 miles completed for May

    494.61/1000 miles for Run the Year Team Pavement Pounders

    I had a really good run this morning. I was planning to take it pretty easy, and it was hot and humid already at 6 am so it was a little rough getting started. But once I got going I felt really good. My second mile was a bit faster than the first and so I decided what the heck I would try for negative splits. And I thought I got them too. But then I realized later that mile 2 was a little faster than mile 3. But still I had 10:27, 10:11, 10:14, 9:50, 9:45 and I even had 8:52 for the last .3 mile. I ran 5.3 miles with an average pace of 10:01. So I'm still counting it as a negative split run. :D There are a lot of people who are faster, but those are really good times for me and I felt really good about it.

    I was so sweaty when I got home it was ridiculous. But I felt really good and really accomplished. Then I had a hard time getting my Gatorade bottle opened. It seems like lately they have been really hard to open. I had one a couple of weeks ago that I was never able to open. I had to get my husband to open it for me and I got a blister on my thumb. Today I managed to get it opened on my own, but I ended up with a blister on my finger. Am I the only person who gets blisters from Gatorade bottles?


    2020 races:
    11/7/20: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hello runners! Tried to catch up. Lots of interesting discussions, some sad news (so sorry @katharmonic ) and some good shoe porn!

    I have only still been walking (and riding a lot on Peloton). Hoping for a maiden voyage on Sunday, where I will do a run/walk for a short distance and see how the hip feels. The Doc told me to go by how it feels but tbh, I am nervous since I usually hurt a little after most workouts even before the the stress fracture. Guess I am not a spring chicken. :s

    I am hoping to hit up Fleet Feet and get fitted for proper shoes. Not sure what is going on here in TX. The state is starting to reopen but the city is extending "stay safe" at home so that confusing. Since I mainly run on a flat gravel trail, I guess I will look at trail shoes but I also walk/run on streets lately. And I do have orthotics since I pronate and have totally flat feet. The shoe fitter will have fun trying to fit me. Need to find an experienced one.

    question? Do any of you end up with toe holes? This happens in every pair of shoes I have ever worn. I keep my nails short. Warning: Old shoe porn alert:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hmm @bearly63 I don't get toe holes. Are you allowing a. Thumbs width between your toe and the end of the shoe? Maybe it's just the way you run? I get a callous on the side of my left big toe only because of my gait. Are the holes at the second toe? Is it longer?

  • robynmac5819
    robynmac5819 Posts: 161 Member
    5/1- 3.4 miles
    5/3-3.5 miles
    5/5-3.4 miles
    5/6-3.3 miles
    6/8-3 miles
    5/10- 3 miles

    5/11-4.25 miles treadmill run
    5/13-4.25 miles Treadmill Run

    5/15-3.0 miles treadmill run

    Repeated 5/10 run today. An alright run.

    Current Total: 31.1 miles
    Goal:50 miles
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,101 Member
    Great runs @Teresa502 and @kgirlhart . That's a fantastic pace too @kgirlhart !

    @skippygirlsmom Those guys must really want that gift card! I can't imagine exercising for 8 hours a day, every day. That's crazy.

    Great job @katharmonic ! Good luck with your virtual race too. I would stress about 6 miles a day average too, even though with your streak, you could probably do it with no problem.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Light day today as I'm planning to run twice tomorrow and do a long run on Sunday. I'm feeling pretty good going into the weekend, the warming weather is great for my mood.

    5/1: 2m
    5/2: 8m
    5/3: 18m
    5/4: 1.75m
    5/5: 5m
    5/6: 5m
    5/7: 5.25m
    5/8: 2.5m
    5/9: 8m
    5/10: 13m
    5/11: 2m
    5/12: 5m, 6.5m
    5/13: 8m
    5/14: 1.25m
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @bearly63 My husband gets holes there. It’s not to do with the shoes being too small - as you can see the holes are well short of the toe of the shoe - his toes just curl upwards when he runs for some reason. It does a number on his toes as well.
  • ImeldaOmom
    ImeldaOmom Posts: 12 Member
    28.7/ 55km completed
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @quilteryoyo - Do they have group care homes where your cousin lives? That could be an option in-between a nursing home and assisted living facility. The one our friend was in had 6 residents and 2 caregivers. Most are just regular homes that may have modifications for a wheelchair or other requirements. They aren't as fancy and expensive as assisted living facilities and don't have the nursing care that a nursing home provides. Of course they also aren't covered by Medicare. We also had people who will help you find the right place within your budget. They are paid by the state and the facilities if you end up selecting one. The nursing home staff may be able to connect you with someone who could help.
    @skippygirlsmom - I have been in a few of those races/challenges and have been put off seeing women my age who are running 40+ miles a day, day after day... I just don't see how that is possible.

    @katharmonic - your workouts are just amazing!
    @kgirlhart - great job on that pace - wow!
    @bearly63 - my husband gets holes like that in some of his shoes just walking in them. It seems to be very dependent on the brand or maybe fit of the shoe as some do it and some don't. I threatened for a while to put duct tape on the inside to keep it from tearing through.

    No run for me yesterday as I had appointments and today is a strength day. Will get out tomorrow as it is the last cool day before the heat really returns for the weekend. Then we have a chance of rain and cool again next week!