

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :)MaryBeth from Ohio, your grandchildren are darling. That's great motivation to get healthier. Motivation goes only so far which is why you need this thread. Come back here every day and you will get support and encouragement from women who are traveling the same road. You'll also hear about our eating and exercise so you can find a plan that works for you. The best eating and exercise plan is the one that you'll stick to. Another great thing about this thread is that no one criticizes anyone's eating or exercise choices. I eat almost the same food every day, others eat interesting and exotic foods and are always on the lookout for interesting foods or recipes. I have a strict schedule of walking, dancing, and riding my exercise bike. Others do other kinds of active things. Ask questions and tell us more about you.

    :) I went out with the dogs extra early for the after breakfast walk in case the cable tech came early (no call yet). The podcast I'm listening to today is about patience which is a terrific topic considering that the cable tech will come some time between 8 AM and 8 PM. Whenever it is, I'll be grateful.

    :) Yesterday I put the bag with the facemasks in the car because "there's no place we would need them that didn't require travel by car to get there". This morning I moved them back into the house since we'll want to wear masks when the cable tech is here.

    :)Kim, bravo to you for stepping up to help your co-workers. Your generosity of spirit inspires me.

    :) I, too, refuse to listen to negative stuff and upsetting news. Unfortunately, my husband hasn't quite been able to cut himself off entirely, so he occasionally makes remarks about something that is going on in order to express his frustration and I try to not let it upset me. I don't read or watch the news and I don't do any social media. All my podcast listening is either about happiness, meditation, or food.
    81824br5uyrfrsr.gif Barbie from NW WA
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    michèle, barbara and suzi, thanks.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    SuziQ belated happy birthday!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Barbara, the beach stroll sounds great.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Rebecca, sorry yesterday didn't got well food-wise.

    I got test to see if i had antibodies but no (95% accurate). Some say 12% of people in Paris area were got contaminated (and probably a bit more in Paris itself. I had 2 possible COVID diagnoses by GP, one in mid march (light cough), one in early April (fever and stomach flu symptoms), but apparently i didn't get it. it would have been nice to have possible immunity. i know immunity is not sure. i don't feel well today, headache and slight nausea, queezy.

    no classes till september or maybe october- classes may be postponed somewhat. its possible that our classes be online next fall. that would not be great. the idea of almost always being home or alone for 4 months is not enchanting for me.

    i could apply for some jobs in a short window about a week now since i got my qualification but i have very little chance of succeeding this year for various reasons. i was planning to just knuckle down and work (a week full time probably) on 2 applications, knowing that brushing up my profile could also help for other jobs where i have a better chance of success.

    but my motivation is around ankle level (french expression: very low). i'm having a hard time taking care of even more straightforward basic things.

    it just seems like the next years are going to be almost totally alone, physically, and to some degree socially. it's really upsetting.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    SuziQ ... Happy Belated Birthday! I think the hose reel is a perfect gift to yourself! One of my favorite purchases was a vacuum that had a retractable hose. While it turned out the vacuum wasn't that great, nothing gave me more pleasure than watching the cord put itself away!

    Rebecca ... You are definitely worth prepping food for, but also give yourself grace for having an "off" day as well.

    Bananas ... Forgive me, I don't remember if you have family in France.

    So New York has extended its "stay-at-home" order until June 15th, but some counties in NY are allowed to being opening today. Sadly, my county has not yet met the criteria to open. When it does, I will cautiously reenter society and be taking precautions.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    edited May 2020
    Jaxgma - Welcome! My grandchildren are also one of the lights of my life. I hope to see them in person, at a safe distance, tomorrow. My heart aches to have them near. :'( I'm not normally a hugger, but I really miss them being around me.

    I WhatsApped my York friend and she was coherent in reply. It's very frustrating for her as she has had the virus already. She has a sister I hope she will be able to visit soon. If she manages to travel south we will meet up.

    Looking forward to tomorrow. I feel so much for Edie who is a people person and is missing us. <3 I love that girl soooooo much it hurts. I feel her pain. <3:/<3 The intimacy of face to face is irreplaceable.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Jaxsgma
    Jaxsgma Posts: 55 Member
    cityjaneLondon - I know how it is not to be able to hug the grandchildren :'( ,

    My eldest granddaughter is graduating from middle school next week and they are having a drive up graduation, only the parents are allowed to be there :( . But hopefully soon I will get to spend time with them.

    Looking forward in working with everyone on here with our weight loss. Thanks for getting back to me.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    SuziQ: Happy Birthday to you!!! I’ll pass your good birthday wishes onto DH when he wakes up from his nap. :star:

    Lisa in AR: Keeping my fingers crossed that your morning meeting is a positive one that benefits you. :heart:

    Barbie: I still carry a polio vaccination scar on my left shoulder from childhood vaccination. Decades later it was advised to get shingrix vaccinations because I’d had chicken pox in childhood. I took mine but DH refused to take his. I think it was foolish of him, but he’s an adult and makes his own choices. Shingles is a terrible and painful illness. My aunt had it while she was in the process of passing away. It was terrible for her. :sad:

    Jaxsgma: Welcome! :star:

    Terri: I love your photos. You’ve made remarkable changes and now look healthy and beautiful. (Your smile was always beautiful.) :heart:

    Today is DH’s Birthday. He is 73. I’ve made meatloaf to put in the freezer for future meals and my next goal for the day is to make him a birthday cake. When the dishwasher finishes I’ll have access to my mixer and will start on the cake. Gluten Free chocolate cake is headed his way unless he chooses gluten free pumpkin cake instead.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • Jaxsgma
    Jaxsgma Posts: 55 Member
    pipcd - Thank you :)
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    KATLA ~ Happy Birthday to Your DH! :)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did Karen Voit Get Fit DVD. Low impact, but it probably will be good at the condo. The plan for tomorrow is to do Kathy Smith’s Stretch & Flex DVD

    Luci – being in NC I totally and completely agree with your rant (at least the first paragraph). As it is now, I won’t see PJ until September. That’ll be one year since I’ve seen him! You certainly know how to make my heart stop. In a way, I wish I would get pictures of PJ, not always having to ask for them. I sometimes get them if I ask for them. Otherwise, I don’t. All those grandchildren pictures make me cry, they are so precious

    Soup kitchen today!

    M – thanks for the info about searching. Now I just have to spend the time doing it.

    As far as gaining: Basically, I’m staying the same. But I do admit that it’s HARD. Probably because I’m not exercising as hard.

    Barbie – we can comingle our recyclables. The only bad thing is that they pick up the recyclables only every 2 weeks. Some weeks our recycling is so full. But it’s very seldom that our garbage is so full that I need to put it out every week. Most weeks I don’t even bother.

    Does anyone know if there’s a way to make it where you can make an even greater seal around the nose of a mask that’s already made? I have some where the gal put in a pipe cleaner that you remove when you wash the mask but I have some others that I like but I wish I could somehow get the seal around the nose to be tighter.

    M – for variety, that’s why I do so many different DVD’s. Some are lower impact, some focus more on weights, some more on aerobics, some focus on aerobic intervals, some focus on aerobic endurance. Something different. When you do that same thing all the time, your muscles get used to that activity and are no longer efficient.

    Thinking of Rori

    SuziQ – good for you getting rid of all the clothes that are too big for you. I got rid of most of them, but I do have to admit that I kept a few “too big” pairs of pants, mainly for working outside. I want them bigger so that I can easily put something in the pocket. But other than that, most of the things that I have that were too big/small for me went out.

    Notreadytoquite – welcome!

    SuziQ – you will never regret getting that hose roller. I know that I wanted the spillover and spa when we got the pool. It added so much but Vince kept saying that I’d really regret it if we didn’t get it, and I would have.

    Jess just posted this:

    Fashionably late update, as per the norm: We have successfully completed our 2nd year in vet school and boy, was it interesting.
    The semester started off rocky as I was struggling mentally/emotionally. It took some reminding from close friends and family to bring me out of the dark spot and back into the light. So for them, I’ll always be thankful. Remember peeps, it’s not quantity - but QUALITY of friendships.
    After dusting myself off from my hump, I set a personal goal for myself - to make Dean’s list. (Iowa state only has Dean’s list - not president’s). To find out if I made this goal - contact me.
    I also decided to branch out and get to know more people in my class and be more involved. The people I got to know are amazing and I’m glad I took that step. I also had the BEST surgery, shelter med, and clin path groups to work with!
    The semester was certainly interesting with the transition to online. I’ve been comfortable working online before (ya know, because of all the gaming) but I truly did miss the personal contact and roaming the school halls between classes to get exercise. Oh, and Shadow was no motivational help at all when we moved to online.
    Because of stress (and poor monitoring on my part) both Shadow and I are the heaviest we’ve ever been so this summer is our “summer of transformation”. I started Tone It Up again and she’s learning to leash walk. We have successfully been losing weight since.
    Thanks to everyone who made our semester amazing. This coming semester our Nebraska students join our class and I can’t wait to introduce myself and help them as well.

    I promised Denise that I wouldn’t comment on any of hers or Jess’ posts, it hurts Denise. So I’m posting here. I’m very proud of Jess. Oh, she did make Dean’s list

    Barbie – I’m the same as you, I find it very hard to indulge in something for myself. I was brought up by my grandparents where everything was used and reused. It’s hard for me to break myself out of that habit. When I’m making something with butter, I still to this day scrape the butter wrapper and remember my grandmother saying “we paid for that butter”.

    Went to the soup kitchen. They gave the people a pulled pork sandwich, coleslaw and fries. I help mainly getting the bags ready. I tried asking if they needed help earlier since I can go earlier – nope. I also asked if they needed help bagging on another day (ANYTHING to get out), nope. Oh well…I just joked “so you’re not going to help me with my boredom, huh”

    Made turkey burgers to put in the freezer for another day. Many times I will have one for breakfast (stop laughing!). Also, fried the ground beef for the beef stroganoff we’ll probably have when Steve is here. Figure I’ll get as much done ahead of time as I can. Plus, it gives me something to do.

    I’m thinking tonight I’ll walk down to Food Lion, buy milk, and make some more yogurt.

    Mary Beth – welcome! You know it that April was 5 months long, May will probably be only 4 since some things are starting to open up here.

    I’d like to be a proxy thin mint cookie eater. Sounds good to me

    Terri – awesome pictures

    Rebecca – can you guess what my first thought was when you said “Athenia likes grass”?

    Katla – happy birthday to your dh

    Michele NC