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Fond greetings to everyone.
To say I was overwhelmed by all of the birthday wishes is an understatement. Thank you all for remembering me. I loved the commentary and the memes. It was a great day and I did exactly as planned…..whatever I wanted.
Kate – We share a birthday! I hope you had a great day and are looking forward to your new year of adventure and celebration of life.
Beth – Thank you for sharing your rainbow story. It brought tears of joy to my eyes. And, like you I am recognizing the silver lining in our current situation and remembering there are silver linings within those gray clouds. LOL – not signing your post! I really laughed over that. And, to tell you the truth I would not have put that together either!
Shona – Most times the easiest/less ingredient meals are the best. One of my good friend’s mothers always told us, “Do not junk up the meals.”. She is entirely correct. We do not want to overwhelm a meal/recipe to a point where we cannot tell what we are tasting.
Kim – I love seeing how frugally I can make meals/feed myself for a period of time. I think you have me beat! I take advantage of all sales, coupons, BOGOs, etc.. And, do find leaning towards a vegetarian diet is definitely more cost effective. I find myself on the few occasions when I enjoy a meal out saying to myself, “Geez, I could have made this for $xyz.”. OMGWTF!!!!! You are certainly a better person than me – I would have been ranting at those AS-LS!!! Sometimes I wish Karma was immediate. Sorry about my language – I have so much to say on the topic. It is too bad you really love what you are doing there. It would be hard for me to look any of them (at least the ones who had such hateful things to say) in the eye going forward.
Karen – I am looking forward to hearing about your harvests; along with others in the group. Our tomato, bean, pepper, corn, etc. season is almost near its end. I was sorry to hear about Iris Love’s passing, she was ahead of her time. I love the sunset pictures – beautiful.
Luci – Oh, she is getting so big. Her look of wonder and joy is all over her sweet face!
Lisa – I completely understand your feelings of today’s meeting. Here’s a spin……your employer realizes this year is going to be a tough one for fund raising given the current market. Instead of your success being measured in dollars they are attempting to find a way to keep the staff members they want to keep for the long haul. So go in with an open heart and mind. Sending positive thoughts to you. Keep up posted! Sam Elliot – LMAO and so true!
Heather – Great control. I find myself just saying, hm, ok, etc. during those types of conversations. You may want to suggest to her to schedule an appointment. It may be time for some adjustments to her medication. It’s sad, but most times those who are suffering with mental illness are the last ones to realize an episode is building. Sad choice for your brother and his wife.
Machka – The trail is beautiful. What a wonderful place.
Tonya – Seriously love your pictures. Such a talent you have….It’s sad, but with the phone cameras photography, I feel, is a dying art. For my burgers, other than using the best beef I can afford and very little of it 3-4 ounces I use pita bread. It greatly reduces the amount of calories and allows for the beef and cheese to shine through.
Tracey – Michaela shops at one of my favorite shoe stores! The grands are beautiful.
Katla – HB to DH!
I will be posting in a little bit about my BD. I wanted to catch up with all of your first!
Big virtual hugs to you all!
SuziQ - SFL1 -
Tonya - my own preemie success story. Well, my sister's. My sis had placenta previa, and Vivyan kicked her way out at 25 weeks in the womb. My sister was blue from lack of blood by the time I flew from Nevada back to Texas--I told her she looked like a Smurf, and she woke up long enough to say if I was there, she must really be in trouble. But, she survived, as did her daughter. Viv weighed 1 lb. 13 oz, lost to 1 lb. 8 oz immediately. She was born August 17 on her grandma's birthday and is named after her grandmother and me, Vivyan Lee (Lee is my family's nickname for me). She ended up with hydrocephalus, and had a shunt placed when she was big enough. She's 23 now, and working as a physical therapy assistant. She made it to taller than me or her mama, at 5'3", fights to keep her weight up to 100 pounds, and usually lands at around 95. Her mama and I had her believing at eight years old that I was actually her mother, but I gave her to my sister so that Viv would have siblings as she was growing up. She called me "Aunt Mama" for a while.
This is from her graduation. She is the most like me of the 20-something nieces and nephews, and literally the last born of her generation, as my sister was the baby of the family (ten of us, all told).
Lisa in AR7 -
SuziQ - I'm going to have to approach her gently. I definitely think the strain is telling on her.
You are managing so well on your own, but I know I couldn't do it. I think the danger of thoughts endlessly circling around my head would send me over the edge.
My butcher's order arrived!I've sorted it all and stashed it in the freezer. Tonight we are having Cumberland sausages and roasted butternut squash and zucchini. They did give me a whole lamb shoulder
, very expensive, but the left overs are very freezable and make great curries and pilaffs.
We will have it tomorrow with roasted fennel etc. I roast it in beer/lager.
On with my memoir!
Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx3 -
Y'all are the best - I really appreciate the "spin" y'all have put on my morning meeting, and will go in with positive preconceived notions instead of negative ones.
I've been in both chairs, both of placing someone working for me on the performance improvement plan as the first step to firing them eventually, and I've been laid off with zero warning, along with the entire team I managed. I also know that part of today is for my supervisor to get the training she needs from HER supervisor in how to manage these kind of situations. Otherwise, my bosses boss would not be in the meeting. Should be interesting.
All these things said, what made me truly relax was when I ran my budget spreadsheet extrapolation with the nuclear option (quitting), and realized we can accomplish everything we planned to this year and still get out of the year without touching savings. It will take a little belt tightening, but it's very achievable.
Anyway... time to get a few things done,
Love y'all,
Lisa in AR3 -
Machka - I've screenshotted your chart.
I like that Arthur Ashe quote, but I change it a bit when I'm encouraging people to exercise.
Start where you are. Do what you can. It's more than you think.
Certainly worked for me.
Great pic of Viv, Lisa.
Love Heather UK0 -
cityjaneLondon wrote: »SuziQ - I'm going to have to approach her gently. I definitely think the strain is telling on her.
You are managing so well on your own, but I know I couldn't do it. I think the danger of thoughts endlessly circling around my head would send me over the edge.
My butcher's order arrived!I've sorted it all and stashed it in the freezer. Tonight we are having Cumberland sausages and roasted butternut squash and zucchini. They did give me a whole lamb shoulder
, very expensive, but the left overs are very freezable and make great curries and pilaffs.
We will have it tomorrow with roasted fennel etc. I roast it in beer/lager.
On with my memoir!
Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
Heather - From the short time I have been getting to know you I think you would do fine on your own. You have survived so much during your lifetime. This little break in our stride is nothing in comparison and you have adapted so well by using technology, keeping active, cooking with enjoyment, and just getting on with it. We have both had our "days" but like most survivors have analyzed them, found balance with our feelings, and put them where they belong.
This may have been a little more difficult for me if I was retired, but since I am still working many hours of the day are used up by work. I am actually starting to dislike the hours work takes up because it takes me away from the things I want to do.
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Yesterday was a great day and I was happy I did not make any plans and just did exactly what came to mind as the day unfolded. I was actually able to sleep in a little (4:30!!) which was a nice change. I was up a few times during the night, but only for a few moments and was able to get right back to sleep.
My original plan was to paint the upstairs but since my vacation had to be cut short I decided I would hold off on that project. Yes, I can paint one room at a time, but that is really painful because everything has to be cleaned up over and over again. When one can move from room to room, rollers, brushes, etc. can be placed in a plastic bag and just used the next day. It makes for quicker work and less clean up.
Too long of a BD story – I will not bore all of you – spoiled it for those who may be interested.
Overview – Awakened when I wanted, shopped, ate and drank what I wanted, exercised to make up for those additional calories, spoke with friends, had fun with the cat, and treated myself to something I wanted for quite a few months, and overall had a wonderful day.As you all know I have been downsizing for quite some time. I have gotten all of my clothes in my closet and have no need for the large chest of drawers (9 of them) in the master bedroom. During the past two weeks I have attempted to get rid of it. A friend’s aunt owns a consignment and also takes donations for various organizations. Can you believe she told me that no one takes Formica furniture? I was taken back because during my childhood my mother and I would take decent furniture from the trash, clean it up, refinish it, and that is how we furnished our home! The piece I have is solid and has no damage. There are now products one can use to refinish it and make it look more up-to-date. I simply cannot believe people who have little or nothing can be so selective – seriously? Anyway, I contacted the Salvation Army and they will be picking it up on Monday with a host of other things I have been wanting to donate/get rid of.
Since my painting plans were curtailed I decided I would run around and price out a new hose holder. The one I had broken a few years ago and I would have to manually wrap the hose. I know it’s not a big deal for most, but here in Florida we sometimes have to water every day during the summer months. It is so much easier to crank a handle to put the hose up. Over my journeys out to pick up essentials I noticed there is a hose holder that uses the water to automatically roll up the hose. When I looked at the price I almost fainted! When I checked the prices for the one I currently have but can no longer use I was also shocked! What the heck happened with hose holders?! Again, I noticed the darn thing over my essential runs and saw it at Costco a few weeks back. The price was much less at Costco, but still a little out of my budget.
I decided I would start at Walmart and recheck the hose holders while picking up some essentials. Walmartians had a reasonable one but it sits on the ground. I knew I would end up not being happy bending over days on end to crank the darn hose. My next stop was Home D and I saw the one I had but again the price! I also looked at the auto-crank one and almost bought it……then said, no, let it go for now. I ran home, sanitized the things I purchased at Walmartians and put everything up and away. At this point I knew Costco was open so decided I would go and get some much needed vegetables and supplies. And, of course I had to run through the seasonal isles. Well, while perusing I noticed the auto-crank hose holder and said to myself, “SuziQ, practice what you preach. Get the darn hose holder you want and be done with it.”. Please note when I first saw them at Costco there must have been 100 units, yesterday there were 4 left.
When I got home another round of sanitation and putting things up ensued. I then set up the new hose holder. I know this sounds extremely silly but I am so darn happy with the thing and it is worth the few extra dollars I paid for it. It will be put to good use since I love the garden and it falls in lines with treating ourselves as we wish those around us would treat us. And, honestly, at Costco the price was half of the other stores/online research. And soooooo worth it to me.
I had easy meals thanks to Dunkin Donuts and Costco. Celebrated with two small 5 ounce bottles of Prosecco and even cheesecake for my BD cake/treat.
Birthday celebration will continue today with getting rid of every single item of clothing that is too big for me. I have been holding on to a few items I can still wear with belts and/or under a jacket. Since the Salvation Army will be here sometime on Monday I might as well take advantage of the pickup. Less time taken away from things I would much rather be doing.
Oh, much too much written about a hose holder, but oh does it bring me joy!
And, the best birthday present……my county is finally moving on to loosening things up. On Monday restaurants will be able to be open at 50% capacity along with many other stores. I will not be rushing out and will be selective on my outings, but am rejoicing for the people who have had to sacrifice so much since mid-March. I am praying they survive and thrive.
Hugs to all.
SuziQ - SFL
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Geez, I have a lot to say today. Nothing like three huge posts. Just feel the need to connect with all of you and truth be told I may not be able to visit over the next week because of work and the go live. Prepare for the worst…..and I know it is going to be bad as I have never experienced such a cluster. TG my team is ready for this and management, at least on my side of the fence, is well-informed.
Barbara – Thank you for sharing the link and although I did not run through the scenarios the article is basically in line with my feelings. I have probably been out more than most sensible people would consider safe, but since I live alone, am in relatively good health, and have safe practices in place I feel OK with my practices. After almost a total month in lock down and during my first outings fear was overriding common sense. And, for my own sanity knew I had to start going out a little more frequently. I am glad I did and will continue to do so. I am most hesitant about going back to the office where there are too many people and no way for fresh air to circulate. TG there are no plans for us returning to the office until June 1st and the date is still tentative.
For those of you who are experiencing setbacks with your get healthy plans it is very understandable. I am glad I got pissed off at covid-19 at the end of March and decided I would not let it control any more of my life and I would control the things I was able to control. I could be in the same place as many of your right now if my life were just a tad to the right or left when we started to shelter in place. Now that you realize and are not happy with the results it’s time to get back on track. Or as Pip would say….give yourselves the boot. You all know what has worked for you and what you need to do. There are some things others just cannot do for you and this is one of those things. I can mention quite a few tips and thoughts here, but know in my heart you all are capable, strong, fearless, giving, loving, and caring. It is now time to wrap your arms around yourselves and figure out how to navigate our new normal. Said with love……
Funny story about how I am surviving by myself and a memory of my mother. My mom always told me I was the best baby. I never really gave her any trouble and was so very easy to manage. She would tell me she would keep a box in my playpen and at the end of every day she would toss my toys in to it. The next day when she was “house making” and needed me to be out of her hair she would put me in the playpen where I would promptly remove all of the toys out of the box and put my baby butt in the box and just hang out for an hour or two. Sometimes with a toy or not. I would examine my hands, feet, or just entertain myself with one toy. So I guess from birth I have been geared to this point in time. My playpen is now my house and I am able to entertain myself with the smallest of things like watching the plants grow and contemplating life. If I was born last year I believe my parents like so many others would have been rushing me to the doctor’s office because I was not “normal”. I am so glad I was born when I was to a mother who allowed me to be whom I was meant to be. Mom I love and miss you, you were and will always be my greatest cheerleader and I TG I was born to you.
Ok, this is the last post this morning.
SuziQ – SFL – Where I am on the edge of the tropical depression forming in the Bahamas and will have rain and high winds all day. It’s a good day for those little pesky home chores!
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Morning ladies. 64, disabled but fit. I like to eat and cook, farm, raise chickens, mushrooms and plants of all types from beauty to medicine.
Been on MFP for a while. Log and exercise daily, but my days of hard core running, weights and 25 years at the gym are over. Have a small group of really nice friends but they are occupied with Coronavirus, FB, Instagram, etc. so my feed has gone quiet.
Looking for new friends who log and move daily. Enjoy your day.7 -
SuziQ - Of course you should treat yourself to something you really need/want. Every time you use it you will feel the joy.
Welcome Notreadytoquit Have you got an easier name?
Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx2 -
Thank you. I think my moniker says it all.2
Lisa I am sorry to hear what you are going through. I have been in a similar situation. One thing that helped me was looking at all I had accomplished and did my work in a way where I held my head high.
I did decide to leave that job on my own terms. I gave a months notice and in that month I worked just as hard as I did before I left. Everyone situation is different and you need to decide what will work best for you.
Heather my mother was born in India in 1918. She remembers traveling through Europe as a small girl and the trenches were still there years after the war. It really made an impression on her. Her folk eventually settled in Austin Minnesota. I remember my cousin talking about how the slaughtered the pigs before they went to market during the depression just like they are doing now. Europe was in shambles after WWll.
She also went through my father being in Alaska where one third of the pilots died just from the weather conditions.
So you are correct we do not have to look too far back to see hard times. Seems this is our generation test. What is different is we do have more Knowledge in how diseases work and more safety systems are in place. The major difference is our population is much greater.
With husband and son's health concerns I know I have to do what I need to do to stay healthy. I still sometimes get odd looks when I wear my mask and social distance on top of that especially if someone is not wearing a mask or wearing it properly. They are the ones who give the odd looks. I just tell myself they are just not there yet in how serious this is and tell myself my health and family's health is what counts. I also mentally say to myself REALLY! How long does it take to sink through.
Weather is finally at a point that serious gardening can begin. I have kept myself in garden enjoyment by following Missouri Botanical and Minnesota Arboretum. I also follow at local news cast that has a gardening site so I get ideas and share my knowledge on that site. Love it. It was fun to hear how many of us got to see the red-breasted grosbeak. Many got great pictures. A first for many of us who leave here. We did conclude it is migrating through.Margaret
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Happy birthday to SuziQ and Kate xx
Barbara > Oh yes, I can actually eat canned Tuna with allot of mayonnaise in itbut really nothing other than that!
Moving to the next phase is very scary! We have started opening certain things as well and it makes me very worried. I am also vulnerable. I am 51, have diabetes, sleep apnea and a huge BMI plus chronic bronchitis (that has not flared up in over 10 yrs since I quit smoking) but it is still very scary.. I would never survive it! Just do your part even if others don't and keep yourself safe xo
Michele NC > Thank you very muchI was very happy with picture.. She had just come out of the bathtub and I had her sitting on the bed with the towel over her head and snapped a couple shots
Kevrit > Love the lizardHow cool it would be to see them when you are out and about
Amber > The videos were great! I have seen some great corona parody's lol
Beth > Thank you very much for the complimentI have not taken very many to be honest. I have been having so much pain in my knees that carrying myself around is very difficult without carrying my very heavy camera as well. I will start again, hopefully once I lose alot of weight. The last proper pictures I took was last summer when I was in Canada with my family x I had to laugh out loud that you would not sign your post LOL
That is such a sweet photoDoes it really take you back looking at it? My first image of Randie was also a Polaroid, they gave it to my husband to show me when I woke up. I had an emergency C Section as her head was pressing on the cord so I was put out through it all. When I first saw her in the picture, I thought "oh she looks like a regular size baby". When I was wheeled into the NICU days later I was in so much shock to see her.. she was so small. I had never seen a baby so small in my life. The Polaroid was very deceiving.
Heather UK > Yikes @ your brother. I would not be going anywhere, especially a rally! what is an anti-everything rally? Are they opposed to the lock-down? Some people are so disgusting, I seen videos of people spitting on food or surfaces to try and spread the virus!
Had to come back up here after reading another of your posts and all I want to say is, I wish I lived with you!! lol All that delicious sounding food. (other than the lamb) I wish I enjoyed to cook like that. It sounds delicious xx
Luci > Thank you very much but Randie is my daughter not my granddaughterThose were old photos of her, she is 15 now xx I agree that things are opening too soon and it scares me to think of the second wave and the fact that some scientists feel it will be worse than the first. The bathtime baby was soooo adorable
love it xx
Karen > WOW love the red in that sky! That is a gorgeous view from her window
Tracy > Love the pics of your grandkids. Must be so hard not seeing them. Canada didn't actually go into lockdown did they? I mean they were advised but not in lockdown right? All my family is in Canada and I talk to my best friend dailyShe gets very stressed out at people not following the guidlines etc.
Kim > Wow that is so sad and then to have someone mock them is even worseSome people are so ignorant. At least they had you to help them with unemployment and food bank help! The problem these days is it is all about the almighty dollar and there are no respect for those that do not make enough of it!
Loved that post on perspective! It is so hard to imagine what people when through in those times. Ours is a simply "Stay home" and save lifes... our kids think they have it rough!! lol
Machka > loved those memes!
SuziQ > Thank you very much. I totally agree with you on the phone camera's. I use my phone camera all the time for quick snaps because im too lazy to take out my camera! Thanks for the idea on the pita bread! I really did enjoy the burger even without the cheese! Decided not to add the cheese just to save a few calories
Glad to hear you had a good birthday xx
I cannot believe they would not take the formica furnature!! I mean, I cannot imagine anyone who has little or nothing being picky enough not to take what is available. I am glad you decided to get the hose holder you wanted..lol Sometimes it is worth the extra money and luckily this was one of those times. Can't wait until the time when my clothes are so obviously big that i have to get rid ofMy future goals x
Ohh I loved your story about your mom and I totally agree with you. Todays parents are so uptight about everything. I know I was with Randie being preemie and all but I look at the kids today and think I am so glad I was born in the time I was! (1969) Sitting around with friends in the park playing guitar or sitting around bonfires.. today's kids, always looking at their phones, checking phones, playing video games.. its like go outside and play!!! Kids rarely do that these days and I am sure has alot to do with the growing obesity in children.
Lisa in AR > Thank you so much for sharing your story!! It is amazing how people with such a strong will can defy all odds! I LOVE the name Vivyan LeeIt is beautiful. It's so nice to hear successful preemie stories. I remember how horrifying it was while going through it but so blessed that ours made it as so many others do not. Your Niece is beautiful
Thank you for sharing !!
Welcome to all the new peeps
Love Tonya UK xx
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Karate Kid Randie
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Kim, Thanks for the reminder of all the hard times people have gone through not so long ago. I am highly influenced by the fact that my parents grew up during the depression and thus am able to be quite frugal. In fact it took me a long time to lighten up and be able to treat myself to new things or splurge on something. My mother's older brother died of polio when I was too young to remember and it wasn't until I was an adult that I realized how much it meant to my mother when there was a finally a polio vaccine and how much it must have hurt her that I screamed and cried when I had to have the shot--to me, it represented torture, and to her it represented an assurance that she wouldn't lose her children to polio.
SuziQ Your birthday sounds like how I'd like to spend my birthday. I understand your story about the hose holder. I was giddy with delight yesterday when I was able to get the glass recycling out of my garage and buy potting soil. I think it's a good quality to be happy about little things.
notreadytoquit Welcome. I hope you will keep coming back. This supportive group of women have helped me stay on track for a long time. I don't post a lot but I read everything.
I called the cable company yesterday. We have been OK with having a cable box on only one TV and didn't want to have anyone come into our house, but Jake finally confessed that sitting in the living room is better for his back than sitting in the office to watch TV so he wanted the cable box in the living room working again. I called them at 3 yesterday afternoon and told them I wanted both cable boxes replaced and installed and set up by one of their capable technicians. Someone will come today between 8AM and 8PM and the technician will call me an hour before his/her arrival. I'm very excited that we will have this taken care of.
Barbie from NW WA
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SuziQ - I loved reading about your shopping trip and hose-holder. It's funny the small things that bring us joy these days. And I remember my mom saying I was so easy to entertain when I was little. She'd plop me somewhere, give me something to "inspect" and I'd be content for hours. My older sister was the active one she had to worry about.
Storm a-coming so batten down the hatches. There's something about pounding rain that often wakes some primal feelings I think. For me, love and fear combined.
Heather - hope your brother-and-wife's participation at the rally goes OK. I can understand, it's giving people an outlet since they can't attend other social functions. I'd probably attend for a few minutes just to check it out - at a safe distance, of course. Teleporter stuff.
Thank you (all of you, really) for sharing your grocery lists and what you're cooking. Giving me plenty of ideas!!
Kim - there are so many managers who really aren't cut out for the job, and we're seeing that now. So glad you could help your crew. I really appreciated your perspective post. I try to think in those terms as well. People got tough when they had to and got creative and crafty. Maybe this craziness will re-awaken that in folks who've become complacent with having everything easily attainable.
Tracey - having to deal with with this day-in and day-out at your job has to be so mentally exhausting. The air of worry when you walk in the door.How are your co-workers doing? So glad you were able to take things to the dump with Rodger - it must have been a welcome break in a way and a feeling of accomplishment. Even with the smell
Glad you got to spend time with the grands, cute photos!
Machka - I really loved your introvert posts. Very true at our house!
My walking partner and I have spent a lot of time chatting with and getting to know the neighbors in our little subdivision. Everyone one of us is very appreciative of how blessed we are to live on this little private road and that it's spring - we have plenty of outside things to do if we feel like it. Tho a couple have decided to squabble a little about planting trees along a mutual fence-line so staying home a lot for them maybe hasn't been the best thing.
Religious- feel free to skip:Had to call out my BFF last night who was sending me so many of the videos of things to get incensed about that I call fear porn. I know she's a Christian, one of the most kind-hearted and generous people I am blessed to know. I told her I wasn't watching this stuff anymore, it was too upsetting.
I try to read as many positive messages of hope that I can these days. That includes verses from the Bible and sources from other religions as well. There are plenty. So I told her that for me, continually being exposed to stuff that incites fear and worry and allowing myself to get upset about things I can't control is basically telling God that I don't trust Him to take care of me.
Plus there's lots of funny and uplifting stuff - even puppies and kitties - that are great to share, so keep them coming. We all need to laugh more!!
We're good.
It's going to be a great day. We're walking at 7:30. Then I'm going to finish planting the garden and heap more dirt on the potatoes. Yanked out a lot of weeds yesterday so need to pick them up and dump them at the back of the property. DH really needs to mow - grass might be kind of wet but that's just the way it is around here.
Closing with this done by Andrew Wyeth:
Make it a fabulous day, ladies. Now go find some small joy and wallow in it as much as you can.
SW WA State
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I took my new trail running shoes out for a run! It was a nice day today and the reserves are open again, so we went to one quite close to us. I jogged (slowly) and my husband walked. I would jog ahead half a km or so, and then jog back to him and jog ahead again and so on. But I did walk a few times ... it was a bit hilly! So my running time for a 5K is about 8 minutes slower than it was the last time I did an outdoor 5K. It's a start!
Distance: 5.09km
Elevation: 96m
Moving Time: 43:50
Elapsed Time: 56:49
Pace: 8:36/km
Calories: 526
Perceived Exertion: Moderate
This is my album of Tasmania in Autumn 2020 photos. All close to home.
Machka in Oz
The photos above are approx. 2 km from where we live as the crow flies.
It is nice having a huge reserve so close one one side and a coastline on another side.
@BeUncommon ... I came from western Canada. We moved a lot and I've lived in all four western provinces.
M in Oz3 -
Kim - many sympathies for the ham-handed way everything was handled, and that you have to pick up the pieces. And I wanted to chime in and say that I loved that piece on what someone born in 1900 would have gone through. We see our parents as children of the Depression, but there was an awful lot more than that going on.
Lisa4 -
So yesterday I jogged 5 km in the reserve above ...
Today, we went to a flatter area and cycled 13 km.
Distance: 13.07km
Elevation: 46m
Moving Time: 50:29
Elapsed Time: 51:53
Speed: Avg: 15.5km/h | Max: 33.5km/h
Calories 231
These photos are from April, but same area as where we cycled today ...
It has been nice getting out the last couple days ... fresh air, sunshine, seeing something we haven't seen in a little bit.
Machka in Oz3 -
Fighting my peri hormones 😢 crying 😭 for no reasons even when mad to happy . Watching chick flicks to get it out. My hormones are out of whack again. Good news is lost 55lbs a few ounces now!! Woohoo 🎉!!
Amber Tx
Still adding it all by hand now so my catalog of ketchup to lettuce is the right calories from now on. Adding box mix then each individual ingredient. Apparently they are so off on some here that I was maintaining from too much or too little calories. Now they can be spot on I’ll know the exact amount I managed to eat in a day. Exercising will be 60 unaided pushups y walking app.0 -
Lanette - my brother and his wife are street pastors in Southampton which generally means picking up drunks on Saturday night and getting them home safely. His wife is an area coordinator as well. They will be keeping an eye open on the march in case anyone needs help.
He says he will be keeping a safe distance and his wife will be doing more. Oh yer.
They are convinced Christians and his wife has been delivering food parcels.
I hope it doesn't turn nasty.
My cleaner is here. I don't see her except to let her in.
I invited the family round tomorrow for a very safe distance picnic lunch like last time. They said they will come for elevenses. We won't go anywhere near them and they will bring their own food and drink. We will stay indoors with the French windows open.
Love Heather UK XXXXXX4 -
morning ladies~I am dressed and got clean sheets on the bed,, have to pick up the kitchen and then get outside3
Barbie > Glad you will have the cable box sorted! Just make sure you stay away from the cable guy..lol
Lanette > I agree with it being nice seeing happy, hopeful postsWe all have to realise that being in quarentine not only affects people physically but mentally also. I suffer with depression and have for a very large portion of my life. This quarantine does not really affect me that much physically or mentally as I am used to being home most of the time but to some others it is very hard
Machka > Looks like such a beautiful place to run. I love your running / picture posts! I wish I could run.. I was never much of a runner but now that I am unable I wish I could x I'm currently living vicariously through you xx
OMG I love the Autumn photos!! Autumn is my favourite time of the yearI think you are lucky to have lived in different places.. Growing up, I only remember the house I grew up in and then lived on my own but close by, now in England with hubby.
Loving the pictures as well x
Amber > You are doing such an amazing job with your weight loss!! You should be so very proud
Tonya xx
Some Autumn pics
6 -
I hope that I am finding everyone safe and healthy, yes April was 5 months long, so glad that it has passed, I just hope that May isn't as bad.
Am I too late to join this group?
I just started with MFP again, I have been away from here for about 4 months.
My name is MaryBeth from Cincinnati Ohio,
I am a mom of 3 and grandmother of 4. I want to loose possibly 30+ lbs. and I am going to need all the inspiration that I can get.
Everyone have a great day.
Jaxsgma4 -
"Get to do"s and "chose well"sChose well: Carry over cleaned guest bath 20 mins
Bonus: stroll with Joe and the dogs at the beach, set out chitted seed potatoes and lightly covered with straw.
Get to do: Shadow to grooming, coffee/stroll with Denise, follow up for Joe’s labs, follow up picnic table, invest 20 mins cleaning bedrooms, carry over 10 mins cleaning Dining Room, Office, Master bath, mat work, BB&B, firehouse mtg minutes, learn new dances, transplant oregano and parsley, make garlic almonds for Dan, prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes, finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed, finish cleaning and start de-rusting Aunt Elsie’s stove, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine.
Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments.
Our nearest beach (Lone Ranch) is OPEN. We had a lovely stroll in the drizzle and the dogs even play-chased with another dog (nice golden) on the beach. Everyone napped when we got home.
Beth touching picture of you and your son. Thank you!
Heather I’d be worried too. Hoping your son and his wife are able to keep safe while monitoring that rally.
LisaSam Elliot, oh and the advice too
Aunt Mama, you must be so proud! And ain’t it grand how running the numbers can be truly relaxing?
Karen in VA “…proxy Samoa eater…”Great stress reducing internal picture!
LuciBLittle Liliana. Tell me those bubbles aren’t from the dish soap?
TraceyMichaela and Jonah pics.
Barbie cucumber plants and potting soil would lift my spirits too! “good . . .to be happy about little things.” Truth!
Kim rant all you need. So proud of you for explaining and helping staff negotiate unemployment and food services. It infuriates me how people who are supposed to be managing fail like this. If they know they skip details, they should at least delegate to a detail person to alert them when their understanding doesn’t match the facts, helping them to avoid stupid, expensive, heartless mistakes. But alas, it is not so in the corporate world. Great perspective reminder. Thank you!
SuziQ Joy is never silly. The water powered hose winder sounds just the ticket!
Welcome @Notreadytoquit!
Machka your trail pics always lift my heart.
Amber “60 unaided pushups” WOW!
Lanette well said to your BFF, hope she took it well.
Tonya wonderful pics, you have the gift!
Lighter, lovelies!Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
May: better than April.
daily: steps= 4571 vits=12 log=13 CI<CO=11 CI<250<CO=4 Tumble & Shadow 5=9 mfp=13 clean 10 mins=11 outside=10 up hill=12
wkly: BB&B x3= rx=2 dance=
mnthly: board mtg= grant= review 20for20=
bonus: AF=6 play=0 sew=03 -
I hope that I am finding everyone safe and healthy, yes April was 5 months long, so glad that it has passed, I just hope that May isn't as bad.
Am I too late to join this group?
I just started with MFP again, I have been away from here for about 4 months.
My name is MaryBeth from Cincinnati Ohio,
I am a mom of 3 and grandmother of 4. I want to loose possibly 30+ lbs. and I am going to need all the inspiration that I can get.
Everyone have a great day.
You are never too late to join usJust jump right on it!! Let me guess, you are Jackson's Grandma?
Everyone here is very chatty and there is always posters around! I'm sure you will fit right in xx
Thank you BarbaraI love to show them to you!!
5 -
Barbara - It's my 68 year old brother. His wife is 51. Second marriage. His youngest is 18.
Heather UK XXXXXX2
This discussion has been closed.
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