

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,299 Member
    SuziQ - Of course you should treat yourself to something you really need/want. Every time you use it you will feel the joy. :D

    Welcome Notreadytoquit Have you got an easier name? :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 233 Member
    Thank you. I think my moniker says it all.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,074 Member
    edited May 2020

    Lisa I am sorry to hear what you are going through. I have been in a similar situation. One thing that helped me was looking at all I had accomplished and did my work in a way where I held my head high.
    I did decide to leave that job on my own terms. I gave a months notice and in that month I worked just as hard as I did before I left. Everyone situation is different and you need to decide what will work best for you.

    Heather my mother was born in India in 1918. She remembers traveling through Europe as a small girl and the trenches were still there years after the war. It really made an impression on her. Her folk eventually settled in Austin Minnesota. I remember my cousin talking about how the slaughtered the pigs before they went to market during the depression just like they are doing now. Europe was in shambles after WWll.

    She also went through my father being in Alaska where one third of the pilots died just from the weather conditions.

    So you are correct we do not have to look too far back to see hard times. Seems this is our generation test. What is different is we do have more Knowledge in how diseases work and more safety systems are in place. The major difference is our population is much greater.

    With husband and son's health concerns I know I have to do what I need to do to stay healthy. I still sometimes get odd looks when I wear my mask and social distance on top of that especially if someone is not wearing a mask or wearing it properly. They are the ones who give the odd looks. I just tell myself they are just not there yet in how serious this is and tell myself my health and family's health is what counts. I also mentally say to myself REALLY! How long does it take to sink through.

    Weather is finally at a point that serious gardening can begin. I have kept myself in garden enjoyment by following Missouri Botanical and Minnesota Arboretum. I also follow at local news cast that has a gardening site so I get ideas and share my knowledge on that site. Love it. It was fun to hear how many of us got to see the red-breasted grosbeak. Many got great pictures. A first for many of us who leave here. We did conclude it is migrating through.

    :heart: Margaret

  • BeUncommon
    BeUncommon Posts: 116 Member
    Happy birthday to SuziQ and Kate xx

    Barbara > Oh yes, I can actually eat canned Tuna with allot of mayonnaise in it :) but really nothing other than that!

    Moving to the next phase is very scary! We have started opening certain things as well and it makes me very worried. I am also vulnerable. I am 51, have diabetes, sleep apnea and a huge BMI plus chronic bronchitis (that has not flared up in over 10 yrs since I quit smoking) but it is still very scary.. I would never survive it! Just do your part even if others don't and keep yourself safe xo

    Michele NC > Thank you very much :) I was very happy with picture.. She had just come out of the bathtub and I had her sitting on the bed with the towel over her head and snapped a couple shots :)

    Kevrit > Love the lizard :) How cool it would be to see them when you are out and about :)

    Amber > The videos were great! I have seen some great corona parody's lol

    Beth > Thank you very much for the compliment :) I have not taken very many to be honest. I have been having so much pain in my knees that carrying myself around is very difficult without carrying my very heavy camera as well. I will start again, hopefully once I lose alot of weight. The last proper pictures I took was last summer when I was in Canada with my family x I had to laugh out loud that you would not sign your post LOL

    That is such a sweet photo :) Does it really take you back looking at it? My first image of Randie was also a Polaroid, they gave it to my husband to show me when I woke up. I had an emergency C Section as her head was pressing on the cord so I was put out through it all. When I first saw her in the picture, I thought "oh she looks like a regular size baby". When I was wheeled into the NICU days later I was in so much shock to see her.. she was so small. I had never seen a baby so small in my life. The Polaroid was very deceiving.

    Heather UK > Yikes @ your brother. I would not be going anywhere, especially a rally! what is an anti-everything rally? Are they opposed to the lock-down? Some people are so disgusting, I seen videos of people spitting on food or surfaces to try and spread the virus!

    Had to come back up here after reading another of your posts and all I want to say is, I wish I lived with you!! lol All that delicious sounding food. (other than the lamb) I wish I enjoyed to cook like that. It sounds delicious xx

    Luci > Thank you very much but Randie is my daughter not my granddaughter :) Those were old photos of her, she is 15 now xx I agree that things are opening too soon and it scares me to think of the second wave and the fact that some scientists feel it will be worse than the first. The bathtime baby was soooo adorable :) love it xx

    Karen > WOW love the red in that sky! That is a gorgeous view from her window :)

    Tracy > Love the pics of your grandkids. Must be so hard not seeing them. Canada didn't actually go into lockdown did they? I mean they were advised but not in lockdown right? All my family is in Canada and I talk to my best friend daily :) She gets very stressed out at people not following the guidlines etc.

    Kim > Wow that is so sad and then to have someone mock them is even worse :( Some people are so ignorant. At least they had you to help them with unemployment and food bank help! The problem these days is it is all about the almighty dollar and there are no respect for those that do not make enough of it!

    Loved that post on perspective! It is so hard to imagine what people when through in those times. Ours is a simply "Stay home" and save lifes... our kids think they have it rough!! lol

    Machka > loved those memes!

    SuziQ > Thank you very much. I totally agree with you on the phone camera's. I use my phone camera all the time for quick snaps because im too lazy to take out my camera! Thanks for the idea on the pita bread! I really did enjoy the burger even without the cheese! Decided not to add the cheese just to save a few calories :)

    Glad to hear you had a good birthday xx

    I cannot believe they would not take the formica furnature!! I mean, I cannot imagine anyone who has little or nothing being picky enough not to take what is available. I am glad you decided to get the hose holder you wanted..lol Sometimes it is worth the extra money and luckily this was one of those times. Can't wait until the time when my clothes are so obviously big that i have to get rid of :) My future goals x

    Ohh I loved your story about your mom and I totally agree with you. Todays parents are so uptight about everything. I know I was with Randie being preemie and all but I look at the kids today and think I am so glad I was born in the time I was! (1969) Sitting around with friends in the park playing guitar or sitting around bonfires.. today's kids, always looking at their phones, checking phones, playing video games.. its like go outside and play!!! Kids rarely do that these days and I am sure has alot to do with the growing obesity in children.

    Lisa in AR > Thank you so much for sharing your story!! It is amazing how people with such a strong will can defy all odds! I LOVE the name Vivyan Lee :) It is beautiful. It's so nice to hear successful preemie stories. I remember how horrifying it was while going through it but so blessed that ours made it as so many others do not. Your Niece is beautiful :) Thank you for sharing !!

    Welcome to all the new peeps :)

    Love Tonya UK xx


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Kim, Thanks for the reminder of all the hard times people have gone through not so long ago. I am highly influenced by the fact that my parents grew up during the depression and thus am able to be quite frugal. In fact it took me a long time to lighten up and be able to treat myself to new things or splurge on something. My mother's older brother died of polio when I was too young to remember and it wasn't until I was an adult that I realized how much it meant to my mother when there was a finally a polio vaccine and how much it must have hurt her that I screamed and cried when I had to have the shot--to me, it represented torture, and to her it represented an assurance that she wouldn't lose her children to polio.

    :)SuziQ Your birthday sounds like how I'd like to spend my birthday. I understand your story about the hose holder. I was giddy with delight yesterday when I was able to get the glass recycling out of my garage and buy potting soil. I think it's a good quality to be happy about little things.

    :)notreadytoquit Welcome. I hope you will keep coming back. This supportive group of women have helped me stay on track for a long time. I don't post a lot but I read everything.

    :) I called the cable company yesterday. We have been OK with having a cable box on only one TV and didn't want to have anyone come into our house, but Jake finally confessed that sitting in the living room is better for his back than sitting in the office to watch TV so he wanted the cable box in the living room working again. I called them at 3 yesterday afternoon and told them I wanted both cable boxes replaced and installed and set up by one of their capable technicians. Someone will come today between 8AM and 8PM and the technician will call me an hour before his/her arrival. I'm very excited that we will have this taken care of.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I took my new trail running shoes out for a run! It was a nice day today and the reserves are open again, so we went to one quite close to us. I jogged (slowly) and my husband walked. I would jog ahead half a km or so, and then jog back to him and jog ahead again and so on. But I did walk a few times ... it was a bit hilly! So my running time for a 5K is about 8 minutes slower than it was the last time I did an outdoor 5K. It's a start!

    Distance: 5.09km
    Elevation: 96m
    Moving Time: 43:50
    Elapsed Time: 56:49
    Pace: 8:36/km
    Calories: 526
    Perceived Exertion: Moderate



    This is my album of Tasmania in Autumn 2020 photos. All close to home.

    Machka in Oz

    The photos above are approx. 2 km from where we live as the crow flies.

    It is nice having a huge reserve so close one one side and a coastline on another side.

    @BeUncommon ... I came from western Canada. We moved a lot and I've lived in all four western provinces. :)

    M in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Kim - many sympathies for the ham-handed way everything was handled, and that you have to pick up the pieces. And I wanted to chime in and say that I loved that piece on what someone born in 1900 would have gone through. We see our parents as children of the Depression, but there was an awful lot more than that going on.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    So yesterday I jogged 5 km in the reserve above ...

    Today, we went to a flatter area and cycled 13 km. :)

    Distance: 13.07km
    Elevation: 46m
    Moving Time: 50:29
    Elapsed Time: 51:53
    Speed: Avg: 15.5km/h | Max: 33.5km/h
    Calories 231

    These photos are from April, but same area as where we cycled today ...



    It has been nice getting out the last couple days ... fresh air, sunshine, seeing something we haven't seen in a little bit.

    Machka in Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Fighting my peri hormones 😢 crying 😭 for no reasons even when mad to happy . Watching chick flicks to get it out. My hormones are out of whack again. Good news is lost 55lbs a few ounces now!! Woohoo 🎉!!

    Amber Tx

    Still adding it all by hand now so my catalog of ketchup to lettuce is the right calories from now on. Adding box mix then each individual ingredient. Apparently they are so off on some here that I was maintaining from too much or too little calories. Now they can be spot on I’ll know the exact amount I managed to eat in a day. Exercising will be 60 unaided pushups y walking app.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,299 Member
    Lanette - my brother and his wife are street pastors in Southampton which generally means picking up drunks on Saturday night and getting them home safely. His wife is an area coordinator as well. They will be keeping an eye open on the march in case anyone needs help. ;) He says he will be keeping a safe distance and his wife will be doing more. Oh yer. :*
    They are convinced Christians and his wife has been delivering food parcels.
    I hope it doesn't turn nasty.
    My cleaner is here. I don't see her except to let her in.
    I invited the family round tomorrow for a very safe distance picnic lunch like last time. They said they will come for elevenses. We won't go anywhere near them and they will bring their own food and drink. We will stay indoors with the French windows open.

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    morning ladies~I am dressed and got clean sheets on the bed,, have to pick up the kitchen and then get outside
  • Jaxsgma
    Jaxsgma Posts: 55 Member
    I hope that I am finding everyone safe and healthy, yes April was 5 months long, so glad that it has passed, I just hope that May isn't as bad.
    Am I too late to join this group?
    I just started with MFP again, I have been away from here for about 4 months.
    My name is MaryBeth from Cincinnati Ohio,
    I am a mom of 3 and grandmother of 4. I want to loose possibly 30+ lbs. and I am going to need all the inspiration that I can get.
    Everyone have a great day. :)

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: Carry over cleaned guest bath 20 mins
    Bonus: stroll with Joe and the dogs at the beach, set out chitted seed potatoes and lightly covered with straw.
    Get to do: Shadow to grooming, coffee/stroll with Denise, follow up for Joe’s labs, follow up picnic table, invest 20 mins cleaning bedrooms, carry over 10 mins cleaning Dining Room, Office, Master bath, mat work, BB&B, firehouse mtg minutes, learn new dances, transplant oregano and parsley, make garlic almonds for Dan, prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes, finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed, finish cleaning and start de-rusting Aunt Elsie’s stove, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine.
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments.

    Our nearest beach (Lone Ranch) is OPEN. We had a lovely stroll in the drizzle and the dogs even play-chased with another dog (nice golden) on the beach. Everyone napped when we got home. ;)

    Beth touching picture of you and your son. Thank you!
    Heather I’d be worried too. Hoping your son and his wife are able to keep safe while monitoring that rally.
    Lisa :lol::love: Sam Elliot, oh and the advice too ;) Aunt Mama, you must be so proud! And ain’t it grand how running the numbers can be truly relaxing?
    Karen in VA “…proxy Samoa eater…” :lol: Great stress reducing internal picture!
    LuciB :love: Little Liliana. Tell me those bubbles aren’t from the dish soap?
    Tracey :love: Michaela and Jonah pics.
    Barbie cucumber plants and potting soil would lift my spirits too! “good . . .to be happy about little things.” Truth!
    Kim rant all you need. So proud of you for explaining and helping staff negotiate unemployment and food services. It infuriates me how people who are supposed to be managing fail like this. If they know they skip details, they should at least delegate to a detail person to alert them when their understanding doesn’t match the facts, helping them to avoid stupid, expensive, heartless mistakes. But alas, it is not so in the corporate world. Great perspective reminder. Thank you!
    SuziQ Joy is never silly. The water powered hose winder sounds just the ticket!
    Welcome @Notreadytoquit!
    Machka your trail pics always lift my heart.
    Amber “60 unaided pushups” WOW!
    Lanette well said to your BFF, hope she took it well.
    Tonya wonderful pics, you have the gift!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    May: better than April.
    daily: steps= 4571 vits=12 log=13 CI<CO=11 CI<250<CO=4 Tumble & Shadow 5=9 mfp=13 clean 10 mins=11 outside=10 up hill=12
    wkly: BB&B x3= rx=2 dance=
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= review 20for20=
    bonus: AF=6 play=0 sew=0
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,299 Member
    Barbara - It's my 68 year old brother. His wife is 51. Second marriage. His youngest is 18.
    Heather UK XXXXXX