May 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    5-1 7k moderate
    5-2 7k easy
    5-3 11k easy
    5-4 rest
    5-5 7k moderate
    5-6 7k moderate
    5-7 7k moderate
    5-8 7k easy
    5-9 11k slow
    5-10 7k moderate
    5-11 rest
    5-12 7k moderate
    5-13 7k moderate
    5-14 7k thresholdy
    5-15 7k easy
    5-16 11k slow
    5-17 7k moderate
    5-18 rest
    5-19 7k moderate
    5-20 7k easy

    May Total: 131k
    May Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k
    April Total: 191k

    2020 Total through April: 700k

    Cloudy, mid 50s F and windy today. Knees were stiff and right SI joint was unhappy.

    Ego? Need do nothing more than look in the mirror.

    Favorite food? Does it get any better than grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup?

    Drive in movie? Ben Hur. I made it as far as, "Where the beams cross?"

    @elise4270 Hugs are never earned. They are always freely given as a gift from the giver.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020K in 2020

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders

    2020 races:

    6-20 Freedom Run 5k, Aurora, OH
    9-19 Race for the Parks 5k, Hudson, OH
    10-11 Haunted Hustle 5k, Aurora, OH
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,127 Member
    edited May 2020
    @Avidkeo I'd go with A.

    Love the shoes @bearly63 . Hope they work out for you.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,453 Member
    @bearly63 So glad you had a good fitting session at Fleet Feet. I am still waiting for the one 'near' me to open up. Wishing you all the best on your first run in those shiny new shoes!

    @Elise4270 girl, you are always so deep ;) But you know we all love you for your kindness and generosity over the years!

    First Movie: I honestly don't remember the very first movie I went to in the theater, but I do remember my first 'R' rated movie -- my Mom took my brother and I to see 'Animal House'!!!! Yeah, I had a dysfunctional childhood :o

    Favorite food: Again, can't remember much as a very young child, but I remember for later birthdays I would always ask for lobster. Can't remember the last time I had it, but I think I still like it a lot.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2020
    I love these interactions. @MobyCarp would have really enjoyed this. I understand it is a hard question and a little exhausting to look at too long. I appreciate the hugs, its a broken area within me. I think with age comes should come the ability of self reflection. Entering nursing school, really trying to understand and be in a place to provide care to everyone without judgement, allows one to examine personal bias. Also an assignment that we become more aware of ourselves. As a whole humans are just a mess, individually were just smaller messes.

    Sort of talking to DH he quoted me this:
    "At the root of such experiences lie the basic egoic patterns: the need to be right and, of course, for someone else to be wrong; that is to say, identification with mental positions. There is also the ego’s need to be periodically in conflict with something or someone in order to strengthen its sense of separation between “me” and the “other” without which it cannot survive."
    I do not have a citation (ETA Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle), but thought that offered (me) and understanding of this human conflict. or conflict in being human. well, like i said, it gets tiresome to explore. I think for quarantine, I should have gone to sit on a mountain.

    @Tramboman Look in the mirror? I've never seen a reflection that I felt was me. Maybe that's the true reflection... If I looked in the mirror, and my reflection was you. I'd be elated and feel overwhelmingly happy and a sense of comfort and love. I can see you, but I can not see me.

    favorite meal as a kid
    Easy. My dad use to make me cheese sandwiches with lettuce and mustard on wonderbread. best ever. And I can't seem to reproduce that. He'd pick persimmons of the road side for me to eat and laugh when I got a sour one. To offer some balance- Mother made something called goulash that I think was just spaghetti and tomato sauce. i loved it.

    First movie
    I am sure we went to others, I remember being at the drive-in, but no idea what we watched. I remember walking to the concession, remember driving in to pay with the whole family, but not the movie. First movie that I can remember seeing was the Octagon with chuck norris. I think My dad was stoked to see it, he took me and not the little brother. But like the everyone else the time line isn't lining up. Movie was released in 1980, I'd have been 10. My parents divorced in '78 undoubtedly, because I spent my 9th birthday on a greyhound bus from california to texas, post divorce. Movie with mother? uh... once we were at this persons house and the adults were getting high and we kids were watching the little drummer boy, which was some some freaky porn-ish show about a little person and sex was magical and changed him to not a little person, then he realized he was happier the way he was and went back to being little. I remember lots of sex... was 10ish. I will not google the air date of that one.

    Live with purpose.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    5/1 – 3
    5/2 – 3
    5/3 – 3
    5/4 – 3
    5/5 – 0
    5/6 – 2
    5/7 – 4
    5/8 – 4
    5/9 – 3
    5/10 – 10K Mother’s Day virtual
    5/11 - 2
    5/12 – 3
    5/13 – 2
    5/14 – 5
    5/15 – 4
    5/16 – 5
    5/17 - 5
    5/18 - 2 - it's Skip's birthday so I ran 2.0 in honor of her turning 20
    5/19 – 4
    5/20 - 4

    67 of 50 miles

    @Teresa502 I use Strava the same way you do, I follow friends and my running groups/challenges

    @eleanorhawkins Fleet Feet also has rewards, you spend so much and you get $15.00 I think it is. I also have their app and I get rewards for doing certain things, if I’m at an event I check in and get a reward, run so many miles get a coffee mug etc. It’s pretty neat. Sad for me that Skip no longer works there though they do things like throw in a hat or sunglasses when I spend money ha ha

    @katharmonic if Strava let me add gear on the app I’d pay for it

    @Elise4270 I have no ego, I’m pretty much a live and let live person. But I’m almost 59 years old and the attitude of *kitten* it comes later to some people. I’m sorry to hear about the surgery.

    Favorite food as a kid – grape jelly and still is a favorite, grape jelly on plain old white wonder bread
    First most at a drive in – can’t remember that one, but I’m sure it was in black and white ha ha

    @Avidkeo I had a big party for a dinner my ex boyfriend was retiring from the Army, there were like 12 or so of us. The bill came I paid it and figured the tip was included, later I looked at it and it wasn’t OMG I wanted to die, the server must have thought what a *kitten*. I called right away and explained and they said he didn’t add it since it was a military retirement and they even gave me a discount OMG so I added back the discount and 30% for the tip ha ha

    @bearly63 Skip is wearing those exact same shoes, same color and all.

    Mother’s Day Virtual 5K – done
    Retro Run Virtual 5K – done
    Rona on the Run - Virtual for St. Jude benefit - done
    Keep Moving Huntsville - at least one mile a day 1 - 31 May
    Pirate Challenge – 10 weeks mile challenge June - Sept
    Flora-Bama 600K - Virtual race from Huntsville AL to the Florida Alabama state line in Orange Beach
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    Monthly questions @Elise4270 – Favorite food as a child – cake. I’m still the same today. I could care less about meat and veggies, but I swear my face automatically lights up when I see cake!

    First movie I remember seeing was a James Bond 007 movie with my sister. We lived in Kentucky at the time and my parents let us go down the street to the theatre. I was probably 10 or 11 years old. Our family rarely went out to eat and never went to the movies. My sister and I must have really been getting on their nerves for them to send us to the movies on that day!

    Ego – no great words of wisdom. I just try to do me. I hate being judged by people who have no idea what the entire story is so I try to be open-minded and give people the benefit of the doubt or just ignore them…
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,035 Member
    May Goal: 100 Miles

    5/3: 11.07 miles
    5/5: 6.25 miles
    5/6: 5.71 miles
    5/7: 5.16 miles
    5/10: 13.2 miles
    5/12: 5.35 miles
    5/13: 6.40 miles
    5/14: 5.31 miles
    5/17: 10.02 miles
    5/19: 6.55 miles
    5/20: 6.55 miles

    81.57/100 miles completed for May

    517.74/1000 miles for Run the Year Team Pavement Pounders

    I ran the same route today as yesterday so 6.5 miles. It was a good run, but not as great as yesterday. Not really sure why. Some runs are just better than others. It was pretty warm at somewhere between 68°F and 70°F. It just felt like a typical summer morning run. I had a lot on my mind at the beginning of the run and some of my thoughts were making me annoyed. But as the run went on it got better. I tried to focus on things around me. I saw a few cats and some cows. I only saw one dog and he was in his fenced yard. He barked at me, but he was pretty far off the road and really just seemed like he wanted to go running with me. I saw lots of birds. Two pairs of cardinals, a robin, some grackles and mockingbirds. I saw a few walkers and one lady who was running and then walking. I greeted everyone I saw from a safe distance. Social distancing hasn't been a problem for me on my runs. I don't usually see that many people out any way and it is always easy to stay at least 6 feet away from them.

    @elise4270 I'll tackle the easy questions first. My favorite foods as a kid were my mom's chicken and noodles and her fried pork chops and gravy. On my birthday I usually asked for strawberry cake, but I also love my mom's brownies. The first movie I remember seeing in the theatre was "The Apple Dumpling Gang". I don't remember it being a very good movie, but I was 7 and going to the movies was pretty cool. The first drive-in movie I saw was "The Other Side of the Mountain:. I was 7 for that one too and I really liked that one.

    Now for the hard question. I don't really know the answer. Most of the time I don't feel very confident. I don't think that my ego gets out of hand too often. But I also think that I am right most of the time, so maybe it does.
    I have been told before that I will never admit that I am wrong. But I really think that I will admit when I'm wrong, but I'm not going to admit that I am wrong just so someone else can be right. Typically if I am going to argue with someone about something it will be something that I feel very confident that I am right about. I've always tried to go by the motto: "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Sometimes I'm good at that, and sometimes I'm not. I have found that as I am getting older and dealing with peri-menopause symptoms, I am more irritable and more likely to make snarky comments. But I do try to keep it in check and not always say what I feel because most of the time I think people are just trying to do their best, not trying to annoy me, and I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. I mean, maybe those people in the grocery store just don't see all the signs on the floor saying that the aisles are one way and they don't know they are going to wrong direction. I would be right if I told them they were going the wrong way, but is it really my place to do that? The theme for the Un-Canceled Project this week is kindness and I've really been trying to think about ways I could be more kind. Sometimes I feel that I'm generally kind to others, but not always kind to myself. And I get frustrated because I always try to be kind to others, but often feel like others aren't always that kind to me. So I don't know if I answered your question or just rambled on some nonsense.

    @bearly63 I love your new shoes! I hope they work out. I wish there was a Fleet Street near me.

    @faebert One thing I love about this thread is seeing everyone's different opinions about the weather. We have already been over 100°F several days in May. But today should be "cooler" and we are only supposed to hit 90°F.

    @Avidkeo I'm glad you asked about the aftershokz. I've been thinking about getting some and really liked seeing all the reviews. Usually I listen to music with just one earbud. It works ok, but I have to wrap the other earbud in my hat and it can be annoying sometimes. Plus sometimes I find earbuds in my ear annoying if I wear them too long. And I'm really glad you got the "free lunch" straightened out with the restaurant. Not everyone is as kind as you.


    2020 races:
    11/7/20: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @kgirlhart "Sometimes I feel that I'm generally kind to others, but not always kind to myself. And I get frustrated because I always try to be kind to others, but often feel like others aren't always that kind to me. So I don't know if I answered your question or just rambled on some nonsense".

    Yes, it absolutely answers my question. I agree and feel the same often. I don't usually act on the way I feel and play nice because deep down I am not a kitten, I wanna be but I'm not. I think many days I have a case of "get them before they get you". If I don't "like" another, then it won't matter that they don't like me. I feel wronged and it is hard to overcome and accept that despite your/my honest and best efforts, another human being judged you/me and acted against you/me unfairly. That is incredibility hurtful. Subsequently, I feel weak and out-smarted that I feel hurt. Then we/I compensate by listening to the ego, fighting back to feel right or superior and it tends to feed a cycle of emotional turmoil, "the world doesn't accept me, why should I accept me?" I think the key is realizing that the "wrong" is being owned by the wrong person.

    I don't know why I am digging so deep this week. Lack of running? No coursework? Someone needs me to venture out and say all this? Because everyone matters. I see it. I'm going to go do my home shoulder PT now then maybe some violin.

    Today is IZ's birthday! awww I miss that guy. He's worth a google and a song if you are willing to let your soul be moved just an ooch. @HonuNui Thinking of you and Dave.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,127 Member
    Today's treadmill run is brought to you by Pit Bulls and Paroles. Schedule called for 30 minutes easy. I ran 2.25 miles and walked one. It was easy - 4.5 mph. Tomorrow is supposed to be hill repeats, but that may be thrwarted by life again. A dead tree is falling into my driveway. My dad is going to come up tomorrow and help me saw it up, and another one that has been dead for a while. So, it depends on when/how that goes as to whether I'll venture to do my workout or not.

  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,699 Member
    bearly63 wrote: »
    Went to Fleet Feet. Great experience. Got a guy that has been fitting shoes for a longish time. We did the scan thing, talked about past injuries, goals, what my reality is today with running. I did not give him a budget but told him what I have spent on my last few pairs of Gel Kayanos. He explained drop and how my wear pattern showed what was going on with my running. Anyway, tried on 4 pairs and ended up with last pair. They are New Balance Fresh Foam 1080s. A neutral shoe, 8mm drop. My eyes glazed over with the tech talk but they are light and cushiony with a lot of rebound which I am hoping takes pressure off of my joints. Will take them on a maiden voyage tomorrow. I have 30 days to try and return.

    I run in these, however, wide fit which is only available in boring black. Yours are such a pretty colour.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,415 Member
    I am loving reading everyone's responses to the questions. It is funny how many of us remember the experience of going to the movies or drive-in but not the movie.

    @elise4270 - thanks! I don't see myself that way and maybe that is a key part of what you are asking about. I don't think we generally see ourselves the way others do and admire about others what we wish for or think we aren't. To quote you 'I can see you, but I can not see me.'
    I too miss @HonuNui and hope she is doing well.

    @kgirlhart - I often think those snarky comments but mostly never say them. Sometimes I will spend part of a run (or the whole run) thinking about what I should have said but if it came right down to it I never would. I have said hello or good day a few times when passing other runners and when they don't respond at all or even nod their head I am tempted to say (and have a few times when I have seen someone a few times with the same lack of response) 'sorry, guess it isn't a good day for you'. I have really liked the Un-Canceled Project weekly themes, they have made me think about each one and how I can incorporate more into my life (more hope, more courage, more kindness, etc..)

    @Teresa502 - Love that you ran for the bees! Did they have a medal? I could just imagine some really cute ones!

    I love all the pretty colors of the new shoes! @bearly63 I too wish there were a Fleet Feet near me. There is one in Laguna and one in Burbank, neither particularly close especially with traffic. I did order a new pair of Topo ST3's on sale. They looked red in the picture (only color on sale) and when I got them they are actually a really bright pink. I would never pick the color but being 30% off and my favorite running shoe made it ok. I am not planning to run in them for a while. Just going to put them away until I retire another pair from rotation.

    Running lately has been hard and today I should have just walked. It ended up being a walk with me continuing to try to run and having to stop. Hopefully it will get resolved soon but in the meantime I guess I will just keep trying (does that make me fit the definition of crazy? Continuing to do the same thing expecting a different outcome 😜). I sat with Hobbes on a bench along the trail and watched butterflies, I saw a Mourning Cloak and a Tiger Swallowtail. As we got back close to home the mocking birds and crows were having a war apparently, arguing about who owns the local trees.

    05/03.......0.00..........7.42 - Stretch and Roll plus Strength Training
    05/05.......0.00........12.81 - Stretch and Roll plus Strength Training
    05/06.......2.22........15.03 - Night run
    05/07.......0.00........15.03 - Stretch and Roll plus Strength Training
    05/10.......0.00........27.46 - Stretch and Roll plus Strength Training
    05/12.......0.00........32.48 - Stretch and Roll plus Strength Training
    05/14.......0.00........32.48 - Stretch and Roll plus Strength Training
    05/17.......0.00........43.55 - Stretch and Roll
    05/18.......5.00........48.55 - Rain!


    2020 Run the Year Team - 2020 R.I.O.T. (Running Is Our Therapy) 696.99/1000 miles (running and walking)

    2020 Planned and Completed Races
    02/02/20 - Surf City Half Marathon
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    05/01/20 :::: 16.2 :::: 16.2
    05/02/20 :::: 24.1 :::: 40.3
    05/03/20 :::: 8.0 :::: 48.3
    05/04/20 :::: 2.1 :::: 50.4
    05/05/20 :::: 2.3 :::: 52.7
    05/06/20 :::: 1.8 :::: 54.6
    05/07/20 :::: 4.0 :::: 58.6
    05/08/20 :::: 5.3 :::: 63.8
    05/09/20 :::: 1.6 :::: 65.4
    05/10/20 :::: 6.7 :::: 72.2
    05/11/20 :::: 5.0 :::: 77.2
    05/12/20 :::: 5.4 :::: 82.6
    05/13/20 :::: 5.4 :::: 87.9
    05/14/20 :::: 5.5 :::: 93.4
    05/15/20 :::: 5.0 :::: 98.5
    05/16/20 :::: 3.1 :::: 101.5
    05/17/20 :::: 11.0 :::: 112.5
    05/18/20 :::: 2.0 :::: 114.6
    05/19/20 :::: 3.6 :::: 118.2
    05/20/20 :::: 5.5 :::: 123.7

    About 2.2 miles with a warmup and sprints this morning, and then a mace/kettlebell workout at the track. Then I met a friend this afternoon for a slow, easy run on the canal.

    I think I'm too tired for the deep questions. I'll try to participate with you all tomorrow :)
  • renydo2
    renydo2 Posts: 2,153 Member
    Got 3 more miles in today! Brings me to 19 out of 40. Gonna be close !