

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    Regarding hair, nails, etc. ... I am capable of doing my own.

    I've never had my nails done. I have thought, on occasion, it might be nice to do for a special event or something, but I can't be bothered and it would probably be a waste of money. The first time I went to adjust something on my bicycle, I'd probably chip or break them. Plus I usually like my nails quite short ... easier for typing.

    And my hair ... I dye it myself and have cut it myself on several occasions. Just bend at the waist, flip it forward and cut! But I had it cut just before the shutdown and that'll do me for a year.

    My husband also does his own hair ... just runs clippers over his head and he's done.

    We're low maintenance in that regard. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    Haven't seen @SuziQ113 around recently ...

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
    :) Music has always been a big part of my life. I sang with a group when I was in grade school. Sang in chorus in Jr. High and high school. Have sung in church and community choirs since 1977. I sing alto and used to be able to sing 2nd soprano. Unfortunately my range has shrunk since sarcoidosis diagnosis. I took accordion lessons as a child and guitar and piano as an adult but not really good at any of them. I like all kinds of music except rap. DH and I had season tickets to SD Symphony for over 30 years. Not a big one for dance. DH and I took some ballroom dance lessons and I tried line dance, just didn't keep up with either.

    We are thinking about taking a trip to SD over the Father's Day weekend to scatter DH's ashes. Will see if we can manage that. SD never did officially shut down.

    Everyone take care Sue in WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,300 Member
    edited May 2020
    Great excitement this morning! I found a delivery slot for next Saturday between 9-10 pm. :o:o:o Days of searching for that! I found it at 6 am this morning. It was the only one, right at the end.
    There are things I can only get from Waitrose that are essential to my happiness! :D;):*:D
    Thry said in an email that at one stage 2 million people were looking for slots. :o
    It's too far to walk. I normally go on the bus. :noway:

    Making Spinach and Feta pie for tonight.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Tracey Maybe you could wear the surgical mask over a cloth mask.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Sue Sturgis?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Hi i skimmed and i think i got most or all personal messages. Thanks.
    Worked well last couple of days and less so so far today well into morning. :s
    Worked about 7h yesterday and got some major files sent to corrector. she can only correct them for Sunday and monday. i need to gather visuals and take care of other stuff. when stuff is non urgent i have been sometimes dragging w confinement (or semi confinement).
    ate too many crackers yesterday and didnt track. slight starchy overdo. i get these GF thin wafers but lately when i open a package there's a risk of munching the whole package : 75g. could be worse, but ya know.

    Went food shopping late yesterday.
    Almost no good fresh fruit and veggies late in day at supermarket: just radishes for good veggies! i enjoy them but one can only eat so much radishes.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: board meeting minutes,
    Bonus: C-19 grant follow up call and estimates, quick stroll with dogs, I hr in hot tub
    Get to do: invest 30 mins decluttering and cleaning Office, carry over 10 mins cleaning Bedrooms, Dining Rm, Guest Bth, convoy to organic farms, pick up and deliver C-19 certification, mat work, BB&B, practice new dances (Read Deal, Get it Right, Quarter after one, Half Past Tipsy, Senorita), board meeting minutes, transplant oregano and parsley, make garlic almonds for Dan, transplant oregano and pineapple, prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes, finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed, finish cleaning and start de-rusting Aunt Elsie’s stove, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine.
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments, next week final? follow up for Joe’s labs, call for his Dr. appointment.

    Yesterday was productive in sitting down desk work but otherwise for eating and activity. Pounds up, mood down, followed Joe down the slippery slope of Hamburger Helper and Bear Claw coffee cake. Thud.

    Lisa “It was a weight lifted, settling into that decision.” That’s how you know it’s the right decision for you. Brava.
    LuciB wow, not only a distinguished musical family but what a wide range of musical accomplishments in your own right! Who knew cleaning cabinets could be such a dangerous activity, hope your pain eases soon.
    Heather :love: the pics of your dear Ros. What a great smile.
    Rita :love: the Minions baby cap!
    Barbie so glad you have fun dancing with your walking friend! Wish we had the space and surface to invite two of my dancing buddies over to dance, but alas…

    Joe’s DDS and my massage therapist both called with appointments for us. Now if only the chiropractor…

    “Convoying” with my friend to an organic dairy and an organic farm 30 miles to the south. We’ll each drive our own cars, but chat “hands free” so it will feel like a little day/road trip.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    May: better than April.
    daily: steps=3098 vits=21 log=22 CI<CO=19 CI<250<CO=9 Tumble & Shadow 5=15 mfp=22 clean 10 mins=20 outside=17 up hill=17
    wkly: BB&B x3= rx=3 dance=1
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=1 review 20for20=
    bonus: AF=12 play=0 sew=0
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Allie - It might be a good business, setting up yourself up as a substitute caregiver for those who are caring for a parent or loved one who has Alzheimer's or dementia, so the caregiver can get away. The exhaustion and depression caregivers suffer is no joke, and your experience would make you perfect for that.

    Tracey - "peace in your heart," yes that's exactly the description I would use.

    - "you are an ever-moving stream." It's so funny you would say that. More than once I've described a new beginning as being "a tree in the river of information, letting it all flow by, but it all comes clear eventually."

    Re mani-pedis:
    The only time I consistently got manicures was the year I was a flight attendant, and that was mainly because the acrylic nails are a great beverage opener, one my regular nails would have never survived. By the end of that year, as someone else said, my personal nails were extremely thin and weak. Had French tips put on both my fingernails and toenails for my wedding, no manicures since, and only one pedicure. I still find it weird to have someone else touch my feet, as I am so touchy... and they cut my toenails too short both times, so then I have to deal with ingrown toenails for a couple months. Not my idea of a good time.

    @SuziQ113 did say she had a major systems implementation coming up, but it has definitely been a while. The funny part is, when I read your note, Machka, I kept hearing "Suzi, SuziQ, where are you?" to the Scooby Doo theme song. Now it's stuck in there, and I'm trying to evict the earworm...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    morning ladies
    day 4 and settled into a routine..I miss being home, but know i am helping out my family and I can do it justice. as of right now 3 days a week ,with an occasional holiday weekend such as this one.. I should be able to get by with this and Alimony
    when I work a 24 hour shift I get $250.00 which works out to about 10 an hour, but I am sleeping through some of that so I have to take that into account.. if I am working 8-4 im getting 18.00hr and will be up to 20.00 in a couple months..it will help pay the bills, and the way the crazy world is right now.. better than working in an office or out in the public,,,
    Faith is sleeping alot now,she is an insulin diabetic so we have the routine we do in the morning with pills,insulin etc... she gets her breakfast and right now she is napping... she will wake up and want lunch and then another nap,then she will fiddle around with stuff on her bed..and then want dinner at 5 .. she has a heck of an appetite so thats what she has going for her.. but you can tell she is slowing down she will be 87 in August..
    so right now I am to hot to drink tea so having some vitamin water and checking in with you all..dreary and rainy today ..
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,388 Member
    Happy Saturday <3

    Rori, Janetr and Kylia are on my mind this morning for some reason.

    SuziQ too. When I walked into Walmart the other day, they had racks of small woody plants with beautiful pink flowers. It didn't look familiar but then I'm not a landscape plant person really, so I got one. Mandevilla. When I got it home I looked at the tag.... zone 12? Doesn't like temps below 50?? Grown in Florida? Ut oh. Some buyer at Walmart should get his/her rear chewed. Our temps here don't get above 50 for about 6 months out of the year. I put it into a bigger container and I guess it will turn into a houseplant come fall.

    My Trumpet vine didn't make it.

    Rita - what a cute hat! Have you done a lot of sewing throughout your life? I am amazed at how quickly you whipped that up. Great job. :D

    Lisa - love reading your story about prepping for the next chapter in your life. That feeling is so familiar. I remember when I gave my notice at the 911 Center, the stress of it plus my parents in hospice in Indiana, I decided it was time to leave the job to someone else. DH and I planned it out and I actually gave them a month's notice which turned out to be a waste since my Director didn't do diddly to figure out what I did.

    Anyhow, I had a great summer on the farm, not having to drag into work each day and not needing to respond to phone calls. A part-time job found me, much to my liking, and I was able to use accounting skills.

    Our county is officially "Phase 2" - salons and pet groomers open, plus many other businesses. With sanitizing and safe practices of course. Our county has done a lot of testing and still is, infection rate is very, very small. Some restaurants are going to slide into phase 3 which allows more seating capacity and I don't think anyone will bat an eye. Others are choosing to stay with carry-out for the time being since they can operate with a much smaller staff than providing a broader menu and staff to handle table service for just a few customers.

    About habitual binging:
    I've been doing a lot of introspection and self-analysis of my eating after supper, often bordering on binging. I ran across Marc Lewis, PhD, who wrote "The Biology of Desire" about how and why our brains function with addiction which includes eating disorders. He has several good presentations on YouTube.

    I watched this twice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=aOSD9rTVuWc&t=1106s and even took notes.

    I thought it was fascinating. He explains how the different parts of the brain interact with habit formation. So the addicted brain acts the same during drug/alcohol abuse or binging on food, the internet, sex, porn, even falling in love. It sets up a cycle which pumps out dopamine despite harm to the person and their health and relationships.

    While I don't consider this night time binging true addiction, there are many aspects that fit.

    I could write pages, and will post more this week. I have ordered his book from the library - I checked it out on Amazon and the "take a look" feature actually gives a lot of information if anyone is interested.

    OK, time to get the dogs up.

    Make it a good day, ladies. <3

    SW WA State

  • BeUncommon
    BeUncommon Posts: 116 Member
    Lanette > I have always had a problem with binging. I am going to check out that YouTube video as I am sure I would find it interesting so thank you for the link. I have been doing very well for the past few months and have not binged at all but there are many times I am so tempted to. I try to stay away from food that cause my binging (junk food mostly).

    Here in the UK we are still in lock-down but they have eased some things right now.

    Allie > Morning to you (afternoon here) It is great that you are helping out the family with your work hours. The money does not seem bad at all but please be careful at this trying time. Are you normally a carer? I think caring for people would be something I would enjoy.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    Love Tonya UK xx

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    Pip- bless you and Kirby here is hoping the future is exciting for you both xoxo
    Alfie and I watching beachfront bargain hunt..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) Our Chinese take out lunch yesterday was great. I went with Jake to pick up the food. We were the first customers shortly after 11. Jim got to talk to the owner which was fun for both of them. Three other customers came in after us. Not everyone was wearing a mask, but everyone kept their distance. My food fed me lunch and dinner. Jake's fed him lunch and dinner and he some for a snack today. There's enough left on the gift certificate for two more meals.

    :)Tonya, your daughter has grown into a lovely teenager.

    :)Lisa, I love the description of your husband fixing the mower.

    :)Barbara, The two of us barely can keep our distance in the spare room. I can see out the window while we dance and the view is the driveway. I keep trying to figure out how I could include a larger group to dance with us, but dancing on concrete isn't good and since I don't have a CD player we're using my laptop and the sound isn't loud enough for more than two of us. That doesn't even consider what the neighbors would think of it.

    :) Our county won't be in stage 2 until June 1. I hope that means that the grooming appointment for the dogs, scheduled long ago will be happening. I don't plan to go out any more than I do already. I'll dash over to the post office this morning to mail two books and take care of the mail for my friend---I pick up her mail from her PO box and send it to her in California about once every three weeks. Our post office is tiny so it is likely that there will be no one there but me and the clerk and maybe one other customer.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • Jaxsgma
    Jaxsgma Posts: 55 Member
    kevrit wrote: »

    This hat is adorable, you do such a great job.