

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,070 Member
    When I take a screen shot, I can download it to MFP just like a photo. I have a Mac, not sure what you have, but I go to my Finder, look under Recents, and hold down Command if I want to post multiple screen shots. I don't know if that will help.

    Karen in Virginia

    When I post pictures and things, I use Snipping Tool ... but that might be a PC tool, I'm not sure.

    I get the image the size I want on my computer by increasing or decreasing Zoom on Google Chrome.

    Then I click New on Snipping Tool and capture the image.

    Then I click Edit > Copy ....

    And Paste here ... :)


    Same sort of idea for Powerpoint, Word etc.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,070 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Greetings from 24/7 Caregiver Hell. I'm still standing, but been too drained to read or reply here. I'd love to go to sleep for three days, but its not to be. In a life where even the good days present mega-challenges, this month has been a doozy.
    (1) Upstairs neighbor set off a flash fire on his deck. Sprinklers went off, and you can guess where ALOT of that water landed. Very stressful for DH and our cat, and I had to bounce back and forth from calming them down, to communicating with the first responders barging into our living room. It took fire dept 29 minutes to show up (they are a block away, but one of the alert systems our HOA pays for failed), and when they arrived, they didn't have the schematic showing where to turn off the alarms and sprinklers. My deck and living room were messed up. Clean up, restoration and insurance all pretty much done. My nerves are still jagged

    I no sooner exhaled after than when,

    (2) Younger brother, who has been isolating in a hotel most of the month due to horrible anxiety, reported that he spent the night struggling to breathe. Off to Urgent Care, who then sent him to ER. DH, with his dementia was along for the ride, and very confused by what we were doing. DB has a host of health issues, and recent bloating has exceeded anything I have ever seen on a human being. He looks like he's 8 months pregnant with triplets. The ER ran lots of tests, and extracted 6 liters of fluid from his abdominal area. He came home same night tired, but relieved. He also got the C-19 test which came back negative. My heart has just cleared my throat. It was so scary taking him to an ER, and then not being able to be by his side. I wondered "what would happen if it was DH who needed and ER? Could I come in?" With his advanced dementia and hearing loss, I think I'd have to insist on being with him.

    And then today, I got to find out.

    (3) This AM DH blacked out and landed hard on his head on the carpeted bedroom floor. I was in the next room and heard the thud. He was coming to as I got there. Got him on the bed and started treating a little gash on his forehead. He said his neck hurt. So, after lots of explaining and cajoling, off to Urgent Care we went. They turned him away because they don't do CT scans, and that's the standard protocol for blackouts. Thankfully, the ER staff let me come in with him.They gave him blood, EKG and CT scans. They gave him fluids, because he may have been slightly dehydrated. All test results good. The neck is whip lashed, so Tylenol and ice prescribed. He came home and immediately launched into his usual tasks, and despite being very hungry and tired, worked at sweeping floors for 3 hours before sitting down. He never, ever says he is in pain, so this was a legit scare for me.

    But wait, there is yet another anxious day coming up.

    (4) My sister in San Diego has to have surgery this Wednesday for cancerous spot found on her lung. This is metastasized from the colon cancer she had a couple years ago. She is trying hard to be strong but she gets depressed very easily. I'll have to hold back on sharing my family news until she is back home and on the mend.

    Stay well friends. I'll be back when I can.

    Trying to focus on the NOW in Colorado Foothills

    I'm sorry you're going through all that!!! I hope things start improving. :heart:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,648 Member
    Beth, I tried to find Buffalo data and it looks like it has not flatten out in your area yet.... so sorry to hear about your friends. Do you think your Dad may have a touch of dementia?

    Rori! I was reading with my mouth hanging open!!! I can not imagine what a night mare the last bit has been ! any of that would be enough but all of it! virtual hugs

    Kim in N. California
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,516 Member
    edited May 2020
    Karen in Virginia. My grandma Nelson was a singer. Her group had a piano player, and a drummer, and some ladies that tap danced. My Grandma though, just did a soft shoe, and didn't tap. The music they performed was Jazzy, vaudeville, and her voice was gutsy, like Sophie Tucker in the 1930's. She sewed all her gowns and head pieces.👍 She loved performing!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    <3Rori, sending hugs to you
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,070 Member
    edited May 2020
    I've mentioned the Ideas & Fun Facebook site before ... if you haven't checked it out, do! Very creative, beautiful and inspiring. :)

    This was posted a day or two ago ... I could see myself doing some of those. That sort of "gardening" interests me. :)


    And for your amusement ... :grin:


    Machka in Oz
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,771 Member
    Kim ... both of my parents are sharp as tacks, but both are becoming exceedingly frail. I suspect this was stubborn male pride that he could still "do" things.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,091 Member
    Rori hugs and prayers for you and your DH!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,070 Member
    Two papers submitted.
    One paper and one exam to go till the end of the semester.

    Then I've got about a month off from uni (but still working, of course). Then I start my second semester.

    In my second semester, I have only one course ... thank goodness. Taking two while working full time wasn't good. The one and final course is on more research principles and skills.

    Machka in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,870 Member
    Rori - I can't even imagine. Sending strength and angels to you.

    Karen VA - Going to SD to scatter DH's ashes. Will be staying in Deadwood. Have been to Sturgis in the past. DD worked at the rally one summer.

    Pip - Happy Birthday!

    Everyone take care Sue in WA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Rita))): Feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    JanetR: You look fabulous. It is good to see you posting. :bigsmile:

    SuziQ: Your food looks wonderful. :smiley:

    (((Rori))): You have been living with highly stressful challenges for a very long time with your DH, and now your brother needs medical attention, and your sister needs surgery. I hope your sister and your brother will both be okay and will handle their problems and will recover fully. I worry for your health and wellbeing. I hope that you will get needed rest, and that you’ll be able to carve out some time and peace for yourself. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Machka: DH & I are both retired. He has health problems and seems to be doing a bit better now than a few months ago. We have an excellent doctor, & ample access to buy needed food and household items. We hear from our adult children regularly and they are getting along okay. We are lucky enough to have good neighbors living nearby. Between good contact with our family and good neighbors, I count us both as very lucky. :star: Many people we know are not working because their businesses were forced to close by the governor’s rules. I don’t love every one of the governor's rules, but I think she has worked wonders at keeping the public as safe as possible. Many restrictions are still in place. Oregon will be opening slowly. :ohwell:

    Beth near Buffalo: You do not resemble Grandpa Munster in any way. :noway: Jane Jetson was a looker. I suspect you look much better than you think. :flowerforyou: :star:

    We have been home for a long while. I’ve been the “gofor” and errand girl who shops and runs errands while DH stays home. I admit I’m getting a bit tired. I recently heard from my horse friends and there will be a work party coming up at one of the county parks in June. I hope to participate. I haven't seen any of them in months.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,318 Member
    edited May 2020
    Rori! <3 So good to hear your 'voice'. I've been thinking about you such a lot. For me, personally, the fire damage would have been the last straw. :# Ugh!
    Big (((HUGS))) and love.
    Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I think about NYKAREN too. <3

    Thank you KIM!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited May 2020
    :) Belated Happy Birthday Pip
    <3 Hugs to you Rori you've had a lot to deal with.

    same old same here, busy helping mum with her shopping/housework etc. I'm missing my friends - we are trying to arrange a coffee morning in Jean's garden (socially distancing of course) but we'll see how that pans out.

    I managed to get an online shopping order for this afternoon, slots are few and far between, think this one must have been a cancellation, because when I looked on Thursday morning last week and there was nothing available, looked again just before I went to bed and there was a slot, so I booked it quick! I've been busy decluttering, and now have quite a few bags to go to the charity shop when it re-opens. I've also a few things to go to the council tip when that re-opens, which could be next month.

    Need to catch up with the rest of the posts, got a bit behind again.

    <3 Love to all
    Viv UK
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    PIP Happy Birthday 🎉🎉

    RORI hugs and more hugs

    Stay safe

    Kate UK ❤️
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I enjoyed skimming over past 100 posts! I have been snowed under with work, yesterday started at around 7 am and finished after 1 am! sent off 2 major files today at 8:30. phew! I have an awesome corrector. She has another job so we were on the phone late last night going over last bits. She's definitely more nighttime than morning.
    I dozed off for a moment between 11:30 and 11:45pm!

    I haven't tracked these past days. Did today and tracked today (so far) and also tracked today and yesterday's weight. Suzi you said you track weight daily and I did that too when I lost well, even though some said to weigh weekly.

    Allergies today. Possibly a higher pollen count than usual in the city for grasses. No grass cutting for 2+ months. Walking by tiny parks yesterday (still closed) I saw the guys cutting knee-high grass.

    I took an antihistamine just now. They haven't been working lately. It seems like they work 2 out of 3 times for me. I have only tried about 3 or 4 this year. I only take a few time in the year when I'm facing a challenging day in spring. They don't work much in high pollen-months when I'm places with tall wild lush grass. May tends to be the worst for me in France. It's the month when grass grows the fastest. In summer it slows down considerably.

    Sometimes changing antihistamine brands can help.

    I have a ton of stuff to do after having had my nose in these files for the better part of the past 10 days or so.
    Feel like I need a day off, but also like the other stuff needs doing.

    Ok I'll do 2 not too difficult things where people are counting on my action.

    There are other things that are pressing and relatively urgent but they may have to wait.

    Allergies get worse with stress, but that is definitely not the only cause: pollen count and type of pollen is key.

    sniffle, sniffle, achoo!

    I need to pick up some light supplies a good km + walk away. I would like to walk there, but am a little apprehensive about pollen.

    Fortunately, masks help a tiny bit against pollen. So there's that. :D

    Sometimes taking a nap actually helps with allergies. That's how I know that it's partly stress related.

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited May 2020
    Rori - holy crap on a cracker, woman! Hope all possible outcomes are positive ones, and wish I was there to hug your neck and make you some tea.

    JanetR - always good to see you pop in. There are so many I miss here, and hope they are OK. You stay in that list.

    Sue in WA
    - never been there during the rally, but stayed in Deadwood on one trip... Loved it. I hope your journey is safe and brings you peace.

    Beth - hope your dad is doing better, and sympathies over the hair. I've been training myself to look at just the face part of my head until the hair gets out long enough to be well, not like it looks right now, which is indescribable. Ish.

    Insomnia got me up at 3 a.m., as my brain was playing scenarios incessantly and would not shut up. This morning is my delivery of my resignation letter, and I want to give my director the respect of telling her verbally before I send the letter by email. I told Corey last night that I didn't want to burn any bridges, and his comment was, "You burn whatever you want to." #ReasonsHesMyHusband.

    Egg is playing fetch at the moment, so if there are any typos, they're her fault. She found a black cable tie somewhere, and has been fascinated by it for days. I've thought it was a baby snake at least three times, coming up on it unawares. She hides it under rugs, goes back, drags it out again, and brings it to me to throw. I throw it, she goes sliding across the wood floors like Risky Business, plays with it for a while, and starts all over. For a cat, she's awfully doggy sometimes.

    Time to get Corey's coffee ready, and get things in order to send him off to work - his lunch was easy this morning, leftover lasagna, chips and an apple. The boy eats chips, an apple, and either a sandwich or leftovers every working day of his life and has ever since I met him. I reminded him during this last week while I was taking vacation how much he actually likes being taken care of, and he's been reveling in it. :smiley:

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! It was a nice weekend, for me. I got a lot of yard work done, did the housework early in the weekend so that all I had to do yesterday was cook and a quick sweep of the entrance and kitchen areas. I also got in a trail hike each day with my son, Colin. It truly felt luxurious to get into his Jeep, top off (off the Jeep- I kept mine on ;) ) ride along Harbor Drive (the beach road) to whatever trail we chose to walk each day. Spend an hour or two walking trails and talking, then a drive back. Tim, Colin, and I went downtown yesterday at about 11:30, for the Memorial Day ceremony. There were a few people there, but not too many. The local veterans did a wonderful job and it was HOT! Well, hot for Michigan in May (high 80s)! Really, a good weekend; very relaxing. I made some of Tim's favorite things yesterday, so that he will have them to eat during the week (thus cutting down on my cooking). Chicken salad, egg salad, salsa, cut up cauliflower and celery and made a dip. With Colin going back to work today (thank GOD!) I will probably only need to make dinner once or twice this week.
    Rori- Sending you virtual hugs and a shoulder to cry on. The stress and frustration must be immense. I would be hitting some pillows, kicking them across the room, screaming loud and having a good cry- just to get my head right. Deep breaths. Let go of what is out of your control. <3
    Heather- Love the pics of the kids and the butterflies! I meant to ask; do you see your son when you see pics of Max, like the one you posted of Max and the butterfly? It looked like Max's hair was wet and it is in those moments, when my mind can imagine the wonderful smell of "little boys". Wet hair= either just out of the bath or the hair smells like a mix of dirt, wind, and sweat.
    Beth- Grandpa Munster and Jane Jetson (who by the way is the best looking animated mom, EVER), lololol That made me laugh. I am sure your hair doesn't look that bad. PLUS...I think there are going to be many weird hair styles coming out of all of this. My own son, tried trimming his hair with clippers. Ooops! He used the wrong size and ended up with a faux-hawk. That actually looked kind of cool, but he decided it wasn't him and just shaved it all off. Brush cut. Which, in my opinion, is a shame to do to a nice head of hair (unless you are in the military).

    Well, I better scoot. I have a load of laundry to fold and I am sitting here, still in my tank and shorts that I wore to bed, because the clothes I want to wear today are in the dryer. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,651 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    cityjane and exermom you didn't miss it, today is my bday. thanks.

    no workout yesterday or sat. yesterday went to a friends home to see her new back redone home space , fire pet, etc... by the little late, yogi had a blast going in the water. we did the distancing thing..today, going to clean up some more stuff and post it to sell, Kirby is off today, made me breakfast in bed... have a good one all

    Happy birthday my hero friend, I wanna be Pip in my next life, full of strength and energy and beautiful inside and out. Hope your special day is the BEST <3

    Janetr OKC

    awwww thanks!

    thanks to all. posted and sold 223.50 worth of stuff on my bday, not bad.