
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Kate UK - I know! I feel a bit guilty I have been enjoying it so much. :o Getting on with my memoir has been a big part of that. I am looking forward to eventually being able to go out to lunch though. :D My anxiety is around seeing the grandchildren, my son's birthday next week, the seafront/beach being extra busy with our wonderful weather etc. I'm not good at uncertainty.
    I am very aware of the struggles many people have had, for all kinds of reasons.

    Hope the funeral brings some peace to all. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Machka, $300,000 for a PHD? Holy Moly! I don't even think I have $30,000 in mine. I didn't keep up with the bottom line, but I know it was cheap enough to cash flow over a 4 year period from my teaching salary so it wasn't expensive. I did go to a state school (Georgia Southern University) which was way cheaper even than the University of Georgia. It had the program I wanted and that met my needs, though, so I was pleased, and it turned out that it is one of the top 3 programs in the US in my degree (curriculum studies). Will a $300,000 degree pay for itself? On a totally unrelated subject, my DH is also having hernia surgery in June. He has one on both sides, so double surgery. His is in two weeks. I hope he can last that long. Some days it really bothers him. I bought him some supportive underwear but he says it makes it worse so won't wear it.

    Regarding the cost of a PhD ...
    When I calculated that, I may have included my pay for the three years I'd have to take off.

    $42,000 per year * 3 years = $126,000 + my pay = just over $300,000.

    And a PhD could possibly double my pay so conceivably I could make it back in about 5 years, if all went well. But that's not a given.

    However, it is possible that some degrees could be funded by grants so that could make a positive difference. :)

    I hope your DH's surgery goes well!!

    My husband's is just one. When he came home from the hospital nearly 2 years ago, I started noticing he didn't like when I touched his stomach, and then one day a little while later, I saw why! We delayed getting it looked at first because he didn't want to go back to the hospital. Then we had to delay a while when COVID-19 came along. I hope it goes well.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Thanks for condolences and hugs. BIL will be cremated, his wife, kids and grandkids will probably be as many as crematorium will allow inside so we can go in our own car and stand outside ( practicing social distancing) Don’t think any of us have facilities for an outside wake.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    I'm with Heather, I've loved the shutdown and wish this is how life could be until at least September.

    Despite the fact that it has been incredibly busy, it's been so relaxing and freeing!! :):heart:

    Machka in Oz
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good Morning from a lovely sunny day here in York, trying to catch up, but I've been sat here for over an hour :o:o and really need to move before I stiffen up completely :)

    Amber I was surprised by the different sizes of the McDonalds portions and the variety too.

    Better move and get some chores done, the washing won't hang itself outside :) and the lawn needs mowing !!

    Happy Friday.

    Love Viv UK <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    edited May 2020
    One of our great joys is our garden. We have deliberately kept it as a bird and wildlife sanctuary with plenty of cover and spend a lot of time admiring the birds etc through the windows.
    Today the lawn was full of chicks. Babies hopping everywhere. We have a baby robin, starlings, goldfinches, sparrows, a greedy baby blackbird closely guarded by its dad.

    Every morning at about 7.30 the sound of chickens starts up, as the house a few doors down has a chicken coop and that's when they feed them. :D Luckily no cockerel!

    Weather still glorious.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    3.8 km run this evening as the sky turned pink ...

    My husband walked while I ran ahead, then ran back to him, and ran ahead again, and back all the way around.


    For some reason my calves have been bothering me a lot during and after runs so I'm trying compression stockings this evening and I've got my feet up. Hopefully that helps.

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Good morning ladies..i am up.and having my tea..
    I finally fell alseep last night with the help.of melatonin and tylenol.but had very odd dreams..
    Have to do some grocery shopping and then pack to go back up to stay with Faith..
    Well i have to say since a week ago Wednesday through this Sunday i have made $2200.00 which is more than i have made in a long time..and its so nice that i can bring Alfie..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka enjoy your so well deserved month’s break from uni. SMH at the PhD $$$$$$. If I won the lottery, I’d find another way to spend the money ;) Is triple zero the equivalent of our 999 emergency dispatcher? IMHO that would be first on the list. Does the device allow dispatcher to converse with patient? Gorgeous pics as always!

    I will enjoy the break ... when it starts on June 12. :) Meanwhile, I've got a 40% group assignment I'm working on right now. It's technically due today but we've all been given 5 extra working days so it's due on June 5. Then I've got a final exam in my other course on June 11. And then I'm done until the week of July 13. I'm not sure what day my one remaining course starts yet.

    However ..... I'm getting my septum straightened on July 10 and I will be "off" for 2 weeks. Uni is online next semester so I'll try to log in and "attend" but I'll let my instructors know that it won't be full speed ahead for me for the first couple weeks of the course.

    Work supposedly starts to go back July 13, but obviously won't for me. I'd like to wait till August at the earliest ... preferably into October. Or actually, I'd like to continue working from home most days on into the future, but I'll have to wait and see.

    I enjoy education. I love learning and I'd love to get a PhD. However, I do get very tired of some of the stuff I've got to deal with.

    The ideal learning setup for me is online with an instructor & tutors (PhD students) available for help via email or Zoom or whatever
    • Online lecture - concise and to the point.
    • Readings ... but not overloading us with readings.
    • Online exercises to practice parts of what we're learning and find out immediately if we're getting it or not. Textbooks have had this sort of thing for ages. Used to be they came with a CD in the back ... more recently they provide a website where you log on, go through the presentation and do the learning activities. It baffles me why unis can't do that.
    • Research papers - individual ones.

    I don't long, rambling lectures where it takes them 25 minutes to say something they could have said in 5 minutes.
    I don't like Workshops where the instructor asks a question and we all sit there staring off into space for the next 5 minutes because either no one knows or everyone is to shy to say anything ... or where nothing works and we spend workshop after workshop trying to get the equipment to work.
    I don't like impossible stacks of reading ... one instructor did that to us, so I stopped doing most of the readings all together.
    And I don't like group work.

    Triple 0 is the same as America's 911. The way this particular device is set up, it is meant to call me or give him the option of calling me if he has a little fall and is OK. He slips and falls now and then, but is mostly OK. We didn't want the ambulance to turn up each time that happened. But if he falls and hurts himself or if he has a seizure, the thing is meant to call me and if he doesn't say anything, then I ring him back, still nothing ... and I call Triple 0.

    It's a weird setup. But it was one of two options we were given and it was the better one of the two. It was all organised by the Return to Work organisation in an attempt to make my husband "independent" and was apparently supposed to give him the confidence to go out and do anything because the magic device would somehow protect him. :confused: Weird ... like everything else.

    Now, since the shutdown, I'm with him all the time so we don't worry about it. Oh and yes, it offers the ability for him to talk to me or the dispatcher or whoever is in our list of numbers ... if he can remember how to do that!

    And thanks! All taken within 20 km of home. :heart:

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,799 Member
    edited May 2020
    Kim NC: I’m aghast at the stupidity of these so called managers!!!
    Margaret: Glad hubby made it home safe. I saw the news footage this morning. (((Hugs)))
    @spikeyhair Condolences and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for you and your family.

    Temperature is 24*C already. We are going to plant up some bedding today.

    Gotta go make lunch.

    ☘️ Irish Terri
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Good morning ladies..i am up.and having my tea..
    I finally fell alseep last night with the help.of melatonin and tylenol.but had very odd dreams..
    Have to do some grocery shopping and then pack to go back up to stay with Faith..
    Well i have to say since a week ago Wednesday through this Sunday i have made $2200.00 which is more than i have made in a long time..and its so nice that i can bring Alfie..

    Allie - I so hope that you have gotten the money from them, not just a promise that they’ll pay you. I seem to recall them taking advantage of you in the past and weaseling out of paying you for time you spent with Faith before.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Thanks for the prayers and hugs. My plan is to go a different route to son's and go only once a day. I'll go around two and leave after we have dinner at least for now. At least I hope to get him the his food we have here. We kept it until his refrigerator got fixed. The walking has been so good for him. I am hoping we can walk the alley we have been doing and then staying on the city streets and not walk on the park land for now. I was able to get gas this morning two suburbs over. All the ones around us are closed until June 1st.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Lisa - If she can't manage her kids, what chance is there she can manage you or anyone else! !

    My cleaner is coming this afternoon. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,579 Member
    edited May 2020
    It's Friday!

    Kate (((HUGS)))

    Margaret (((HUGS))) Glad your DH made it back home safely. Great that walks are helping your son - this is the time of year to take advantage of them. Hope things get settled soon, what a shame for everyone in your area. :(

    - excited for you! Congrats on the weight loss, physical and work-wise.

    - oh my word with your workplace rules/temps.

    Does anyone know if a person can appear to be asymptomatic yet have a fever?

    Regarding yards being wildlife sanctuaries - ours is too. B) Kind of sticks out like a sore thumb among the many manicured lawns on our street. No one has complained. It's been kind of fun seeing the wildlife plus having tons of privacy in our back yard. Naked outdoor gardening day and all that (thinking of you, Rebecca <3 )

    Katiebug - so sad about your neighbor.

    Beth - glad your son is heading back to Nashville. Hope his apartment isn't too nasty. At least it's not seafood. Quick story - I worked for a fish company in Seattle decades ago. The boss flew off on a business trip for a week one summer and forgot he'd left CRAB in a cooler in the trunk of his car at the airport. The cooler contained some of the smell but it was still powerful. There are now odor absorbers available on Amazon that work well. Ted got rid of the truck.

    Return to work dust-ups:
    A bit of a mess is developing at my old workplace. Lots of folks initially got set up to work from home. Now that things are loosening up, management is calling people back in to work full time in the building. One of the gals, 51, who has RA and is on methotrexate, was called in and apparently has refused, stating she has an autoimmune disease. She's been able to do most of her work from home or out on the road, with occasional stops in the building to look through hard files.

    I guess she came in yesterday and got into it with her supervisor.

    On the other hand, several guys who had a good reason NOT to come in (one very obese with heart issues, two with diabetes - all over 60) came in the building and have worked every day like usual this past couple months.

    All I can say is, I hope the county is working on a policy - many things in play here with HIPPA being one of them.

    OK, time to get moving. Make it a great day!

    Sunny SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member