TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    again I am so sorry for your pain but it will pass and you will get back on your feet! You are here to stay on are team until the end! You a rock solid part of this team, we need you!

    When I was 18 I went to San Antonio for vaca and that river walk is really beautiful!! Enjoy it, what a pretty place to walk.

    I feel so tired tonight too! I think staying active even just with being busy all day is great! Hope you get a good workout in tomorrow, I know it is hard for you to get to the gym with no car but you can do this!

    Today I went to my sisters for a bbq, I had grilled chicken (Yay) but I caved on the chips and salsa, they are my favorite! I knew we were going there today so I just had a protien bar for lunch so my calories should be good. We also moved a bunch of stuff out to our garage today from the house so I burned calories doing that for sure, after dinner my 3 sisters and I went on a 25min walk so that was a plus too! I hope you all had a great day!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I am back and vacation was awesome!! Yes Karie, River walk was fantastic...

    Will be back on track from tomorrow... I am not waiting for this week's weigh in, im totally scared that I'm gonna weigh more... It was so hard to find something veggie outside and that finding a healthy meal was challenging... exercise wise, i was good..but food wise i dont know... few of the times, i did manage to eat healthy but not always...

    Howz everyone doing??
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Bad day today for me, I feel discouraged and just plain unmotivated! I am going to go for a walk now and I really hope that helps because today is probably one of my worst days so far. I ate pizza for dinner, that didn't help. I was also super cranky and so was my son today. :grumble: :explode:
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Karie I hear ya! I did not make it to the gym today....We just had way too much to do to get ready for our get together today. We had 11 adults and 13 kids here. So I again was non stop till about 9pm tonight. but it's all good! i start my job tomorrow just a couple of hours a week and my daughter gets to go too! It's at my church watching 1 yr olds! super excited! And I plan on coming home and getting my workout in tomorrow!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I am FREAKING OUT about weighing in on Wednesday since I spent the weekend mainly sitting on my butt :noway: But, on the plus side I am getting around without crutches. Also, I managed to stick to 1300 calories a day which was hard because I have been hungrier/snackier in the last 2 days then i have been in months. Goes to show how much my desire to eat is tied to my mood. Tomorrow I'm back to work and I'm actually relieved just because it will get me out of the house and back to my normal eating schedule. I have been so bored for the last few days of being laid up. My son was super whiny today because he couldn't understand why I wasn't chasing him around the way I usually do. Not that I was ignoring him or anything, I just couldn't roll around on the floor with him. Normally our playtime is very active so I think he was confused...

    but tomorrow is a new day! I'm gonna be faithful to my eating plan and squeeze in some slow, easy calorie burns where and when I can. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!

  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Karie I hear ya! I did not make it to the gym today....We just had way too much to do to get ready for our get together today. We had 11 adults and 13 kids here. So I again was non stop till about 9pm tonight. but it's all good! i start my job tomorrow just a couple of hours a week and my daughter gets to go too! It's at my church watching 1 yr olds! super excited! And I plan on coming home and getting my workout in tomorrow!!

    Congrats on the exciting new job! So great to hear that your daughter gets to join you. Let us know how it goes!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    I am back and vacation was awesome!! Yes Karie, River walk was fantastic...

    Will be back on track from tomorrow... I am not waiting for this week's weigh in, im totally scared that I'm gonna weigh more... It was so hard to find something veggie outside and that finding a healthy meal was challenging... exercise wise, i was good..but food wise i dont know... few of the times, i did manage to eat healthy but not always...

    Howz everyone doing??

    sounds like you had a very active wknd! good for you! and sometimes, when we are out, we don't have control over the food selection. I'm sure you did the best you could so try not to worry! Glad to hear you had a good time!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Karie I hear ya! I did not make it to the gym today....We just had way too much to do to get ready for our get together today. We had 11 adults and 13 kids here. So I again was non stop till about 9pm tonight. but it's all good! i start my job tomorrow just a couple of hours a week and my daughter gets to go too! It's at my church watching 1 yr olds! super excited! And I plan on coming home and getting my workout in tomorrow!!

    You are going to burn tons of calories chasing them around! Sounds like you may have missed workouts this weekend but you were super busy so I am sure you burned some calories. Have fun tomorrow.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I am FREAKING OUT about weighing in on Wednesday since I spent the weekend mainly sitting on my butt :noway: But, on the plus side I am getting around without crutches. Also, I managed to stick to 1300 calories a day which was hard because I have been hungrier/snackier in the last 2 days then i have been in months. Goes to show how much my desire to eat is tied to my mood. Tomorrow I'm back to work and I'm actually relieved just because it will get me out of the house and back to my normal eating schedule. I have been so bored for the last few days of being laid up. My son was super whiny today because he couldn't understand why I wasn't chasing him around the way I usually do. Not that I was ignoring him or anything, I just couldn't roll around on the floor with him. Normally our playtime is very active so I think he was confused...

    but tomorrow is a new day! I'm gonna be faithful to my eating plan and squeeze in some slow, easy calorie burns where and when I can. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!


    I am so proud of you for staying positive! Here I am complaining about my day and you just keep pushing forward. Great job on keeping to your calorie goal that would take alot for me because I too am an emotional eater for sure. Have a great day at work tomorrow and I am sure using those crutches are using some muscles your not used to so thats a plus. LOL
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I'm super pumped ladies! I picked up the ReCleanse 7 day cleanse and I am planning to start it on Friday. It is a gentle, all natural liver and colon cleanse and it got great reviews online (plu sit was affordable which for me is a big deal) I'm starting Friday for 2 reasons:
    1) this will give me time to grocery shop for the appropriate food items. Gerneally speaking I am obviously eating very healthy right now but one of the things I really like about this particular program is it gives you an eating guide for best results.
    2) I have a 2-day board meeting Wed & Thurs this week and I do not want to be excusing myself constantly due to my need to... ahem... cleanse...

    So anyways, I'm still freaked out about tomorrow's weigh in but I feel a little more in control of the sitaution since I know that this is my plan for the following week. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

    Also, I'll do my best to log in Wed/Thurs but it might be infrequent. I will weigh in tomorrow but I'm not sure how quickly I'll be able to report it. Karie, I may just have to send you a note sometime throughout the day and have to rely on you to update the spreadsheets for me, if you don't mind. Thanks!


    ps: karie, cute new pic! your son is crazy cute!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    Have been feeling bit low to exercise today..haven't done much today... house has been a mess, need to finish the cleaning... and it was festival again today and so has been doing mostly religious stuffs today..

    Good luck with the weigh in tomorrow...
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    I have to agree, I'm defnatetely not excited about the weigh in tomorrow. I haven't lost any weight in like 3 weeks and I'm pretty sure tomorrow is gonna be the same. But i just hope its not a gain! I know why, it's cuz i haven't put in as much workouts like i was before school started. But i just gotta figure out a routine! My first day of work was great! But I've had such an emotional day I know TOM's coming too Or i think my body is so messed up still without being on bc pills. But we'll just see how tomorrow is!
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    sorry ladies, had a pretty crappy weeks with my points. i only got 3 :( I got the committment, emotional, and nutrional.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    Goal from tomorrow- I am going to start 15 days core program to reduce my tummy, lets see how it works starting from tomorrow... Weight wise, I am already in the ideal weight zone, though on a higher side, need to get back my flat tummy...

    For no reason, was feeling so lazy today to exercise.. I am doing some research work. which needs to be completed in 2 days, so i was in front of my laptop for most of the day.. Weather was better today, just took a walk up to the mail room..

    Catch you all tomorrow...
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Starting: 261
    Starting SAHMU: 241
    Week 7: 227.5
    Weekly +/- : -2.4lbs
    Total +/- : -33.5lbs!

    OMG!!!!! I did not believe for even a second that Iw ould have lost! I was just hoping and prayingt hat I hadn't gained seeing as I had been unable to workout. I am so proud of myself! And so thankful to you guys for keeping me motivated. It goes to show the power of controlling your calorie intake because this 100% attributed to portion size and healthy choices. I am so motivated right now! And the timing couldn't be better because I have a 2day board meeting and I know that the food I will be exposed to is gonna be anything but healthy but this totally inspires me to make the best decisions I can. yay!!!

    I don't have the spreadsheet links saved on this computer, so Karie, can you please input my numbers. 2.4lbs loss. points for nutrition, commitment and strength (I feel like I completed the challenge even tho I had to modify a few moves to take pressure off my ankle).

    I hope everyone else's weigh in goes well! :flowerforyou:
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    I'M BACK!!!!!! Vacation was longer than planned. But I am here. I need to catch up with everyone and see how you've all been.
    Well I weighed in this morning and I have to tell you, I'm actually happy. I had 4 days of vacation of bad eating and being lazy and I didn't gain anything. I would have loved a loss, but no gain is just as good with how this weekend went.
    Here are my numbers

    Starting: 288
    Week 5:268.0
    Week 6: 269.0
    Week 7: 269.0
    Total: 0
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Nutrition – 1 point
    Strength – 3 points
    Cardio – 3 points
    Calorie – 1 point
    Emotional – 1 point
    Commitment – 0 (missed a few days :( )

    So it looks like 9 for me.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I have gained 0.6lbs from last week.. :-(

    Last week - 158.4
    This week- 159

    Points- 9 total
    Nutrition – 1 point
    Strength – 2 points
    Cardio – 3 points
    Calorie – 1 point
    Emotional – 1 point
    Commitment – 1point
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Starting: 244.8
    Starting SAHMU: 233.8
    Week 6: 219.4
    Week 7: 217
    Weekly +/- : -2.4lbs
    Total +/- : -27.8lbs!

    I was so excited to see this, I couldn't wait to post it! The library here doesn't open until 1 pm so I had to wait!!! You all did a great job this week!!

    My internet is down till probably Friday but I will try to come to the library and check in so sorry ladies!

    I got 9 points this week! YAY!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    SAHMU 60 Day Challenge
    Final Week

    Cardio: Enter in you calorie burns each day = 1 point

    ** I am hoping that everyone by now has a routine and that they are excited about exercise. So this week I would like everyone to set a goal for themselves. What will you commit to? Your post today and everyday will read:
    I will show you what my goals will be

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Add atleast an extra 100 calorie workout to my routine everyday, something new.
    Burn atleast 500 calories per day.
    Wednesday- Goal completed

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    200 sit-up's
    Wednesday- 50 sit- ups completed

    100 lunges
    Wednesday 25 Lunges completed

    100 push-ups
    Wednesday 25 push-ups completed

    200 squats
    Wednesday- 25 squats Completed

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.

    Emotional challenge: (1 point)
    What has this challenge meant to you? How has it helped you? Anyone that stands out on your team?

    ** I hope this works for everyone, share your goals here and on the main thread. You all have done an amazing job!! To those of you who are wanting to continue our challenge, I am so excited about it!