50 pounds to lose - starting again - join me with weekly check-ins and support



  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @tiffanyetzel - welcome :smiley: This will be your year ... you can do it!

    @melaniedscott - great job walking. I hate yard work and looking forward to my new house with desert landscaping and artifice grass 🌵

    @Beka3695 - that’s a GREAT nsv

    @ChrysalisCove - I am more like you ... realistic about what I eat. I need this to be sustainable. That’s why I am happiest with any loss and don’t expect to loss it quickly.

    @IDARae - great job!

    @Sunnysouth92 - be strong and stay safe out there. I hear beaches are really crowded
  • Leezy55
    Leezy55 Posts: 339 Member
    Leezy55 wrote: »
    Leezy55 wrote: »
    Please add me! Have to lose 40-50.
    Before MFP all time high 192, last summer made it down to 159, back up to 175 this year.

    SW 168
    GW 125 ?
    MG 9/22 end of summer 148

    6/1/2020 168

    6/8 165.8

    6/15/ 166.0
  • mc62412
    mc62412 Posts: 195 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    @mc62412 - Congrats on your first goal. My goal is to lose 50lbs by my 50th birthday (May 2021). I set 10 mini goals of 5 lbs. My progress is SLOW and I need the mini goals to keep me motivated.

    @abuford4 - welcome :) Sounds like a great plan and a realistic start!

    @LeeAnneIAm - I’m usually a great sleeper but lately I have been getting up an hour or two after going to sleep. I think it’s the stress of moving. I just can’t stop thinking. I’ve never had insomnia before.
    @starryeclipse - don’t beat yourself up. Weight loss is not linear, keep on track and it will catch up

    I also need the mini goals. As my final goal is just too big to tackle at once.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,349 Member
    Where is everyone? I hear crickets...

    So, weighed in this week at 210.5, so...a little loss. Yesterday was 20th anniversary and said screw tracking. Ate whatever I wanted, which turned out to be junk. Sigh. Back to it today. Started with a 3.5+ mile walk with pastry in the middle. Will do gardening this afternoon when it cools down a bit.

    @mc62412 you can do it! maybe 1 month at a time goals?

    @azkunk Yeah, I thought gardening would be nice when we bought this place...but there is too much to do for just me and my husband doesn't like gardening at all. Sometimes it's hard to get him to mow (I can't, mower hates me, can't ever get it started...there's a trick & he won't tell me.). This week he got stung by a bee to avoid it. 😊 Kidding. He was pretty traumatized by the bee, though...
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Is it too late to join all of you?!

    I’m Brittany and I need some motivation & friends with similar goals to stay on track. I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been 200.4 and my ultimate goal is 135. My current goal though is 160 and then I’ll adjust from there.

  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    mc62412 wrote: »
    Hi everyone !
    Glad to see so much support. I want in on this. I’m from Connecticut.

    Staring weight : 290.5 ( 4/12/20 )
    1st mini goal 270.2 ( I wish I hit this last week but that didn’t happen. So close. Let’s say I want to hit that 1st goal by 6/25/20 )

    Then I’ll set a 2nd goal. Final I’d like to reach 160/170

    Drink half our weight in water ? That sounds like an AWFUL lot of water. For me at least lol. Unless I calculated wrong. But I see I’m behind from when this post went up lol

    It’s half your weight in ounces!! You can do it!
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Haven't been doing my core for a few days. Been tired, it has basically been a choice between walking and core and I really need the walking. I've managed at least 30 minutes 6 of the last 7 days.

    This am I went out to do a little weeding...nearly 2 hours later I came back in. Don't know how the time got away from me. Sure was tired after.

    The war with the weeds is tiring...I hate all things with tap roots and things that root for feet. I'll do some work every day and maybe still get to my goal of getting those two beds clear this month.

    The never ending yard work....
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Hey all! Sorry, I have been camping and didn’t log or post or anything. Just enjoyed my family. We will see what the scale shows tomorrow. Figure i need a good day of logging and a workout in before I get on the scale.
    I have enjoyed catching up on the posts! You all are so inspiring- keep posting, it keeps me motivated. ❤️
  • mc62412
    mc62412 Posts: 195 Member
    Where is everyone? I hear crickets...

    So, weighed in this week at 210.5, so...a little loss. Yesterday was 20th anniversary and said screw tracking. Ate whatever I wanted, which turned out to be junk. Sigh. Back to it today. Started with a 3.5+ mile walk with pastry in the middle. Will do gardening this afternoon when it cools down a bit.

    @mc62412 you can do it! maybe 1 month at a time goals?

    @azkunk Yeah, I thought gardening would be nice when we bought this place...but there is too much to do for just me and my husband doesn't like gardening at all. Sometimes it's hard to get him to mow (I can't, mower hates me, can't ever get it started...there's a trick & he won't tell me.). This week he got stung by a bee to avoid it. 😊 Kidding. He was pretty traumatized by the bee, though...

    My first goal was 20 pounds. Hit that. My next goal is 12.
  • starryeclipse
    starryeclipse Posts: 221 Member
    I just started here a couple days ago & want to stay motivated.

    SW: 200.4
    CW: 200.2
    GW #1: 160
    GW #2: 135

    6/8 - 198.6

    6/11 - 196.2

    6/15 - 198.0

    6/18 - 196.5
  • RaeGreen85
    RaeGreen85 Posts: 5 Member
    I have about 35 pounds to lose. I let myself go when I was diagnosed with cancer but now I'm cancer free and wanna live. I'm on day 2 but feel like I'm starving.
  • mc62412
    mc62412 Posts: 195 Member
    Lacyraefry wrote: »
    I have about 35 pounds to lose. I let myself go when I was diagnosed with cancer but now I'm cancer free and wanna live. I'm on day 2 but feel like I'm starving.

    You got this. 👏🏼
  • carriestrine
    carriestrine Posts: 214 Member
    @tiffanyetzel your goals sound a lot like mine! I started at 236 in March and my ultimate goal weight is also 150. So far I'm down 17lb, but the total goal number is very intimidating!

    Hello to you all! Im 34 and live in San Francisco. I finally have decided its time to get healthy for real this time after using MFP on and off since 2012. Right now my goal is to lose slowly because I am looking for a real sustained lifestyle change. Ive lost 17lbs so far at about 1450 calories a day plus making time for exercise. I am working hard to get to 5 days a week working out, and very serious about strength training.

    In the past Ive struggled with stress and emotional eating, and im excited to build some new habits.

    March 2020 SW: 236
    CW: 216.4
    My June goal is to get under 215, but I will be so excited when I get below 200.
    UGW: 150
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,349 Member
    Lacyraefry wrote: »
    I have about 35 pounds to lose. I let myself go when I was diagnosed with cancer but now I'm cancer free and wanna live. I'm on day 2 but feel like I'm starving.

    Don't starve yourself. Reduce your calories but not so much that you want to eat the world...because eventually you will...

    Try drinking a glass of water when you feel hungry and give it 10 minutes. If you're still hungry, have a piece of fruit or a carrot or celery or something. Or go for a walk.
  • RaeWats
    RaeWats Posts: 57 Member
    I wish I had a better understanding of the mind of the scale. My scale must be a man, lol!!
    And I know I really shouldn’t look to the scale as the tell all, but when I go back to my nephrologist in May, it’s the number he’ll be looking at 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Monday - 197.5, did 38min mixed cardio and got 12k steps in, ate good
    Tuesday, didn’t weigh, just did a 30 min walk, got 10k steps in, age good
    Wednesday, didn’t weigh, did 38 mins mixed cardio, got 15k steps in, ate great
    Thursday - 200.5?????? Didn’t work out, only for 5k steps in and ate total garbage and dinner time (celebrating daughter’s Gr 8 grad)
    Friday - 196.4 😝

    I honestly don’t get it
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    edited June 2020
    I’m thinking my scale may be going out. This morning I weighed a few times back-to-back & got results across a 12lb spread. DH has mentioned getting some weird results, too. Replaced the batteries, but still got wonky results. Guess I’ll be looking for a new one...
  • micwrites
    micwrites Posts: 120 Member
    Lacyraefry wrote: »
    I have about 35 pounds to lose. I let myself go when I was diagnosed with cancer but now I'm cancer free and wanna live. I'm on day 2 but feel like I'm starving.

    You can do it! When I feel like that I drink water and pretend it’s a cheeseburger. Raw veggies. Something from the garden if you have one. Anything with low or free cals.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    I’m thinking my scale may be going out. This morning I weighed a few times back-to-back & got results across a 12lb spread. DH has mentioned getting some weird results, too. Replaced the batteries, but still got wonky results. Guess I’ll be looking for a new one...

    I would like to recommend my scale. I love it! It is 1byOne and I bought it on amazon. It was not expensive. It works great with iPhones, not so much with android.

    If you get on the scale 2 times in a row - you will get the same weight. You don’t have to keep trying for the same weight twice.

    I’ve had the scale about 3 years and just changed the batteries for the first time last week.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,349 Member
    I’m thinking my scale may be going out. This morning I weighed a few times back-to-back & got results across a 12lb spread. DH has mentioned getting some weird results, too. Replaced the batteries, but still got wonky results. Guess I’ll be looking for a new one...

    Maybe check the surface it is on. If there is any instability, scales can read weird. on concrete or tile or really solid wood flooring is best.