

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tracey: I don’t resent having a covid test, but I am not happy with the reality that I didn’t get clear directions from the doctor’s office until yesterday. My covid test has to be done at the hospital in Portland, within two or three days of the surgery. I didn’t get that message in the beginning and spent a whole lot of energy & stress trying to find a place to be tested. Stress-festivals are no fun for anyone. :grumble: Luckily for me, a neighbor’s brother just went through this at the same hospital and I heard what and where to go from my neighbor. Shouldn’t the doctor’s office have let me know the details weeks ago?? I guess I’m still a bit angry at the doctor’s office. Sorry. :ohwell:

    Pip: Packing to move is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. You go, girl! :star:

    Carol in GA: Thanks. I will enjoy the ride. It has been months since I’ve had the chance to ride and I’m looking forward to being there in just over an hour. :bigsmile:

    Annie in Delaware: Amazon is in the business of making money. I wish we’d bought stock when they started. We might be rich by now if we’d bought stock back then. :wink:

    I am so looking forward to my riding lesson an hour from now. It has been months since I’ve been able to ride.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: called new groomer, Zoomed to Dawn’s event, BB&B zoom test,
    Bonus: 60 mins combing Tumble’s hinder half, 2 hrs line dancing in the park.
    Get to do: Gold Beach, drop off H20, Freddie’s, BiMart for rx, invest 10 mins cleaning Kitchen/Laundry, carry over 10 mins cleaning Office, Bedrooms, call PC guy about mic/speaker, mat work, BB&B intro video, practice new dances (Evergreen, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right, Quarter after one, Half Past Tipsy, Senorita, Dance Monkey; next week final? Follow up call for Joe’s Dr. appointment, transplant pineapples, bean, melons, cukes; make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; Monday BB&B, call Pacific Vision for appointment; Tuesday Tumble to groomer; Wednesday to Coos Bay for service; Thursday 10 am Chiro, Friday 9am stove repair guy to adjust kitchen flame and assess Aunt Elsie’s stove; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine,
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments.

    Spontaneous, last minute dance session in the park. Somehow the surface was kinder to my hips so was able to dance almost two hours. Then most of us went to the local brewery where we sat, socially distanced, and enjoyed a pint while chatting and listening to a local singer/guitarist. We all were silenced when he sang a capella “Red is the Rose.” I’d love to hear him sing other Irish ballads, his voice was clear, pure, strong and not as brassy as some more tenor voices. All in all an unexpected and pleasant afternoon. Again, it felt so very very good to relax with a pint and chat with friends. Something I’ve missed since moving here, long before the pandemic.

    Lisa I wanted to post a mask rant with political and religious overtones to the group, but all I can see is the home page, can’t see any of the earlier threads. What am I doing wrong? :Love: your Son-in-law stories. You and Rebecca ARE forces of nature. I confess to jigsaw envy, what a great anniversary present.
    SuziQ and Flea and Terri when I can post to the rant group, you’ll find my response to your mask comments.
    Heather I love to hear your story, get different details every time. Thankful for your DH and for your sharing.
    Barbie Jake’s Dot gift to you made me snort my tea. Is there no escape from Alexa? Are there more loving conversations on the horizon? Being able to do other things while listening to Zoom meetings is one of the silver linings. Tumble got a good hour’s combing yesterday while I listened to (and occasionally peeked at) a Zoom event.
    Tracey 7 hours reconstruction surgery, oh my. Sending waves of healing and comfort to your sister. What does “levelling” mean in context of your trailer and its floors?
    Amber ((hugs))
    Cathy seven dress sizes? Bravissima!
    Annie ((hugs)) for you and Teddy.
    Debbie no offense intended, but your husband’s sugar spike after a few hours with his mom made me smile. Mama had the same effect on my stomach acid and blood pressure. Tarragon is not my fave, and beware, can be invasive, but not as much as mint.
    Ginny in OH using the work-from-home time to reorganize physical locations of your various divisions, Brilliant! Even more so is your keeping everyone working from home as much as possible. Wish all managers followed your lead. As for pressure cookers, Mama used to make the very best chicken and dumplings in the world in her old style pressure cooker. Also curried lamb. If I ever succumbed to the air fryier/insta pot those would be the reasons.
    Beth happy your son’s apartment neither stank nor mildewed. Good reminder about worry. Working off tears by cleaning the bathroom, what a concept! I’ll try to remember. 
    Katla you’ve probably already thought of this and have your reasons for not choosing it, but I’d book the hotel room for two days, and board the dog. Then I’d do my prep in the hotel room, and have less far to go the next day for the procedure. Just sayin’ ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    June: better than May.
    daily: steps=4844 vits=19 log=20 CI<CO=17 CI<250<CO=10 Tumble & Shadow 5=6 mfp=20 clean 10 mins=7 outside=9 up hill=10
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=6 rx=3 dance=4
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=1 review 20for20=
    bonus: AF=10 play=0 sew=1

    no offense taken at all!!! She is just a mean old lady(and this is how she has always been)- doesn't like me but doesn't like her son either. She has always had a favorite and made sure the boys knew- The day after the favorite one was killed in a car accident she actually looked my husband in the face and told him " Wrong son died, right!!!" We found out that day that she took husband out of her will because she married me- she had threatened to do it but we didn't know until that day that she had actually done it. She didn't understand why it upset him- she was, What's wrong, you're getting everything now anyways. What is so much worse is that she doesn't read or write English(from Okinawa) enough to get by, doesn't drive. My husband is the only family left and out of obligation he has to do everything for her, knowing how she feels about him. It is a lot of unnecessary stress for him which in turn is put on me.
    The tarragon along with every other plant just about are all in pots. The only thing that isn't is the raspberry plants which started in pots but they have taken over a part of the rose bushes which is fine.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    First time poster on this thread. Just wanting to say hi to everyone! Isn't it lovely to have a group just for the ladies! Looking forward to sharing my journey to getting a happier and healthier life! Once again, kia ora from New Zealand!

    welcome!! I just joined last week and am already really enjoying this.
    Debbie from Napa Valley Calif.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,234 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    Same as yesterday,
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,341 Member
    Lazy day today, but did manage to get ironing done, some winter clothes put away and summer tops out. Working from home haven't worried about clothes as much. I do have an on-site meeting Tuesday and I may wear a summer dress to it just for something different.

    Was balancing checkbook (pay day was Friday). Couldn't figure out why my register (yes, I still keep a checkbook register) wasn't balancing with on-line (I had less money than it said I had). After double checking entries multiple times, realized I wrote wrong number in for mortgage payment. Hate it when I do something silly like that. But everything balances and car payment is made.

    Beth near Buffalo-I am down in Clark County. I went to undergrad at Defiance College. Have been to Independence.

    SuziQ-it's one of my staff member's mothers who is positive. My mama passed several years ago. Hope to hear about staff member tomorrow.

    Have some meals prepped for week. Cooked in advance the last two Omaha steaks and two of the pork chops the kids sent me for Mother's Day. Didn't feel like messing with grill outside so I pan seared them. Mash cauliflower as the side. Then after dinner, I did wonder if brussel sprouts was best choice to with cauliflower --sometimes working from home is a good thing! I have been buying frozen mashed cauliflower. May try looking up a recipe and making from scratch. Have discovered I like it.

    Going to pack it in and get some sleep. Busy week scheduled this week.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,035 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Was balancing checkbook (pay day was Friday). Couldn't figure out why my register (yes, I still keep a checkbook register) wasn't balancing with on-line (I had less money than it said I had). After double checking entries multiple times, realized I wrote wrong number in for mortgage payment. Hate it when I do something silly like that. But everything balances and car payment is made.

    Take care all,
    Ginny in Ohio

    Now there's something I haven't done in over 20 years!! Sometime in the '90s maybe.

    The last time I used a cheque was in 2008, I think, for rent ... and I had to go to the bank to request half a dozen of the things because I had gotten rid of them all and hadn't used any since 2004.

    And here in Australia, we don't use cheques at all.

    M in Oz
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Beth near Buffalo-I am down in Clark County. I went to undergrad at Defiance College. Have been to Independence. Ginny in Ohio

    Thanks. I was wondering if you were close to my parents (89 and 91) who have decided that they no longer want to be housebound. I would have shared with them ... not that it would change their behavior. Sigh.


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did a Leslie Sansone DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do another part of the Dressed Up Drills DVD. This time the part about body weight.

    Buzz (Roomba) has completed his mapping. Now we just need to redefine the room boundaries and put in the “no go” areas so he doesn’t go there (like where we have the cat’s food) Update: we did the boundaries

    Another reason why I hope our Governor doesn’t go to Phase 3 but stays in Phase 2 is that MAYBE this will send a message “if you don’t start complying, you’ll never got to Phase 3”

    Viv UK
    – I haven’t seen my grandson since last September so I totally understand how you feel. You are lucky, tho, that eventually he can come over to you. I thing getting an IP is like using Pampers from the hospital. You get started using them and are hooked. Same with an IP, once you use one you are hooked. At least I know I was. Start with a cheap one, I bet in no time you’ll want to upgrade. I’d love one for the condo, even a cheap one. How I wish I was near you when you decide to upgrade!

    Luci and Lisa
    – thanks for the fix. I needed that, especially today. I got a picture of his lunchbox

    Vince is very good packing storage places very very efficiently.

    SuziQ – you know those sanitizing wipes they have at the door to food stores? Well, I not only wipe down my cart but I take one of those and keep it in the cart. When I touch something on the shelf, I then’ wipe my hand on the disinfecting wipe. After I put away all of the groceries, I use hand sanitizer or antibacterial soap before I touch anything else

    Finished a shawl that I think I’ll give to a friend of mine. Actually, it’s something from my mind. Think I’ll start on a “mile a minute” blanket next. Maybe in red and green so I’ll have something in case I need a Christmas present.

    Katla – I know you’re so happy to be back with Arrow. Enjoy!!

    M – Vince feels the same way about Alexa

    Strtiver from NZ – welcome!

    I just write a check to the church for my donation and one to the place where I take (took) the extremepump class.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,035 Member
    edited June 2020
    Making apple jam again on a very rainy afternoon ... we've used the first two jars on waffles with whipped cream for breakfasts on weekends. :)


    Done! 3.5 jars this time. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    The end is just priceless!💖