Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Pool_Boy wrote: »
    Good morning all :)

    Oh my goodness!.....A Pool Boy!


  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    Pool_Boy wrote: »
    Good morning all :)

    Oh my goodness!.....A Pool Boy!



    Thank you!!!
  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    If any of y'all are looking for fun, feel free to add me.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    I'm here! I've honestly been fighting with MFP...GRRRR...

    DH went to cardiologist, today. I'm not sure how I feel about Dr. But, DH was very impressed. So, as long as he's happy. They put a monitor on him for a week. Thankfully, it's not the halter monitor with all the wires and belt... it's just stuck to his chest and he pushes button, if anything strange happens. He has pushed it several times... from the time we left office till about 5:30, when he fell asleep.. he thinks that should be enough and wants to take it off...I don't think it'll last a whole week... they are going to do a stress test July 1st and re check July 6th... I'm hoping they are able to find something, even if he takes monitor off...

    I will catch up with everyone, soon... sorry, its getting late and I struggled too long with MFP..

    Hugs Lana.

    Waves to all .. hugs

    Dawn - encourage DH to keep the monitor on as many days as he can, in order to catch as many events as possible. There are different types of arrhythmias, and one person can have a variety of them, and it's good to have as comprehensive a recording as possible.

    Sometimes the events are obvious, and that's when you push the button to put a marker alert at the time, but other times, especially when we sleep, things will go on, and we won't be aware. Some stuff happens in the ventricles and some in the atriums....

    Also, you want to record any times while and after consuming alcohol, which mucks with the electrical system of the heart. You don't want to miss that.....or hard work or exercise which can deplete potassium.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Sara - your email comes into my main mailbox 👍🏻💖

    Holly - my sister is a swimmer, and she has recently been able to resume her workouts. She said the same thing you did about her arms.
    Good for you that you are back in the pool!

    Waving to Lynn and Tracy and Kathryn and Maureen and Runa and everyone else who stops by today~~

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Pool Boy, this is just a simple thread that continues on every day. Just stop by and join in!
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning!
    Great to "hear" from so many today.
    Sara- self evals - Praise your work, do not underestimate your self. If you feel like you don't want to put down that everything is great, find a spot - like positivity or attitude or something very simple and somehow state that there are times you find you could be more positive, or smile more, or something minor. Do NOT knock your work, production, etc. It likely will be used against you. - My advice :smiley:
    Lana - that would've bothered me as well. i cannot imagine they would've starved a cow....that would be sad.
    Holly - I was a swimmer once. Got up early and swam. It took me a long time to make it from one end to the other. But then I stopped. There got to be too many people coming and I hated to share lanes :smiley: I got myself into pretty good shape. Was impressed at my lung capacity. So keep it up!
    Dawn - thanks for update. It is good when one likes their Dr. Makes things so much easier :smiley:
    Waves to Pool boy and Goal Peace and Sawjer!
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    Got it Lana! And thanks for the welcome. :)
  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    Waves back to @brennerjlb
  • Jamie2663
    Jamie2663 Posts: 779 Member
    So frustrated with myself. I was 14 lbs away from goal and then I let myself use quarantine as an excuse to fall off plan. So now I am 39 lbs away from goal. Hard stop this morning because I do not want to get back to where I was. 252 lbs was my start weight and I am now at 189 lbs. So here we go again :)
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    lvs0rqwymrew.jpeg June 24, 2020

    Good morning All~~

    Jamie - Congratulations on your amazing total weight loss, and kudos to you for getting back on program! 🌟

    Sara - I hope that your annoying self-evaluation is going/went well and that you have a good day today.

    Waving to all who stop by today~~

    *tossing beach bag and bodice ripper onto favorite lounge chair for later*

  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning all :)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good morning,

    After picking up medication and Miss Tillies "paw print" in "stone", I made cheeseburger casserole and baked 2 sweet potatoes, so meals are done for week.

    I luckily have time to spend on self eval so I dont sound too catty.

    Another HOT day here until the weekend. It is summer after all.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    Good Morning!

    I am getting into my groove. Prior to the pandemic I was well on my way to getting my health back in line. Once it hit, I fell apart. I not only gained weight but my routine went haywire. This week I've started to log again and will be making small steps to create some structure. I am feeling pretty good about the future.

  • Jamie2663
    Jamie2663 Posts: 779 Member
    goalpeace wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    I am getting into my groove. Prior to the pandemic I was well on my way to getting my health back in line. Once it hit, I fell apart. I not only gained weight but my routine went haywire. This week I've started to log again and will be making small steps to create some structure. I am feeling pretty good about the future.


    Very much the same. It was so easy to use it as an excuse for me!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    mkculs13 wrote: »
    Sara, I wish I could come give you a hug. Just so hard to lose them, and then to get smacked in the face with the loss each time we turn to hug them. I am so sad for you.

    Dawn, sorry to hear about your husband. I apparently "throw PVCs" all the time, as do a few blood relatives. So far--at 61--it's not a problem, and wasn't even mentioned until last year. I'm not positive that diet matters for this--although in general, it's obviously better to eat heart-healthy foods. Don't know if exercise matters either--I've been active in aerobic exercise my entire life except when pregnant twice, and I have the issue. I'll be interested to know what, if anything, you learn. No options through the ACA for health insurance?

    I will be staying in Florida for a week longer than planned. My mom's caregiver who is here 20 hours/week each week day morning has been exposed; her mother in law tested positive for Covid. I also cracked down on my sisters' rather casual approach to visitors lately--the two nurses were letting all sorts of visitors/work people in. I've had contact with more people in the 2 weeks here than in the previous 10 weeks. No one was here long, or standing close, but the in-and-out of different folks was more than I could take. SO, they have agreed to go back to isolation except for essentials (medical care; water/flooding in the Florida room) and to handle those essentials more carefully. Sis 2's surgery has really created difficulties b/c she wants to coordinate things, but she cannot actually meet the contractor outside to discuss the porch, etc. Anyway, it's complicated and mom is so depressed b/c of my dad's death, and I will just stay longer and do what I can.

    I have no idea what I weigh right now but feel comfortable in my clothes, so I'm good with whatever the number might be for now. I will lose again when I'm back home and more settled into a routine again. I did get out to walk a bit this morning with a neighbor (social distancing), so I won't have to push myself so hard in the evening. Getting out 2 times a day really suits me better in the summer when I have the time.

    Hoping you are all finding ways to stay happily healthy.

    So, just curious...could this be hereditary/genetic, but not have been diagnosed in anyone? Sorry, that may not be something that you answer. Just kind of thinking outloud...

    Good for you putting your foot down. So many people just don't even try to be cautious. I am not staying in 24/7 but, i'm also not running around all over the place not caring.. cases are on the rise, again... you definitely did the right thing...
  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    My name is Melissa I am from NYC🍕. I am starting again.... this time I have about 15lbs left to reach my goal weight. I am working from home which is really a double edged sword. I just need support and I really need accountability buddies. Feel free to add me. 😊
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    edited June 2020
    June 25th~~
    6 months until Christmas ⭐️

    Good morning everyone, Good morning Melissa and welcome~~

    Now, where is Philippe with the coffee?

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited June 2020
    Good morning.

    Lana thank you for starting us. My 20 minute snooze has become almost vital. Today is the hottest day of the week and I need strong tea.

    Meeting this morning. Someone recommended I walk away from the computer when the "dynamic duo" I have another name for them - kitten city time- get under my skin and make me start messing up.

    Food has been marginal too many sweets and scale is telling me loudly. I did go out and walk a little last night but it was the time I should be winding down to sleep so I got my "second wind" and could not sleep. Cannot win for trying- may have to walk around the house!!!

    Dawn you have to do what you can -errands etc. Just keep up the good work being careful. Idiots are hard to train.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning all.
    6 months to Christmas - ugh. We are headed into a hot muggy stretch of weather, so I will keep that in mind :smiley: It has been hot, rainy, hot, rainy. Lawn and garden are growing like crazy. So are the weeds, but I am focusing on the good stuff lol.
    I have done nothing toward my goals this week. Not a surprise. Next week is vacation week - camping with my family. So my typical mind - why start now? BECAUSE dumb mind, it is not supposed to be a diet, it is supposed to be my lifestyle. I may not post much next week. Will peep in when I can. I will have lots of activity to offset my plan on lots of wine.
    Sara - walking away before making mistakes sounds like a great plan.
    Welcome Melissa
    Have a great Thursday!