Serial Starters



  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning all.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,853 Member
    June 26th, 2020

    Good morning All~~

    QOTD: What is everyone able to do for exercise today?

    Answer: I am heading out now for a walk before it gets hot.

    *tossing beach bag and sun glasses onto favorite lounge chair for later*

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,335 Member
    Good morning,

    Thank you Lana for getting us started.

    Seems many places are setting off illegal fireworks at all times of night - my attempts to sleep were thrown out the door at 10:30 by a large burst of very loud and very illegal fireworks - we are in drought already. Glad I can sleep in this weekend. Between the heat and the fireworks, my scale is reminding me.

    AOTD - today I may have to walk in circles to get more steps in.

    Drat the timer went off. I have to aim myself towards work.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe/sane out there.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning!
    AOTD - One walk in- short, but running the dog around this AM. More significant one planned over lunch.
    Sarah- heard a news report about how illegal fireworks are crazy out of hand this year all across the country. Fireworks scare me - as in lighting them off. I do not like it- worried about injuries.
    Lana - enjoy your walk! I will see you later - I have the chair next to you!
    Waves to all - have a great Friday!
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 612 Member
    Hi, all--welcome, newbies. I'm pretty new myself.

    Sara, I had already watched most British shows worth watching (IMHO). I haven't found anything worth my time on British or American TV, through most of this entire pandemic so far. Please share with me anything new you find. I've done Netflix, Prime, Starz, Acorn, and Britbox . . . I'm a fan of their detective-type series. Also have watched Australian, French, Danish, Icelandic . . . whatever I can find that is not melodramatic (which tends to be the case for TV from some countries). Desperately looking for some shows to fill in my time.

    Lana, thanks for asking about me. I'm home and as of today, back to weighing my food. I weighed in this morning at 2.6 lbs above my weight the day I left, but I'm not worried. Between flying and all the food I ate yesterday (I just let travel days be a free-for-all), I'm bound to be retaining fluids and maybe up a bit after 3 weeks "off" MFP. I got tons of exercise--in the heat and humidity. Did 6 miles one evening, at least 4 almost all other days. So that piece is in place and better--I am running a bit further each day now than when I left. Still having knee trouble.

    Leaving was hard. Mom needs companionship. She is mourning my dad and is a very sociable person to begin with, and the shut down was hard on her. She was adding a few things just as I got there, but I intervened and asked my sibs to pull back again--and now with what has happened in FL, how glad we are. But poor mom. I have concerns about the mental health of one of my children and felt I had to get home--and I missed all my kids and my pets. I feel guilty about leaving mom, though. And now the plan to send my daughter down in my place has gone whack, b/c dd isn't self-quarantining like she would need to before traveling, and the traveling and being in FL are so much higher risk now, too. It f***ing sucks. My older sister would have mom move in, but mom doesn't want that--and older sis works as an NP in urgent care, so now she has to pull back more from contact too. Did I say it f***ing sucks?

    So--wet here and no DP for the dogs today, but I'll head out to jog in a few hours. I don't really have to wait--just habit from waiting for the sun to be slightly less intense in FL, although it's still "feels like 102" sometimes at 6 pm.

    Sorry to jump in with complaining. I'm eager to get back on track. I'll catch up on reading here too.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,335 Member
    Maureen have you watched "Dead Still" on Acorn TV?
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 612 Member
    Maureen have you watched "Dead Still" on Acorn TV?

    Yep. I liked it, but didn't think it was great. I last checked for new shows about 3 weeks ago--before going to FL. So unless it is new or updated since then, I've probably seen it . . .Marchella (sp?) has new episodes so I'll start those tonight--maybe start from the series beginning b/c it's been so long since I watched seasons/series 1 and 2 I've forgotten a lot. :)

    I got hooked back in about 2010, 2012, on Midsomer Murder on netflix. I haven't watched all the most recent episodes b/c I wasn't as fond of the new guy in the lead role. I might give that a go again. I tried watching the new series with the guy who played Barney Crouch Jr. in the Harry Potter movies; didn't like it. I watched MI-5 and Wire in the Blood when they were first released, years back . . . I've watched Vera, Shetland (read all those books, too), new releases like Confession, which I liked. Dark Water, Bondi Beach; didn't like the original Mrs. Fisher. I have watched a lot of dramas like Farm Girls, Bletchly Circle, Foyle's War. I love Call the Midwife and Sherlock. Maybe I'll pm you my email so we can have more discussion without cluttering up this thread?

    What are some of your favorites?
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,853 Member

    Oh gads -
    Hey there Maureen and Sara -
    I saw Maureen's first post and I did a whole response back, and then I must have done something clumsy, and *poof* - the whole reply is gone.

    Maureen - I can't do it again. I am so so tired. I am glad that you are back safe and sound.

  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    June 26th, 2020

    Good morning All~~

    QOTD: What is everyone able to do for exercise today?

    Answer: I am heading out now for a walk before it gets hot.

    *tossing beach bag and sun glasses onto favorite lounge chair for later*



    This was my workout for today. I did Level 1, which was 3 sets. It was lighter than I have been doing lately-but I needed the 20 min cardio. I might have overdone it for dinnertime. I made a mistake and didn't eat lunch which made me double dinnertime calories. But what can I say... I am a New Yorker... and fridays are always Pizza Fridays.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,853 Member
    edited June 2020

    SATURDAY June 27, 2020

    Good morning all~~
    Just getting us started~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,335 Member
    edited June 2020
    Good morning,

    I stayed up later than I have in forever - the cool breeze coming in from the Bay Area was so wonderful. Sat and chatted with a couple neighbors - they were at a distance most of the time and I wear a mask. Today is a lot cooler and I can get my steps in.

    Lana - do you wear "dental" masks or the N95 as you go about your errands?

    Hair cut and color in a half hour - need to scoot as I was late for my last apt. Shame on me.

    Wave to all who follow -stay safe and sane out there.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi all! Sorry I haven't been in much... having issues with MFP... swear it doesn't like me...I will get caught up on everyone's posts..

    DH is still wearing his monitor...1 more day. Wednesday is his stress test...

    Thursday I had a serious case of karma.. been thinking of trading in car. Starting to put more and more money into it. Was talking to DH about it as we were driving to a friend's place, about an hour away. We have issues with AC, have to jiggle a wire now and then... on the way home, we were stuck in traffic and AC was messing up. DH popped the hood... didn't latch it well... drive ended with a smashed windshield... ugh.. Pretty sure, I made my car mad and that is her way of letting me know...we were able to get it replaced, last night... but, definitely did not want to spend that $200 on a car i'm wanting to sell... just my luck
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Maureen did you watch Brokenwood mysteries out of New Zealand? Also on Acorn. Now that we are green my exercise will be to try to get back to swimming my mile. Sorry to be the odd girl out. It's easier on my knees.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 612 Member
    Hey, all.

    Lana, ambitious work out. I'm restarting my back and knee exercises on Monday. Really got off track for the past 5 weeks. But walking and jogging has been awesome. Florida heat slows me down a bit but I still got in a lot of miles.

    Sara, glad it is cooler and also that you can get back to swimming. It is definitely a great work out. I just get too hungry when I swim and I think pools are for fun, like bikes. I can't make myself "work out" either way.

    Hoping all are doing well. Lovely warm day here in WI but still cooler than FL. Got out with the dogs x2 and my younger son joined us both times. He shared some things he is writing--poems, songs--which were pretty darn good. At the end of our 2nd walk, we visited a friend and her mom--socially distancing and outside. Nice end to the evening.

    Tomorrow I do a herding clinic just for new handlers. We will learn how to use our bodies to help train our dogs. The whole clinic is without dogs. I'm curious to know how it will go. Gotta get up and drive a bit to get there, but it should be worth it. 9 to 1 or 2 pm. It will be a good day outdoors. Hat, shades, sunscreen, chair, water, some food--I think I have what I need.

    Have a great Sunday and TTYL.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,853 Member

    *** SUNDAY June 28th ***

    Good morning!

    Maureen, that workout is Meli's workout. I couldn't do that workout without seriously hurting my body, especially the breast surgery area. Jumping jacks are in my past.
    Have fun at the herding clinic!

    Sara - I use the disposable dental masks, and I made myself a cloth mask that is a bit bigger and fits me better. I do not use my N95s. I have 4 of them, and I am saving them for distant future, when I need to do sanding or other nasty, dust-raising work in the house.

    Dawn - I am sorry to hear about the car adventures. Scary.

    Holly - Very smart to go with the swimming and taking care of your knees!

    Waving to Lynn and Tracy and Meli and Pool Boy and Jamie and Goalpeace and everyone who stops by later on~~

  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 612 Member
    Oh, goodness, I messed up on everyone's posts. Sorry. But Sara, I did see Brokenwood.

    Up and off early today. Y'all take care now, y'hear?
  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    Good morning to all! Happy Sunday 🌞
    Since starting again I have found myself doing very ambitious workouts and also working out everyday (even on more relaxed days I do yoga). I think I am afraid if I stop I will stop for good again. I didn’t want fear to be a motivator but I might be working
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,335 Member
    Good morning,

    Went early to shop and half of number of people in the store. I can bring my bags again but I would have to bag them, but it would save me a little $$

    Cooking on to do list and with any luck more walking. Sleep schedule needs to be worked as well

    Thank you for starting us Lana.

    Any exercise is good, thank you for giving me ideas of what I could start trying. If you are afraid you will never start again - then maybe that is the motivation that works - find non food rewards for keeping up the exercise!

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe out there.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,335 Member
    Maureen dont know if you have watched Birds of a Feather or Ladies of Letters, they both had me in stitches.

    Quiche is done, sweet potatoes are baked, bills are paid. I am as ready as I can be for Monday and Mrs Monster.
  • AASlender
    AASlender Posts: 18 Member
    I’ve done WW three times.
    Made GW each time.
    And some other programs.
    Things aren’t “sticking”
    We know people who are always at GW. Wrongfully , I suppose ,we make fun of them as they won’t have , for example , pie on Thanksgiving. Is that what it takes to remain at GW? Constant vigilance 365 days a year? Idk. I saw a French woman’s video on the topic and she says she eats very healthy and small portions like 90-95 percent of the time. And then if she has a big meal fir some reason (a holiday??) she simply eats lightly the next day.
    As I get older , getting off the 20 extra pounds is harder and I can’t stand the way my blood pressure is inching up. It truly does seem to be a lifestyle change.
    I was doing decently using MFP and the recent world stressors have thrown me off. However, crossing my fingers, I feel a little stronger and more focused today. I really want it.