**** JUNE 2020 WEIGHT LOSS CHALENGE***πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€



  • Magwina
    Magwina Posts: 2 Member
    June start Weight:254
    June Goal Weight:238
    Ultimate Goal Weight:185

    June 1 :
    June 8:
    June 15:254
    June 22:243
    June 29:
    June 30:
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    June start weight:131
    June goal weight: 128
    Ultimate goal weight: 118 by year end

    June 1: 131
    June 8: 130.5
    June 19: 130.5
    June 26: 129
    June 30:

    My weight fluctuates a ton.. it's normal for it to go up and down..so many factors other than body fat that cause weight....what's working for me: 2 days before weigh in....REALLY watch SALT and CARB intake....take in as little as possible for both...if I feel too puffy that day, I will skip the scale to save my sanity and just weight myself the following day....
  • desolate_angel
    desolate_angel Posts: 170 Member
    June Start Weight: 186.8 (84.73 kg)
    June Goal Weight: 181.8 (82.46 kg)
    High Weight (April 25): 194.7 (88.31 kg)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135 (61.23 kg)

    June 01 : 187.5 (85.01 kg)
    June 05: 184.9 (83.87 kg)
    June 12: 183.9 (83.42 kg)
    June 19: 183.4 (83.19 kg)
    June 26: 183.7 (83.32 kg)
    June 30:

    Well, this week we had out of town guests visit. My goal was to enjoy myself, but not pig out, so I'm not too worried about the small uptick. My weekly average is down a third of a pound from last week. Plus, I should have a small whoosh coming with my period starting soon, provided I hop back to the program.

    I weigh daily but consider Fridays the end of my week. I use Libra for my weight tracking and also calculate my weekly average every Friday.
  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    June start Weight: 201
    June Goal Weight: 191
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150

    June 1: 201
    June 6: 198.2
    June 13: 196
    June 20: 194.4
    June 27: 191.2- yes! I’m so close to my goal for the month!
    June 30:

    Total June loss: 9.8 lb
    Total weight loss: 27.2 lb
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,546 Member

    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    May 31 starting weight - 148.0 (ten-day rolling average weight 148.8)
    June goal - 145
    Ultimate goal - Range between 142 - 148

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight), and I post on Saturdays.

    May 31: 148.0 (10-day average 148.8)
    June 6: 149.2 (10-day average 148.5)
    June 13: 146.4 (10-day average 147.7)
    June 20: 145.4 (10-day average 146.9)
    June 27:145.4 (10-day average 146.3)
    June 30:

    Total loss for June: About 2.5 pounds based on ten-day average weight. The TrendWeight website says my trend is back where it was on April 8; about a week earlier than it said last week, and I am losing at a reasonable rate after a gain back through March and April and barely holding constant in May.