

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cheri, I love your natural hair color. You are lovely. 🌹🌹🌹
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    csofled wrote: »

    Someone mentioned allergic to adhesive bandages. When I went in for my lumpectomy I mentioned that bandaids made me itchy. They all looked at me like "really"? So after surgery I was sent home with a huge mass of bandages on my right breast and side. Wouldn't you know it I started itching and got all red at the edges of the bandage. Had my hubs drive me back to the hospital and the nurse couldn't believe it. The search was on for some type of adhesive for the duration I would need bandages. Which was several weeks! It took till 6 weeks post all bandaging to look normal again. It's on my medical chart now as a known allergy!

    I used my surgery journey and this COVID time to let my hair go natural. I've been coloring my hair for ages. So I took advantage of this time to not color and go short (shorter than my normal short). I love my new salt and pepper look!

    KetoneKaren Ros and I talk all the time about moving back to Virginia! We love it there! The hubs isn't on board yet but I've got several years before he retires to convince him!

    in TX where the heat index is 104

    I found out the hard way about being allergic to the steri-strips too- I have more scars even 35yrs later, from the steri-strips than I do from the actual surgery. I had huge blisters where they touched my skin- no scars from the area that was stapled only. (bikini cut all the way across)
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Barbie, thank you! I always look forward to your beginning-of-the-month insights and ideas.

    Lisa in AR, loved the Levi and daddy photo, lol! I suspect, from what little I’ve seen and know from my bits of time in AR that it’s a tough place to elicit compliance from on masks, distancing, sheltering, etc.

    Katla in NW OR, something you said hit home with me! I’m an Unwanted Advice Giver, especially to my three (48, 46 and 39 YO) daughters. It’s one thing to be aware - now I have to figure out how to stop! 😔

    Carla in MN, welcome! We’re a very chatty bunch, but in amongst the triumphs and troubles there’s loads of useful help. Read along and chime in whenever you feel like it!

    Rita! Love your whip tail lizard pic! We have the very rare lizard here in western WA, but lots in the mountains and Eastern WA. We are blessed with plentiful garter snakes here, and rattlers agin in and east of the Cascades. We DO get salamanders here. I’ve seen one giant salamander here, which I gather are endangered.

    Kelcey, welcome! I’m lucky enough to be able to work with a registered dietician as a result of having had gastric bypass surgery, and her take is that hydration counts almost as much as calories in successful long term weight loss. It’s a struggle for me too, but I’m glad to know caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea and soda DO count, as well as high moisture foods like soups and stews. I track my fluid intake just as much as my food, guesstimating the amount of liquids in food items. It truly does help, and I notice my energy levels are also better. Since I’m 77, that’s doubly urgent for me! You’re on the right track, and you’ve done it before. Keep up the good work.

    Karen, thank you for the information regarding Canada’s history with Canada Day! My 10-yo at the time daughter kept waiting for the fireworks show in Whitehorse, YT. I had to break it to her that it wasn’t going to happen because it doesn’t get dark there on that date, so she missed both Canada’s and the USA’s fireworks that year. Pouting ensued!

    Vicki GI NE, I’m so very glad your friend has you to be their POA! The possibilities for fraud are daunting when we become helpless.

    Cheri, im glad to hear your treatment and healing are going well. I’m sorry you have to have the anti-estrogen therapy, although it’s to help keep you safe, I know. I never went through symptoms of menopause, because I had first birth control, then estrogen support after my hysterectomy and then later oopherectomy due to severe fibroids, then an ovarian fibroma (which was benign). I’ve had a few night sweats from other causes over the years, and I’m glad I skipped all that.

    Tracey in Edmonton, that little neighbor boy is showing many signs of abuse, possibly sexual. I hope someone calls the appropriate people to initiate a check on his welfare.

    I’ll post more later (Promises, promises!), but I’m still in the midst of some family chaos. I’ll explain later. Love and miss you all.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Dawkson Melbourne, welcome to our bunch! What name do you prefer we use for you?

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Carol y Rebecca - Thanks big hugs 🤗 back you two. We’re on high alert too no telling when her team y the crew that joined theirs infecting them can stop essential crewing (word for stay in your rooms) . Their not bringing her food so she’s ordering pizza. Their spread thin with so many sick at different times.

    Amber Tx

    Rearranging JRs toy 🧸 stuff y getting rid of shirts his head won’t fit through y a pair of shorts 🩳 (need to go through it all). He had another growth spurts his shoes are tight again. I only have sz 13kids-Teen Sz 2 shoes their not all tennis shoes (sz2 is flip flops may not work on him). 2 times in the yard chasing him. A long conversation with my moms family who are very opinionated so peace maker moment
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    Near Seattle-
    I never saw any lizards when we were up there visiting but I know you have HUGE slugs up there!! My family live in and around Lake Stevens. My one cousin HATES them and they had them all around their yard.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Katla- that part i havent worked out yet...but im sure i can find something...i would be downsizing so i have to start getting rid of stuff...that i dont need anyway lol..
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Went to Aldi, I think I was out of there in 15 minutes. I’m getting pretty good at this. I didn’t realize that they have senior hours, I could have gone earlier. They had cherries on sale so I got 5 bags, came home and pitted them, now I have a large bag in the freezer. Made brownies for Jess, she said that’s something she’ll eat. Got dinner ready to be microwaved then went in the pool. The pool is 87 degrees so I’ll probably go back in after dinner. Iced the brownies.

    Heather – how wonderful for you getting that refund!!!!

    – the governor of NC made masks mandatory but that’s unenforceable. Is the $100 fine enforceable? If it is, I think that would be a great thing. Can you imagine all the $$ states could make??? All the police have to do is go to a grocery store and stand around writing out tickets

    Cheri – I’m going to go natural, too, after all this covid stuff. It will be nice not to have to worry about “how does my hair look”. I just wish it would grow out faster….lol

    Dinner then probably back in the pool

    Michele NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Cheri, I love your natural hair color. You are lovely. 🌹🌹🌹

    Thanks so much!

    Cheri 🧡💚💛❤️
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Cheri - always good to see you pop in, and glad they're getting your regimens sorted. It doesn't sound like any fun at all... Love your haircut - it looks easy, breezy, beautiful, as do you. :)

    Machka - much like Cheri, I'm also allergic to the adhesive they use after surgeries, and it's an allergy in my chart. Nonetheless, they never pay attention - any surgery where they've used the steri-strips, I have scars from the tape as well as from the surgery itself.

    Better day today, worked outside all morning, read all afternoon. :) Just an ordinary Thursday...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member

    :) This is for each of you who called herself an "Unwanted Advice Giver"
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hi all: Spent some time today scooping poop in the paddock in an effort to clean things up and reduce flies. We use fly predators and they are great but it always helps to keep things cleaned up.

    Barbara - I use Bear Paw waterproof hiking shoes.

    dlfk - I live in Snohomish near Lake Stevens. I have seen a giant salamander and yes, we have lots of slugs. We have red ones, brown ones. leopard ones and banana ones. The banana slugs are the biggest and in my opinion the ugliest. They are the only critters I know that will eat marigolds and they eat the entire plant right down to the ground.

    Allie - Sounds like a beautiful place but will you be happy that far from friends and family?

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,358 Member
    Find it hard to believe this year is only half over--if feels like it has been here for years.

    Sorry I missed the happy Canada Day. Years ago we went to Niagra Falls and stayed on Canadian side. Didn't realize it was Canada Day. Went to the Falls for the most magnificent fireworks display I have ever seen. My sons said that spoiled them for fireworks around here.

    Tape allergies--my mom had them and there is one of the tapes that bothers me. Can be annoying and more.

    Tracy-I am in agreement with Heather regarding the four year old. In the US it would be a referral to Children Services. It is not uncommon for children with bowl issues like that and display of genitals to be victims of abuse, often sexual abuse. Not saying this is what it is, but if it were around here, as a mandated reporter I would be reporting behavior.

    DIL did get positive test result for COVID-19. Luckily seems to be a mild case. She is on around day 9 of symptoms. That is when coughing got bad, so she may have had some slighter symptoms a bit earlier. Son and kids are fine so far. Staff member is released from hospital. He received the blood plasma treatment. Never had to go on vent. County employee in another department just tested positive.

    Got chest freezer ordered. Will be here July 10. Will start a slow stock up so I can be prepared to stay in more if it keeps spiking up this summer, or in the fall/winter. Not trying to be hysterical, just want to be able to be self-sufficient for my own sanity.

    No big plans for the holiday weekend. May finish sanding some door frames and get those painted. I am getting new interior doors as soon as gentleman doing work is available. He will take old doors to his house--measure everything up correctly, bring them back. Closet doors will be fairly quick to do. Work in the basement he can be down there by himself. Will have him where mask when upstairs or if I am in basement to assist him with anything.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    @barbiecat Thanks for the new thread.

    Hope I haven’t missed anything too important. Got bogged down at the end of June, what with MFP going haywire and being v busy sorting out our fence. Will probably skim to get caught up.

    Amber: 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 For you young’uns.
    Katla: Glad your procedure went well
    Allie: Belated birthday wishes.
    Heather: I empathise with the writing. I have been procrastinating on my writing recently.
    Pip: Lovely house. Hope it takes in ooddles if dish for you.
    KJ: 😍😍😍 the kiddies in the mud bath
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    We adopted Drew Barry. Then when son and I were watching the 5 o'clock news they did a segment on what to do for your dog during the four of July. They briefly showed a dog in a kennel at the human society. It was Drew Barry. We oohed and over her that she made the news in a positive way in helping others learn what to do to help your pet cope. I will try to get a picture and post it tomorrow. She is a beauty.

    That is just an awesome coincidence!
    Enjoy her!

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Hi all: Spent some time today scooping poop in the paddock in an effort to clean things up and reduce flies. We use fly predators and they are great but it always helps to keep things cleaned up.

    Barbara - I use Bear Paw waterproof hiking shoes.

    dlfk - I live in Snohomish near Lake Stevens. I have seen a giant salamander and yes, we have lots of slugs. We have red ones, brown ones. leopard ones and banana ones. The banana slugs are the biggest and in my opinion the ugliest. They are the only critters I know that will eat marigolds and they eat the entire plant right down to the ground.

    Allie - Sounds like a beautiful place but will you be happy that far from friends and family?

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

    Sue- we love Snohomish. We make sure to go there every time we go visit. Hoping to go back up soon.