

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    edited July 2020
    Just came in from the pool where the water is 91. Yvonne - how hot does the water get there?

    Tripsmom – we’re so happy to have you. Welcome! I was thinking, how about getting a mini stepper that you can use while you’re sitting reading/crafting/sewing/whatever. At least that’s a start. I know Barbie has an exercise bike that she rides while she’s knitting or watching TV

    Ruth Utah – what kind of traps do you have for the wasps?

    Speaking of which…I tried putting a slice of turkey in the trap. I see it caught one of the wasps. Not sure if it was the turkey or not. As expected, it did start to shrivel.

    Katla – happy birthday!

    Mahjongg tonight.

    I see the store are having "back to class" sales, not "back to school"

    Michele NC
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,344 Member
    Machka: 👍🏻 Brava on the splints being removed.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

    Happy Birthday, Katla!!!

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Happy Birthday, Katla! It is also my best friend's birthday. Hope your day was amazing!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    edited July 2020
    :'( I overdid it working in the yard on Saturday and my back has been sore. I have been walking the dogs in the morning but staying away from yard work and riding my exercise bike. The hardest thing has been staying off the bike because I usually ride it for hours every day while watching TV, eating my supper, reading, and going to Zoom meetings. Since I have some extra time, I've been taking a nap in the afternoon which is also good for resting my back. I'm taking it one day at a time. All this sitting is very unusual for me.

    :) We filled out our ballots yesterday and dropped them off today. We vote by mail or by dropping the envelope in one of many convenient drop boxes in the county.

    :) It is extremely hot for us today---77 degrees.


    :) We continue to shelter in place as much as possible. Today we ventured out for the first time in almost two weeks and deposited our ballots, went to the drug store for a few items I couldn't find in our regular store, dropped a bunch of stuff off at Goodwill, and Jake got a hair cut.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride home 2 work- 1hr 5sec, 145mhr, 13.4amph, 13.43mi= 496c
    apple watch- 477c
    bike ride wrk 2 sumn sta- 3.08min,9.9amph, 105mhr, .51mi= 22c
    apple watch- 18c
    Bike ride dome 2 hm- 17.24min, 8.1amph, 146mhr, 2.59mi= 193c
    apple watch- 145c

    total cal 711
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Katla, Happy Birthday!!
    Finished doing my garden reorganizing today. It was hard work, and some of my plants are not happy about being dug up and replanted. Hopefully they will get over it. I was really concerned about my bleeding heart and a miniature rose that friends gave me when we moved into the new house but both seem to be adapting quite well.
    My time at the Y has been going well, I just wish I could be there just a little bit longer, we're only allowed an hour, an extra 15 min would be perfect, but it is what it is.
    It's my birthday tomorrow and DIL's on the 28th, so I've invited them over for dinner on Saturday. I've been trying to get hold of an Italian trattoria that I was have a gift card for. They are offering family size meals for take out, a heat and eat thing. The phone lines are supposed to be open from 4 til 8, I've been getting a busy signal or the phone just rings and rings....Sure hope I can get hold of them, I don't really feel like cooking! lol
    Congrats to those celebrating, hugs for those who need them and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    edited July 2020
    Katla Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Evelyn Happy Birthday Tomorrow :flowerforyou:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Yvonne ... you said "My diet has been a train wreck lately too. I'm tired of working and worrying about finances and being stuck in the house, and I'm lonely and kind of cranky lately. I think we just have to give ourselves permission to start moving again with baby steps." I absolutely agree!

    Beth near Buffalo

    We are out and about too much for my taste. I would like to stay home a bit more, but since we are "allowed" out, we go out. I don't think I would be too upset with another couple of weeks of shelter in place. What I liked about that is that I didn't need to make decisions. No "do I feel like going out today?" questions. Or where we go. Decision breaks are nice.

    I think shelter in place is coming to a city near me very soon. In the meantime, I'm planning a road trip for just the two of us.


    Tasmania is almost business as usual, but my husband and I are still "shutdown" and will be till the end of July. A full 4 months!

    I would love it if, in the next week, they decided to shut us down again for another 2 months ... but so far it doesn't look too likely.

    M in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2020
    Rebecca: ‘Pinky swear’ backatcha. :bigsmile:

    Yvonne: I had a DMV photo for my license renewal this year, too. :ohwell: On the other hand, when I renewed my license the new photo was a much slimmer person than my old license photo. I can thank MFP and all of you for encouraging me to be healthier & lighter. :star:

    Sharon: I had a fender bender at Safeway several months ago. It was very upsetting & my car was damaged. My insurance company stood by me, the fender damage to my car was repaired, and the other car’s policy sent their final payment a few weeks ago. I hope I don’t have to go through anything like that again. :noway:

    Barbie: We are also sheltering in place as much as possible. I’m the go-for, as in go for groceries, go for hardware, and so on. :ohwell:

    Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. This is 7/20/2020. I think number patterns like this come along once in a lifetime. I’m hoping to enjoy every minute that I can. I’ve talked to my adult children today and my best friend from Junior High onward through High School & our first year of college. I have a good husband, good adult kids & I feel blessed. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    edited July 2020
    Happy Birthday Katla

    Heather -- glad to hear your husband will be OK.

    Movies -- before his accident, my husband and I would watch a range of movies and TV shows. Nothing too violent or scary (definitely NOT Criminal Minds level) but we'd head into suspense or watch CSI etc. Since his accident, he can't watch things like that without getting really upset so the "darkest" we'll go are things like Midsommer Murders, Agatha Christie, Father Brown and the like. That's OK with me. :)

    Housekeeping -- both my husband and I lived on our own for at least a decade before marrying and living together so we're both perfectly capable of keeping house. The yard/garden is his baby. He enjoys being out there and doing stuff.

    Heat -- I'm envious!

    Night Owl -- yes I am! I tend to go to bed at about 1 am and would prefer to sleep till about 10 am each day if I could, but during the week I usually have to be up about 8 am, or during this shutdown time, 9 am.

    These days, however, I've been sleeping 11-12 hours a night. Last night I was so tired from our outing to get my splints out, that I went to sleep about 12:15 am and slept a solid 11.5 hours.

    Driving -- my husband can't now/yet. He couldn't after the accident, then regained his licence for 3 days and had a grand mal epileptic seizure so lost it again. He was thinking about trying to get it back again when we went into shutdown.

    I don't like driving and can't for another week because of my surgery.

    Fortunately we've got a decent bus service although I am still trying to think of ways to use it less to increase the speed of my commute.

    Splints -- so glad to have them out! In the beginning, I couldn't feel them, but as the swelling started to go down and nerves started coming back, I could. I'm still swollen - I can feel it under my eyes, but it's starting to go down. I can raise my eyebrows a bit now, which I couldn't do a few days ago.

    Machka in Oz
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    Sharon, SCA is worldwide which is nice. We first joined when we lived in Japan, as a way to wear our Renn faire clothes, and relax a bit. I learned how to build a corset, and made my husband's doublet. We made "Apple jack" in our freezer. Since brewing anything alcoholic was forbidden, we did " science experiments" lol! Our apple juice liquor was really smooth and nice!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    We are out and about too much for my taste. I would like to stay home a bit more, but since we are "allowed" out, we go out. I don't think I would be too upset with another couple of weeks of shelter in place. What I liked about that is that I didn't need to make decisions. No "do I feel like going out today?" questions. Or where we go. Decision breaks are nice.

    I think shelter in place is coming to a city near me very soon. In the meantime, I'm planning a road trip for just the two of us.


    Tasmania is almost business as usual, but my husband and I are still "shutdown" and will be till the end of July. A full 4 months!

    I would love it if, in the next week, they decided to shut us down again for another 2 months ... but so far it doesn't look too likely.

    M in Oz[/quote]

    We are not “business as usual” by any means, but we can go out. Dining out is outdoors only. We have to purchase food if we order alcohol and most places limit our table time to 90 mins. We have to wear masks unless we are seated. Our gyms, spas, massage, facial, nail places, etc. are shut down for the second time. Bars are closed unless they have food and outdoor space. People are not behaving and are gathering in large groups at the beaches, so I suspect we will lose those again soon and sheltering in place is soon to follow.

    That said, I am going to make an effort to stay home more. We really don’t need to go out.

    Tina in CA

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Katla - Happy Birthday! Today is my DB's birthday too.

    Heather - Glad DH is home and OK.

    We picked our first blueberries yesterday. I think we are going to have a good crop this year. Also have cherry tomatoes that are almost ripe. Coyotes have been hanging around our neighborhood all day today.

    Everyone take care Sue in WA