
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,393 Member
    Good evening all:

    Believe I have internet issues resolved. Tech came by said he thought router was ok, but replaced some other parts. Seemed to working (he said I was only getting half of what I should have). Later had some difficulties with a video call. Checked back of router, where ethernet was plugged is was red (not green) but all lights on front were green. Hmmm-well new router and wifi extender arrived via UPS. After the gym, took out old router, hooked up new and wifi extender. Seems like all is working well. Will see how online meetings go next week.

    Rita-love the penguin socks. My youngest son has always loved penguins so I frequently get him socks, or pj bottoms, etc. with them (when I can find them).

    Machka-glad urges went well. Sounds like you had the typical not so great week or so with it. I had forgotten about the splints-it is amazing what they can put up your nose!

    I agree with Michelle NC regarding plateaus -mixing it up helped me.

    Feeling tired-going to head off to bed to watch some tv and hopefully get a good night's sleep.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,159 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 862 Member
    Machka, you are correct, I am in Canada, Vancouver Island to be more specific. We are in the same time and weather zone as those in the PNW, weather especially often more aligned with there than most of BC!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Machka, you are correct, I am in Canada, Vancouver Island to be more specific. We are in the same time and weather zone as those in the PNW, weather especially often more aligned with there than most of BC!

    We love Vancouver island! We've travelled and cycled there several times and have thought about living there when we move to Canada at some point in the future. :)

    I wish Hobart officials would visit Victoria and use some of the things Victoria does to spruce up the waterfront.

    Last time we were there was in 2017 and we travelled all the way up to Port Hardy.

    Machka in Oz
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
    Heather, I just love the bright eyes, glowing cheeks and smiles of those children on their holiday! When I was timekeeper at a machinery manufacturing firm in California, my boss made it a practice to give jobs to European journeyman machinists who were refugees from the communist bloc countries and economic refugees from other areas. One Scot brought his family with him, including his son, who’d apprenticed young. The lad scarcely looked 15, and had the rosiest cheeks I’d ever seen. I remember in the book “The Secret Garden” that the lad whose family lived on the moor’s complexion was contrasted with Mary’s, which was sallow from being kept indoors and having a poor diet. A good diet, I gathered, included lots of oatmeal porridge. And long walks on the moors.

    Evie, BC is such a vast and varied place. One of these days, after the border reopens and we are welcome again, I’d love to visit the Sunshine Coast and more of Vancouver Island than Victoria.

    I’m amazed at how deeply I feel the connection with all of you on this thread(?)(I’m not sure of the proper term!)

    Between this and my Zoom meetings for a 12-Step group I feel less hungry for connection - although I DO miss hugs terribly. I’m reminded of one place in “Gone With the Wind” where Scarlet O’Hara is about ready to slap one of her younger sisters who keeps singing “When This Cruel War Is Over!”

    Stay well, be as happy as you can, and keep us abreast of what’s happening.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,929 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    This will be my first day back in Pilates class! :lol:


    Machka in Oz
    Canadian-Australian!! :grin:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers here!
    Jump right into the conversations where you feel comfortable.
    As Beth mentioned, you can use the star above the search magnifying glass to bookmark this thread if you want.
    Tell us a bit about yourselves. :)


    A little bit about me ...
    I'm Machka and I am in Tasmania, Australia. :)

    Some of my favourite hobbies/sports/activities include:
    -- cycling
    -- walking
    -- hiking
    -- running
    -- reading
    -- working on my website
    -- photography

    I bake, but don't cook, sew, knit, garden, etc.

    Most of my day is spent working with health data, "attending" university (online now) working toward a Masters in IT, doing homework, and spending time with my husband (who suffered a severe traumatic brain injury 2 years ago) and new kitty, Rhody.

    My husband is not able to work anymore, so one of his main activities is gardening. He works at that at his own pace and we've got quite a lovely garden of flowers, fruit and veggies.

    This is Rhody ... an all black, 10-month old "domestic" who joined us just 4 months ago. :)


    I joined MFP in February 2015 and promptly lost 15 kg, took a 1-month break, then lost another 11 kg. By Christmas 2015, I was down to a weight I hadn't seen in quite a few years ... since my early 30s.

    In 2016, 2017 and the early part of 2018 I maintained while increasing my cycling. My sport, within cycling, is ultradistance cycling: Audax, Randonneuring, 24-hour races, etc.

    Here's me in 2016 in Brisbane, QLD a couple days after cycling a 300 km event in 18 hours including all breaks.


    In late 2017 and early 2018, my husband and I were in great shape and feeling good. We were cycling events and on our own and building up the distances in the hopes of going to France in 2019 to ride the Paris-Brest-Paris 1200 km event. We met on a Paris-Brest-Paris in 2003, and the 2019 one was going to be a bit of an anniversary trip.

    And then on March 22, 2018, my husband had a very bad accident at work ... and life changed. He was in a coma for 3 weeks and post traumatic amnesia for 7 weeks and in hospital for 100 days. Then, a year after the accident, he had a tonic clonic (grand mal) seizure which set him back. He'll never fully recover but he's doing better then they originally predicted.

    He is cycling again but gets very tired so can't cycle consistently or for long distances.

    Because cycling is something we've always done together, this means I'm not cycling the ultra long distances at this point either. In an attempt to boost my exercise we've set up a home gym, and I've got into running again. I hadn't run since I was in my late teens!

    But all the time sitting at the hospital and dealing with the aspects of care for my husband, plus working, plus attending university has taken its toll on my weight and I don't look like that picture above anymore! :open_mouth: This year I have maintained my weight but I'd really like to lose a bit.

    So that's me in a rather large nutshell. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Machka: Our last celebration was a two night stay at a local resort this past January for my birthday and our anniversary. Literally played tourist in our town. I thought DH would be able to handle a short getaway, but his dementia has progressed to the point that it's not fun to travel together. He needs a regular routine in the safe, familiar surroundings of our home, especially in the afternoons when his 'sundowning' begins. I don't plan anything beyond doctor appointments anymore. Everyday is a challenge to make it to his bedtime when I finally can exhale and enjoy a little peace and quiet.

    My DB is suffering and it is a constant heartbreak for me to see him trying to be brave. His liver is practically shot, and he doesn't yet have final approval from Medicaid (state sponsored health insurance) to go see a specialist. Anxiety, anemia and depression don't help. He is just off a course of antibiotics for a kidney infection. The collection of fluid in his abdomen (think of swallowing a watermelon) is not just unsightly, it's pretty damn uncomfortable. We might be making another trip to the ER (5th in 2 month) because he needs to get drained just so he can comfortably lay down and get a good night's sleep. In the age of Covid-19, every trip to the hospital is gut-wrenching for everyone involved. I can only walk him to the door, then say a teary good-bye.

    And then there is my 24/7 monitoring of DH. After researching various agencies, I've given my choice to the Veteran's Administration. It is now in their hands to contract for Home Health Care and Respite Care for us. It will save us alot of money, and hopefully give me a chance to get out of the house now and then. My social worker is trying to expedite the approvals. She is fantastic. I recently started attending a Zoom meeting she set up for other spouses of dementia Vets that she counsels. I looked at the members' faces and immediately thought to myself "These are my people". We all look exceedingly tired.

    Good news: DH got his hearing aids, finally! It has been a week, and when I do manage to get them on him, he keeps them on for about 2 hours. But hey, at least we haven't lost them.

    More good news: I'm back to my post Covid weight.

    Time for DH and me to get some fresh air, music and nature time on the patio. Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
    Just Treading Water in the Now


    I hope that you do get the care you need so that you get the time for yourself you need.

    M in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    Good morning! It is dull, grey and breezy. I hope my happy campers are ok. Rain is expected. :o

    Sharon - I noticed the pink cheeks too and thought, "Oh, they've forgotten to put suncream on their cheeks." They are in the sea such a lot and wearing goggles that it's difficult to keep suncream on. They do put it on to start with. I'm always amazed at the three pairs of blue eyes. Both parents have brown eyes. :D The genetics is complicated and it's not a simple calculation, but to simplify, it's only a 64 to 1 chance that all three children will have blue eyes from two brown eyed parents who have recessive blue genes.

    My cleaner is coming today instead of yesterday, because she had a landlord visit. DH will shut himself in his study to watch soccer and cricket, though there won't be any cricket because of the rain. :'( He had a dizzy spell in the night, trying to get out of bed, so I helped him to the bathroom. :/

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK ❤️
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Heather I had to laugh at the :o face to: camping. Several years ago my neighbor and I went on several progressively more challenging white water rafting excursions in West Virginia. Several of the group, like us, were repeat rafters, and we formed friendships as we made plans for the next adventure. My rafting neighbor & I parted ways with the rest of the group when the bonding experience included camping. In tents. Outdoors. Without nearby potty facilities. I had enough experience with camping to know I did not want to do that. Nor did my neighbor. We stayed in a hotel with a toilet, shower, and beds. No bugs. Air conditioning. We took some good-natured ribbing from our hardier companions the next day. In all honesty, though, the real reason it was our last adventure was because we were challenged to our physical limits that day on the river. Shaky after that day of navigating Class III-V rapids, we were done with rafting.

    Karen in Virginia

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,907 Member
    Sue WA: Great news.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,907 Member
    Lisa: Your fence saga reminds me of this song

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,613 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited July 2020
    Enjoying the cool air on my back patio at 03:30 hours performing my Tai Chi in my leggings and sports bra until a spider bit me on the back right by where the bra straps connect to the racerback. Hurt at first but now just itches. I can see a red spot but can't reach it to apply some anti-itch cream. Finished my 30 workout that concentrates on my abs as my strong abs is all that saves me from back surgery. I wear the racerback bra because it helps with my posture. I discovered this years ago. The racerback or some cross-straps help pull your shoulders back. Being a small breasted woman I could go braless (wearing a loose top) without causing any testosteronal deluge in a male disproportional crowd, but the benefits of a proper fitting compression style racerback bra to my back and posture are amazing. I should say bralette because my sports bras are reminiscent of schoolgirl training bras.

    Boob support for me is mostly cosmetic and has actually transformed some sag into perk, but the spine support is therapeutic and helps keep me from hunching and sure helped relieve shoulder pain especially under the shoulder blades. I rebelled against bras for years because of shoulder impingement caused by over the shoulder blade NON-compression bras where the straps have to be tight to hold the cup fabric in place. Then I found racerback bras with thin flat adjustable straps so I could have just mild tension and no impingement and I have kept my bra on all day ever since.

    Heather Sorry to hear of the hubbies night dizziness. Does he get nauseous with the dizzies?

    Canadians One side of my family was from Montreal and descended from the famous explorer Jean Deslandes from France which my parents modified to give me a name no one could pronounce that didn't know french.

    Delland Faetta
    De lant Fa eh ta
    Columbia Gorge Girl

    Any questions why I shortened my name to Della Faye?
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Irish Terri. LOL!!! Can't wait for Lisa to see this.

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Happiest of anniversaries to you Terri.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Good morning everyone! I'm late to joining the party but better late than never right??!! I'm ready to recommit once again....darn life always gets in the way of my goals or mid evening hits and my all motivation during the day goes away. So I'm 53 and currently weigh 182, which is close to my highest ever. My health is fairly good, no long term aches or pains and no daily meds so I consider myself fortunate. I had done great using MFP a few years and lost about 27 pounds, going down from a size 12 to a 10. That's the funny part about my body, I can lose/gain 10-15 pounds and my clothes don't change how they fit, very weird. Goals are to drink my water daily ( at least 8 glasses) and I love water but some days don't find the time, lose 1 pound this week (maybe 2) and just stay focused on eating better (which I realize isn't very specific). I have a very busy home daycare so exercise just doesn't fit in my routine in the summer except for weekend walks but I can focus on the my goals for the next 6 weeks until school starts again (that's the plan for schools here at the moment). Covid-19 is very controlled where I live and has been from the beginning so very thankful for that!! I live in Prince Edward Island, Canada, a very small province that many of you have likely never heard of. Hope you all have a sunny day. Cheers, Shelley
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    SHELLEY ~ Hi and Welcome! There are several ladies here who do home daycare, so, you will find many with like minds. Also, there are a lot of us who are retired teachers and some are still teaching. Please click the star at the top of the page until it turns yellow and it will bring you back to where you last left off.

    Carol in GA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,164 Member
    Shelley :) It is never too late to join the party. I found MFP at age 62 and it has been a huge help to me. I post on this thread daily and feel like I have a large supportive family that listens and doesn't pass judgement. I log food and exercise daily and consider my weight and fitness journey to be a matter of life and death. I am fortunate to live in a neighborhood with safe uncrowded streets where I can walk every day. I have read about PEI but never been fortunate to get that far to the North East of North America.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member

    Happy 54th Anniversary, Irish Terri!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,035 Member
    Morning ladies
    Ugh another night of not sleeping well ,i got up and have Faith all set for the morning, and Alfie and I are just hanging in a recliner..
    I can keep an eye on Faith with a camera in the bedroom..make sure she isnt getting into anything..
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Lisa: Your fence saga reminds me of this song


    Thank you, Terri... made me literally laugh out loud! :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebecca: You literally live on an island. We don’t live on an island, but it almost feels like it. We haven’t been outside of our county since my medical procedure in PDX. There are three grocery stores and none of them is a Costco. We can call in an order for curbside pick-up but have only done that once. I like to shop inside and make my own choices. People are good about wearing masks and maintaining social distance in all of the stores. :star:

    Lanette: DH & the dog are both fans of CBD oil. We usually buy ours at ACE Hardware. Prices are better there than at Safeway. I am lucky in the sleep department. I nod right off. :smiley:

    Michele: I like to bag my own groceries, too. :flowerforyou:

    Evie: We love Vancouver Island but haven’t been able to visit there in the past few years due to DH’s health issues. I think of Victoria, BC as the Magic Kingdom. Victoria Harbor is one of the nicest I’ve ever been. :heart:

    Heather: Has your DH got low blood pressure? I used to get dizzy if I stood up too fast. In your situation, I would haul him off to the doctor for a check-up. :flowerforyou:

    Shelley: Welcome! PEI Is a destination where I’ve always wanted to go thanks to Anne of Green Gables, but no chance for now. :star:

    Irish Terry: Happy 54th Anniversary! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Allie: You are an excellent care giver. Faith is lucky to have you on her team. :star:

    We have a pretty morning.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    wahmx3 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone! I'm late to joining the party but better late than never right??!! I'm ready to recommit once again....darn life always gets in the way of my goals or mid evening hits and my all motivation during the day goes away. So I'm 53 and currently weigh 182, which is close to my highest ever. My health is fairly good, no long term aches or pains and no daily meds so I consider myself fortunate. I had done great using MFP a few years and lost about 27 pounds, going down from a size 12 to a 10. That's the funny part about my body, I can lose/gain 10-15 pounds and my clothes don't change how they fit, very weird. Goals are to drink my water daily ( at least 8 glasses) and I love water but some days don't find the time, lose 1 pound this week (maybe 2) and just stay focused on eating better (which I realize isn't very specific). I have a very busy home daycare so exercise just doesn't fit in my routine in the summer except for weekend walks but I can focus on the my goals for the next 6 weeks until school starts again (that's the plan for schools here at the moment). Covid-19 is very controlled where I live and has been from the beginning so very thankful for that!! I live in Prince Edward Island, Canada, a very small province that many of you have likely never heard of. Hope you all have a sunny day. Cheers, Shelley

    I've not only heard of PEI, I've read all the Anne of Green Gables books. ☺

    I'm from western Canada and have made it as far east as Montreal. But it's been my dream to get out your way one day.

    Machka the Canadian-Australian ☺

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,159 Member