

  • ixchelkeshet
    ixchelkeshet Posts: 36 Member
    My laptop died. My friend thinks we can get the data off of it, including my book. But I am filled with disbelief. I didn't ask much of it, just word processing and zoom. I don't even know where to buy a new one. I hate this feeling of loss of control. But I will not eat my feelings. At least I have my phone - that feels like a forever relationship!

    It can be downloaded, almost certainly. But it will cost you. I have been there. Good Luck and lots of sympathy! 🍀🤞
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    Still soooooo hot! It's around 90° at 11 am. I had to go out as we were out of bread and fruit. I picked up salad stuff as well. It's just around the corner, but it was a walk through a furnace.
    I'm doing a veg and feta omelette for dinner. With grains and tomato salad. Arugula. I'm done with cooking. I did buy some cilantro, which is rare for us. I might put a little in the omelette and serve the rest separately. D H says he likes it, but not too much of it. I know it is a controversial herb and I would never serve it to a guest without checking. I love it, it reminds me of Mexico, but not something for every day.
    One good thing is that, because the blind man is coming this afternoon, I actually put something decent on! I'm wearing the top I bought in Norway on one of our cruises. I rarely wear it, so I'm pleased to give it an outing. I will put some face on when I've cooled off. No need for makeup with mask and huge sunglasses for local shopping. Anyway, I count local shops as my own back yard, so I don't have to smarten up. They see me in all states. :o If I'm going further afield I like the confidence that a face and clothes give me. Round here I'm in désabille.

    Gosh, what panic when the Internet went out. I think it was the provider, not us, but we restarted it anyway, on the grounds that it cures most things. :D My life is spent on my tablet, especially this weather!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I know what you mean about the cilentro-I love it while my husband doesn't care for it except in pico de gallo and not a lot in it- I like it in pico de gallo and was thrilled when I actually had a nice crop this year. Of course, it came on before the peppers and tomatoes so had to buy them and now that the peppers and tomatoes are coming on, cilentro has gone to seed. Now I have to buy cilentro. I like it in sandwiches and when I make my version of pho.
    He likes basil even less and that is something that is really thriving this year- thankfully, my son loves my pesto so I make it for us and to share and to freeze for later on.

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    Once again the forum police computer changes the Biblical name for donkey to kitten. What the Frito? It allows talk about elephant penis but censors a slang use word for the butt. I am going to drag my old donkey out of here for now and get out and do more walking. Oh no, I used drag! Let me rephrase, I will unwillingly with a bit of exhaustion exit the door of my abode and move my legs in an action known as walking. Whew!!! I will ponder replacing penis with python or some snake whatever is appropriate. Look at that elephant python! Oh, I best put on some longer shorts and cover my kitten.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    Note to self: I must toss out that shagged rug as male visitors may have high expectations when invited for coffee. I must write the USA President to request forcing our Oregon Governor to let the hair saloons open in my area. My hair is considered shagged. No wonder old men like to sniff it. I must ask the neighbors to get rid of their shaggy dog or at least get his "stuff" removed.

    Feeling shabby but NOT shaggy,

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,508 Member
    M in Oz

    Oh no, it means like drug or hesitantly moved like a kid dragging his feet. I went back to edit and the edit feature was gone! I just looked up the urban or slang definition. It is ridiculous how good descriptive words have been perverted into other meanings. My folks used to say, "shag your butt out and get the chores done." That wasn't a proper use of the word I guess, especially for parents with doctorates, but I got the idea. Shagged meaning exhausted ...
    "they were too shagged to do any cleaning." I think I will claim a new definition of the word ... moving with hesitation and resistance."

    I was also corrected as a young adult by an Australian for using the word wanker to mean a jerk. I was informed that down under wanker means to jerk, not A JERK!

    Faye red-faced
    by the blue river

    Oh and when I was a Lions Club exchange student to Australia, we were told if you have a big meal, don't EVER say, " oh I'm stuffed". Means to have intercourse. Haahaa!
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Rebecca Really? How do you have a conversation with all the words that must be avoided?
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did the Power Group Boot DVD. Not bad. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Classic Firm Low Impact Aerobics DVD

    Debbie – beautiful ornaments and pins. You know what I’m thinking I’ll do with a lot of the crafts I have extra (like the crochet towels and the x-stitch)? I’m going to donate them to the soup kitchen. They are going to have an on-line silent auction. I’ve already donated a blanket that I made to them.
    Michele NC
    who is off to the pool

    [Thank you on the compliment- They really are fun to work on- every one is a bit different and supplies are cheap- just a bit of a strain on my eyes some nights. I have started a few cross stitch projects but never finished. I want to find my felt Christmas ornament kit that I started. Those are fun and don't take a lot of time to finish.
    Hobby Lobby has/had their patterns for just $1.99 so picked up a few. One is for slippers(like ballet slippers) that I want to try. I have a lot of fabric left from the masks. I will pick up a blanket to use for the soles.

    What is the name of the site someone posted for free patterns- maybe I can find something there to work on.

    Napa Valley Ca.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Delia & M in OZ: I know of three uses of the term we’re talking about. One is a style of haircut, another is a dance from the past & the last is social behavior. :ohwell:

    Terri: I love your hair. The crochet patterns you shared are new to me and look very nice. :smiley:

    JanetR: I am so glad you stopped in. I hope we see more of your posts. :heart:

    Rita: I agree with your comments about taking care of elders. My mom lived alone in the house she shared with dad for a long, lonely while. We decided to try an apartment in a nice assisted living facility. This one offered meals in the dining room where mom made wonderful friends and was a short drive from our house. It was all wonderful until she had some metal challenges. We should have hired someone to stay with her, like Allie has done for a relative. Instead, we took her to a local hospital. She was safe and happy there but they insisted she go to a nursing home. It was the saddest thing. My heart still aches.

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    Testing forum word police with a direct quote from the Bible.

    Exodus 20:17
    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his *kitten*, nor any thing that [is] thy neighbour's.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,081 Member
    Debbie - the site is Ravelry. They have a bazillion patterns and a wonderful craft specific search engine, so you can search patterns by yarn requirements or techniques used or garment features. Many of the patterns are linked to examples people have made in different colors. It's a wonderful site, you can get lost there for hours.

    Annie in Delaware
    Former knitter and hand weaver
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    "Nor his 'kitten'." Hahaha!!! I guess ok to covet thy neighbour's dog.

    Faye with shameful "shagged" hair
    living under a rock by the river

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Hi there Janetr! ! <3

    Love the hair Terri. :D

    I'm envying your dishcloths,especially the chequered one. <3 Maybe I'll have a go. :* Just a plain one.

    In German if you say "I am hot" it means you are hot for it! ;) In French if you say "I am full" it means you are pregnant. A common mistake beginners make in Spanish is to say what they think is "I am embarrassed" when it means, I am pregnant. I've done that one! Of course, there's always the Italian confusion between figs and .... :D I had a friend who caused uproarious merriment amongst the old dears in a market with that one. He was a very shy boy who blushed easily.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx whose coolest room is 86°
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Beth--I hurt just reading about the dentist. I have been afraid of dentist as long as I can remember. I know when I was growing up mom took us to the dentist college. With 5 kids and husband that didn't work much it was better then nothing. But I can remember a big room with lots of chairs and drills. When the boys were growing up DH had the duty of taking them, I get sick just being in the waiting room. I thought once I got dentures I would never have to see a dentist again. Wrong! no one told me you mouth gets smaller when you lose weight. So when I lost 100 pounds I had to go in and get new ones. I still want to lose another 100, but not thrilled about going in for new ones.
    Been really out of sorts lately. Today I was to zoom into a meeting and my computer would not connect. Tried to do it by phone and could not hear. Oh Well I tried. Then the home my friend is in called and they seem to have lost the check I sent to put in her account so she would have some spending money. Caseworker seems to think it went to the shredder. Still can not visit. Going there next week to take some clothes and will get her a blended coffee and drop off.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    Birthday meal went well! Cake was made but not from scratch.
    He enjoyed his sushi picture card spelling out Happy birthday. I will hang it next to his other birthday cards from years past. Love Pandora Cards. They are expensive though at $6 a card!
    He enjoyed his announcement on Facebook and I added pics of special family members that held him.💖m3g43wwblxqe.jpg ( like my dad)
    It was a fun day!

    the sushi card is great- son and husband would both love that. MIL might even like it but not going to waste that much money on a card for her as she wouldnt really appreciate it
