

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Barbara, Yes, my spouse has an appointment with her regular neurologist about a week after her neuropsych testing. The anesthesia did a number on her. We keep hoping it will resolve. Her surgery was over 8 months ago.

    Karen in Virginia

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,317 Member
    Karen - <3

    Changed the bedding today and put on the winter duvet. The night temps outside have been under 50° . I'm happy with the light one, but DH feels chilly. I'm always too hot in bed and throw anything off me.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,292 Member
    Morning all. Just taking a few minutes after my workouts (2 x 30 mins interval walk/jog) to catch up.
    Allie: I hope that place works out for you.
    Heather: Hubby was worried about not sleeping until he got his Fitbit, and it showed that his sleep patterns were good. He’s happy as Larry now that he’s getting the positive reinforcement of good scores.
    @Snowflake1968 😍Property brothers!!! And many other property progs. I think that not adding to the immediate burdens of bereaved people by suggesting that they do extra stuff is a great idea. Just being there for them can be an immense comfort.
    Machka: Ouch! That would be a hefty bill.

    I just have to go to our local shops for Sunday roast and bread then the rest of the day is clear.

    I’m hoping to get out into the garden for a while or do some crafting if the weather turns wet again.

    Hope no one has suffered from the extreme weather that has been hitting the Eastern seaboard.

    Take care! Stay safe!

    ☘️ Terri
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,768 Member
    morning ladies~
    like Heather said its my own darn fault , had iced tea at 6pm and think I finally fell asleep after midnight and woke up at 5 am... good lord, its going to be a long day... we shall see how it all works out..
    I have to say except for my bedroom the major part of my place is cleaned up and looking good.. I go to see the other place tomorrow.. and wrote down a ton of questions to ask..
    will check in later and let you know how its all going...
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,397 Member
    It's Saturday! :)

    Thanks for all of the "Coffee talk".

    Before we received the Keurig as a Christmas present years ago, we used a Mr. Coffee and the minute it finished brewing, the coffee was poured into a thermos hotpot which kept it fresh and hot.

    And we drank "Taster's Choice" instant for years - I was raised in an instant coffee household, lol. Restaurant coffee was a treat. At college I lived on vending machine coffee. :#

    I subscribed to Tom Ryan's blog a while back, and this comment yesterday made me think of you writers:

    I believe I find an affinity to these trails because they mimic the life I've chosen. Society is just out of sight, but not too far away, yet I prefer nature. I'm like a kite tethered to the human world, but flying where the wild things are. Perhaps this is what makes me a writer. For all writers live on the edge of the world, just far enough away from civilization. We are students. We are observers, social scientists. Edward Abbey proclaimed, “Our job is to record, each in his own way, this world of light and shadow and time that will never come again exactly as it is today. I think this even pertains to letter writers.

    Margaret - thank you for sharing. ((HUGS))

    Faye - ((HUGS)) It's a reminder for me that there are things we still need to get organized around here so when one of us passes, the other won't be faced with big decisions. When we're younger we always think we have tomorrow. Heck, even when we're older.

    More apple picking today. A friend who makes a LOT of applesauce is coming out tomorrow to get, I hope, a lot of the Chehalis apples. She doesn't mind picking them a little green, I've been grabbing the riper ones which let go easily. When she's got her fill I'll pawn the rest off on the neighbors and maybe make a batch of applesauce myself in the crockpot.

    Have a great weekend ladies! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Heather - as you're going stir crazy, I'm just the opposite. My husband asked me if the new fence made me feel trapped or fenced in, and I told him that, on the contrary, it made me feel more safe and secure. Probably an illusion, but that's my perception. Perhaps just all the uncertainties in a pandemic world... Oh! And did you know that "slow running" is now a thing? You're a trendsetter! Do a search for "slow running method," and you'll get lots of information.

    Allie - hope the place is what you're looking for, and good on you for having all the questions ready to answer. I know you've not been happy about some things about the condo for a while now. Amazing that iced tea keeps you awake... I drink iced tea from morning 'til night and have a glass of it on my bedside table at night. Oh - and did you get your driver's license? Enquiring minds want to know!

    Supposed to rain this afternoon, and Corey wants to go in and get a pickup load of mulch from work that is going begging. We can always use it... plus there are a few other things he wants me to look at. I think I'll get out and do the trimming while he does his lie-in for the next few hours. I need the exercise, for one, and it won't kill him to get his own coffee...


    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,768 Member
    Lisa- it will be sent in about 10 days.. yes but i could barely move the rest of the day from the darn standing on cement for hrs..
    I love the condo per say .but just not the goings on...I have a friend who said he qould buy my condo and i would leave most of the furniture except for a few pieces ..built into the price of course...
    Yes we are finally getting some much needed rain.
    The ice tea has caffine in it so i was pinging off the walls..
    I drove past the place this morning and was looking around to see if any of the other places had central air. And i did see one ..so will ask my nephew when he comes today ,show him the pictures and maybe even drive him passed it to see if he could give me a quote
    Alfie is over with Tom and Elena so he wont be underfoot when people come..
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Ashamed of myself! I slept in, cut my exercise routine short, canceled music practice and the only thing I accomplished is reading all your posts. I was too lazy to take notes so I could comment individually, so to all thank you for the hugs and sharing your lives. I see a bit of myself in all of you and that is helping to lift this gloom. I have no idea why I have it but regardless I must shake it as I have yard work today. These cool mornings are helping the grass and weeds to recover from the daytime blazing heat at a faster rate. I must start early as another hot day is predicted. Hard to believe that we can have a 40-degree change in 12 hours, but that is the nature of Oregon/Washington east of the Cascades. The older I get the less I adjust.

    Time has always passed fast for me, even when I was sick. Now it is a blur. The end of August 2020 already and it seems it was yesterday I completed all my monthly financial responsibilities for July.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    edited August 2020
    Allie find out how old the AC and furnace unit is too. You would not want to have to replace those right away. Check the windows too. Windows are another very expensive item to replace. When it is yours you can decide on these types of things like windows/roof if it is a condo if the association decides it is time they often do an assessment because their reserve funds are not enough. We lived in a condo when we first married. I did not care for condo life. DH had it when we married. Those assessments are often in the thousands.

    Credit card hack taken care of. Helped that charges were pending and contacted merchants directly. Fortunately there were only two charges. Reminds me I should check accounts daily.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,650 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Barbie - you are a faithful friend. I'm sorry for your loss.

    Allie - congrats!

    Pip - He is such a happy man... even soaking wet.

    Holy humidity, Batman! Even though the temperature is relatively cool, at 73, the humidity at 89% makes it almost impossible to take a deep breath out there. The air just feels boggy. I trimmed the front yard, took about an hour, burned 495 calories, taking about a half-hour break, and then going back to it.

    But first, some more of my iced coffee... :wink:

    Lisa in AR
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,090 Member
    Iced tea keeps me awake too, so I only have it for special occasions or when I need a little pick-me-up.

    I was on the phone until midnight with Steven, the guy from my date. Things are going as well as they can with Covid. We may not have a first kiss for months.

    Annie in Delaware
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,374 Member
    Did a pilates for Weight Loss DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to ride the recumbent bike

    For a while there Vince was into exercising every other day. Now I don’t see my step moved (it’s next to the recumbent bike) so I think he may have dropped this. I don’t know

    I use a fabric softener in the winter, mainly so that there isn’t a lot of static in the dryer. Sometimes I use the same dryer sheet multiple times

    Made some short ribs for Vince last night. I don’t know if it was because I made them in the IP or if it was just a good cut of meat but they were gooooood. When I go to work Tues, I’ll probably get more. They are on sale

    M – I haven’t had margarine in a long, long time. Give me a little of the real thing or give me nothing at all.

    Since lockdown started we haven’t been out to eat. Well, in all honesty, we aren’t big on going out to eat so this isn’t a big hardship for us. We probably wouldn’t have gone anyway

    Already cleaned the counters in the bathroom, cleaned the mirrors, yesterday I made the cake for bowling Mon and iced it (it's now in the freezer, I'll probably take it out tomorrow and cut it up. They gave me some containers for them from the soup kitchen) ran and emptied the dishwasher, took out the garbage. I hate to say it, but I’m getting so much done without Vince around. Yesterday I cleaned the floors, ran Buzz (the irobot) in the dining room, cooked for the freezer, now I think I’ll get dinner ready. Vince should be home tonight.

    Sourdough starter: still very little activity. This is getting really frustrating. Think I’ll just order it from Bobs Red Mill. Looks like theirs is only flour and water and that’s what I want. Don’t want any added yeast or beer or pineapple juice. Just fed it, I tried putting just a paper towel on top, that didn’t produce much. So this time I added about 10 grams more of flour and put it on top of my refrig without anything on top. Maybe the yeast in the air couldn’t penetrate the towel. Who knows? I’m willing to try ANYTHING at this point.

    Lanette – applesauce in the IP is so good. However, it really isn’t financially feasible unless you need something special. Or if someone gives you apples. If I was in WA, I’d probably take them all.

    Speaking of feeling safe and secure: my neighbor (the one whose husband was just deployed but was able to come home) said that she would like our neighborhood to be gated. Personally, to me if someone wants to get in our neighborhood, you can take every precaution in the book and where there’s a will there’s a way. She did notice someone a while ago at the end of the street so she called the sheriff. Vince said when he told the kid that the sheriff ran the plates of at least one of the cars, the look on the kid’s face was like “oh s***”. I think the best thing you can do is keep an eye out and report anything suspicious looking.

    Barbie – I’m so sorry about your friend. What a great outlook you have!

    Pretty cloudy out..will probably rain. So I’m going to make some more of those towel toppers.

    Michele NC
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,090 Member
    I lived in a gated place and I loved it. I felt safe walking my dog in the middle of the night. And no door to door salespeople!

    Annie in Delaware
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Ah... sent Corey off to pick up the mulch so I wouldn't drip all over his truck seat. Which was actually just a good excuse--it would have been just me watching him load mulch in the pickup with a little skid steer loader.

    I put in another 50 minutes of trimming and I'm just wrecked. But got quite a bit done, and everything that really needed doing badly. I'm going to change shirts, more to get this clammy tank top off of me than anything, but will wait until he gets back with the mulch before I jump in the shower. I'll help him unload, and it's a dirty job. No sense in taking two showers, and my skin gets too dry if I do...

    Later, y'all,

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    1:45 am

    I've been working on my second assignment in the course I'm taking and watching the Tour de France. They've still got another 20 km to go and they're going slow because of the rain so I think I'm going to go to bed. Feeling tired!

    M in Oz
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,795 Member
    Machka - that’s a crazy amount, I couldn’t do it if I had to pay that. I bet when that last stitch comes out you’ll be dancing for joy.

    Lanette - if I was closer I would help you with your apples. I like making apple things but not eating them.

    Heather - I think a lot of people are feeling the same as you with this whole Covid mess. My coworker who is normally very upbeat and happy, was down this week and when I asked if she was ok she said she was feeling down because the weather is turning to Fall and she feels that we just wasted a whole summer.

    Barbie - sorry for your loss.

    Michele - I haven’t used margarine since 2015. That Fall we cleaned my Mom’s house and rearranged it for her to be able to stay there longer. When we cleaned the cupboards we found a brand new margarine that was so old the writing had worn off the container. We opened it and it looked brand new, didn’t smell, nothing. From that day on my brother and I quit using margarine.

    It is very cool, cloudy and windy here today. I need to go out for some groceries but will do that later in the day when everyone else has done their shopping.

    I was invited to my daughters next weekend for a girls night. I will be going with my other daughter and her best friend. I’m so thankful my girls have included me in their cohorts. My other daughter’s friend will have to stay 6ft away but that will work. It will be hard not to hug her as she has been a part of my life now for about 15 years. I have no doubt they have been very careful through all of this but her husband is a teacher and will have been teaching for 3 days by next Saturday.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: I remember Mars bars from childhood. They were a rare treat. Snickers were my favorite back then. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: You and Kirby have been competitive athletes for a good long while. Did you two meet in a race? :huh:

    Debbie: Your masks are undoubtedly keeping people protected from Covid 19. You’re one of the heroes. My neighbor has made many. We have some of hers. DH & I each have one close by in the house. I also have one in each car because I’m inclined to rush off to get something and not grab my mask. I like cloth, but DH seems to prefer the paper versions. None of the grocery stores in our town will allow a customer into the building unless they have a mask on. The stores give out paper masks for those who have none or forgot theirs at home. :star:

    Allie: Is the manufactured home you’re considering in or near a town where you can buy groceries, meet people, and become part of the community? What sort of winter weather might there be? I love living in a small town. :star: Regarding tea—I love SleepyTime teas. Peppermint is my favorite. There is no caffeine in any of them. I drink coffee in the morning and caffeine free tea in the evening. :smile:

    Barbara: We shopped at Trader Joes in the past, but I didn’t notice dark chocolate peanut-butter cups. We haven’t been there since shortly after I retired from teaching. It is too far away and the traffic is too unpleasant for us to choose to make that trip. :ohwell:

    M in OZ: Our health insurance covers dental check-ups, but only a portion for things like fillings, root canals or crowns. We have a copay for those things. :ohwell:

    Heather: I notice the change in day length, too. We are just above the 45th parallel. I need extra Vitamin D3 during fall and winter. We haven’t eaten out in months because restaurants have been limited to take out until recently. We ordered take out from a local Thai restaurant once and have had Subway sandwiches once. :flowerforyou:

    Lanette: HAPPY SATURDAY! :bigsmile:

    Machka: I’m happy for your relief in getting the stitches out of one nostril. I hope the other is ready to come out soon, as well. :smiley:

    Faye: Vitamin D3 is sometimes called the sunshine vitamin. I find it essential as the days get shorter. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I am sorry for the loss of your line dance teacher. She made a difference in your life and will be remembered fondly by you and her other students. :heart:

    Lisa: Holy humidity, indeed. Our air conditioner pumps excess humidity out of the air and condenses it into water that dribbles away into the flowerbed. I feel unexpectedly grateful at this moment. I hope you’re okay and don’t end up sweltering. :star:

    Annie: If you were able to enjoy a long chat after your date, you may have found someone special. :smiley:

    Michele: DH likes short ribs, too. We tend to enjoy them in the fall and winter and use our instant pot to cook them. Re sourdough starter: Siri tells me that sourdough is made from flour, water, & microbiome. The microbiome is what will allow the flour and water to become sourdough. Getting the starter from Bob’s Redmill is a reliable key to success. I wish you luck. :star:

    I can hear DH in the kitchen getting breakfast ready. Have a great day, everyone..

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon