
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Rita - I don't do IF and know I don't respond well to that, but from what I have read you can eat what ever food you want, in your case just staying under 1400 calories - so I am thinking two things, is the food your eating higher in sugars and carbs? or it's hot are you getting less movement. the movement would help with calorie burn, and your body maybe holding on to calories if they are not more nutrient dense.
    Just a few thoughts from an outsider.

    Kim, in N. California

    Thanks Kim and everyone else. It may be boiling down to less activity because of heat and feeling lazy. I did a bit of research and the allergy pills I’m taking tend to leave you feeling lethargic and tired.

    My plan starting today is to stop taking the allergy meds and get more active.

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Well, not too many fires near me, but we are certainly getting some smoke! One fellow that was in line at the Y said it was blowing up from California and Washington state. Washington I believe, but California seems a bit of a stretch.... We actually had a small fire near us, strong winds yesterday afternoon knocked out our power for a few hours. That was because some part of a tree fell across the lines and that then sparked a fire. Fortunately fire crews were able to respond quickly so it didn't go anywhere, but still quite smoky here today. The house is closed up tight, A/C is on, not so much to cool the house, but to clean the air a bit. I have the temp set for 23C, which works out to mid 70'sF. I think it is helping, although I am still noticing a somewhat raw feeling in my throat and my nose is dry/uncomfortable. I did go to the Y this morning, first time in two weeks, my feet were not feeling up to any exercise til now (from having my ingrown toe nails "trimmed"). I had registered for a core strength class only to get there and find out that because it was kind of smoky inside the building, the instructor (who had COPD) was unable to teach. So, I asked and the gal doing the check in okayed it for me to just go into the gym instead. Fortunately, not very busy in there, but I still couldn't do much cardio, as it was smoky in there too. But I did get a decent core workout done on my own, so feeling good about that.
    Also feeling good about my housecleaning! I made myself a schedule about 5-6 weeks ago, different stuff that doesn't need to be done all the time, but that does need to be done once in awhile, stuff like moving all the furniture to vacuum under/behind, washing the windows, washing floors etc. I do vacuum, bathrooms and change the bedding once a week, those are non-negotiable, but this schedule is things that need sometime attention. So, today was move all the furniture to vacuum week. Hubby helped me yesterday to put felt pads under some of the heavier stuff so that it will move easily without scratching the floor, my intention was to vacuum yesterday, but as I said, the power went out. But today it is done! Next week, it's clean the kitchen from stem to stern. That should be fun..... :O
    Thanks for the comments on the grands, they are sweeties. My grandson used to be pretty chintzy with his hugs, but he is making up for it now. Granddaughter is a bit of a tease, she starts coming towards you, but then veers off with a really cute little smile on her face. Oh well, she will grow out of that, and I don't want to force the issue.
    Chiro app't this afternoon, and I must get ready to go soon, so as much as I would like to comment on the many things that are happening in all of your lives, I'm afraid I just don't have time! So I will have to be general.
    I know a few of you are experiencing physical pain due to falls (whether recent or not!), so wishing speedy healing for you, some are experiencing the pain of losing friends and loved ones-my condolences. As for the pics of the grands, OH MY! Keep them coming, love those cute little faces! And, as always, hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, on smoky Vancouver Island
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Machka - Not only do bad teeth affect the heart, I have heard of two people that had infected teeth and it was the cause of their death as it infected their brains.

    Meat - 5
    Toast - 4 or 5 depending on mood (My grandfather liked 6)
    Coffee - Somewhere between E and F

    Evelyn - what sweethearts they are!

    Rebecca - Happy Anniversary!

    Lisa - I agree with you about the pumpkin spice trend that occurs every Fall. I am not a fan.

    Thinking of all of you in the smoke and the fires. Hopefully, there is a lot of rain soon to help get it all under control.

    Just took a few minutes to catch up, been a busy work day.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: My preferences: Meat 2, Toast 4, Coffee A. I add a drop or so of stevia to my coffee as a gentle sweetener. :star:

    Heather: We’re safe from fire, but not from smoke in the air. Air quality is not good. It is giving me a headache at the moment. :grumble:

    Faye: The Fire Department here is top notch. I’ve needed their help with DH more than once and they are my heroes. They’ve helped DH during low blood sugar episodes that were life threatening. They gave him IV glucose and saved his life. :heart:

    Lanette: At this moment the wind is blowing from the North East. The smoky smell and haze are more noticeable now. I am feeling the beginnings of a headache. So is DH. I hope the headaches go away asap. :ohwell: Is the air quality good in your area? The wind is from the East coming down the gorge & bringing smoke our way. :grumble:

    Barbie: We’re not in danger of fire here, either. The level of smoke in the air is becoming more unpleasant & I’m feeling a headache coming on. :ohwell:

    Barbara: From where we are located, I don’t think there is any place within a reasonable distance that is any better than here. We do not have flames to worry about, just lousy air quality. :ohwell:

    Rebecca: Happy 36th Anniversary!!! :star:

    Ydailey: I believe William Shatner is/was a Canadian. I loved the Star Trek Series. :bigsmile: I want to beam over to DD’s house for an hour or three, then to DS’s house for the same length of time, then home to bed. Technology hasn’t caught up with my wishes yet. :ohwell:

    Tracey: Much of Oregon is in a drought condition this year according to what I’ve read. We have had very little rain where I live in NW Oregon. The Columbia River is shallow this season, but there are still ships that come up river to Portland or Vancouver WA.

    I am supposed to go to a meeting this evening but I've been having a smoke headache from the fires. I hope to be feeling good enough to go by then.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,822 Member
    Our weather looks set for fair tomorrow. I will be going out early to do my weekly shopping during seniors hour, then hope to plant out some of my latest lettuce seedlings. We are eating our own lettuce cucumber and tomatoes at the moment. Nothing tastes as good as fresh salad from the garden.

    Lisa: We don’t get pumpkin frenzy here, but my niece in UNYS is addicted. She posts all these recipes at this time of the year.

    Just going to make out my shopping list then go to bed.

    These are some of our garden containers.


  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Evelyn Hope that smoke blows out of there soon. My throat is raw from yesterday.

    Katla Our Oregon first responders are top-notch. I always give them a thumbs up when I see them and mouth thank you.

    Tracey Right on about bad teeth. I have been so much healthier since having them pulled. They were poising my body with constant gum infections. I always took great care of them. It was a hereditary thing. Having dentures is no good, but better than uncontrollable gum infections and antibiotic use.

    Rita yes, allergy pills can really dry out membranes and make one more susceptible to viruses and such. Since I strengthened my immune system. I have very little allergies. Most of my life my face poured like a facet for one month a year and constant sniffles for several months.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Rebecca Happy anniversary!!! Congratulations and hope your day was great. 36 is very honorable.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
    We are still smokey here today. We can see haze to the south. I have stayed indoors except for chores that needed to be done. Horses still need feeding and watering and also goats. I presently have a mild headache and my chest feels tight. Hope DD is doing OK at work. It is supposed to be hot here all week due to off-shore winds.

    Rebecca - Happy Anniversary!!

    Rori - Glad you are finally getting some relief.

    Lisa - There are one or two things pumpkin spice that I like but seems like it gets carried away this time of year.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,468 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    Did a body pump DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Biggest Loser Boot Camp DVD

    Pip – you don’t drink water when you’re cycling???? Whenever I do a spinning workout, I always go thru at least 24oz of water, sometimes more

    – keep posting those pictures of cats!!!! Love them. Oh, that panda is right on!

    – I would be out of there so fast you could see the smoke behind me! Please, please, please stay safe. Evacuate if you have to. Just because there is a fire station doesn’t necessarily mean you are safe. I bet the place is deserted. Update: so glad the fires are out. But if they happen again (please God no)…..

    – Barbara is right. We don’t exercise for nothing (we have broad shoulders to show it)

    – what gorgeous grands

    – sending good thoughts for your hand/arm

    Michele NC

    Correct, I don’t drink while I’m riding or on a stationary bike, I don’t see that kirby doesn’t either

    Why not?

    I aim to drink one 750 ml bottle every 1 to 1.5 hours when I'm cycling.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Kirby is talking about selling the airstream
  • Good evening Ladies 😍
    Hope all is well.
    Anyone using a low carb diet? My ac1 went from 6.3 to 7.0 so doctor recommended this diet.
    Any recipes you know are tasty please let me know.
    Thank you and good night.
    Molly in Southern WV
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    Did a body pump DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Biggest Loser Boot Camp DVD

    Pip – you don’t drink water when you’re cycling???? Whenever I do a spinning workout, I always go thru at least 24oz of water, sometimes more

    – keep posting those pictures of cats!!!! Love them. Oh, that panda is right on!

    – I would be out of there so fast you could see the smoke behind me! Please, please, please stay safe. Evacuate if you have to. Just because there is a fire station doesn’t necessarily mean you are safe. I bet the place is deserted. Update: so glad the fires are out. But if they happen again (please God no)…..

    – Barbara is right. We don’t exercise for nothing (we have broad shoulders to show it)

    – what gorgeous grands

    – sending good thoughts for your hand/arm

    Michele NC

    Correct, I don’t drink while I’m riding or on a stationary bike, I don’t see that kirby doesn’t either

    Why not?

    I aim to drink one 750 ml bottle every 1 to 1.5 hours when I'm cycling.

    Y? Cuz... never have. Make no mistake, I know what I SHOULD do, I just don’t. Don’t get thirsty. I drink afterwards, even on the MS 2 day rides
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    edited September 2020
    Katla - our air quality index right now is at 42 = "good". Much better than yesterday. Winds are coming from NNE, calmed down to 5 to 10 mph, just breezy.

    I can see haze south of us which is probably down in your neck of the woods.

    No headache but humidity is 13%, so sinuses and eyes too dry for my liking..... but it's easily remedied so I'm not complaining, really.

    I haven't heard today's news but looks like yesterday, Eastern Washington really took a hit. One little town near Spokane was 80% destroyed by a fire, blowing dust and smoke created traffic hazards and many accidents on the freeway.

    Crossing fingers the entire west coast gets relief from this dry windy spell soon!

    Everyone... please feel free to join me in the rain dance of your liking! :)

    Sunny SW WA State

    UPDATE: Just took the dogs out in the backyard, it's smelling a little smoky.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Lisa ... saw this meme. I feel the same way you do about pumpkin spiced anything.

    Pip ... why does Kirby want to sell the airstream?

    Rebecca ... my husband and I celebrated our 36th in August. Happy Anniversary!

    Thinking of all of you within the reach of fires and those dealing with other problems.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Lisa ... saw this meme. I feel the same way you do about pumpkin spiced anything.

    Pip ... why does Kirby want to sell the airstream?

    Rebecca ... my husband and I celebrated our 36th in August. Happy Anniversary!

    Thinking of all of you within the reach of fires and those dealing with other problems.

    Beth near Buffalo

    He’s thinking of getting something smaller


    Right now he can get top dollar for it because campers are sold out everywhere due to COVID.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Pretty smoky all day. Jake stayed inside and I did all the dog walking and took out the garbage can. The wind has died down so the smoke may be less by tomorrow.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Pip ... that makes sense in financial terms, but I wonder how you would feel about it later. Maybe too many changes at once?? That Camp365 thing is interesting though!