

  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @cbabie You are so right, growth is everything. One of my biggest fears in life is feeling like I stagnated so I definitely appreciate the growth mindset. I hope the CBD oil helps you. I absolutely eat my emotions too and I'm so sorry that what someone said or did hit you in a negative manner.

    @trooworld I've been trying distance walks, but it's harder for the friends that are further away (are we really going to drive 3 hours round trip for an hour walk). And winter is, which doesn't help. I hope you like your new primary care physician, it makes a world of difference!

    @theslightedgeforever Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, go with the new computer!!! And my one fun item is I'm meeting up with my Mom for a socially distanced coffee and walk to belatedly celebrate her birthday. It won't be much but it's something!

    So good news, I passed my dissertation proposal and am now a doctoral candidate!!! I've still got a long way to go to graduation but I'm feeling really good at the progress I've made.

    My morning has also been going fairly smooth. It's been back to back meetings but they've all been fairly innocuous. I also had a really good night last night when my significant other and I cuddled on the couch and watched Cobra Kai. That show is way funnier than I expected, we were both rolling with laughter!

    Tonight my plan is to get one more class entry done, take the dogs for an extra long walk, and hopefully carve out some time with the SO for a new more episodes. And the best news is tomorrow if FRIDAY!!! I get to see my Mom on Saturday and I've got all Sunday to catch up on stuff which is going to feel great.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited September 2020
    @trooworld No computer still won’t start. We looked at computers today. Lots of models out of stock right now because of school. He’s trying to talk me into a MacBook or IPad Pro because he wants one he says buy one of these now and then later you can get what you want and give it to me. Lol. I’m an HP person though. His computer is about 12 years old. I tried to call up my Trello on it and it doesn’t support that function. 🤣. He is using his work computer anyway while he works at home. I got 50% water today. Started off well and fizzled. Good new habit.

    @cbaie. Ok someone might say build the wall if you must but start dealing with the issue. Issues can also be babystepped. Yaaay for getting on treadmill and getting in outside walks this week. Oh I see my niece is one of those Apple people too. 🙄😀. I do like my phones to be Apple though. My little ds tried to teach me Mac when he was in college. He would take me to the computer lab and it was like learning to drive a stick shift. Why do it when there are automatic cars out there. Put in D and go
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited September 2020
    @mswatson0777 your fun day sounds like it will be a lot of fun 😀. Woohoo on passing your dissertation proposal. Quite an achievement. I just started Cobra Kai today too. My son asked me if I knew what Cobra Kai was. I said it was a dojo from karate kid movie back in the 80s. He said they brought it back on. NEtflix It’s bad that I can quote script from the original movie. Every time they bring a flash back I say it before. Great soundtrack. Plus a lot like 80s movies. Just feel good stuff. We all need to feel good right now. I’m actually starting to like Johnny. When my first thing was seeing his face and said Jerk. Well that’s not actually what I said but MFP approved. Lol. Sounds like you have a good plan for physical and mental health.

    Green Day Went over 245/238. Intentional movement 20 min YouTube video 21 min walk

    September goals. Green dot day. :( Drink 6 glasses of water :( burn 250 cals via movement o:) preplan food :(
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @cbabie You sound so stressed out. I hope the CBD oil helps you. No, I'm glad it's not my computer! LOL Yeah, I hope I like my new Dr, too. I have the appointment this morning via video.

    @mswatson0777 Oh I see, yeah that is a problem! Yeah, I hope I like her, too. Otherwise, I'll keep looking! CONGRATS ON PASSING YOUR DISSERTATION PROPOSAL! WOOT WOOT! That's a big milestone. <3 I'm glad you were able to unwind a bit with your SO. Have a great weekend.

    @theslightedgeforever I'm also a PC person. No way you are talking me into the Mac ecosystem lol! I hope you find what you want. ;) I got about 70% water yesterday. You need a smiley face that is kind of apathetic, not frowny...50% deserves something. ;)

    Hello all! So my doctor gave me something to try for sleep and it helped somewhat, I slept better than I have been sleeping. I still got up during the night but a lot less frequently, maybe once an hour vs. once every 30 minutes. I have a video visit with my new doctor today. We'll see how it goes.

    September goals: get at least 7 1/2 hours of sleep every night, drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld I sure hope that the new medication will help you sleep! It can really hinder your weightloss if you don’t start having a restful and deep sleep. So, be kind to yourself until it gets sorted out! <3

    @mswatson0777 Yayyyy on passing your dissertation proposal and becoming a doctoral candidate!! I had to go ask my DH who is a retired college prof what that all meant. All I can say is WOW and you go, girl!! B) I’m going to have to check out Cobra Kai. We love funny shows. Currently, New Girl is our favorite show.

    @theslightedgeforever Such a bummer that you have to get a new computer. I’m a PC girl too. ;)

    @cbabie I hope that you are feeling better. If you do get CBD oil, make sure to research and get one that is good. From my understanding, not all are equal in quality. My podcast lady swears by HB Fields for its quality.

    Good morning! Sorry I have been missing. Wednesday I found out that I had to teach the 4 and 5 years old at Awana because the woman who does the teaching got a detached retina and had to have surgery. So, I had to figure that all out. Then yesterday, I went to my staff meeting and then spent a few hours working in the office because I just found out that I am teaching children’s church because the woman who was supposed to just found out that her dad has COVID and has quarantined herself and family. So ugghhhh!! :# In weight loss news I did bounce up a little after my big announcement but I’m still hanging on to Onderland and plan to stay here! I lost 3.6 lbs this week and you all know that is a HUGE number for me. I’m just happy that I seem to have found a plan with the carb cycling that is working for me. :)
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Oh my goodness that is a lot to add your plate, especially since watching over littles takes so much energy! Congrats on your amazing 3.6lb loss, that is truly fantastic!!! What subject did your husband used to teach?

    @trooworld I hope the video visit goes well today. I'm so glad you got a bit more sleep, even if it was still interrupted.

    @theslightedgeforever Is it terrible I still haven't seen the original Karate Kid? I know the characters and the premise since it's such a big part of pop culture, but I never got around to seeing it! I had asked my SO if Ali was going to make a cameo on this show and it turns out she was starring on 'The Boys' so probably not!

    Happy Friday everyone! I did the Insanity workout yesterday and it was a little too insane because my hamstrings were screaming today and my knee got easily tweaked so I had to back off my workout quite a bit this morning. I still made it through the 30 minutes which I'm counting as a win. I also got another journal entry done for class and I'm going to wrap up the final one this weekend so that I can hopefully start outlining my paper. I've got to get all this classwork done so I can pivot my focus towards completing a rough draft of my dissertation's literature review. This next year is going to be quite the push to make it to graduation for spring 2022 but at least my entire social life is still cancelled due to COVID, which is a sad win. I hope you all have more exciting plans than I do!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I did get on the treadmill and my hair was soaking wet. LOL. The mesquites were out. So I got my diffuser with Cilantro oil in it. :) I still did bad last night on my night eating. I am just trying to keep moving forward, like walk...oh my, walked baby 2 times yesterday. I got in over 13K steps yesterday. That includes me having to take it off to charge. My fitbit only holds a charge a day at a time now UGH. I have 4612 right hopefully another good walk day. Made my bed, got a shower, now working on my Bible study and book study. Baby is watching Veggie tales and eating her "stars" as we call them. Little gerber puffs. She loves them since she could eat them. We take them on our walk and she eats, rides, waves at and makes "truck" noises when one goes by.. LOL Learning to cook in my moms pressure cooker/slow cooker. Last night made chicken fajitas. All from scratch, well 1 can of diced tomatoes.. LOL

    @mswatson0777 I am happy you are getting your school work done..lots of work and focus. You will do this, you are driven. LOL. Congrats on your dissertation proposal and doctoral candidate. Karate Kid was a staple in our home LOL...but I had 2 girls growing up in the 80's. LOL

    @TeresaW1020 Sorry you got called in this week but so glad that they have you!! Keeping the other teachers in prayer. I am glad your plan works for you too...still finding mine. BUT I WILL. The CBD oil I use in through my Young has no THC, but all the good oils. It's expensive, but I am worth it LOL

    @trooworld I love that we can go to the dr via video these days. To me that is one of the positives of this time LOL. I am stressed, but really working on it. I have a baby I want to see grow up.

    @theslightedgeforever I had to laugh over the Apple topic. Tell DH go ahead and get it...I have an apple, but mine was given to me by my Pastor when he left our church. I had to learn it. LOL. I used it in the office, he was nothing but APPLE. lol. I have found, that really the Apple is simple once you learn the command keys. BTW, I have Trello on my Macbook Air and my IPAD pro. I have an android phone...see why we are sisters. LOL. Good job on the Youtube walk. I need to get back to that girl..Leslie? I can't remember her name. LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld. I'm typing on my son's Mac right now. Weird, it's so much easier to use than it was 8 years ago. I think I could do this. Plus it's so much lighter and smaller than my laptop I was lugging around inside and out. Yaay on your 50%. water smiley: Yes, that is perfectionism. I'll find a new one for when I get in at least some. I did 100% today.

    @teresaw1020. My friend had a detached retina. Woke up that way one morning. She just had her 4th surgery for it. The worst part for her was having to sit up in bed to sleep. We will always bounce up and down during the week I think because of sodium and hormones, but your overall trend will just keep going down,. Two weeks ago I gained 4.6. Now you know that wasn't all food. I'm about 17 days late on my "expected" period. Who knows anymore at this point. I'm so glad you have found a plan to work for you.

    @mswatson0777. Ouch on Insanity. My knees can't take it these days. Just hearing you talk about your dissertation and all makes me want to tell my son DON'T DO IT. lol. But he really wants to be a professor in Communication Disorders. He's currently a Speech Language pathologist and says therapy is not how he sees the rest of his life. I'm trying to convince him to work in the administration/marketing/PR side of that field. He's an excellent presenter. I'll forgive you for not watching The Karate Kid. Although it's really good. You can still do it on Netflix. lol. Between all the other million things you have on your plate. It's just a feel good movie. I still go around saying Wax On Wax off. :D

    @cbabie. yaaay on the treadmill. Does the cilantro oil really work? I keep buying citronella candles and waste of money. I'm ready for a bug zapper. Does that work on mosquitos too I wonder? So I know I'm talking to my black and white sister right now, but let's explore some gray. Did you do any good eating today? You have to give yourself kudos for when you do the right thing. Catch yourself doing something right. Even if it's only 25% right now. Same thing for me and my water. At first I was like who the heck is Leslie. Then saw walk and said Yes. Leslie Sansone. I did her today for my zone minutes. Easy way to get them. Plus I did 10 minutes of yoga from one of our relatives sites. Her voice is so relaxing. Apple Command Keys: Today when I was trying to CTRL-C and CTRL-V it wouldn't work and I was so mad. Then I figured it out. Then i couldn't find the time. Nor how to minimize, maximize. I knew better than to hit the red button. We all know red buttons aren't good. lol.

    Yellow Day. Went Over. 192/164. Intentional Movement: 20 min YouTube video. 10 min yoga. 24 min walk

    September goals. Green dot day. :( Drink 6 glasses of water o:) burn 250 cals via movement. o:) preplan food :|
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! I do hope so, too. You do sound busy, woman!!! I hope you are taking time for self-care, too. :) Carb cycling does seem to be working for you. Keep up the good work. ;)

    @mswatson0777 It did, it went really well. I've heard the Insanity workout is truly insane lol. You are now proof of it. Unfortunately, I do not have more exciting plans lol.

    @cbabie That's great you got on the TM. Wow, 13K! Woo hoo! I love using my pressure cooker (My Ninja Foodi on pressure cooker setting). I hope you like yours. Fajitas sound yummo. Yes, it is definitely a positive of all of this. I'm glad you are working on your stress. Are your oils helping?

    @theslightedgeforever Ah...tempted by the dark side? LOL Yay for your 100%. I also got 100% yesterday. Yay us!

    Hello all. My doctor's visit went well. I really liked my new doctor. She was warm and helpful. I think she's going to work out. Today, I'm getting my hair cut and colored. Then, I have to take my car to get serviced. There has been water showing up under the seats, I suspect some a/c hose is disconnected and leaking under the seats but I don't know. Also, it acts like it's going to stall out in traffic. :/ Hopefully, it isn't too expensive.

    September goals: get at least 7 1/2 hours of sleep every night, drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld I’m glad that you like your new doctor. That is so very important! Yikes, I hope your car repair is an easy and not too expensive fix. Have fun getting your hair cut and colored. For me, the worst part was having to wear the mask while having the dye on my head. The fumes were intense, but my hairdresser and I are masks cheaters and pulled them down as soon as the other hairdresser in the room left. :grin:

    @theslightedgeforever Yup, a 4.6 lb gain in two weeks isn’t all food unless you have been on a major binge or in a hotdog eating contest. :D I remember those days when I didn’t know when my period was going to show up. I went 11 months when I turned 50 and was so mad when I started again and didn’t finally go into menopause until I was 52.

    @cbabie Wow great stepping!! I just put chicken fajitas on this coming week’s menu. They are one of my favorite foods! Yes, you are worth the expense of good products. <3

    @mswatson0777 My husband taught literature, rhetoric, and poetry for over 35 years. I have the worst grammar and make up my own words all the time, so he is constantly rolling his eyes at me. :D I haven’t tried the Insanity workouts yet. I am sorry that your social life still isn’t happening. Is your area still being hit hard by the virus?

    Good morning! Yesterday was a super lazy day because I wasn’t feeling well. I have been dealing with a toothache issue for a few weeks now and it seems to be getting worse and giving me terrible headaches. I have a dentist's appointment for cleaning on the 28th and I called yesterday to tell them about the pain. This tooth has been a concern for years and I fear a root canal might be in my near future. :/ Today, I need to clean my house and do my floors, which are a hot mess! We also want to take the dog and go up to the new pet store that just opened and shops for treats. She is seriously the most spoiled dog on the planet. :grin:
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    edited September 2020
    Hey everyone!

    Well I had a nice vacation in Victoria BC. The weather was good, and I got there just before the air was affected by the wildfires. I rented an e bike. It is pretty fun- if you peddle a little bit they go super fast. (Although once it started so fast I went right into a ditch lol. It was grassy so I wasn't hurt too bad. Second bike fall this year! Seriously it's a good thing I never got into motorbikes lol) Also did some kayaking, and went on a boat tour and saw some orcas.

    It was a fairly quiet trip other than that, and I was able to keep my weight stable. Now I’m back at home and trying to get back into a routine again.

    This last week I did 10.5 hours of exercise over 7 days, and mobility 5 x (this is just 10 mins at a time). A lot of the exercise was walking but I did go to the gym and see my trainer for the first time in ages. It felt good to get back to it.

    I’m still working on setting my goals for the coming week. I always have Sunday as my new week. One thing is I’m going to do something different with calories. I used to track and have a goal say 1700 and if I was going to treat myself then other days I would eat less say 1500 to make up for it. But I always struggled feeling hungry etc. So I’m just going to try setting my goal, and try to make it every day and if I don’t, then just try again the next day.

    @TeresaW1020 yikes about your tooth! I have had a root canal, and it was bad, but not as bad as I thought. If you end up having one let me know and I can tell you about it.

    @trooworld I'm glad about your doctor, I recall in the past your experiences weren't so great.

    @theslightedgeforever switching mac to pc or vice versa- it's the little things that drive you crazy. I don't like Apple though. I did try but I will always stick to PC and I like the Samsung phones.

    @cbabie I've never used a pressure cooker or slow cooker. Maybe I should buy something like that I don't know. I get so tired of figuring out what to cook.

    For dinner tomorrow I got some pork tenderloins and I'm going to marinade them overnight in some concoction with apple cider. I got the recipe from the Barefoot Contessa. With baby potatoes and brussel sprouts, for some reason I love brussel sprouts baked with honey and balsamic.
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @TeresaW1020 congrats on Onederland! That is fantastic! I know that was a goal for a long time. I think you deserve a new puzzle :D

    @mswatson0777 my social life is cancelled too, although tbh I never had much of one before lol. At least now I have an excuse.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all. Thinking about going down & doing the treadmill. Probably will when I finish this. Kinda bummed, we were going to gs football game this am & found out only 2 can go, so we had to stay home. Guess I should have gotten up earlier last week, there wasn't the limit then. Oh well..too late now.

    @its_cleo Glad you had a good vacation. I have a slow cooker (& have swiss steak in it right now), but no pressure cooker. Really thinking of getting one, tho. Have fun getting back into the exercise, lol.

    @TeresaW1020 Yay for onderland!! Think you have really found your way of eating. I think our pets are always super spoiled. Hope you can avoid the root canal. I think I said when dh had one last fall, he thinks it was a waste of time, the tooth is still the same.

    @cbabie Good job with the treadmill & steps!! My dd uses oils a lot also & the chiro has a few at his office. They use doterra, tho, not YL. She thinks they help a lot & I have Immunity going in my diffuser most day.(she gave me one for Christmas, lol)

    @theslightedgeforever I hate getting new electronics...I dont pick things up easily, so I am always lost for awhile. I use a PC & now a Samsung phone, but love my I-pad. Dd has Apple everything, but that is what they use at school, lol.

    @mswatson0777 wow, you sound like one busy person!! If I am understanding are going for your doctorate? Very impressive!! Try to take some time for yourself, tho.

    @trooworld glad you like your new doctor. I think when I go for my next wellness check, I am going to ask to see the other woman in the office. I saw her once for illness, & think I might like her better. The one I usually see is so "all business". I liked the one we had in our old town. She would sit & talk for awhile about our gkids, etc. But then they got rid of her, said she wasn't a good fit (after 11 years!!) I think she just spent more time with people than they liked.

    Well, going to go do my walk so I will go for now. I think I was able to add my cute sunflower picture..the one that just didn't want to give up, lol.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited September 2020
    @trooworld. We rocked yesterday's water. Today 25%. :/ Obviously being busy doesn't help me in this dept. Water is not on my mind. Funny how I never seem to forget my hot tea. I guess cause that's my relaxation time. My friend had that wet seat happen to her car. Have you done any exercise lately?

    @teresaw1020. You would think that the mask would block the smell of the fumes from the dye. I'm 56 and have about 4-5 periods a year right now. I have all the symptoms of ready to start but Granny Flo is still social distancing from me. lol.

    @its_cleo. Welcome home. Does Canada have wildfires too or is it just that pesky neighbor from the South that is blowing stuff your way. Yaaay on keeping your weight stable during vacay. Best thing ever. I'm becoming an expert on this Mac now. I don't know why I thought it was so hard before. Best thing ever is I don't have to change my earphones. I was constantly switching earphones or bitching because the ones I needed for my laptop were either upstairs or downstairs. Wherever I wasn't. I kept saying, more steps on my fitbit.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Did you make it to the treadmill? Bummer on the football game. My son leaves for TX on Thursday. Dd drove down from MN to help him finish packing and clean the apartment. She really just wanted to see the cat one last time. His friends are throwing him a going away party tonight. I'm just praying he and dd don't get get covid from all these people. I said, Mask up. They just looked at me and grumbled. Silly kids will probably hug everyone goodbye too. I wish I had a long distance cow prodder. ZAP. too close. I love the sunflowers. The little one is saying I think I can I think I can

    Green Day. Stayed OP. 234/238. Intentional Exercise. 75 min walking

    September goals: Green Dot day. o:) Drink 6 glasses of water. :| Burn 250 cals via movement. o:) Preplan food :(
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @its_cleo I’m so glad that you had a nice vacation! It all sounds so nice. Except for falling off your bike! Glad you weren’t hurt this time! I hope your new calorie counting plan works for you. I will let you know what my dentist says. I’m sitting here right now with a slight headache from drinking my hot coffee. :/

    @RetiredAndLovingIt What a bummer that you can’t go to your grandson’s football game. That is NOT good about your DH’s tooth not being any better. I sure hope they can fix mine or they can yank it out of my head! I’m over these headaches. That sunflower is adorable! <3

    @theslightedgeforever Nope the mask makes the fumes wayyyy worse. Right now my hairdresser only works with one other woman and they are on opposite sides of the salon, so moving the masks down off my nose so I could breathe helped when I was sitting there by myself as the dye did its thing. Granny Flo! Hilarious!! :D

    Good morning! Well, we didn’t take the dog to the pet store yesterday. Instead, I cleaned the house and mopped the floors. DH cleaned the back porch and got it ready because the new screens are coming tomorrow. I ordered a pretty teal rug to go out there. I’ll take a picture once I have it all prettied up. :grin: I am teaching children’s church this morning and doing a lesson on kindness. We are going to play musical chairs with a focus on being kind and not pushing and shoving to get in a chair or they will be out. Should be fun! This afternoon hubby and I are going to our pastor home for a staff end of the summer party. It was supposed to be a pool party, but it’s chilly, so not sure who will get in the water. Probably the little boys and their dads. I think my new boxing workout is causing my back issues with all the twisting and moving that it makes me do. I’m taking the next two days off to rest it and then will decide what I’m doing. I might start 80 Day Obsession and leave boxing for another day.
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @cbabie Sounds like you're on a roll with all those steps and homemade fajitas, yum!

    @TeresaW1020 The pool party sounds like a lot of fun! Sounds like you've had a really productive weekend! My SO was so nice and cleaned up the kitchen and then I came in and trashed it when I was making food for our friend who recently had surgery, so cleaning up that mess is definitely high on my to do list. We've been really cautious with the virus, especially since the last 14 day quarantine we were in was awful mental health-wise so most of our social life is on hold for the time being.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Sorry you had to miss out on the football game. I hope you're able to go to a different game soon. And you're correct! I decided to go back to school to get my doctorate since I noticed a lot of candidates for director positions either had theirs or were working on them so I knew I had to have it for my future career goals. I'm glad I'm doing it, but there are a lot of days I wish I wasn't since I miss my free time. At least the pandemic means I'm not missing out on much (odd bright side, I know).

    @its_cleo If you like brussel sprouts with honey, try them with maple syrup- it's SO good! Sounds like you had a really active vacation, that sounds so amazing!

    @trooworld I'm so sorry to hear about your car. Paying for car repairs is never fun. I hope you have a relaxing time at the stylists, getting a new color or touched up color also feels amazing!

    @theslightedgeforever That's amazing that your son wants to go for his doctorate. His field is so important and it sounds like he has some amazing career goals! I know I complain about mine a lot, but I would call it a net positive in my life. It's really helped me develop as a person and shown me what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it.

    Happy Sunday all! Yesterday was kind of a blur. I was up late Friday night talking a friend through a breakup so I had almost no sleep. I then grocery shopped and cooked up a big meal for our friend who recently had surgery. Once bedtime came I crashed so hard! I'm going to get some homework done this morning and then I'm going to spend the rest of the day just relaxing before diving into the week ahead.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @TeresaW1020 LOL mask cheaters! :D I'm so used to wearing a mask by now, it doesn't bother me lol. I only ended up getting my hair colored, not cut, since I'm growing my hair out. It was kind of nice since it took a lot less time and money! :D As for the car, that's another story which I'll tell below to all. Oh dear, I'm sorry about your tooth. Are you sure you want to wait another 8 days? I can't wait to see your porch. Have you sat out on it with tea and a good book yet??? Your lesson on kindness sounds perfect, good luck! Have fun at the pool party.

    @its_cleo Oh no! Right into the ditch, that's something I would do lol. I'm glad you had a good time. Thanks about my doctor and yes, I've had not so great experiences with my old doctor. I hope you enjoy your pork tenderloin dinner: that sounds really good!

    @RetiredAndLovingIt That stinks about the football game. :( That's too bad about the other doctor that "wasn't a good fit", sounds like she was to me! Your sunflowers must brighten your day when you see them, they are amazing.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes. And I had about the same water yesterday too lol. I have not done any exercise lately besides walking my dog. What was the cause of your friend's water under the seats, do you remember?

    Hello all. Well, I got my hair colored but not cut (I'm growing my hair out). It was good because it saved me money and time. Speaking of time, it was a waste of time to take my car to the dealership: I got there and told them what I needed to be done and they said they were too busy to get it all done that day (even though I DID have an appt!) and could I leave the car until Monday? NO, I needed the car to run around. So, I rescheduled the appointment for Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. I didn't get a confirmation email so I'll have to call them to confirm on Monday.

    September goals: get at least 7 1/2 hours of sleep every night, drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @teresaw1020. That's a fun way to teach kindness. I know some adults who need to play this game. Hopefully your back will feel better and you can get back to your regularly scheduled program. My goal is to work on food this week.

    @mswatson0777. you are are good friend. When I am too tired, I make poor health decisions. Sometimes I make them when I've had enough sleep. :D

    @trooworld. I asked my friend about the cause of the car problem. I don't remember. Walking dog is good. That gets you some movement. How about a 5-10 min Youtube video. I got 50% on my water today.

    Yellow Day. Stayed OP. 164/164. Intentional Movement: Rest Day

    September goals: Green dot day. o:) Drink 6 glasses of water. :| Burn 250 cals via movement. *** Preplan day :(
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Thanks for asking your friend. The only time I have the energy for exercise is in the morning and that only works out Tues-Fri when I'm working from home. 50% is better than 0%. I got about 25%. :(

    September goals: get at least 7 1/2 hours of sleep every night, drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @mswatson0777 So nice that your SO cleaned up the kitchen and how nice of you to make food for your friend. Well, I hope that you will be able to ease up soon and enjoy some social time with your friends. We understand that we are taking a risk by going to church and hanging out with our friends. I really feel it has to be a choice that each of us needs to make for ourselves. I hope that you had a restful weekend! :)

    @theslightedgeforever I did a bunch of reading on lower back pain and it seems doing a lot of twisting and turning might not be the best workout for me. I'm looking at the other BOD programs. I think I need one that has more focus on form and less on trying to follow a whole new kind of movement that I'm not used to. Boxing is like learning to dance and that isn't my thing either! :D

    @trooworld I haven’t gotten one bit used to the mask! :s Maybe if I didn’t wear glasses it would be better or if I wore it more often then just when I’m in a store then I would have adjusted. I just want it over with and then I’m having a mask burning party! :grin: What color did you dye your hair? How long do you want to grow it? Uggghhh that is frustrating about the dealership! Not very good business practice.

    Good morning! I leave in a few minutes to take mom to the doctor and then we are going shopping. I’m needing some Hobby Lobby retail time today! :grin: Then we will go get groceries. Yesterday, the end of the summer party was so much fun. My pastor lives in a lovely home with beautiful grounds and the weather was total perfection! We spent the first hour sitting around the pool watching the three little boys (3 and 4-year-olds) learn how to jump in the pool with their dads. It really was too cool to swim but the boys didn’t care. Then we all sat around their huge table and ate and had a great time. Whenever I spend time with these 10 people, I just feel so blessed to be a part of them. It’s really like night and day from the life I had before my DH and what it has now become. OK, I gotta run!! Have a good day. :)