Serial Starters



  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hi! Honestly I feel like it should be at least Friday already!
    Lana - yes Mom was able to stay home the entire time. Some days she literally did not get out of bed. She has an awful cough yet, but each day is better. Hoping to at least see her from afar this weekend :smiley:
    Sara- maybe I knew about stones, but have forgotten. What are you doing with stones. I LOVE finding cool looking rocks and stones while hiking/etc.
    Waves to all!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member
    Lynn some are just pretty and they are on a rotten little bookshelf in the apt that isnt good for much (comes with the apt). I also am buying stone shaped hearts to remind myself to more heart healthy and take better care of myself..... They are the same people I buy pendant jewelry from.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member

    Good morning,

    October!! Still feels like summer but I am seeing pictures of beautiful FALL colors elsewhere. Fire season here goes through NOV and so it was really smoky yesterday.

    Food choices are decent. Got 5k again which has been impossible with air/heat, so that is a nice start again.

    Lana I know you are beat from travel but peep when you can.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,846 Member



  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 608 Member
    Lynn, I gather your mom was ill. Hoping she is doing better.

    I'm up, worrying about the future of the country. And eating a small serving of ice cream; it won't put me much beyond goal for the day, anyway. I will be tired tomorrow (today, really) but at least it's Friday. I've lost a lot of sleep lately b/c of this and need to find a better way to relax in the evening. Thinking is *not* working for me.

    On the upside, I'm enjoying my daily walk/jog with Skye. Such a good girl!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,846 Member
    edited October 2020
    *** October 2nd ***

    Good morning all~~

    Lynn - I do hope that you get to see your mother this weekend and that she continues to improve. Is she able to get some decent sleep each day? Big hugs to both of you 🤗

    Sara - How is your air up your way? My sister's isn't good. Keep yourself as protected as possible. 😷

    Well, ladies, I'm back "up" according to the digital scale at home.
    Grocery shopping is on the do-list for today, and it will be lots of fruits, veggies, and protein for me. No bread or white carbs, at least for this week! (The M&Ms are going to be double-bagged and hidden in the freezer.)

    Waving to Maureen and Dawn and Tracy and Kathryn and Runa and Missy and Saltine and everyone else who stops by later on~~

    The Cabana Boys have something special planned for the Friday Happy Hour 😉🎉


    259.8 today
    263.6 highest
    179.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member
    Good morning,

    Friday!! TGIF yes indeed. Boss is off all of next week and we are being told what we are to work on......taking notes.

    AIR is bad again got to wear dental mask for a couple of days.

    Grocery list for tomorrow started. Will volunteer to help with the church craft fair for a couple of hours and then my rocks get delivered Saturday!!!

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.

  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    I also agree with the TGIF.
    My mom is sleeping - ALOT....that is about all she does. That really was her biggest complaint with the COVID was fatigue/exhaustion. It seems she is a bit better each day, but still frustrated with how tired she is. She just finished her third week since she was exposed. So it does take a big chunk of time to get better.
    Lana- glad you are home!
    Sara - sorry to hear about the bad air again. I heard that too on the news. Hot and dry forecast - not good. Enjoy no monster next week!
    Maureen - sorry about your worries. I try to think about one thing I have control over and make a plan for that when I get into those worry spirals. Then I put all effort into that plan.
    Garden clean out weekend - fall has hit here.
    Waves to all!

    194.8 CW
    207 HW
    180 GW
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,846 Member

    Hey Lynn - This is going to sound impossible, but encourage your mother to force herself to get up and move around for just a tiny bit as often as she possibly can in order to not lose muscle tone and mobility. Even if she just uses muscles to stand up walk to the bathroom or kitchen to do her thing, and then comes back to bed....

    My FIL was in the hospital for almost a week (not covid) and then home doing nothing except lying around watching the television, and he lost so much mobility it was shocking. He has to use a walker and can only get down the stairs in the morning and up the stairs once at night to shuffle to the bedroom. Poor guy.

  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hey Lynn - This is going to sound impossible, but encourage your mother to force herself to get up and move around for just a tiny bit as often as she possibly can in order to not lose muscle tone and mobility. Even if she just uses muscles to stand up walk to the bathroom or kitchen to do her thing, and then comes back to bed....

    My FIL was in the hospital for almost a week (not covid) and then home doing nothing except lying around watching the television, and he lost so much mobility it was shocking. He has to use a walker and can only get down the stairs in the morning and up the stairs once at night to shuffle to the bedroom. Poor guy.


    Agreed - thanks! We have been doing just that!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member
    My post on FB was as follows - If 2021 is anything like 2020 I am running away with the circus!

    Very glad it is Friday.
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member

    Good Morning y’all!!

    I guess my body let go of some weight when I cut back on the sodium. I wish I could get myself into a more bland diet, but I get horrific headaches. My will power to persevere until I adjust is minuscule considering all the stress I am under. So, I bounce back and forth on diet. Hopefully, after I move to my apartment, there won’t be the issues with smoke/fumes and noise from neighbors and my home environment can be more calm and stable.

    My knee is getting better and I am walking more. I see my doctor on Monday and will ask about wisdom for returning to my dance routine. I was finally getting into it and thinking I would keep it up this year. The last two years, I only did a couple days before giving up and getting distracted by other life issues.

    I hope everyone stays safe and healthy!!


    HW: 359.7 lbs
    CW: 302.4 lbs
    Current GW: 295 lbs
    Ultimate GW: 150 lbs
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,846 Member

    Good morning All~~

    Runa - I love your happy little Saturday Seal!

    Sara - Running away with the Circus sounds like a good plan. I'll go with you!

    Lynn - have fun in your garden today. I should be doing the same thing...... 😆

    Waving to all who pop by today.

    *waving to Alejandro for more coffee*


    259.8 today
    263.6 highest
    179.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member
    Good morning,

    Just got out of shower - church nobody was there so I came home. Shower was better use of my time.

    What I could do today and what I will do today may be two different things.

    Air quality is debatable again so walking may not be in my plans. Poop.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,846 Member

    Sara - what a letdown about nobody being at your church. Maybe they'll have something tomorrow morning?

    I feel bad for you. Something similar happened to me a while ago. I thought that there was going to be a small event here in town, and there was no one there when I showed up. Poop indeed!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,846 Member
    *** October 4 ***

    Good morning everyone~~


    260.2 today
    263.6 highest
    179.0 goal
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,846 Member

    Runa - The other day I forgot to wish you well on your knee and your doctor appointment tomorrow. I know you are eager to get back to your activities, but knees can be fussy, so take very good care of yours.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 608 Member
    Hi, all. Runa, you've lost a lot; good for you.

    I agree with all the advice to keep moving even if sick (as soon as possible, that is) and to take care of knees. I just realized this week that my knees bother me a LOT less now that I'm down 30-40 lbs.

    We have a frost warning and our highs are in the upper 40s lately. Great hiking weather, so the dogs and I will head to a trail I finally walked a few weeks back--by far the longest and most remote yet close to me trail. I can do 5-6 miles at a shot. Trying to decide which stretch to jog today when Skye and I go there. It's not off leash but we can handle it. Radar's leash reactivity emerged again (lunging at other dogs, but only when he's on a leash), which may have to do with the long period we couldn't go to dog park, when Skye was in heat. I will try to rebuild that into my routine. I wasn't going to worry about it but he can't do my hikes right now and so he needs some better exercise.

    Looking forward to this crisp fall afternoon.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member
    Good morning,

    Up late for me but slept in because on weekends I can.

    Today is cooking meals and domestic stuff (started laundry).

    Scale is kind just wish I could get out and walk more.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,846 Member
    *** October 5th ***

    Good morning everybody~~

    Hi Sara, Hi Maureen.....just getting us started.....



    258.8 today
    263.6 highest
    179.0 goal