TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    I have gained 0.6lbs from last week.. :-(

    Last week - 158.4
    This week- 159

    Points- 9 total
    Nutrition – 1 point
    Strength – 2 points
    Cardio – 3 points
    Calorie – 1 point
    Emotional – 1 point
    Commitment – 1point

    Renu, sorry oyou didn't get the results you were hoping for. You celarly worked hard this week and I am sure it is nothing to worry about. Stay dedicated and it'll happen.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I'M BACK!!!!!! Vacation was longer than planned. But I am here. I need to catch up with everyone and see how you've all been.
    Well I weighed in this morning and I have to tell you, I'm actually happy. I had 4 days of vacation of bad eating and being lazy and I didn't gain anything. I would have loved a loss, but no gain is just as good with how this weekend went.
    Here are my numbers

    Starting: 288
    Week 5:268.0
    Week 6: 269.0
    Week 7: 269.0
    Total: 0

    Great job maintaining whlle on vacay! you rock!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Starting: 244.8
    Starting SAHMU: 233.8
    Week 6: 219.4
    Week 7: 217
    Weekly +/- : -2.4lbs
    Total +/- : -27.8lbs!

    I was so excited to see this, I couldn't wait to post it! The library here doesn't open until 1 pm so I had to wait!!! You all did a great job this week!!

    My internet is down till probably Friday but I will try to come to the library and check in so sorry ladies!

    I got 9 points this week! YAY!!

    -2.4lbs! SAMERS!!!! woot woot!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I am not feeling bad this time.. I was not eating very healthy though... and im confused how my scale turns... It happens every week on wednesday...

    Early morning, before i take food i do the weigh in..and generally i would be on higher side (today i was 159)... then i just cant control to re confirm again... so i take my breakfast and after a while i go and weigh in again and I was 157.6.. this is the weight which Even today i did the same... so when should i weigh in, i thought most ideal would be in the morning before taking any food... Confuseddddddddd :huh:
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Burn at least 560 calories per day
    Wednesday- In progress...

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    200 crunches

    100 lunges

    100 push-ups

    200 squats

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days-- I achieve this most of the i think i can manage this.. :-)
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    I stayed the same again:( this is why i stopped doing weight watchers. i am happy that i have stayed the same, because that means my eating is in check, but it just goes to show how much more i need to get to the working out!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    My NSV of the day:

    I'm currently at my work board meeting. It's a big deal, lots of food and meetings. Anyways, today we went out for dinner and the options were amazing! The old Lynda would have over indulged, over eaten and felt bloated. The new Lynda made healthy choices all day to save some calories up for the entree I really wanted (pork wellington - delish!) and was very careful with what I ate at dinner. We had shared appetizers and in the past I totally filled up on them plus ate my meal and dessert. Today, of the 5 appies brought out i had 1 of each. Just a sample to be a part of the experience but no gorging. Then I had the salad with minimal dressing. Ate and thoroughly enjoyed my entree (asked to sub additional veggies for potaotes to avoid the starch) and had 2 biteed of dessert. And I drank water. I am full but not stuffed and compeltely satisfied with te exeperience. I did my best to fill in my diary and based on what I entered I came in under my calorie goal, although some were rough estimates so that may not be exact. Either way, I'm really proud of me because I had been stressed that I would fall apart when I was dining out, espcially in a work environment as it can be a rather intimidating "social" evening. But it was great!

    Also, one of my directors (whom I 've known for years) commented that I looked like I have been "taking really good care" of myself. Which I know was his way off commenting on my weight loss. (and I should mention that this was not at all creepy, just him paying a compliment) he is not usually an overly complimentary guy so I was and am very flattered.

    Now, i have to try and sleep. HA! I don't sleep well in hotels at the best of times but esp since this is my first over night away from my son, it's gonna be extra hard. Nevertheless,i've got a full day tomorrow with more meetings and we start early.

    g'nite all!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I hope you all have a great day, I am going to try to get my internet fixed today so if that happens I will be back on later today. Sorry the challenge was a bit short but without internet I was on a time crunch, figures the last weeek I have internet trouble, anyway talk to you all soon.

    Renu- I am so happy you didn't gain a bunch while on Vaca, thats great!

    Lynda- I Love it "samers" -2.4lbs!!!! Awesome NSV!! You did great with al those termptations, I can relate with my work trip last week and it is hard to resist!

    Deanna- I am sorry you have hit a wall with losing this week but I bet either next week or the week after the loss will show.

    linlake- Great Job not gaining on your Vaca that is hard to do!! Welcome back!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I want to share something here... Due to my foot infection, I am taking tablets one of which is steroids and I had chances of gaining weight short term.. I am surprised I am not, in fact i was expecting that I would gain weight.. I think its all because of exercising and diet.. Now I realize, where did all the calories burned last week go?? lol..

    I weighed in again today and I am at 157.6 which means that I have lost 0.8 lbs..Yay!!!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Burn at least 560 calories per day
    Wednesday- 776 cals

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    200 crunches
    Thursday- 100 done

    100 lunges
    Thursday- 20 done

    100 push-ups

    200 squats

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days-- I achieve this most of the i think i can manage this.. :-)
    Wednesday- done
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Burn at least 500 calories per day
    Wednesday- done
    Thursday- done

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    200 crunches
    Thursday- 100 done

    100 lunges
    Thursday- 20 done

    100 push-ups

    200 squats

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days--
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Add atleast an extra 100 calorie workout to my routine everyday, something new.
    Burn atleast 500 calories 6 days.
    Wednesday- Goal completed
    Thursday- 0

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    200 sit-up's
    Wednesday- 50 sit- ups completed
    Thursday- 0

    100 lunges
    Wednesday- 25 Lunges completed

    100 push-ups
    Wednesday 25 push-ups completed
    Thursday- 0

    200 squats
    Wednesday- 25 squats Completed
    Thursday- 0

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.
    Wednesday- Under carbs
    Thursday- Over carbs
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi ladies,
    My internet is back on!! Yay!! I was so lost without it! I missed you ladies, how has it been going? Today I had more of a rest day. I did unload some bricks from the car it took 3 wheelbarrel trips. So that was a little workout. I am thinking about posting a new thread for those of you who want to continue the challenge. We will change it up a bit and add some new things. I will do it sometime this week, anyway hope you all have a great evening!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Hi ladies,
    My internet is back on!! Yay!! I was so lost without it! I missed you ladies, how has it been going? Today I had more of a rest day. I did unload some bricks from the car it took 3 wheelbarrel trips. So that was a little workout. I am thinking about posting a new thread for those of you who want to continue the challenge. We will change it up a bit and add some new things. I will do it sometime this week, anyway hope you all have a great evening!

    Yay, Yay, and Yay!!!

    We missed you too Karie..
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I have started a new thread for those of you who want to continue the challenge after this final week.

  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    SAHMU 60 Day Challenge
    Final Week

    Ok, girls, I'm a little behind on reporting due to my trip but I'm back at ready to go. Here's my note to catch you all up on my goals and efforts thus far this week.

    Cardio: Enter in you calorie burns each day = 1 point
    Wednesday - 205
    Thursday - 447
    Friday -
    Saturday -
    Sunday -
    Monday -
    Tuesday -

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    My goal is to rebuild the strength in my ankle through walking. I plan to walk every day, but I will not over commit to a certain amount of time or calories burned as I don't want to push too hard and do further damage. I commit to walking until I feel discomfort whether that be 2 minutes or 2 hours.
    Wednesday- Goal completed!
    Thursday- Goal complted!
    Friday- (goal in progress - went for a walk at lunch and will probably walk more this evening.)

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    Calistenics everyday! 50 situps, 50 Pushups, 50 leg raises/ leg and 50 reverse crunches! Will modify and add in more exercises as I am able but don't want to commit to anything that will strain the left ankle so no jumping jacks or stairs for me yet.
    Wednesday- complete
    Thursday - complete
    Friday- complete
    Saturday -
    Sunday -
    Monday -
    Tuesday -

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under on calories, carbs and fat everyday. Can I do this? yes I can!
    Wednesday- complete
    Thursday - complete
    Saturday -
    Sunday -
    Monday -
    Tuesday -

    Emotional challenge: (1 point)
    What has this challenge meant to you? How has it helped you? Anyone that stands out on your team?

    This challenge has meant a lot to me. More than I can articulate without first putting significant thought into it. This is not my answer, merely my place holder until I formulate the words.

    *** I hope it is okay with everyone that I am not commiting to a specific number for my calorie burn goal. I just don't want to set the bar too high and feel like I failed, or too low to the point where it is embarrassing. I'm more than a little bummed about the expected 2 week recovery time for my stupid twisted ankle, but I don't want to drop out of the last week of the challenge because then I know I'll be even more depressed. I'm tryng to focus on doing the best I can with exercise and being very careful with portions and calorie intake. ***

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Add atleast an extra 100 calorie workout to my routine everyday, something new.
    Burn atleast 500 calories 6 days.
    Wednesday- Goal completed
    Thursday- 0
    Friday- 1606 Calories Burned!!!:happy:

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    200 sit-up's
    Wednesday- 50 sit- ups completed
    Thursday- 0
    Friday- 0

    100 lunges
    Wednesday- 25 Lunges completed
    Friday- 0

    100 push-ups
    Wednesday 25 push-ups completed
    Thursday- 0
    Friday- 0

    200 squats
    Wednesday- 25 squats Completed
    Thursday- 0
    Friday- 0

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.
    Wednesday- Under carbs
    Thursday- Over carbs
    Friday- Under
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Today I worked out like crazy! I decided to create an awesome homemade sidewalk off our back deck. I harvested rocks from a mountain near our house. That was alot of up and down the mnt with heavy rocks, then I brought them home unloaded them and got busy digging a trench to put in some boarder bricks I had purchased. I then dug out and arranged the different rocks. I thought I would get alot further but it is about 1/4 of the way done! So I will be back at it probably Monday.

    1606 calories burned today!! Oh Ya!! I am beat!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Burn at least 560 calories per day
    Wednesday- 776 cals
    Thursday- 584 cals
    Friday- 565 cals

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    200 crunches
    Thursday- 100 done
    Friday- 100 done

    100 lunges
    Thursday- 20 done

    100 push-ups
    Thursday- 20 done

    200 squats
    Thursday- 10 done

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days-- I achieve this most of the i think i can manage this.. :-)
    Wednesday- done
    Thursday- done
    Friday- done
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Today I worked out like crazy! I decided to create an awesome homemade sidewalk off our back deck. I harvested rocks from a mountain near our house. That was alot of up and down the mnt with heavy rocks, then I brought them home unloaded them and got busy digging a trench to put in some boarder bricks I had purchased. I then dug out and arranged the different rocks. I thought I would get alot further but it is about 1/4 of the way done! So I will be back at it probably Monday.

    1606 calories burned today!! Oh Ya!! I am beat!

    1600 cals is fantastic.... Great going... I would burn so much in 3 days